4^ M - MiBe


4^ M - MiBe
Classe 4^L/M– a.s. 2015/2016
Docente: Prof.ssa Ticchione Lorena
Libro di Testo: L’Amaldi -Ugo Amaldi- ZANICHELLI
I vettori
Definizione di vettore. Grandezze vettoriali e grandezze scalari.
Energia e lavoro
Il lavoro. La potenza. Energia. Energia cinetica. Teorema dell’energia cinetica. Energia potenziale
gravitazionale. La conservazione dell’energia meccanica.
La temperatura. Il termometro. La scala termodinamica assoluta. La dilatazione lineare dei solidi.
La dilatazione volumica dei solidi e dei liquidi. Il comportamento anomalo dell’acqua.
Il calore
Calore e lavoro. Il mulinello di Joule. Capacità termica e calore specifico.
Liceo Artistico‐Musicale‐Coreutico "Misticoni ‐ Bellisario" AS 2015/16 CLASSE: 4 M MATERIA: Lingua, cultura e civiltà inglese DOCENTE: Prof.ssa Silvia Martelli PROGRAMMA SVOLTO LINGUA INGLESE Simple Past ‐ verb (to) be Simple Past ‐ regular and irregular verbs (revision) Used to + infinitive form ‐ habits in the past Past Continuous: use and structure Contrast Simple Past / Past Continuous Past Perfect: flashbacks The Conditional forms Zero, First, Second and Third Conditional forms: uses and structures If‐clauses Writing LAB: writing a short story Translations CULTURA INGLESE David Bowie's life and works "Heroes" Youth Cultures in the 60s and 70s in the UK LETTERATURA INGLESE Man Vs Power The Tudors ‐ introduction CLIL ART ‐ "Gin Lane" by William Hogarth Henry VIII and the Anglican Reformation The Elizabethan entertainment ‐ the world of drama William Shakespeare ‐ life and works Shakespeare's London The sonnet: themes and structure "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun" by William Shakespeare: analysis Comparison with "Satan's speech" taken from Paradise Lost by John Milton "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day" by William Shakespeare: analysis Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare: plot overview Hamlet: Themes and structures ‐ focus on characters Act I Scene II Act III Scene I Macbeth by William Shakespeare: plot and themes "The Three witches" "Duncan's Murder" Comparison with "The leaders of Men" by Joy Division Freudian interpretation of Macbeth Showing of movie "Macbeth" by Justin Kurzel (2015) Christopher Marlowe ‐ life and works The Tragedy of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe: plot overview "Epilogue" Free will and religious issues: analysing Marlowe's work The deal with the Devil Richard III ‐ the Shakespearian interpretation Sir Thomas More ‐ life and works Utopia by Sir Thomas More "The Geography of Utopia" "Of their trades and Manner of life" The Civil War ‐ Oliver Cromwell ‐ Monarchy Vs Parliament The Puritan Culture The war on witches The Puritan Literature Paradise Lost by John Milton: plot, themes and characters The cultural debate of the 17th century The Restoration and the Augustan Age ‐ History and Society The Rise of the Novel ‐ An overview of Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift Prof. Silvia Martelli ....................................... Gli studenti ..................................................... ..................................................... Programma di matematica IV L/M anno scolastico2015\2016 Docente: prof.ssa Ticchione Lorena Libro di testo: La matematica a colori ‐ Petrini Richiami equazioni di secondo grado e disequazioni di primo grado. La parabola La parabola con vertice nell’origine. La parabola generica. Intersezione con gli assi. Rappresentazione grafica. Disequazioni di secondo grado Disequazioni frazionarie Data Alunni Docente