Testi adottati: Letteratura e cenni storici


Testi adottati: Letteratura e cenni storici
Liceo Scientifico Statale “A. Labriola” - Roma
Programma di Lingua e civiltà straniera inglese
Anno scolastico 2013-2014
Classe 4C
Prof.ssa A.Mileo
Testi adottati:
Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella, Margaret Layton - Performer Culture and Literature 1 Zanichelli
Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella, Margaret Layton - Performer FCE Tutor (Student’s Book) Zanichelli
Letteratura e cenni storici
1. Tudor’s dynasty (revision): p.59-60
2. Elizabethan Entertainment (revision): p.64-65
3. Science and the Chain System (revision): p.66
4. English Renaissance and New Learning (revision): p.68
5. The Sonnet (revision): p.69
6. My Mistress eyes (sonnet 160th) by Shakespeare (paraphrases and analysis - revision) p. 72
7. English sonnet and Italian sonnet (revision): p.69
8. W. Shakespeare: life and work: p.86-87
9. Shakespeare’s London: p.88-89
10. Dramatic techniques: the dialogue – the monologue/soliloquy – the aside – the stage
directions: p.93-94-95
11. Main features of comedies and tragedies: p.96
12. Opening scenes in Shakespeare’s plays: p. 97 (a-b)
13. Romeo and Juliet (plot and themes): p.98
14. The prologue (paraphrases and analysis): p.99
15. The balcony scene (paraphrases and analysis): p. 93
16. With a kiss I die (paraphrases and analysis): p. 111
17. Hamlet (sources, plot, revenge tragedy, themes, ambiguity, a play within the play):
photocopies provided
18. In search of Hamlet (S.Palfrey’s text): photocopies provided
19. To be or not t8o be (paraphrases and analysis): photocopies provided
20. Macbeth (plot): p.100
21. King by divine right, James I and the Puritans: p. 78
22. The Civil War: p.130
23. Oliver Cromwell: p.131
24. Cavaliers and Roundheads: p.133
25. The war on withches: p.134-135
26. John Milton and Paradise Lost: p. 136-137
27. Satan’s speech (paraphrases and analysis): 137-138
28. Satan in Milton and Dante: p. 139-140
29. The restoration of monarchy: p.146
30. The birth of political parties: p.152
31. The Act of Union: p.153
32. Tories and Whigs: p.153
33. The Augustan/golden age: p.156
34. The new view of nature: p.157
35. The means of cultural debate (periodicals and coffee-houses): p.160-161
36. The first English dictionary: p. 161
37. The Spectator and Il Caffè: p. 162
38. The rise of the novel: p. 164
39. Main features of 18th century novel: p.164
40. D. Defoe’s life and works: p. 165
41. R.Crusoe: p. 165-166
42. The journal (summary and analysis): p.167-168
43. Man Friday (summary and analysis): p. 169-170
44. J.Swift’s life and works: p.172
45. Gulliver’s Travel: p. 172-173
46. Gulliver and the Lilliputians (summary and analysis): p. 174-175
Paradigms of irregular verbs (revision)
Conditionals (0-1-2-3)
Future with Present simple
Future with Going to
Future with Present continuous
Future with Will
Future continuous
Future perfect simple and continuous
Duration form (for/since)
The passive
Say and tell
Reported speech
Lessico sui seguenti argomenti
Time expressions - learning styles – language and thoughts – lifestyles (eating, drinking, smoking,
driving, attitudes to food) – Oceans and species in danger – family recreational centers – hunting:
sport or cruelty? – relationships
Produzione scritta
Argumentative essay (for and against)
Personal opinion expressions
Text analysis
Newspaper articles
Roma, 06/06/2014
Gli studenti
L’insegnante: A.Mileo