church of saint rocco


church of saint rocco
18 Third St., Glen Cove, NY 11542
Very Rev. Dom Elias Carr, Can. Reg., Pastor [email protected]
Very Rev. Dom Gabriel Rach, Can.Reg., Parochial Vicar
Very Rev. Dom Ambros Boyd, Can. Reg., Parochial Vicar
Very Rev. Dom Daniel Nash, Can. Reg.
Deacon John Fielding [email protected]
Mrs. Annette Graziosi, Sacristan
Ms. Bernadette Heym, School of Religion Coordinator: 676-4691
Ms. Maureen Husing, Music Director 628-3930 [email protected]
Mr. Joseph Lane , Facilities Manager
Mrs. Matilde Zozzaro, Secretary
Parish Office: 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, New York 11542
Telephone: Parish Office - (516) 676-2482
Fax: (516) 676-2117
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Planning Committee: [email protected]
June 19, 2016
Orario Messe: Sabato Sera: 4:00 PM
Domenica Mattina: 7:30 AM,
8:45 AM (Italiana), 10:15 AM & 11:30 AM
Messe feriali:
7:30 AM
Festa Di Precetto: Come è stato annunciato
Confessioni: Sabato: 3:00 PM– 3:45 PM
Novena: Ogni mattina dopo la messa delle 7:30 c’è la novena
Lunedì: La Madonna Miracolosa
Martedì: S. Antonio
Mercoledì: S. Giuda
Giovedì: S. Rocco
Venerdì: ll Sacro Cuore
Battesimi: Sabato durante l’anno alle 11:00 AM
Matrimoni: Si devono prenotare minimo sei mesi prima
Ore d’ufficio: Lunedì - Venerdì
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Ammalati: Se avete bisogno del sacerdote, per favore, chiamate l’ufficio,
676-2482. Grazie
Holy Name Society: Meets on Friday @ 7:30 pm
Monthly Mass: 2nd Sunday @ 7:30 am
Secretarial Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM & 1:30 PM to5:00 PM
Saturdays: 4:00 PM
Sunday Masses: 7:30 AM, 8:45 AM (Italian), 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM
Holy Days (other than Christmas/Easter) 7:30pm Vigil, 7:30am, 5:15pm
Weekday Masses (Monday-Friday): 7:30 AM
Monday: Miraculous Medal
Thursday: St. Rocco
Tuesday: St. Anthony
Friday: Sacred Heart
Wednesday: St. Jude
Please inform the Parish Office when a loved one is sick or in need of
pastoral care.
Saturdays: 3:00 - 3:45 PM. Confessions will also be heard at any reasonable time upon request.
The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on specific Saturdays
throughout the year at 11:00 AM. Parents should contact the Parish
Office to register for the baptismal seminar, which is held the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:15 PM.
Marriages should be arranged at least six months in advance of the
Wedding date. Please contact Deacon John Fielding at deacon johnf @, who conducts the initial inquiry; this should be done prior to
making any other arrangements. Pre-Cana Program required.
All families are required to register in the Parish. Forms may be obtained at
the Parish Office. Kindly notify the Parish Office if you move to another
parish or change your address.
San Padre Pio Prayer Group - Every third Friday of the Month
(except summer)
Holy Hour at 7:00 PM & Mass at 8:00 PM
Rosary Society: Meets last Monday of the month.
Communion: 1st Sunday 7:30 AM Mass.
E-mail: [email protected]
CYIA– Catholic Youth In Action: Mr. Luigi Greco
Phone number: 516 637-1959 E-mail: [email protected]
RCIA Preparation - Please contact F. Ambros Boyd
[email protected]
Webservant: Mr. Rocco Ieraci E-Mail: [email protected]
Bible Study: Tuesday 7:30 PM
Youth Activities: Children's Choir: Sing 1st and 3rd Sunday at the 10:15 Mass
Rehearsal: every Tuesday 4:00-5:15 (Parish Center)
All Saints Regional Catholic School
Owned and administered by the parishes of St. Boniface, Sea Cliff,
St. Hyacinth, Glen Head, St. Mary, Roslyn, St. Patrick, Glen Cove,
St. Rocco, Glen Cove; for information and registration call the
School office at 676-0762.
Sunday, June 19, 2016
7:30A.M. Domenico Salvato, Ferdinando Piscitelli, Angelo Salvato, Gelsomino Salvato, Ettorino & Antonio Caccialino,
Anthony, Joe & John Scarfo
8:45 A.M. Alberto Graziosi, Angelo Grella, Tommaso Graziosi, In Honore a San Padre Pio, Francesco Arnone, Giovanni
Zozzaro, Joseph Abbruzzese, Frank DeLisa, Raffaele , Michele
Belcastro, Ralph Corigliano, Frank Valensisi, Carmine Stanco,
Rosaria Gerardo & Ciriaco Larice, Benito Timpano, Bonaventura Timpano, Arcangelo & Giovanni Famiglietti, Gaetano &
Carmela , Fiumara, Rocco, Condello, Michele Borgese, Rosa &
Vincenzo Iannello, Angelo, & Raffaela Rocco
10:15 A.M. John Martino, Carmine J. Martino, Michael Martino,
Douglas Diem, Francesco & Angelina Curcio, Ciriaco, Merlucci,
Martin Bruscella, Gerardina Ricciardi, Vincenzo Bonaiuto,
Anthony Galante, Pietro Nicoletta, Pasquale, Carmela & Angelo
Telese, Nicolo & Natalina Grella, Giuseppe Graziosi, Marsilio
Pepe, Alberto, Michael & Nonno Carmine Grella, Prayers &
Intensions on St. Anthony’s Altar
11:30A.M. Paul Aureliano, Dr. Anthony Bottone, Joseph
Genovese, Josephine Stranieri, Carlos Gentilcore, Mario
Fischetti, Francesco Angelo & Amenico Graziosi
Monday, June 20, 2016
7:30 A.M. Dereck O’Reilly
Tuesday, June 21, 2016 St. Aloysius Ganzaga
7:30 A.M. Rita Colangelo
Wednesday, June 22, 2016 St. Thomas More
7:30 A.M. Special Intention Jane Ann Gleeson
Thursday, June 23, 2016
7:30 A.M. Special Intention for Esther Dominiquez
Friday, June 24, 2016 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
7:30 A.M In Honor of St. John the Baptist
Saturday, June 25, 2016
4:00 P.M. Stephen Anzalone, Jason Dawes
Pasquale DiRienzo from Family
Charles Curiano from Family
Stephen Anzalone from Rose & Angie Bellocco
Alfred (Butch) Macedonio (Anniv.) from Laura DeLeo
Giuseppe DiLeo (B-Day) from Laura DiLeo
Calep Allen (Prince) Boyd II from Bice Saputo
The Candles on the Blessed Mother Altar are for a special
intention from Palmina Grella and in memory Ralph
Perone from Roseann, Diana, Michael & Avery
The Candle on the St. Joseph Altar is in memory of William
McMahon from Tom & Fran McMahon
The Candle on the St. Rocco Altar is in memory of Frances &
Salvatore Basile from Donny & Mary
The Candles on the St. Anthony Altar are in memory of
Anthony Galante from Mary & Betty Marrone and for
Tony Carbuto from Angela
The Candles on the St. Jude Altar are in memory of
Paul Curiano from Rose & Bob and for special intention for
Harry Porteus from Margaret Conoloque
Candle s on the St. Michael Altar are in memory of Angelo
Grella form Angela & Maria and for Michael Bono from
Tom & Fran
The Candle on the St. Francis Altar is for Ann Carbuto
The Candles on the St. Theresa Altar are in memory of
Connie Stanco (B-Day) from Maria Gallo and for Bonnie
Scarfo (B-Day) from Maria Gallo
The Candle on the St. Padre Pio Altar is in memory of
Fortunato Lorice from Pasqualina Bocchino
The Candle on the Chapel of Saints is in memory of Vivian
The Candle on the Our Lady of the Infermi Altar is
for Special Intention
The Candles on the St. John the Baptist Altar are in memory of The Arnone, Abbruzzese, DeLisa & Zozzaro Families
and for Special Blessings for J. & J. from Mom M.
The Altar Bread , Altar Wine
Sanctuary Lamp is lit this week in
God’s Blessing for a
Special Intention
Are for
God’s Blessing for a
Special Intention
Dear Parishioners,
Happy Fathers’ Day! In comparison with Mothers’ Day, Fathers’
Day gets short shrift. It’s easy to explain on one level. School is done.
Children have time in May to prepare Mother’s Day artwork or cards, but
Father’s Day get forgotten because the year is come to a swift end. All
Saints, for example, closes on June 21st.
But there are other reasons too, deeper reasons. Fatherhood is in a
state of confusion, which, of course, is a consequence of the confusion
about sexuality and gender that pervades postmodern Western society.
We arrive with these issues at the heart of many of the matters, which
deeply divide our country. What once seemed clear, even if it was not
always fair, has, in the course of my lifetime, been turned upside down
This inversion leaves – I am willing to argue – everyone disoriented.
It leads to constant anxiety about how men and women should get one
with each other, about how children and adults should get one with each
other, and on how we treat one another. It’s a kind of background radiation that isn’t healthy for anyone.
Sadly, there is no easy way out of this situation. It will take a lot of
time for us to figure out how to manage our day-to-day affairs as well as
on broader social issues. But, we are not without the possibility to do
something in our own little part of the world.
We begin with ourselves – as an embodied person – male or female –
recognizing the gift that biology offers us as well as the deeper spiritual gifts
that God gives to us as men and women. Yes, I realize that some people
today do not believe this anymore. They believe that there are not only
male and female but rather a seemingly limitless possibility to define oneself
as one wishes without having to recognize the constraints of biology.
At any given moment in our lives, we are confronted with limitations
starting with time and space. Biology also imposes limitations on what
we can do and cannot do. When we seek to recognize these limitation,
understand and embrace them, we might be able to transcend some of
them, specifically those limits we create in our head. I think of athletes,
for example, who recognize what their bodies can do, and by learning and
by training, through great discipline and sacrifice, they discover they can
do more than they had initially thought. But even then, there are still
limits on the body, even after further manipulation and medicine.
Is this limitation bad? Some people clearly think so. But what if we
accept the limitations of this life in order to obtain a life without limitation? I refer to Divine Life – the Abundant Life that God wishes to share
with us. We are not yet capable of this because our hearts are too small;
we are too weighed down by selfishness; and we pursue happiness in the
wrong places. What if the limitations we experience – including that of
being male or female – is part of our salvation and sanctification and part
of the death that must come before our resurrection?
If we look at our embodied life as a positive limit on the ego – on the
will to power (libido dominandi) – that characterizes our society in which
all things and persons can be exploited for the pleasure of the self – we
will take an enormous step forward in our spiritual journey, with dramatically positive consequences for human race and all of creation.
Men and women give gifts to each other in marriage – becoming
husbands and wives, and through their intimate exchange of love and life,
becoming fathers and mothers. As Christians, we propose this message
to bring clarity to the confusion of our day.
Happy Father’s Day!
God bless you,
Father Elias
Cari parrocchiani,
Buona festa del Padre! In confronto alla festa delle Madri, la festa
del padre ottiene poca attenzione. È facile da spiegare su un unico livello:
la scuola è finita. I bambini hanno il tempo a maggio per preparare opere
d'arte o le carte per la mamma, ma la festa del padri è dimenticata,
perché l'anno scolastico è finito. All Saints, per esempio, finisce il 21
Ma ci sono anche altre motivi, ragioni più profonde. La paternità è in
uno stato di confusione, che, naturalmente, è un’altra causa alla
confusione sulla sessualità e sul genere che pervade la società
occidentale postmoderna. Con questi temi noi arriviamo al centro di
molte delle questioni che dividono profondamente il nostro Paese.
Quello che una volta sembrava chiaro, anche se non era sempre giusta
nel corso della mia vita, è stata capovolta.
Questa inversione lascia - ed io sono disposto a discutere - tutti
disorientati. Essa conduce ad una costante ansia su come gli uomini e le
donne dovrebbero avere uno con l'altro, su come i bambini e gli adulti
dovrebbero avere uno con l'altro, e il modo in cui trattiamo l'un l'altro. Si
tratta di un tipo di radiazione di fondo che non è saluta per chiunque
Purtroppo, non esiste alcun modo facile per uscire da questa situazione.
Ci vorrà un sacco di tempo per noi per capire su come gestire i nostri
affari quotidiani, così come le questioni sociali più ampie. Ma non siamo
senza la possibilità di fare qualcosa nella nostra piccola parte del mondo.
Cominciamo con noi stessi – come una persona incarnata - maschio
o femmina - riconoscendo il dono che la biologia ci offre, così come i
più profondi doni spirituali che Dio dà a noi come uomini e donne. Sì,
mi rendo conto che molte persone oggi non lo locredono ancora. Essi
credono che ci sono solo il maschio e la femmina, ma piuttosto una
possibilità apparentemente illimitata di definire se stessi come si
desidera, senza dover riconoscere le costrizioni della biologia.
In ogni momento della nostra vita, ci troviamo di fronte a limitazioni
che iniziano con il tempo e lo spazio. Biologia impone anche dei limiti
su quello che si può fare e non si può fare. Quando cerchiamo di
riconoscere questi limiti, di capire e di accoglierle, potremmo superare
alcuni di loro, in particolare quei limiti che creiamo nella nostra testa.
Penso che degli atleti, per esempio, che riconoscono quello che i loro
corpi possono fare, e con l'apprendimento e di formazione, attraverso la
grande disciplina e sacrificio, scoprono che possono fare più di quello
che avevano inizialmente pensato. Ma anche allora, ci sono ancora dei
limiti sul corpo, anche dopo più manipolazione e la medicina.
È questa limitazione è male? Alcune persone pensano chiaramente
così. Ma cosa succede se abbiamo accettato i limiti di questa vita alla
fine di accogliere una vita senza limitazioni? Mi riferisco alla vita divina
- la vita abbondante che Dio vuole condividere con noi. Non siamo
neppure capace di questo perché i nostri cuori sono troppo piccoli; noi
siamo troppo appesantiti da egoismo; e cerchiamo la felicità nei posti
sbagliati. Che cosa succede se le limitazioni che sperimentiamo - tra cui
quella di essere maschio o femmina – che è parte della nostra salvezza
della nostra santificazione e parte della morte che deve venire prima
della nostra risurrezione?
Se guardiamo la nostra vita incarnata come un limite positivo
sull'ego - sulla volontà di potenza (libido dominandi) che caratterizza la
nostra società in cui tutte le cose e le persone possono essere sfruttate per
il piacere del sé - faremo un enorme passo avanti nel nostro cammino
spirituale con conseguenze drammaticamente positive per il genere
umano e tutta la creazione .
Saturday: 3:00pm - 3:45pm
Let us pray for the intentions of our Holy Father
during the month of June.....
Universal Intention: That the aged, marginalized, ant
those who have no one may fine-even within the huge cities
of the world - opportunities for encounter and solidarity.
For Evangelization Intention: That seminarians and
men and women entering religious life may have mentors
who live the joy of the Gospel and prepare them wisely
for their mission.
Bulletin Reflection
Who do you say that I am?” Jesus asks Peter in today’s Gospel.
Does my use of the gifts and talents entrusted to me accurately
reflect my answer to that same question? How willing am I do
to deny myself, take up my cross and follow in His steps?
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who
practice the spiritual work of mercy to “instruct the ignorant”
by handing on the faith to kids and grandkids by their own example, or offering their gifts to teach in RCIA, confirmation,
youth group or religious education.
Gli uomini e le donne fanno regali a vicenda nel matrimonio – diventano
mariti e mogli, e tra loro lo scambio intimo di amore e di vita, diventano padri e
madri. Come cristiani, vi proponiamo questo messaggio per portare chiarezza
alla confusione dei nostri giorni.
Buona Festa del Padre!
Dio vi benedica,
Padre Elias
The regular collection on 6/12/2016 was $3,490.00 The
second collection for Food Pantry was $1,241.00. May God bless
you for your continued support and generosity.
Thank you,
Fr. Elias
The churches of St. Rocco and St. Patrick are in
need of religious education catechists for the
fall, 2016. To Volunteer for this
rewarding experience or for further
information pleas call:
St. Patrick - 671-7223
St. Rocco - 676-4691
Thank you and God bless you!
June 21, 2016
July 5, 2016
July 20, 2016
A Night at the Races
If you love the food at the Feast of St. Rocco, you can
join our volunteer team on Monday, June 20, 2016
to help prepare for our great feast.
Please arrive no later than 8:00 am at the parish hall.
For more information, please contact the
Parish Office at 676-2482
Saturday, June 25,
Doors open at 6PM - Starts at 7PM
Sponsored by
The Knights of Columbus
83 Sea Cliff Ave.
Glen Cove, NY 11420
Admission $15 - Includes food, beer wine & soda
~ 2016 Feast Raffle ~
First Prize ………...$8,000
Second Prize……….$5,000
Third Prize…………$2,000
Drawing: July 31, 2016
Winner need not be present to win
Minimum of 1,500 tickets must be sold for Prizes to be awarded.
Feast Date: July 26th— July 31, 2016
Donation: $15.00 per ticket / 7 for $100.00
Tickets will be sold after all weekend Masses
and are available at the Parish Office,
Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM
To obtain more tickets or for more
information, contact our Raffle Chairpersons,
Millie Sullivan (516) 676-7614
Pamela Zimmer (516) 671-1188
Mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul ~
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow
spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are
needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric
Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
Your financial support as a benefactor/donor will help families
who have fallen on hard times.
“Poor Box” donations and/or Checks payable to: Glen Cove
Conference of St. Vincent de Paul
PLEASE VOLUNTEER‐youcanhelpusrespondto
If your are interested in volunteering at 2016 Feast of St. Rocco,
July 26th.—July 31st. please contact Angie Colangelo at 516-383-8681
Or complete the form below and submit it to the Parish Office.
Volunteer support at this time is critical to our feast. Please give of
your time and talent.
Name ____________________________________________
Contact #______________E-mail address________________
______Tuesday_____ Wednesday _______Thursday_______
______Friday ______ Saturday ________ Sunday ________
Please check the day(s) and indicate the hours you would
like to volunteer
paperwork,fundraising,phonecallsandmore… (Even
something as easy as putting a notice in the bulletin like this one each week helps)
Our Conference meets on the first Tuesday of the month.
Join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, July 5 St. Rocco’s
Parish Center, starting at 7:30 PM
We also connect on a spiritual level at every monthly meeting
and each visit.
Mail to:
Glen Cove Conference of St. Vincent de Paul
c/o The Church of St. Rocco
18 Third Street, Glen Cove, New York 11542
For the Year of Mercy
& the 100th Anniversary of the apparition
of the Blessed Mother at Fatima
We will have the Rosary every
2nd Tuesday of the, month
July 12th, Aug. 9th, Sspt. 13th, Oct. 11th,
Nov. 8th, and Dec. 13th
Please continue to pray for all the
men and women
serving our country:
Lt. Ryan A. Vessichelli
Lt. Travis Buffa, U.S.N.
Lt. Melissa Buffa U.S.N.
Second Time
Alessandro Carrabs St. Rocco, Glen Cove
Jenny Meneses Zambrano Columbia
Catholic High School Entrance Exam Prep Course
Our Lady of Mercy Academy
For over a decade, Our Lady of Mercy has been offering a
CHSEE prep course for all students interested in attending Catholic High School. The Course provides excellent instruction in the
academic skills required to test well, while familiarizing students
with format and timing, thus building the self confidence so necessary for success. This fall’s classes will meet on Saturdays,
September 10, 17 and 24 and October 29th exam. The cost for
this program is $300.00, including all instructional materials. For
further information, or to register, please call Mrs. Lucille Fitts at
(516) 921-1047, ext. 110.
Holy Trinity High School
Summer Sport Camps
98 Cherry Lane, Hicksville, NY
For prices & registration info.
Contact us: [email protected]
Please join us for a Triduum
Wednesday, June 22nd, 7:30p.m Rosary & Prayers
Thursday, June 23rd, Rosary & Prayers
Friday, June 24th, Mass at 7:30 Prayers to follow.
The Mass for St. John the Baptist will be on
Sunday, June 26th at 8:45am
Please continue to keep in your
prayers the sick members, family
and friends of our parish:
Maria, Baby Nico, Laura Kirshen, Ryan Kirshen, Teresa Brunetto,
Clotilde Grella, Carmela Bozzella, Ruthann Ogden, Sofia Lucchese,
Logan, Kelly Rant, Steven Pisano, Nancy Celino, Baby, Adriana Carmona, Theresa & Salvatore Totino, Mia Perciballi, David Grimes,
Maria Santoli, Linda Muller, Brian Schmitt, Nonie & Scooter, Rose
Claro, Adriana A., Mary, Faye Griffin, Deb Grazioso, Tony Jiminez,
Barbara Ermmarino, Nicholas Basile, Gloria Lettieri, Esther Molfetta,
Lisa Rant, Joseph Carney, Omesh Chirnan, Doug McDonough, Sara
Testa, Kaitlyn Ruth Turley, Maryann Majewski, Rosella Gallo, Jennifer
Dobies, Ashley McIntyre, Dylan Papocchia, Frank J. Divonzo, Zachary Caldwell, Allison Butler Spina, Carmela Scarfo, Robin Ruthkowski,
Lina Gallo, Diane Baker, Albert Ceglia, Umberto Telese, Soccarsa Ceglia Wyatt, Raymond Curiale, Max Van Holt, Rose Venturino, Kristen
Robinson, Carter Suozzi, Roberta Pezzi, Maria Ceglia, Barbara Rotunno,
James Pannulla Jr., Saverio Greco, Simona Cabri, Frances Breen, Dolores
D’Elia, Birgitta, Rose Masone, Jenny Strachovsky, Liliana, Vinny Fodera

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