
JANUARY 1, 2017
We would like to extend our Best wishes and Blessings to you for the
New Year. May you and your loved ones continue in your Christian
commitment to this parish community. Thank you for your devotion and support.
Thank you also to everyone who gave us Christmas gifts and cards.
Ci è gradito farvi i migliori auguri ed invocare per voi ogni benedizione per il
Nuovo Anno. Possiate voi e i vostri cari perseverare nell’impegno di cattolici
verso la comunità parrocchiale. Grazie per la vostra devozione e il vostro
sostegno. Il Signore vi benedica per tutto il Nuovo Anno. Ringraziamo pure tutti coloro
che ci hanno donato un regalo o una semplice cartolina di auguri.
May God Bless You Throughout The New Year!
Fr. Antony, Fr. Shibil & Staff
The Epiphany Charismatic Prayer Group will hold its monthly first Friday Holy
Hour on January 6th after the 7:00 p.m. Mass. All are welcome!
Please register at the Parish Office during the week from Monday to Saturday. We encourage
you to use our Sunday Offering Envelopes to assist in the needs of the church. We have the
option of Pre-Authorized Giving (direct donation debit from your bank).
BAPTISMS are celebrated on the fourth Sunday of the month by appointment. To register,
parents should be registered in the parish and practice their faith on a regular basis.
MARRIAGES Couples planning to be married must contact the Parish Office one year in
advance. At least one party must be a registered member of the parish.
Both should practice their faith on a regular basis and must receive personal preparation for
entering marriage.
The Epiphany of Our Lord Feast, Saturday, January 7th
A Feast Dinner in celebration of the Feast of Epiphany will be held on January 7th after the 5:00
p.m. Mass. Epiphany parishioners are invited to purchase their tickets at $10 each for adults after
all the Masses or at the Parish Office. We encourage parishioners to purchase their tickets early as
we will not be selling tickets at the door.
Celebreremo la festa dell'Epifania , il 7 Gennaio 2017, nella sala Parrocchiale, dopo la Messa delle ore 17:00,
con cena e divertimento. Incoraggiamo I parrocchiani ad acquistare I biglietti , dal costo di $10 a persona,
dopo tutte le messe di oggi, o in ufficio durante la settimana. Non ci saranno biglietti disponibili la sera
della festa.
An Evening of Dinner & Dance, Saturday, January 28th
The Epiphany of Our Lord Church invites you to join us for a dinner-and-dance fundraising
event in support of the C.F.I.C. Children’s Mission organized by the Italian Women & Men’s
Group of our parish on January 28th from 6:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. at our Church Hall.
Tickets will be available at $45.00 each starting next weekend.
“In India, we have several centres taking care of over 200 children who are physically
handicapped, mentally challenged, poor and orphaned. We provide education to these
children to nurture them intellectually & spiritually, and to enable them to visualize brilliant
academic achievements & good career possibilities through vocational training programs.
Our vision is to share the love and joy of God to these poor abandoned youth. We try to help
them realize their beautiful dreams about their bright future.” If you would like to sponsor a
child, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you for your continued support.
Una serata di Dinner & Dance, Sabato 28 Gennaio
La nostra Parrocchia vi invita a partecipare ad un evento sociale con cena e ballo, per la raccolta fondi a
sostegno della Missione per bambini, gestita dalla Congregazione dei Figli dell’Immacolata Concezione e
organizzata dal Gruppo Donne e Uomini Italiani della nostra parrocchia L’evento sara` il 28 Gennaio 2017 dalle
18:30 alle 12:00 nella sala Parrocchiale. I biglietti dal costo di $ 45 dollari ciascuno , saranno disponibili il
prossimo fine settimana.
"In India, abbiamo diversi centri di accoglienza dove risiedono oltre 200 bambini, portatori di handicap,
mentalmente disabili, poveri e orfani. A questi ragazzi, forniamo educazione, nutrimento intellettualmente e
spiritualmente, e consentiamo loro di visualizzare brillanti risultati accademici e buone possibilità di carriera,
attraverso programmi di formazione professionale. La nostra visione è quella di condividere l'amore e la gioia
di Dio con questi poveri giovani abbandonati. Cerchiamo di aiutarli a realizzare i loro sogni per il loro futuro.”
Se qualcuno desidera adottare uno di questi ragazzi, si prega di contattare l'ufficio parrocchiale.
Grazie per il vostro continuo aiuto.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Sunday, January 8th, 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. 8-Sunday Classes for all Confirmation
candidates begin (Mandatory)
Wednesday, February 22nd, 7:30 to
8:30 p.m. - Confirmation Candidates &
Sponsors’ Meeting
Sacrament of First Holy Communion
Wednesday, January 18th, 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. 1st Reconciliation Preparation for Parents only
A Marriage Preparation Course will be offered here at Epiphany of Our Lord Parish
starting January 29th. It is a mandatory course for all engaged couples who will be
getting married next year.
For inquiries and registration, please contact Jose Lee
at 647-978-5948 or Florie Lee at 416-557-1036.