Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly


Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly
October 2012 – November 2013
We continue offering prayers that the
YEAR OF FAITH in the Universal Church,
which bridges the years of preparation
and celebration for St. Clare’s Parish
100th Anniversary will strengthen the
journey of faith and commitment to the Gospel in all of us.
ALL SOULS’ DAY ENVELOPES have been provided and set up
at the entrance. You may wish to write names of loved
ones on these envelopes, and if needed, include other
sheets with names on them. These may be brought to
church at any time. The names will be kept on the altar
during every Mass in November, and then transferred in the
“Book of Life”. If you wish, you may add a donation for the
needs of the parish, in memory of loved ones.
Advent Spirituality and How to
Prepare a Manger Scene
Come to a workshop on Monday,
November 12th at 7:30 p.m. in the
Parish Hall & learn about Advent
Spirituality and how to prepare a
Manger Scene, its meaning and
Bingo & Refreshments
The 55+ Club will be enjoying some refreshments and a
game of Bingo on Thursday, November 15th at 9:30 a.m. in
the Parish Hall. All the young at heart are invited.
Shepherd’s Trust
As parishioners, we have reaped the benefits of
our priests’ unselfish service to ourselves and our
families for generations. Called by God and consecrated to
the priesthood to care for His people, they have faithfully
served and continue to serve our families, in our churches,
schools, hospitals, nursing homes, missions and on our
streets. The collection for the Shepherd’s Trust will
take place in all parishes in the Archdiocese next
weekend (Nov 17/18). Please pick up a copy of the
Shepherd’s Trust Newsletter & an offering envelope. The
Shepherd’s Trust does more than just bridge the gap in our
priest’s retirement years; it says thank-you in a very
tangible way for the blessings we have received. Your
generosity is deeply appreciated.
2013 Missals
The 2013 Sunday Missals will be on sale after the Masses
next weekend (Nov 17/18) and on the weekend after (Nov
24/25). They will also be available at the office during the
week. Cost is $5.00.
Christmas Sponsorship Drive
Once again this year, we are inviting parishioners to
volunteer to prepare Christmas Baskets for needy families.
As you know, there are many families in our neighbourhood
who are in need, especially around Christmas time. If you
would like to help make someone’s Christmas brighter we
ask you to leave your name and number with a member of
the St. Vincent de Paul Society on the weekends of
November 24/25 or December 1/2, right after Mass. We
will have more information later.
Updates for CONFIRMATION Candidates
Sunday Mass – special Mass for Confirmandi, Parents &
Sponsors – next Sunday, November 18th at 5:00 p.m.
Enrolment Ceremony - Confirmation candidates are asked to
attend their Enrolment Ceremony at any of the English Masses
during the weekend of November 24/25.
Updates for FIRST COMMUNION Candidates
Workshop for Parents of Candidates – Saturday, November
17th at 10:00 a.m. OR 2:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. This workshop
will deal with preparing the children for First Confession.
Enrolment Ceremony – First Communion children will
celebrate their enrolment ceremony at all weekend
English Masses on January 25/27 2013.
Gathering of Holy Land Pilgrims
If you travelled with us to the Holy Land this past Summer,
we invite you to a gathering in the parish Hall on Tuesday,
November 20th at 7:30 p.m.
St. Clare’s 100th Anniversary
The Joy's in the Journey to the 100th! Experience it
Thank you for all your commitment and dedication in
the various activities and initiatives taking place in
preparation to and celebration of our 100th
A special THANK YOU to the Staff and Students
of St. Clare’s School who organized and participated
in a walk-a-thon in honour of our parish anniversary.
They raised and donated the amount of $2,900.00.
Thank you and God bless you.
Catholicism: Journey Around the World and
Deep into the Faith. Our next program which is
the 3rd
of a series of 10 continues on
Wednesday, November 21st. This part of the
program is entitled “The Ineffable Mystery of God:
That than Which Nothing Greater can be Thought”.
Shepherd’s Trust
Saturday, November 10
5:00 – Pro Populo
Sunday, November 11
9:00 – Michele e Assuntina Urso
10:30 – Antonio Imperatore, Crescenza e Francesco Mossa,
Pasquale, Giuseppe, Raffaele e Maria De Vivo, Emilia
Fortura, Maria e Michele Ferraro, Nicola e Lucia
Alessandria, Michele e Vincenzo Carnovale, Vito, Maria
Rosa e Vincenzo Pileggi, Paul Côté, Leonara e
Nicolantonio Martino e Ida Francella
12:00 – Christopher Stephenson
Monday, November 12
9:00 – Francisco Mario Neves
7:30 – Giacomo Pallotta († 1 yr. Memorial)
Tuesday, November 13
9:00 – Per le anime del Purgatorio
Wednesday, November 14
9:00 – Antonio Cortese
10:00 – St. Clare’s School Mass
Thursday, November 15
9:00 – Giuseppe e Antonio Agostino
Friday, November 16
9:00 – Clementina D’Agostini
Saturday, November 17
9:00 – Abilio Carvalho
1:00 – WEDDING – Aaron Novielli & Deidre Gaivoto
5:00 – Luigi Brusatin
1000 Annivesario della nostra Parrocchia
Ripetendo l’annuncio di domenica scorsa.
Come sapete l’ 11 Agosto, 2013, la nostra parrocchia
celebrerà il 100o Anniversario!
Ringraziamo coloro che si impegnano nell’andamento
delle attivita’, celebrazioni e programmi giornalieri e
Grazie particolarmente a tutti coloro che
collaborano nei programmi particolari in preparazione
Ringraziamo la scuola di SANTA CHIARA che in
occasione dell’anno di preparazione al Centennario, ha
organizzato una “Camminata”, “Walk-a-thon”, ha raccolto e
donato alla parrocchia una somma di $2,900.00. Grazie di
vero cuore.
Mercoledi, 31 Novembre, alle 7 pm in sala.
Lungo gli anni, ognuno di noi, le nostre famiglie e i nostri
antenati, hanno sempre ricevuto aiuto, guida, conforto e
parole di speranza da tanti sacerdoti che ricordiamo con
tanto affetto. Nella loro avanzata eta’, anch’essi, i sacerdoti
che hanno sempre dato la loro disponibilita’ , hanno bisogno
del nostro aiuto e del nostro “Grazie”. Ogni anno, la nostra
diocesi ci invita a partecipare in una raccolta, chiamata
“Shepherd’s Trust”, per l’assistenza ai sacerdoti anziani.
Domenica prossima, 18 novembre, spetta a noi ringraziare i
sacerdoti anziani con una preghiera ed un contributo
finanziario. Uscendo dalla chiesa potrete ritirare una busta
per l’offerta ed un fascicolo per informazione.
Gruppo 55 e Più - giovedì, 15 novembre, alle 9:30
a.m. in sala parrocchiale per un rinfresco e un gioco di
Bingo. Un cordiale benvenuto a tutti.
Spiritualita’ dell’Avvento e
Come Preparare il Presepe
Vi invitiamo di partecipare lunedì sera, 12 novembre alle
7:30 nella sala parrocchiale, per una presentazione sulla
Spiritualita’ dell’Avvento e sul significato e simbolismo del
Incontro dei Pellegrini in Terra Santa
Per colore che sono stati con noi in Terra Santa
quest’Estate, vogliamo riunirci per un incontro nella Sala
parrocchiale, martedì sera, 20 novembre alle 7:30.
Cestini Natalizi
La Società San Vincenzo de Paoli ci invita ad auitare
famiglie bisognosa a Natale. Si tratta di preparare e offrire
un celestino Natalizio. Anche qui, nella nostra comunità e
nella nostra parrocchia, conosciamo tante famiglie in
necessità, specialmente a Natale.
Se desiderate
partecipare, lasciate il vostro nome e numero di telefono
con uno dei membri della Società San Vincenzo, che
sosterranno alla porta nei prossimi due weekend (24-25
novembre e 1-2 dicembre). Condividiamo il nostro amore
con i fratelli e le sorelle bisognosi… specialmente a Natale.
Nel Ricordo e nella Preghiera
per i Nostri Cari Defunti
Come tradizione, potrete scrivere (se non avete gia’ fatto) i
nomi dei vostri cari defunti, su foglietti o bustine preparate
per voi all’entrata della chiesa. Portate i nomi appena
possibile in chiesa.
Queste buste verranno deposte
sull’altare durante le messe di Novembre, e poi trasferiti sul
“Libro della Vita”. Chi desidera lasciare un’offerta nel
ricordo dei loro cari e per le necessita’ della parrocchia, puo’
inserirla nella busta.