All Saints CHALICE Sponsorship All Souls Day Morning Mass 8:00 am


All Saints CHALICE Sponsorship All Souls Day Morning Mass 8:00 am
30th Sunday In Ordinary Time
All Saints
Oct 24
Oct 25
5:00 pm
8:30 am
10:00 am
11:30 am
Oct 26
Oct 27
Oct 28
8:00 am
Oct 29
Oct 30
Oct 31
8:00 am
Nov 1
† Michael & Phyllis
(The Sheridan Family)
† Jose & Susana Molina
(Ben & Juliet Taguinod)
† Gonzalo, Ligaya &
Danilo Saguil
(The Family)
“In Onore al
Bambino Gesù”
† Giovannina Del Vecchio
& Famiglia Del Vecchio
(Filippo Del Vecchio)
“Thanksgiving & Special
Intentions for Aurora &
Linda Visay”
8:00 am
7:00 pm
8:00 am
5:00 pm
8:30 am
10:00 am
11:30 am
† Jane Solomon
(The Family)
“For the Health of Lauren
(Alan & Olivia)
“In Thanksgiving”
(Joanne Bak)
† Patricia Murphy
(The Sheridan Family)
† John E. Bolen
(10 Year Mem.)
(Mary Bolen & Family)
† Giuseppe, Maria
Concetta & Donato Zita
(Lucy Zita)
† Carmela Solimine
(Giovanni Solimine)
† Gerard E. Bolen
(Jane Bolen)
† Deceased Members of
the Perri & Martino
(Mafalda Perri)
† Deceased Members of
the Pocino Family
(Agostino & Vittoria
Next Sunday November 1st all
Christians observe All Saints' Day.
The testimony of love offered by
all the Saints and Martyrs; all
the men and women who by their
example were heroic witnesses to
their faith.
CHALICE Sponsorship
Next weekend October 31st
November 1st we are pleased to
welcome Deacon Terence Rebello
who will preach at every Eucaristic
celebration and speak about
CHALICE – a Canadian, Catholic sponsorship program. He will
explain how you can help the poverty stricken children around the
All Souls Day
Morning Mass 8:00 am - Evening Mass 7:30 pm
Monday November 2nd Catholics around the world will offer
prayers and urgent supplication to God for the souls of the faithful
departed, to have mercy and to purify them, and to bring them to
His kingdom of light and life. In the month of November we
remember our beloved deceased and those in need of prayer.
Remembrance envelopes are available. Please write the names of
your loved ones on your offering envelope, you will find them in
the pews or on the cabinets at the main entrance of the church.
All envelopes will be placed on the altar for the entire month of
SUNDAY NOV. 8th. 9 A.M. TO 1 P.M.
Sponsored by St. Leo's Quilters
Donations of articles for our used table would be greatly
appreciated. (Please no books or clothing) The articles should be
in good condition. Also we would appreciate baked goods for
our bake table, which can be dropped off at the Church basement
on Friday Nov. 6th from 1 to 3 p.m. For more information call
Jean at 416-259-8765 or Lorraine at 905-696-7039
Parish Website
Reminding all parishioners of our is
there for you. You can access all past homilies, and a host of other
things at the site. We also have applied for and gotten an
Amazon Affiliate for the website. We hope that people doing
their holiday shopping from Amazon will do it through the website.
The church will receive between 3 and 8 % of the sales that go
through the website. It is represented as such on the Website.
Each page has a link in the upper right hand corner for Amazon.
Any inquires please consult the pastoral team on the website.
October 25, 2015
Serra Vocation
The blind beggar Bartimaeus would not listen to the many people
scolding him to be quiet, but shouted all the louder in prayer “Son
of David, have mercy on me!” Only then did Jesus call him over
and answered his need. Bartimaeus becomes a powerful example
of how persistent we must be in prayer when we are asking God
to show us His Will for our lives. And then, ask Him for the grace
to accept it. If you feel God is offering you the grace of a Church
vocation, call Fr. Chris Lemieux, Vocation Director, Archdiocese of
Toronto 416-968-0997 [email protected]
The Sanctuary Lamp for the month of November is
sponsored by Joyce Calvert in
“Loving Memory of Frank Hocevar”
Memorial Mass
The Knights of Columbus Our Lady of Grace Council are
sponsoring a memorial mass on Wednesday November 11th
(Remembrance Day) at 7:00 pm in our Church; everyone is asked
to attend and pray for the Souls of Purgatory.
New Missal
The current edition of the St. Joseph Sunday Missal goes out of use
after the Solemnity of Christ the King Sunday November 22nd.
The new prayer book for 2015/2016 season will go on sale next
weekend at the same price of last year $5.00 each. Pick up your
copy after mass next weekend.
Office of Vocation Come and See Weekend
Office of Vocations hosting a “COME & SEE WEEKEND” at St.
Augustine’s Seminary; providing a time to pray, to learn what
seminary formation is about & time to interact & socialize with the
seminarians & priests of the seminary; The weekend offers
opportunities for Communal Prayer, Mass, Adoration & confession.
Friday Nov 6 (7pm) to Sunday Nov 8 (1.30pm). For more
[email protected]
Commemorazione di “Tutti i Defunti”
Lunedì 2 Novembre Messa 8:00 am e 7:30 pm
Il prossimo Lunedì tutti i cattolici del
preghiere a Dio per le anime dei
fedeli defunti di purificarli per portarli
nel suo Regno di luce e vita.
mese di Novembre ricordiamo i nostri
cari defunti che hanno bisogno di
preghiere. Le buste commemorative
per i defunti sono nell’entrata della
chiesa per i parrocchiani che
desiderano fare un’offerta in memoria
delle persone amate. In ricordo di tutte le anime defunte le buste
saranno poste sull’altare e mantenute per tutto il mese di
La prossima Domenica 1 Novembre festa di “Tutti i Santi”. Come
cristiani osserviamo la testimonianza di amore offerta da tutti i
Santi e Martiri; uomini e donne che con l’esempio e sacrifici hanno
dimostrato la loro fede.
St. Leo’s Circolo di Cucito
Sabato 7 Novembre 10 am – 6 pm
Domenica 8 Novembre, 9 am – 1 pm
Nella Sala della Chiesa, si prega di usare l’entrata Stanley
Avenue. Si accettano donazioni di articoli usati in buone
condizioni. (Per favore niente libri o indumenti di seconda mano).
Si accettano volentieri donazioni di dolci. La merce puó essere
consegnata Venerdì 6 Novembre nel pomeriggio dalla 1 - 3 pm.
Per ulteriori informazioni chiamare Jean al 416-259-8765 o
Lorraine al 905-696-7039.
Messa Memoriale
Il consiglio dei Cavalieri di Colombo sponsorizzano una messa
memorial Mercoledì 11 Novembre alle 7:00 di sera. Tutta la
comunità è invitata a partecipare e pregare per le anime del
I rapporti di amicizia
Jews believed that the priesthood was
hereditary--one had to be the son of a priest to
be a priest. The author of Hebrews defends
Jesus' priesthood by noting an obscure twist of
fate. An obscure figure named Melchizedek
played a small but important role. He was the
priest-king of Salem (later, Jerusalem). He
offered a sacrifice to God with Abraham that
was accepted. Many centuries later the Jewish
priesthood began with the sons of Moses'
brother Aaron (of the tribe of Levi). They
flourished until the time of David. As the great
king lay dying, his sons squabbled over the right
to succession. The Levitical priests chose the
wrong side, while the local Jerusalem priests
sided with Solomon. When he became king,
Solomon promoted the local priests. He based their claim to the
priesthood on their descent from Melchizedek, a more ancient
lineage. Christians taught that Jesus had the same kind of right.
Sono un po’ come i rapporti di coppia.
Alcuni sono destinati a durare tutta una vita,
legati per sempre da un feeling profondo e
indissolubile, altri invece…proprio come le
storie d’amore, terminano la loro natura di
esistere. Si cerca di dare spiegazioni o
motivazioni che possano almeno in parte
alleviare quel senso di fallimento o di
malessere che inevitabilmente giusto o
sbagliato, vantiamo di dovere avere. Ma non serve cercare scuse
o ricercare colpe, semplicemente è finita. Quando viene meno l’
interesse, quando la fiducia e la stima vacillano, c’è solo una lenta
e tacita sopportazione che a lungo andare porta ad una rottura
interiore. Ed a questo punto è meglio voltare pagina, senza
(Lonsdale Commentaries & Clip-Art)
Stefano64 settembre 11th, 2014