Paste - da Siro


Paste - da Siro
da Siro’s weekly menu - Wednesday June 15th, 2016 - Alterations may be due to adhoc changes.
__Our Recommendations__
101. Antipasto misto di pesce
Mixed fish starter plate
€ 17,50
102. Carpaccio di tonno con insalata di avocado
Carpaccio from fresh tuna with avocado salad and Keta caviar
€ 14,50
103. Scamorza affumicata fritta con insalata
Fried and smoked fresh Scamorza cheese with salat
€ 13,90
104. Bresaola con crema di caprino e albicocche
Bresalola with goat-cheese creme and glazed apricotes
€ 13,50
105. Garganelli con asparagi e scampi
Garganelli pasta with green asparagus and scampis
€ 14,50
106. Risotto al limone con seppia
Lemon risotto with sepia
€ 13,50
107. Tagliatelle al tonno fresco
Tagliatelle with fresh tuna
€ 14,50
108. Tagliolini al tartufo nero
Tagliolini pasta with black truffles
€ 16,50
109. Pizza Caprino
Pizza with goat cheese, cherry tomatoes and rocket
€ 12,50
110. Pizza Calabrese
Pizza with spicy Calabria-salami, rocket
and parmesan chips
€ 12,50
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da Siro’s weekly menu - Wednesday June 15th, 2016 - Alterations may be due to adhoc changes.
111. Involtini di manzo con tagliatelle
Stewed Roulades of beef with tagliatelle pasta
€ 17,00
112. Polletto alla diavola
Grilled and boned poussin in a herb-crust
€ 17,50
113. Entrecôte argentina alla griglia
Grilled Argentine sirloin steak with Walnut-Butter
€ 21,50
114. Fegato di vitello alla tirolese
Roasted Calfs liver with onions, bacon and apples
€ 17,50
Orata o spigola alla griglia ( spinato )
Dorado Royal or Bass grilled ( without fish bones )
€ 20,50
Trancio di salmone al limone e timo
Salmon-filet in citron-thyme-sauce
€ 17,90
Sogliola al limone e capperi
Sole in lemon-caper-butter
€ 29,90
Pescespada alla griglia
Swordfish grilled
€ 23,50
Coda di rospo allo zafferano
Monkfish sautéed in sage sauce
€ 24,50
Dolce del mese
Lemon parfait with strawbeeries
Trifle with rhubarb and Ricotta creme
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€ 7,50
€ 7,50