June 22`nd 2014 - St. Rocco, Glen Cove


June 22`nd 2014 - St. Rocco, Glen Cove
18 Third St., Glen Cove, NY 11542
Very Rev. Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg., Pastor
Very Rev. Dom Gabriel Rach, Can.Reg., Parochial Vicar
Very Rev. Dom Daniel Nash, Can. Reg.
Deacon John Fielding ([email protected])
Mrs. Annette Graziosi, Sacristan
Ms. Bernadette Heym, School of Religion Coordinator: 676-4691
Ms. Maureen Husing, Music Director 628-3930 [email protected]
Mr. Joseph Lane , Facilities Manager
Mrs. Matilde Zozzaro, Secretary
Parish Office: 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, New York 11542
Telephone: Parish Office - (516) 676-2482
Fax: (516) 676-2117
E-mail: [email protected]
Secretarial Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
1:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Saturdays: 4:00 PM
Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 8:45 AM (Italian), 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM
Vigil of Holy Days and Holy Days: As Announced
Weekday Masses: 7:30 AM
Monday: Miraculous Medal
Thursday: St. Rocco
Tuesday: St. Anthony
Friday: Sacred Heart
Wednesday: St. Jude
Please inform the Parish Office when a loved one is sick or in need of
pastoral care.
Saturdays: 3:00 - 3:45 PM. Confessions will also be heard at any reasonable time upon request.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
St. Rocco, Pray for Us.
Orario Messe: Sabato Sera: 4:00 PM
Domenica Mattina: 7:30 AM,
8:45 AM (Italiana), 10:15 AM & 11:30 AM
Messe feriali:
7:30 AM
Festa Di Precetto: Come stato annunciato
Confessioni: Sabato: 3:00 PM– 3:45 PM
Novena: Ogni mattina dopo la messa delle 7:30 c’è la novena
Lunedì: La Madonna Miracolosa
Martedì: S. Antonio
Mercoledì: S. Giuda
Giovedì: S. Rocco
Venerdì: ll Sacro Cuore
Battesimi: Ogni secondo e quarto Sabato del mese.
Ore 11:00 AM
Matrimoni: Si devono prenotare minimo sei mesi prima
Ore d’ufficio: Lunedì - Venerdì
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Ammalati: Se avete bisogno del sacerdote, per favore, chiamate l’ufficio,
676-2482. Grazie
The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on the Second and Fourth
Saturday of every month at 11:00 AM. Parents should contact the
Parish Office to participate in the Parish baptismal seminar, which is
held the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
Marriages should be arranged at least six months in advance of the
wedding date. Please phone the Parish Office and make an appointment to speak with the Pastor; this should be done prior to making any
other arrangements. Pre-Cana Program required. If either party is
under 19 years of age at the time of Marriage, special preparations will
be required.
All families are required to register in the Parish. Forms may be obtained at the Parish Office. Kindly notify the Parish Office if you move
to another Parish or change your address.
Rosary Society: Meets last Monday of the month.
Communion: 1st Sunday 7:30 AM Mass.
E-mail: [email protected]
RCIA/Adult Confirmation Preparation - Tuesday at 7:00 pm
Bible Study: Tuesday at 7:30p.m.
San Padre Pio Prayer Group - Every third Friday of the Month
(except summer)
Holy Hour at 7:00p.m
Mass at 8:00p.m.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul (help line) - 516 723-9557
Website: http://sites.google.com/site/svdpgc
E-mail: www. [email protected]
CYIA– Catholic Youth In Action: Mr. Luigi Greco
Phone number: 516 637-1959
E-mail: [email protected]
Webservant: Mr. Rocco Ieraci
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.stroccoglencove.com
All Saints Regional Catholic School
Website: www.asrcatholic.org
Owned and administered by the parishes of St. Boniface, Sea Cliff,
St. Hyacinth, Glen Head, St. Mary, Roslyn, St. Patrick, Glen Cove,
St. Rocco, Glen Cove; for information and registration call the
School office at 676-0762.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
7:30A.M. Michael Graziosi
8:45A.M. Eufemia & Tommaso Graziosi, Alberto Gra-
ziosi, Angelo Grella, Speciale Intenzione per Angela
10:15A.M. Mary L. Famiglietti, Laurence William Flynn,
Rose & Joseph Montano, Joseph and Carmela Napoli
(Anniv.) Barbara Kimball, Michelina Famiglietti
11:30A.M. Angelo Taranto
Monday, June 23, 2014
7:30A.M. Special intention for Gabrielle Curran
Tuesday, June 24, 2014 The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
7:30A.M. Special intention for Harry Porteus Jr.
7:30P.M. St. John the Baptist in memory of all the
deceased members of the Club Sassanese D’America
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
7:30A.M. Jean Dawes, Virginia & Nunzio DeRiso
Thursday, June 26, 2014
7:30 A.M. James Doran
Friday, June 27, 2014 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
7:30 A.M. Barbara & Joseph Graziosi
Saturday, June 28, 2014 The Immaculate Heart of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
4:00P.M. Antonino Leto, Keri Ann Kasyjanski
(Anniv.), Sacred Heart of Jesus, Michael Rokos
The Most Sacred
Heart of Jesus
The Immaculate Heart of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Pasquale DiRienzo from Family
Charles Curiano from Family
Alfred (Butch) Macedonio (Anniv.) from Laura DiLeo & Fam.
Giuseppe DiLeo (B-day) from Laura DiLeo & Family
Michael Rokos from the Rosary Society of St. Rocco
Tony Gallo, Franco & Rosario Floccari from Lena & Michael
The Candles on the Blessed Mother Altar are in
memory of Frances Minicozzi from the Davidson’s
and for Mary Lemma from Rose & Agostino Bellocco
The Candles on the St. Rocco Altar are in memory
of Louis Oporto Sr. from his wife Margaret Oporto
and for Michael Rokos from Dolores Curiano
The Candles on St. Anthony Altar are in memory
of Lawrence J. Martone, Love Mom & Dad
and for Michael Rokos from Giuseppina Graziosi
The Candles on St. Jude Altar are in memory of
Bernadette Gordon from Rose & Family and for a
Special Intention for Zachary Price from Terry
The Candles on St. Michael Altar are in memory of
Angelo Grella from Angela & Maria and for Jacobbe
Rochetella from Josephine Graziosi
The Candle on the St. Francis Altar is in memory
of Josie & Nick Marrone from daughter Rose &
The Candle on the Crucifix Altar is in memory of
Philip Coniglione from Roseann & Carmine Douso
The Candle on the St. Peregrine Altar is a special
intention for John Campbell from Anne Marie
The Candle on the St. Theresa Altar is in memory
of Terry Biscoe from Margaret Oporto
The Candle on the St. Padre Pio Altar is in memory of Michael Rokos from Marion O’Day
The Candle on the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Altar is
for Judge Aaron B. Cohen from Ann Scuteri
The Candle on the Chaperl of the Saints Altar is in
memory of Vincent Suozzi (Anniv.)from wife Theresa
The Candle on the St. Joseph Altar is in memory
of Louis Oporto Sr. from his wife Margaret Oporto
The Candle on the Sacred Heart of Jesus is in memory of Mary & Vincent Blockis from Maryann Ward
The second part of The Orthodox Church and Second
About ten years ago, while collaborating in the preparation for the synod on the Eucharist, at which I later participated as an expert in 2005, this “opinion” was advanced by Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, a member of the
council of the secretariat of the synod. At the invitation
of Cardinal Jan Peter Schotte, the secretary general at
the time, I had to remind Hummes that catechumens and
penitents - including the dìgami - in the different penitential degrees participated in the celebration of the
Mass or in parts of it, without receiving communion.
The erroneous “opinion” is widespread today among
clerics and faithful, for which reason, as Joseph
Ratzinger has observed, “one must again become very
clearly aware of the fact that the Eucharistic celebration
is not devoid of value for those who do not receive communion. [. . .] Since the Eucharist is not a ritual banquet,
but the communal prayer of the Church, in which the
Lord prays with us and takes part with us, it remains
precious and great, a true gift, even if we are unable to
receive communion. If we were to regain a better understanding of this fact and thus see the Eucharist itself in a
more correct manner, various pastoral problems, as for
example that of the position of the divorced and remarried, would automatically lose much of their oppressive
What has been described is an effect of the divergence
and even the opposition between dogma and liturgy. The
apostle Paul asked those who intended to receive communion to examine themselves, in order not to eat and
drink their own condemnation (1 Corinthians 11:29).
This means: “Those who want Christianity to be only a
joyful proclamation, in which there must be no threat of
Judgment, falsity it.”
One asks oneself how it has come to this point. Various
authors during the second half of the last century supported the theory - as Ratzinger recalls - that “derives
the Eucharist more or less exclusively from the meals
that Jesus ate with sinners. [. . .] But what follows from
this is an idea of the Eucharist that has nothing in common with the custom of the primitive Church.” Although
Paul protects communion from abuse under anathema (1 Corinthians 16:22), the aforementioned theory proposes “as the
essence of the Eucharist that it be offered to all without any
distinction or preliminary condition, [. . .] even to sinners, and
indeed even to nonbelievers.”
Parte seconda Chiesa Ortodossa e Seconde Nozze
Una decina d'anni fa, collaborando alla preparazione del
sinodo sull'eucaristia, a cui partecipai poi come esperto
nel 2005, tale "opinione" fu avanzata dal cardinale
Cláudio Hummes, membro del consiglio della segreteria
del sinodo. Invitato dal cardinale Jan Peter Schotte, allora
segretario generale, dovetti ricordare a Hummes che i
catecumeni e i penitenti – tra i quali c'erano i dìgami –,
nei diversi gradi penitenziali, partecipavano alla
celebrazione della messa o a parti di essa, senza
accostarsi ala comunione.
L'erronea "opinione" è oggi diffusa tra chierici e fedeli,
per cui, come osservò Joseph Ratzinger: “Si deve
nuovamente prendere molto più chiara coscienza del fatto
che la celebrazione eucaristica non è priva di valore per
chi non si comunica. [...] Siccome l'eucaristia non è un
convito rituale, ma la preghiera comunitaria della Chiesa,
in cui il Signore prega con noi e a noi si partecipa, essa
rimane preziosa e grande, un vero dono, anche se non
possiamo comunicarci. Se riacquistassimo una
conoscenza migliore di questo fatto e rivedessimo così
l'eucaristia stessa in modo più corretto,vari problemi
pastorali, come per esempio quello della posizione dei
divorziati risposati, perderebbero automaticamente molto
del loro peso opprimente.”
Quanto descritto è un effetto della divaricazione ed anche
dell'opposizione tra dogma e liturgia. L'apostolo Paolo ha
chiesto l'auto-esame
di coloro che intendono
comunicarsi, onde non mangiare e bere la propria
condanna (1 Corinti 11, 29). Ciò significa: “Chi vuole il
cristianesimo soltanto come lieto annuncio, in cui non
deve esserci la minaccia del giudizio, lo falsifica”.
Ci si chiede come si sia giunti a questo punto. Da diversi
autori, nella seconda metà del secolo scorso, si è
sostenuta la teoria – ricorda Ratzinger – che “fa derivare
l'eucaristia più o meno esclusivamente dai pasti che Gesù
consumava con i peccatori. […] Ma da ciò segue poi
un'idea dell'eucaristia che non ha nulla in comune con la
consuetudine della Chiesa primitiva”. Sebbene Paolo
protegga con l'anatema la comunione dall'abuso (1
Corinti 16, 22), la teoria suddetta propone “come essenza
dell'eucaristia che essa venga offerta a tutti senza alcuna
distinzione e condizione preliminare, […] anche ai
peccatori, anzi, anche ai on credenti”.
No, scrive ancora Ratzinger: sin dalle origini l'eucaristia
non è stata compresa come un pasto con i peccatori, ma
No, Ratzinger writes: ever since its origin the Eucharist has not
been understood as a meal with sinners, but with the reconciled: “From the beginning there were very well-defined conditions of access for the Eucharist as well [. . .] and in this way
it built up the Church
The Eucharist therefore remains “the banquet of the reconciled,” something that is remembered in the Byzantine liturgy,
at the moment of communion, with the invitation “Sancta
sanctis," holy things for the holy.
But in spite of this the theory of the invalidity of Mass without
communion continues to influence the present-day liturgy.
Saturday: 3:00pm - 3:45pm
riconciliati: “Esistevano anche per l'eucaristia fin
dall'inizio condizioni di accesso ben definite [...] e in
questo modo ha costruito la Chiesa”.
L'eucaristia, pertanto, resta “il banchetto dei
riconciliati”, cosa che viene ricordata dalla liturgia
bizantina, al momento della comunione, con l'invito
"Sancta sanctis", le cose sante ai santi.
Ma nonostante ciò la teoria dell'invalidità della messa
senza la comunione continua ad influenzare la liturgia
The regular collection on 6/15/2014 was $3,877.00 The
second collection for Maintenance & Repairs was $1,286.00.
May God bless you for your continued support and generosity.
Thank you,
Fr. Elias
Let us pray for the intentions of our Holy Father
during the month of June…...
Universal Intention: That the unemployed may receive
support and find the work they need to live in dignity.
For Evangelization Intention: That Europe may
rediscover its Christian roots through the witness of believers.
Bulletin Reflection
The Scriptures today remind us that “we, many
though we are, are one body for we all partake of
the one loaf.” How are we using our gifts of time
and talent to build up the body of Christ?
Sacred objects that have been added to
The Church of Saint Rocco
Solemn High Mass Dalmatic
Solemn High Mass Tunicle
Red Faldstool (Priest)
Votive Candles
Two Chasuble
Two Dalmatic
If anyone should wish to donate any of the
above sacred objects in memory of your dear one,
please feel free to contact
Fr. Elias or the Parish Office.
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our
parish who accepted Jesus’ mission as their own
at Baptism and depend on the Eucharist to
nourish and sustain them for the challenge of
putting God first in their lives!
Feast of St. Rocco
There will be a Feast meeting on
Wednesday, June 25th at 7pm in the Parish Hall
the sick of our parish:
Melissa Monaco, Sal Berritto, Baby Nico, Janice C.
Johnson, Lauren Kirshern, Antonia Cipriano,
Teresa Brunetto, Anna Grella, Clotilde Grella,
Carmela Bozzella, Anthony Sarubbe, Ruthann
Ogden, Sofia Lucchese, Logan, Michael Martino,
Kelly Rant, Steven Pisano, Evan Schwarz, Nancy
Celino, Baby, Adriana Carmona, Theresa,
Salvatore Totino, Phil, Mia Perciballi, David
Grimes, Maria Santoli, Linda Muller, Brian
Schmitt, Nonie, Vivian Lorentzen, Rose Claro,
Adriana A., Mary, Faye Griffin, Deb Grazioso, Tony
Jiminez, Soccarsa Ceglia Flick, Barbara Ermmarino, Nicholas Basile, Raymond Curiale, Gloria Lettieri, Esther Molfetta, Lisa Rant, Joseph Carney,
Omesh Chirnan, Doug McDonough, Kathy Brescia, Sara Testa, Ralph Galdieri, Denise (Sullivan)
Hearon, Pat Lucidi, Kaitlyn Ruth Turley, Loretta
Harrigan, Maryann Majewski, Barbara Rotunno,
Rosella Gallo Jennifer Dobies, Kay Grella, Ashley
McIntyre, Joseph M. Basile Sr., Dylan Papocchia,
Jean Visslailli, Frank J. Divonzo, Zachary Caldwell,
Allison Butler Spina
Please continue to pray for all the men and
women serving our country:
Sunday, June 22, 2014
From 2:00p.m. - 5:00p.m.
$15.00 per person
Tickets are still available for purchase for the
Rosarian Afternoon Tea. Please call.
Mary Jo Rydzewski - 671-2315
Vinnie Dizazzo - 676-4763
Mary King - 671-8936
Food Pantry Needs Donation
We are in need of non-perishable food items such as
coffee, tea, juice, pasta, soup, peanut butter, jelly, cereal,
canned fruits and vegetables in addition to toothpaste,
soap, toilet paper and shampoo. Donations may be
brought to the parish office or left in the bin at the back
of the church.
Lieutenant Ryan A. Vessichelli
The parish of St. Gertrude is looking for an
Office Manager for the Pre School.
Monday-Thursday from 9am-1pm
To send a resume or for additional information,
please email the director, Mrs. Tina Mihaltes at
[email protected]
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
Tuesday, June 24th.
Please join us for the recitation of
the Rosary to Saint Philomena
every Thursday @ 7:30p.m.
Eucharistic Adoration
At Nearby St. Patrick Church
The Church of St. Rocco and St. Patrick are in need of
catechists. Various grades and schedules are available.
If you or someone you know would like to be part of this
Rewarding experience, or for further information, please,
call the Religious Education office at St. Rocco, 516 6764691 or St. Patrick, 516 671-7223. The children of our
Parishes are depending on you!
Thank you and God Bless you!
St. Rocco Feast Raffle
Tickets for our Feast Raffle are now being
sold. The Grand Prize is $15,000.00 cash.
Donation for the tickets are 15.00 each or
7 tickets for $100.00.
Please contact our Chairladies, Millie Sullivan at 676-7614 or Pam Zimmer 671-1188.
You may also get the tickets in the parish
Center during office hours.
Please join us for a Triduum for
Monday - 10:00AM - 9:00PM
Tuesday - 10:00AM - 9:00PM
Wednesday - 10:00AM - 9:00PM
Thursday - 6:00PM to Friday 12:00PM (noon)
Friday REOPENS from 9:00PM to 2:00PM Saturday
Closed Sunday
Please contact: Les Bellafiore at 759-1132
@ St. Patrick’s
Organ Update
The pipe organ is often referred to as the “King
of Instruments” because it can evoke many different sounds, which can inspire us, move us to
tears, comfort and console as well as heighten
our joy. As you all know the pipe organ at St.
Rocco is currently being updated, restored and
rebuilt. The organ will be receiving approximately 600 additional pipes during this process.
The cost for the total project is $64,000.00. To
help defray these costs, we would like to start an
Organ Fund Campaign. If you would like to donate to this wonderful project you may write a
check to the Church of St. Rocco and note on
your check that it is for the Organ Fund Campaign. You may place in the Sunday collection or
drop off at the church office. Many thanks go to
Kathy DiSimone for making the first donation!!
All names will be placed on a plaque to be dis-
Monday, June 23rd, 7:30p.m Rosary & Prayers
Tuesday, June 24th, Mass at 7:30 Prayers to follow
Wednesday, June 25th, 7:30p.m.
Rosary & Prayers
The Mass for St. John the Baptist will be on
Sunday, June 29th at 8:45am
played in the entrance to the choir loft. If you
would like more information about the organ
restoration, see me after any Mass, or contact me
directly at [email protected]. Many thanks for
contributing to the organ, the church and the gift
of music!!
The Church of St. Rocco
Next week our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides the
Holy Father with the funds he needs to
carry out his most important charitable
works. The proceeds benefit the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression,
and natural disasters. Through your generosity, we can cast the peace of Christ upon
the world.
18 Third St. • Glen Cove
516 676-2482
“The Best Feast In The East”
Tues-Fri 6-11pm • Sat 3-11pm • Sun 3-10pm
Live Music Nightly
Homemade Italian Food & Pastries
~Feast Raffle $15,000~
Donation: $15.00 per ticket / 7 for $100.00