Programma finale di lingua inglese as 2015\16 classe


Programma finale di lingua inglese as 2015\16 classe
Programma finale di lingua inglese a.s. 2015\16
classe 3D
docente : Monica Toniolo
Conoscenze (contenuti disciplinari)
Dal testo in adozione Millenium(Approaching Literary Genres)
Schema di lettura di un testo in prosa
Story and plot (10)
Setting (p. 12)
Character (p. 14)
Narrator and point of view (p. 16)
Robinson Crusoe (p. 18)
Tom Jones (p. 19)
The short story (p.21)
How the camel Got his hump(p.21,22,23)
Lessico relativo al testo poetico (p. 37-38)
Rhyme and beat
W. Wordsworth My Heart Leaps Up (p. 38)
Robert Frost It is Almost the Year Two Thousand (p.39)
Nursery rhymes (p. 40-41)
Alliteration and Assonance
T.S. Eliot Virginia (p. 41-42)
Language devices (“The Rhetoric of Poetry) (p. 44)
Simile and metaphor
E. Pound In a Station of the Metro (p. 45)
Richard Wilbur Mind (p. 45)
The layout of poetry
Ian Hamilton Finlay Sail (p. 50)
Gregory Corso Bomb (p. 51)
(in questi testi sono state soprattutto approfondite le figure di suono e di significato)
Dal testo in adozione Millennium (vol .1)
The Middle Ages
Key concepts (p. 12-13)
History and Society: Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Britain (p. 14-15); The Anglo -Saxon society and the
pagan cult of fame( p.22);listening :The Anglo-Saxon invasions (p.19);the Normans (p. 16-17);
Listening and dictation:the feudal system (p.16);Wars and social revolt (p. 18)
Culture: the French influence (p. 23); listening: the three phases of the English language (p.23)
Medieval Poetry (p. 27); the ballad (p. 29)
autore anonimo: Lord Randal (p.39,40)
G. Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (p. 41-43)
General Prologue (text store, t1)
The Wife of Bath (p. 88)
Chaucer, Boccaccio and Dante (p. 43)
Medieval Drama (p. 31)
The Renaissance
Key concepts (p. 51); History and Society: the first Tudors and the Reformation (p. 52-53), Elizabeth
and the conquest of the seas (p. 54); “The Cult of the Sovereign”: the Armada Portrait (p. 55)
Anglicans vs Puritans (p.58)
Caratteristiche del teatro elisabettiano: struttura dei teatri
Renaissance Drama (p. 71-72)
W.Shakespeare (p.82,83)
W.Shakespeare,Macbeth ,ed. Black Cat (lettura,analisi personaggi e tematiche principali,opinioni
W. Shakespeare (p. 82-83)
Shakespeare :Macbeth ,The play(p.111,112)
Macbeth shall sleep no more(p.113)
Lettura del Testo M. Shelley,Frankenstein,ed Black Cat (lettura,analisi personaggi e tematiche
principali,opinioni personali)
Visione del film in lingua originale,Macbeth di Roman Polanski
Visione del film in lingua originale,Frankestein di Kennet Branagh
Visione del film in lingua originale,Shakespeare in love,
Dal testo in adozione Spiazzi,Tavella,Layton, Performer First tutor, ed.Zanichelli
Unit 1 New Epic heroes
Grammar :present simple and continuous\dynamic and stative verbs\present perfect with adverbs
of time\been-gone
Vocabulary :adjectives ending in ing and ed\word formation:suffixes\phrasal verb:take
Reading and use of English: Real vs virtual \The Harry Potter phenomenon\A female hero?\Key
word transformations
Listening:video games
Speaking: speaking about yourself
Unit 2 Jobs
Grammar:past simple and past continuous \past simple and past perfect\used to and would\be
used and get used to
Vocabulary:expressions for the workplace\ phrasalverbs:the workplace\ word formation: suffixes \
easily confused words
Reading and use of English:Living with danger\Not always famous-The rise of a female spy\A
manager's tale
Listening :career advice
Speaking:comparing different ways of working
Unit 3 Free Time
Grammar:present perfect and past simple\present perfect continuous and expressing duration\for
Vocabulary: expressions with make and do\phrasal verbs make and do
Reading and use of English:Unusual hobbies \Does Love still exist?\celebrity hobbies-key word
Listening:free time activities
Speaking: plannig a special celebration
Unit 4 Learning
Vocabulary: Word formation\expressions for learning\easily confused words:learning\expressions
with time.
Reading and use of English:How does our language shape the way we think?
Speaking:How will we study in the future?
Unit 5 Lifestyles
Speaking:Talking about eating Habits.
Unit 6 Travelling
easily confused words : travelling\ phrasal verbs: travelling.
Speaking: comparing different kinds of private transport

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