LINGUA INGLESE Anno Scolastico 2015/2016 CLASSE IV DME


LINGUA INGLESE Anno Scolastico 2015/2016 CLASSE IV DME
Anno Scolastico 2015/2016
Docente: Valeria Maria G. Arezzi
Libri di testo:
“UP BEAT 2”, di Freebairn, Copage, Bygrave. Ed. Longmann
“GLOBAL EYES TODAY” di Ferruta, Rooney. Ed. Mondadori for English
Modulo A: ripasso delle principali strutture grammaticali studiate nel triennio
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Past simple dei verbi regolar
Past simple dei verbi irregolari e costruzioni con ago
Present perfect con ever, never, already, just e yet
Present perfect continuous con for e since
Past simple vs Present Perfect
Past continuous
Past continuous e Past simple con while e when
I quattro tipi di futuro
Modulo B: Units 6-11di Up Beat 2
Used to
Question tags
Past ability: could e was/were able to
Past perfect simple
Verbs of action
Collocations with lose
Present simple passive
Past simple passive
Non-defining relative clauses: who, whose, which, where
Vocabulary: Materials
Vocabulary: Landscape and environment
Reported requests and commands
Reported statements
Reported questions
Vocabulary: appearanceSecond conditional
Second conditional
I wish con il Past simple
-ed e -ing adjectives
Must have / can't have / might have / could have per deduzioni nel passato
Modulo C: CULTURE (modulo trasversale) da Global Eyes Today
SECTION 6 “The British Isles”
 Unit 18: The Geography of Britain
 Unit 19: “The countries of Britain: England, Scotland, Wales”, Northern Ireland
“The greatest Britons of all time”
 Unit 21: “Ireland” The land, The Irish Question, Dublin.
SECTION 11: Compare and contrast
 Unit 36: “Political systems”
The British system, The Monarch , the Parliament (the House of Commons and the House of Lords), The Prime
Minister and the Cabinet.
SECTION 4: Travelling
 Unit 11: “Visiting London” A world city, Getting around, Sights of London
MODULO D: Microlingua
The electric circuit (materiale fornito in fotocopia)
Pistoia, 09/06/2016
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