Corso di lingua inglese


Corso di lingua inglese
Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
PdQ - 7.06 | Ediz.: 1 | Rev.: 0 | Data 02/09/05 | Alleg.: D01 PROG. M2
Programma Didattico Annuale
Anno Scolastico 2011/2012
MATERIA : Lingua E Cultura Str.inglese
CLASSE : 2ª I Scientifico
INSEGNANTE : Croci Tiziana
Programma svolto nella classe 2 i
Testi in adozione:
Corso di lingua inglese: Liz and Joan Soars - New Headway
digital - intermediate – ed. OXFORD
Fiocchi- Jordan – Grammar Files – ed. Trinity Whitebridge
Revision of summer work: The vampire’s tear – ed CIDEB
From New Headway Intermediate
Unit 1
Revision of present tenses (simple, continuous, perfect) – Context: A world of difference – general
knowledge quiz – class survey. Asking questions and adding information to short answers.
Lexis and phrases related to ‘Welcome to our world’ – Reading analysis and summary. Listening about
everyday situations and families in the world. Listening about ‘the world of work’. Word formation:
words that go together ( cosmolitan city, fall in love, close-knit family etc..)
Main phonetic symbols of vowel sounds. Be / have/have got. Prepositions, verbs + prepositions (agree
with, interested in, think about,.. etc)
Unit 2
Present simple and continuous. Active vs passive forms of present enses in contrast. Continuous vs
simple forms. Stative verbs (like, know, understand, have, love, want, think, enjoy) Context: people’s
jobs and favourite sports and activities. Lexis and phrases related to jobs and statistics. Reading
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analysis and summary of a text about Charles, Prince of Wales. Lexis and listening activities related to
sport and leisure activities . Numbers (big figures, fractions, decimals and percentages) and dates.
Frequency adverbs. Adjectives and opposites. Small talk.
Adjectives that describe the character. Phrasal verbs ( pick up you dropped, turn on a light etc..)
Unit 3
Past tenses: active vs passive forms. Interrogative forms subject vs object forms. Past continuous vs
Past simple and past perfect. Use of connectors When/while, as soon as, after, before, by the time.
Prepositions of time: during, at, on, in during. Revision of pronunciation of regular forms of past tenses.
Context: 1) ART and ARTISTS: Vincent Van Gogh/ Billionaire rips a hole in gìhis Picasso Current issues:
Clumsy visitor destroys priceless vases. Lexis and phrases–
2) LOVE: Reading analysis and summary of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and articles from magazines (love on the
Phonetics: words that sound the same but have a different meaning (threw vs through / worn vs warn
etc..). Listening: The first time I fell in love. Giving opinions (phrases). Prepositions of time IN/ AT / ON.
Vocabulary related to LOVE, MARRIAGE AND DEATH .
Listening connected with MEMORIES.
Unit 4
Modals and related verbs. Have to/don’t have to/ must/mustn’t/ can/ be allowed/be permitted/ should in
all forms and tenses. Context: modern dilemmas: readers ask readers reply. How to behave /good
manners. Education in Victorian England. Listening about RULES FOR LIFE. KIDS who have it all – back
to the 70s. Nationality words. Phrasal verbs: literal and idiomatic. Phrasal verbs: separable vs
Polite requests and offers and proper answers.
Unit 5
Future forms: ing/going to / will / may /might if clauses. Future plans and intentions, making
arrangements vs immediate decisions
Context: Things our grandchildren may never see. World weather warnings. . Arranging to meet
(listenings) Lottery winners. Life in 2060.
I think / I don’t think …. Word building (unconscious, reliability, politeness etc)
Some / any / no / every + compounds. Use of MAKE or DO. Phonetics: vowel sounds of u/o/ea/a/
Transcription of words from phonetic symbols into English.
Adjectives +prepositions (be proud of, fed up with..)
Unit 6
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Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
Information questions implying the use of LIKE (Hw…? /would like / what … lile’). Use of WHAT WHICH
Adjectives related to food, town, people ending in –ED / ING- Compound adjectives ( well-dressed,
brand-new etc) Adjectives and their antonyms.
Verb patterns: main verbs followed by ING / - /infinitive ( want, thank for, forget, don’t’t mind, let …etc.)
Context: advertisements, kitchens from all over the world. My closest relative. Department stores.
Signs and sounds. Main phrasal verbs + object (set off, pick up, hang on ..)
Unit 7
Present perfect active and passive. Pres. Perfect vs past simple. Context : JK Rowling. Kalvin Klein.
Football. Things I’m passionate about. Life experiences: Going to work in Africa. Saved by an elephant
Been vs gone. Use of just, already, yet. Listening: reasponses in conversations (how fantastic, that’s
great! Etc)Phrasal verbs followed by UP / DOWN / OUT / ON. Prepositions (be on holiday, do it on
purpose, complain about, difference between …etc.)
U nit 8
Verb patterns: enjoy + ing / tell s.body to do s.thing / let him go / it’s impossible to …) Conditionals (1st,
2nd,3rd type) – Time clauses (if, when, as soon as, before) – Context: e-mails to mum from abroad.
Phoning home – Fears and phobias. Dangerous journeys. (Hannibal and Mao Tse Dong). Body language
(bite, blow, scratch, stare etc) Travel and numbers.
Unit 9
Conditionals Context: bullies – Stories from newspapers in which it all went wrong. . Social conscience
and social behaviour. Burglars and victims who became friends. Words with similar meaning (prison =
jail, burglar = robber etc..). Dealing with money : filling in conversations)
Unit 12
Reported speech - Indirect polite questions introduced by ‘I wonder if, could you tell me if ..,I don’t know
what time …..etcContext: articles from the press. Reporting verbs (whisper, shout, complain, gossip,
chat, argue, beg, order, remind, advise, refuse, invite etc..) Transformations from direct into indirect
speech and viceversa.
Dal testo di Grammatica ‘Grammar files’ sono stati affrontati tutti gli argomenti del programma sopra
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elencati con i dovuti approfondimenti.
Prof.ssa Croci Tiziana
Percorso di recupero assegnato agli studenti con debito formativo (classe 2^ i)
Per tutti gli alunni e le alunne promossi con debito o con aiuto
Dal volumetto ‘Hit the target’ 2 – ed Black cat Cideb (autore: Guglielmo Corrado) ISBN 978-88-5300966-1
Si raccomanda di fare esercizi relativi a quanto sotto-riportato:
Unit 1 Past continuous vs past simple
Unit 2 Pres. Perf continuous vs present perf. simple
Unit 3 Past perfect – Uso di say - tell
Unit 5 Comparativi e superlativi (soprattutto gli irregolari)
Unit 6 Il condizionale – le frasi condizionali
Unit 7 – 8 – 9 Verbi modali: potere, dover, volere
Unit 11 Forma passiva
Unit 12 Il discorso indiretto – consigli, richieste, ordini
Per tutti gli alunni e le alunne promossi alla classe successiva (anche per coloro
promossi con debito/aiuto)
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Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Viale Gorizia 16 - 20025 LEGNANO (MI)
Leggere il libretto ’Power & ambition in Shakespeare’- ed. CIDEB e fare gli esercizi proposti dagli autori
ascoltando accuratamente le registrazioni. Fare i principali esercizi proposti. Si raccomanda precisione
nell’esecuzione e un utilizzo consapevole di lessico e strutture.
Per il lessico non conosciuto fare uso di dizionari on-line ( e o altri)
N:B: All’inizio del nuovo a.s., dopo un breve ciclo di lezioni di puntualizzazione, il lavoro estivo sarà
oggetto di verifica scritta.
Prof.ssa Croci Tiziana
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