bulletin_october 27_Layout 1.qxd


bulletin_october 27_Layout 1.qxd
Week of October 27 2013
A Word from Father Sam
Halloween is always a fun time for both children and
adults but I’m sure most people do not know the history of
this pre-Christian feast. Let’s start with the word
‘Halloween’, which is an ancient form of the phrase “All
Hallows Eve” or as we should say “the eve of all saints
day”. In the early church the Christians Christianized this
non-Christian feast and people dressed up like saints and
angels but before we ‘owned’ the feast is was ( and is) a
feast of the Wicca religion and people wore scary masks to
ward off evil spirits. It is believed that at this time of year
the dead and living can easily communicate with each
other and so the scary masks were used to scare off and
confuse evil spirits. For the followers of the Wicca religion
October 31 is the beginning of a new year. So as you trick
or treat and beg for apples have a safe and fun-filled day.
Financial Corner
It seems our Sunday Collections are dropping and I’m not
quite sure why; I know that our population is shifting; many
people have stopped attending our parish because they live
closer to another and language is not a problem anymore. It
becomes our responsibility to finance our parish so please rethink your Sunday offering. Let me be very frank: when we
can no longer operate, we close. The decision is yours to
make. Two dollars a week (some still give only that) does no
Maybe it’s me because I don’t talk about money from the
pulpit. Perhaps I should have a wake-up call once in a while.
Sembra che le collette della Domenica sono in calo e non so
il perchè; capisco che la popolazione si muove in altre zone,
tanta gente abita vicino ad un`altra chiesa, e il fatto della lingua non è più un problema. Diventa nostra la responsabilità
di finanziare la nostra parrocchia, perciò vi prego di pensare
e migliorare le offerte della Domenica in poche parole francamente: quando non possiamo più operare, si dovrà
chiedere. Questa è la decisione che voi dovete fare. Due dollari alla settimana (qualcuna ne da solo tanti) non aiutano.
Può darsi che la colpa è mia perchè non predico per i soldi
dall`altare. Forse mi dovrei svegliare ogni tanto.
Villa Cabrini presents
Mother Cabrini Mass & Luncheon
Friday, November 15, 2013
11:00am Mass, 12:15pm lunch
Dining room, 2nd floor
Tickets: $12 per person
Menu: Light lunch and refreshments
Mass Presided by Father Sam Argenziano
Deadline for tickets is Tuesday November 12, 2013
Seating is limited. Please call 204-284-2880
Table requests must be made in advance. 8-10 people only.
Parish Financial Support 2013
Weekend, October 20, 2013
Loose Cash
Sharing God’s Gifts
Least Coins
World Mission
November Special Events
Sunday, November 3: Mass in Italian at Caboto Centre
at 11:30am with the Alpini followed by Blessing of the
Commerative Wall.
Blessing of the Tombs at Waverly Street at 3pm
Blessing of the Tombs at Assumption at 4:30pm
Saturday, November 16: 90th Anniversary Dinner and
Dance at Convention Centre.
5:30pm Coctails - 6pm Supper.
Tickets now on sale in church every Sunday and in the
office. $90/ticket.
Sunday November 17: 90th Anniversary Mass at the
Convention Centre in English and Italian at 10:30am.
There will be no masses at the church of November 17.
Domenica, 3 Novembre: Messa in Italiano al Centro
Caboto alle 11:30am con gli Alpini dopo sara la
Benedizione del Muro Commemorativo.
Benedizione delle tombe a Waverly Street at 3pm
Benedizione delle tombe a Assumption at 4:30pm
Sabato, 16 Novembre: 90esimo Anniversario cena e
ballo al Convention Centre. 5:30pm Coctails - 6pm cena.
Poi comprare biglietti ogni domenica dentro la chiesa e
in ufficio. $90/biglietto.
Domenica 17 Novembre: Messa del 90 anniversario
allo Convention Centre in Englese e Italiano alle
10:30am. Non ci saranno messe alla chiesa il giorno di
17 Novembre.
All Saints Eve Party
All Saints Eve Party to be held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Church, 4588 Roblin Blvd. on Thurs. Oct. 31 at 6:15 p.m. to
9:15 p.m. Come dressed as your favourite saint, angel, or animal from Noah's ark. There will be plenty of fun games, even
more candy and a delicious "heavenly banquet". It is a wonderful liturgical feast day to celebrate and a great alternative
to Halloween. Please bring a snack or dessert to share.
Suggested donation $5 child; $20 max\family. Call Gloria at
(204) 475-5791 or e-mail her at [email protected]
Register by Oct 28.
La Parola di Padre Sam
La giornata di Halloween é tempo di divertimento sia per i
bambini che per gli adulti, sono sicuro che tanti di voi non
conoscono la storia di questa festa pre Cristiana. Iniziamo
con la parola “Halloween” che é una forma antica della
frase “All Hallows Eve” oppure come dovremmo dire “La
vigilia del giorno di tutti i santi”. Tanto tempo fa i Cristiani
hanno Cristianizzato questa festa non-Cristiana vestendosi
come santi e angeli ma prima di ‘possedere” questa festa era
(e lo é tuttora) una festa della Wicca religione e la gende
indossava maschere spaventose per allontanare gli spiriti
maligni. Se crede che in questo periodo dell’anno i defunti e
i viventi possono comunicare facilmente fra loro e le
maschere le usavano per spaventare e confondere gli spiriti
maligni. Per coloro che seguono la religione Wicca il 31
Ottobre é l’inizio del nuovo anno. Ebbene, a tutti coloro che
vanno “trick or treating” chiedendo mele, auguro una buona
e divertente giornata.
World Mission Sunday
Thank you very much for your generous support of World
Mission Sunday last week. This support is a blessing for the
priests, Sisters, Brothers and Lay Catechists who depend on
this help delivered through the Propagation of the Faith. Please
continue to pray for all who serve in mission countries that
they may remain steadfast in their vocation to bring Christ’s
message of love to those they serve – the world’s most vulnerable.
La ringrazio molto per il vostro generoso sostegno della
Giornata Missionaria Mondiale domenica scorsa. Questo supporto è una benedizione per i sacerdoti, sorelle, fratelli e catechisti laici che dipendono da questo aiuto erogato attraverso la
Propagazione della Fede. Vi preghiamo di continuare a pregare
per tutti coloro che servono in paesi di missione che essi possono rimanere saldi nella loro vocazione di portare il messaggio d'amore di Cristo a coloro che servono - più vulnerabili del
Coffee and Chat
10am to Noon - Every Sunday
Funds support our Catechism Program
Remember that as of Sunday, September 8 confessions will
be heard on Sundays from 3:00pm-4:15pm.
Development and Peace
Fall Action Campaign
“When the wealth in our country is built on the backs of
others, our wealth is our shame.”
Development and Peace is launching its new fall education
campaign, A Voice for Justice, in response to increasing
reports from mine-affected communities in Africa, Asia and
Latin America that are experiencing conflict, pollution,
forced displacements and other negative impacts from the
presence of Canadian mines.
A Voice for Justice calls on the Government of Canada to
establish an independent ombudsman for the Canadian
extractive sector that can investigate complaints brought by
communities overseas where these companies operate.
An ombudsman would be a strong voice in Canada for those
whose rights are being violated by Canadian-owned mining
companies. As such, there is still an international accountability gap where those who are harmed by the operations of
Canadian companies find themselves unable to seek recourse
anywhere: not in their own countries, not in international tribunals, and not in Canada where these mining companies are
based and registered. This campaign is a call to action from
our partners in the global south. For more information on
this theme “A Voice for Justice” please check out the
Development and Peace website www.devp.org
The Rosary
October is dedicated to the Blessed Mother with a special
attention to the Rosary. In the Rosary we focus on 20 events
in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. We meditate on
how we share with Mary in the redemptive work of Christ.
The Rosary is a meditative prayer and to fully appreciate it
we should not be rushed into finishing the prayer but we
should allow ourselves the necessary time.
Il Rosario
Il mese di ottobre è dedicato alla Beata Vergine Madre con
particolare attenzione al Rosario in cui si ricordano 20 eventi
della vita, morte e risurrezione di Gesù. Si medita su come noi
possiamo condividere con Maria la funzione di redenzione di
Cristo. Il Rosario è una preghiera meditativa che, per massimo
apprezzamento, non va recitata alla svelta per arrivare subito
alla fine, ma, invece, va recitata lentamente con tutto il tempo
Holy Rosary 90th Anniversary
Remember our 90th Anniversary Dinner and Dance is on
Saturday, November 16 and our Anniversary mass will be celebrated on Sunday, November 17 at 10:30am at the
Convention Centre in both English and Italian. Both events
are at the Convention Centre so please buy your tickets for the
dinner early and mark your calendars for the mass.
90esimo anniversario di Holy Rosary
Ricordatevi del 90esimo anniversario con cena e ballo che
sará Sabato, 16 Novembre, e la messa dell’anniversario sará
celebrata Domenica, 17 Novembre alle 10:30am al
Convention Centre in ingelse e in Italiano. Tutti e due gli
eventi si terranno al Convention Centre, si prega di acquistare
i biglietti per la cena al piú presto per favore, e di segnare la
data della messa sul calendario.