Pope points us to the poor as he shows he enjoys their company


Pope points us to the poor as he shows he enjoys their company
Pope points us to the poor as he shows he enjoys
their company
2nd –
Monday: November 2nd
8:00am- +All Souls in Purgatory
9:00am- +All Souls in Purgatory
7:00pm- +John Francis Mendonca
Tuesday: November 3rd
8:00am- +Beatrice Outschoorn
7:00pm- +Antonio Venditti
Wednesday: November 4th
8:00am- Thanksgiving wedding Alice &
Francis Mascarenhas
7:00pm- +Mary Manuelpillai
Thursday: November 5th
8:00am- +Primi Glyn Williams
7:00pm- +Rosa Cirillo
Friday: November 6th
8:00am- +Primi Glyn Williams
7:00pm- +Victoria +P.S. Anthonypillai
+Maggie Seneviratne
Saturday: November 7th
8:30am- +Joe +Luigi Venditti
5:00pm – For the community of OLA
Sunday: November 8th
9:00am- +Giuseppe +Bruno Cagnin
10:30am-+Dominic Di Filipo +Antonio
Dalonzo +Adia Iannucci
12:00pm –+Maria Fernandes Marques
Present Loan: $242,843.63
Present Roof Project: $ 170,618.70
Consultant: $11,250.00
Total: 181,868.70
Let us pray!
for those who are sick
members of our parish
and those who love and minister
to them:
Thank you for your Offerings
Last Sunday Collection $ 5,958.15
Pope Francis is saying, “No, these are the
poor. They’re coming here because they
need assistance. They’re fleeing violence.
They’re fleeing economic oppression.
They’re coming out of a desperate need.”
In fact, Francis makes it very concrete. One
day this week when he was in Washington,
he had lunch. Most of the time on a trip
like this you would expect people invited to that lunch would be the mayor
and the civic leaders, the church leaders and the wealthy — the important
Not with Pope Francis — he invites the poor. And what I like about
it, too, he doesn’t stand behind a counter and hand out the food and serve
them in that way. That would be notable and good, but he sits down with
them and engages with them. He shows them he enjoys their company. He
wants them to feel welcome with him as the symbol of the church. He’s
acting like Jesus who spent most of his time with the poor, drawing them
in, having them follow him.
But there are those who react against this, especially when Pope
Francis is asking (like he did before the Congress) for changes in our national direction — welcoming immigrants, trying to make sure that people
have just wages, trying to make sure that the poor have an opportunity, are
not pushed away. Some people resent that. Some people don’t like that.
Some people refuse to make changes in our laws and our economic system
that would bring justice to the poor.
For the whole month of November, we remember our deceased loved ones
during the Holy Eucharist. If you wish to include your loved ones for all the
Masses, please write the names of your loved ones at the envelope provided
and drop them off at the basket in front of the altar. Envelopes are available
at the back of the church.
There will be a special Mass for All the Faithful Departed on Monday, November 2nd, at 7:00pm.
This is a special Mass focusing on comforting those
who have experienced the loss of a loved one. You
are invited to participate in this celebration. Please
bring a photo with you of those you would like to
be remembered at this celebration (in a frame if
Caring for those who always cared for us
The Shepherds’ Trust Collection
November 14/15, 2015
Thank you for your generous support.
Come & See Weekend, November 6 to 8, 2015
Office of Vocations hosting a COME & SEE WEEKEND at
St. Augustine’s Seminary. Providing a time to pray, to learn
what seminary formation is about & time to interact & socialize with the seminarians & priests of the seminary. The weekend offers opportunities for Communal Prayer, Mass, Adoration & confession. Friday Nov 6 (7pm) to Sunday Nov 8
For more information call 416-968-0997 or email [email protected]
Celebrate Your Marriage with a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend!
Married couples: You deserve a weekend to cherish being together; to rediscover each other and focus on ways to make your relationship even better. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend offers this opportunity. Consider giving each other or another couple you know the gift of a
weekend away from daily pressures; time to be with each other and with
God on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend.
Upcoming Weekend Date: November 20-22, 2015. For more
information and application, please go to www.wwme.org or contact:
Gerard & Marge McCauley at [email protected] or (905) 7921925.
Planning to be a Catholic Teacher?
It is critical for you to know that to be hired to teach in any Catholic school
board in Ontario, as part of your application for employment there must be
a letter of reference from your pastor. If you (or if your adult child) is planning to apply to teach in a Catholic school, it is highly recommended you
contact the pastor before Thanksgiving. Please plan to have a conversation
with your pastor early in the process and you will avoid disappointment
and stress at the time when applications are to be submitted.
November 7th, 2015 @ 2pm
Catholic Cemeteries & Funeral Services—Archdiocese of Toronto wishes
to invite all families to participate in the All Souls’Day Mass. All masses
will be held at Assumption Cemetery.
Today we honour our ancestors who have persevered in the faith. In the Solemn
Blessing we pray “May their example of holy living turn your thoughts to service
of God and neighbour”. If you feel that God is calling you serve Him in a Church
vocation, call Fr. Chris Lemieux, Vocation Director, Archdiocese of
Toronto 416-968-0997
E m a i l :
v o c a t i o n s @ a r c h t o r o n t o . o r g
Society of St. Vincent de Paul BUNDLE UP!
We are collecting gently Clothing at OLA Church on Nov. 28/29, 2015.
A truck will pick up all the clothing on the said dates only. Please note:
NO baby furniture. We will only accept clothings on the dates given.
Please DO NOT DROP any more clothing in the church or near the garage at any time. Thank you for your support!
Festeggiare tutti i
santi è guardare
posseggono l’eredità
della gloria eterna.
Quelli che hanno
voluto vivere della
loro grazia di figli
adottivi, che hanno
misericordia del Padre vivificasse ogni
istante della loro vita, ogni fibra del loro
cuore. I santi contemplano il volto di Dio e
gioiscono appieno di questa visione. Sono
i fratelli maggiori che la Chiesa ci propone
come modelli perché, peccatori come ognuno di noi, tutti hanno accettato di lasciarsi incontrare da Gesù, attraverso i loro
desideri, le loro debolezze, le loro sofferenze, e anche le loro tristezze.
Questa beatitudine che dà loro il condividere in questo momento la vita stessa
della Santa Trinità è un frutto di sovrabbondanza che il sangue di Cristo ha loro
acquistato. Nonostante le notti, attraverso
le purificazioni costanti che l’amore esige
per essere vero amore, e a volte al di là di
ogni speranza umana, tutti hanno voluto
lasciarsi bruciare dall’amore e scomparire
affinché Gesù fosse progressivamente
tutto in loro. È Maria, la Regina di tutti i
Santi, che li ha instancabilmente riportati a
questa via di povertà, è al suo seguito che
essi hanno imparato a ricevere tutto come
un dono gratuito del Figlio; è con lei che
essi vivono attualmente, nascosti nel
segreto del Padre.
MORTI-Durante tutto il Mese di Novembre,
pregheremo per i defunti durante la Santa
Messa. Se volete includere i vostri cari, scrivete i loro nomi sulle buste provviste e depositatele nel cestino davanti all’altare. Le buste
sono disponibili all’entrata principale della
Lunedi, 2 Novembre, 2015
8:00am & 7:00pm—
9:00am—in Italiano