Classe II N- Anno Scolastico 2015/2016 Programma consuntivo


Classe II N- Anno Scolastico 2015/2016 Programma consuntivo
Liceo Scientifico Statale “A: Labriola”
Classe II N- Anno Scolastico 2015/2016
Programma consuntivo – Materia:Inglese
Prof.Alberto Gerbino
Dal libro di testo :S. McKinlay/B. Hastings –New Success Intermediate – ediz. Pearson/ Longman(Student’s +
Workbook) sono state trattate le seguenti unità con relative attività, esercizi e produzioni scritte
(reports/riassunti e writings) sia dallo student’s che dal workbook:
Unit 1: One of the gang – the Present Simple and the Present Continuous, reflexive pronouns. Clubs,
societies, youth groups and lifestyles, clothes and accessories. Describing appearance,agreeing and
disagreeing. A simple description.
Unit 2: keeping in touch– the Present Perfect Simple and the Present Perfect Continuous – modern
communication and technology.
Exams revision 1: units 1 - 2
Unit 3: Outside the law? – The Past Simple, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect, used to and would.
Crime and punishment. Giving and justifying opinions.
Unit 4: His and hers – modal verbs. Asking for and refusing permission, synonyms. A letter to an editor.
Exams revision 2 : units 3 – 4
Unit 5What a disaster! - future forms. Natural disasters. Giving presentations.
Unit 6 : Animal magic – the animal world. Zero, First and Second Conditionals, expressing probability –a for
and against essay; clauses of addition and contrast.
Exams revision 5-6
Unit 7 : Nobody’s perfect – work and school – reported speech (reporting statements, questions and
Unit 8 : Getting away – holidays and travel - passive forms
Unit 9:Feelings-emtios and health-third conditional-I wish
Unit 10: True art
Unit 11:Looking good
Unit 12: The hard sell
Per quel che riguarda le strutture sintattiche sono stati trattati con particolare attenzione i seguenti
- revisione dei più importanti tempi verbali: simple present tense, present continuous tense, past
simple, past continuous tense (forme afferm., interr., negat., intero-negat.);
- Use of present perfect tense (affer., interr., negat.,intero/neg.etc.). Present perfect vs past simple;
- Past Perfect Tense (afferm. Interrog. Negativo,Intero/neg.);
- Present perfect continuous / past perfect continuous (aff., interr., negat., intero/negat., etc)
Duration Form – use of for and since; duration form in false negative sentences;
- Forma passiva + passivo dei verbi col doppio oggetto (tell, give, send, show, offer, etc.);
- Revisione varie forme di futuro: will ;first conditional; present continuous with future meaning; to
be going to;
- If – clauses: revision first conditional – use of second conditional – use of third conditional
(condizionale presente – condizionale passato – congiuntivo);
- Reported Speech: discorso indiretto – trasformazioni nei tempi verbali e in alcune altre parti della
frase. Reported statements and questions, orders (affermat. negat.). Use of the verbs to tell/to say
;altri verbi introduttivi (reporting verbs), future in the past.
- Studio dei multi-part verbs incontrati nel libro di testo (verbi corredati di preposizione, phrasal
verbs )
Uso di Used to (affer. negat. Interr.);
Reflexive pronouns; each other
Modal verbs: must, to have to, can, could, may, might, should, to be able to, etc.
Must con valore deduttivo; may/might con valore di probabilità.
Past conditional of modal verbs
To be allowed to, to be likely to
Wish (desiderio irrealizzabile):wish + simple past/were,wish + past perfect; if only ….
Would rather(4 strutture) e had better.
To make/to let /to get/to cause e infinito
To have something done
To make oneself + past participle
Fraseologia di to make, to do etc
Verbi ed espressioni + ing
Verbi di percezione + infinito
Testo di grammatica di riferimento L. Bonci/ S: Howell - Grammar in Progress - ed. Zanichelli sono
state prese in considerazione le unità relative alle strutture oggetto di studio.
Ostia,30 maggio 2016
Alberto Gerbino

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