programma di lingua e letteratura inglese - Liceo "GG Adria


programma di lingua e letteratura inglese - Liceo "GG Adria
Liceo Classico “G.G.Adria” di Mazara del Vallo
CLASSE IV SEZ. A - Anno scol. 2015- 2016
Prof. ssa Susanna Fasulo
Testo in adozione: New Literary Hyperlinks- vol 1 casa editrice Black Cat
Spiazzi-Travella-Layton “Performer FCE Tutor” student’s book and Workbook Zasnichelli
An Early Epic: Beowulf main features of the epic poem: (the hero and its characteristics); analysis
of the text page 118
The art of drama
 What is Theatre? The elements of drama: structure of a play, techniques, stage directions.
 The beginnings of theatre.
Tragedy main features
 “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare: analysis of the text page 86
Comedy main features
“As you like it” by W. Shakespeare-analysis of the text page 88
Modern Drama: main features
“Waiting for Godot” analysis of an extract page 92-93
Tragedy main features
 Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare: analysis of the text page 86
The English Renaissance: the tudor dynasty, the reformation, the reign of Elizabeth the first;
The spirit of Renaissance. Literature during the Renaissance; Renaissance poetry: the sonnet
The Italian and English sonnet- themes, lay-out and main features.
Analysis of Spenser’s sonnet “One day I wrote her name upon the strand..”
Reading: “Real vs Virtual”
William Shakespeare: analysis of sonnets 18, 60 and 130
 Main features of the English sonnets
Renaissance drama; the Elizabethan theatre
William Shakespeare the dramatist
 Romeo and Juliet: analysis of the balcony scene
 Visione del film Shakespeare in love and questions on the film.
 Romeo and Juliet: analysis of the final part of the tragedy: summary of the play.
 Macbeth: summary of the tragedy, main characters, theme, style;
 analysis of “Duncan’s death”
 Tragic hero and heroine: main features –questions and answers.
 Hamlet: plot characters and themes; analysis of Hamlet’s soliloquy
 Othello: plot characters and themes- analysis of an extrac from the play
Liceo Classico “G.G.Adria” di Mazara del Vallo
The Restoration and the Augustan age: historical and social background: the rise of the middle
The Rise of the novel. Page 322
Daniel Defoe: the man and the novelist;
Robinson Crusoe: the plot, stylistic features,interpretations.
Reading comprehension and text analysis of:
extract 1 “The means of survival”
Extract 2 “Man Friday”
The Romantic Age historical and social and literary background
Testo in uso: Spiazzi-Tavella-Layton “Performer FCE tutor” Zanichelli
Unit 1 New Epic heroes
present simple and present
dynamic and stative verbs
present perfect and present
perfect with adverbs of time;
been and gone
Djectives ending in -ing and ed Real vs virtual
Phrasal verbs
The Harry Potter phenomenon
Word formation: suffixes
Giving information about your
Unit 2: Jobs
Past simple and past
Past simple and present perfect
Used to and would
Be used to and get used to
Expression for the workplace
Phrasal verbs: the workplace
Word formation: suffixes
Living with danger
Not always famous
Should teenager have a part
time job?
Compound words
Expressions with make and do
Phrasal verbs make and do
Unusal hobbies
Does ideal love still exist?
Planning a special celebration.
Review Units 1-2 exercises
Unit 3: Free Time
Present perfect and simple past
Present perfect continuous and
expressing duration
for and since
Use of articles
Unit 4: Learning
Liceo Classico “G.G.Adria” di Mazara del Vallo
Future tenses; Future
continuous and future perfect;
The future with time clauses;
Time expressions with
Review units 3-4 exercises
Vocabulary: word formation;
expressions for learning;
expressions with time
Who will Be the next
How does our language shape
the way we think?
Il docente Susanna Fasulo

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