Bulletin 2016 08 28 - St Anthony`s Parish


Bulletin 2016 08 28 - St Anthony`s Parish
St. Anthony Church
123 Hilldale Road
Thunder Bay,
Fax: 768-9366
Email: [email protected]
Ph: 768-1878
P7G 1H6
St. Anthony’s Parish is a Catholic Faith
community rich in cultural diversity
with a strong flavor of identity.
Our mission is to foster a strong spiritual growth of life and faith in our families, community and society by sharing
the gift of our time, treasures and talents.
We hope to do this with a Spirit of
Christian generosity that brings us
closer to the blessing of unity, peace
and reconciliation.
Like St. Anthony called to love and to
serve - we try our best in following
Christ on the road of this world using
God-given gifts for his glory and for
the good of our brothers and sisters.
Rev. Luigi Filippini Deacon
Rev. Dave Cattani
Office Admin
Mary Stefanile
Raffaele Stefanile
Rite Christian Initiation Adults R.C.I.A.
Call office 768-1878
St. Anthony Parish Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
9:00am-12 noon
1:00pm- 4:00pm
Church Groups & Ministries
- Contact the office at 768-1878
Contact the office
Altar Servers
Hospitality Ministry
Jerry Sottile
Communion to the Sick Contact the office
Music Ministry
Laura Daniele
Children’s Liturgy
Sandi Krasowski
Ministers of the Word
Louis Romito
Pastoral Council
Rory Cava
Knights of Columbus
Vic Augruso
Eucharistic Ministers
Helen Iorianni
Catholic Women’s League
Virginia Butorac
Finance Council
Tom Mihaljevic
Holy Name Society
Tom Mihaljevic
Deacon Dave & Suzanne Cattani
Maria Floreancig
Youth Ministry
Pasquale & Sandra Coccimiglio
Sandra Coccimiglio
For Daily & Weekend Mass Intentions see inside
5:00 PM (English)
9:00 AM (Italian - English)
11:00 AM (English)
Parish Census Forms at Church entrance or call the Office.
Parish Membership & Baptism class required. Please contact the Office.
Parish Membership & Preparation required. Contact Office 6 months in advance.
Reconciliation - Confession:
Saturday 4:00pm & 30 min. before each Daily Mass or on request.
Anointing of the sick:
Every First Friday of the Month during the Mass & on request.
Church & Hall at one level:
Wheelchair Access & Washroom Facilities available.
Hall: 768-9368 A WARM WELCOME:
Welcome to all visitors who come
and join us for our Sunday Liturgy,
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, and take time to come celebrate and
for I am gentle and humble in heart. worship with us. May you enjoy the
good weather and our friendship
during your stay. “Did you know that
We are all familiar with you are at the best church on hills?”
today’s gospel passage ~ Fr. Luigi.
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Aug. 28/16
which encourages the prac ce of humility. At a banquet to which he is invited, Jesus is not at all impressed by the sight of the guests, pushing themselves forward, scrambling for the good seats and skillfully maneu‐
vering themselves into the places of honor. He makes a comment about good manners at table and from it draws conclusions concerning an invi‐
ta on to an even greater banquet to which we are all called – the eternal banquet in the kingdom of heaven. REMINDER TO REGISTER:
Register as a married couple, or if you are new to
our Parish. Registration forms are available in the
church lobby or at the rectory during the week. If
you wish to have a set of weekly envelopes,
please call or come to the office.
Children who have received their First Communion
and older youth are eligible to serve at Mass. This is
a very meaningful way for the children in our parish
to actively participate in the Mass. Parents of children and youth who are interested are asked to contact the rectory at 768-1878. A training session will
be arranged in September 2016 if there is enough
Our Church is always looking for new music ministry
volunteers for weekend and funeral masses. Please
call the office if you are interested in joining.
Why not make your child a member of our Church
community in the family of God. Please contact the
office to book and confirm Baptism days.
Are you or someone you know interested in joining the
R.C.I.A program? This is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults who have never been baptized or who
belong to another faith. For more information, please
contact Deacon Dave or Fr. Luigi at the parish rectory
at 768-1878.
Bishop’s Diocesan Ministry Campaign
Our Parish will be beginning the 2016
Bishop’s Diocesan Ministry Campaign.
Our goal for this year is to raise
This campaign will run from September
until mid December. Cheques can be
made out to St. Anthony’s Church, and all
donations are tax-deductible.
A letter with a pamphlet and pledge card
will be available in the church lobby.
Please pick up your assigned envelope
in September.
Thank you for your continued generosity.
May God bless us all on our journey as a
community of believers.
Will be taking place Sunday, October 16th, so let’s
plan ahead. Donations of children’s craft supplies,
garden vegetables, crafts that can be sold for $1.00 $10.00, new items, gift certificates, etc., can be
dropped off at the office during office hours. If you
would like to volunteer at the Bazaar, please call the
office at 768-1878. Let’s work together to make this
year’s Bazaar a fun filled day for everyone.
Thank you for your continued generosity and support.
XXII Domenica del Tempo Ordinario / C
Quanto più sei grande, tanto più fa umile... Siamo invita dalla Parola a riscoprire l'humus della nostra vita: siamo di terra, veniamo dalla terra, torneremo alla terra. Ma in questa nostra terra ‐ che è lo spazio della nostra vita unica ed irripe bile ‐ Dio soffia il suo Spirito e così possiamo accostarci alla ci à del Dio vivente, alla Gerusalemme celeste. Al pranzo della vita, dove siamo invita , il Signore vuole che ognuno scopra il proprio posto: né avan , né indietro, ma proprio quel posto che Dio ha preparato per noi e nel quale c'è la nostra felicità e la nostra realizzazione. Quel posto, proposto da Dio e accolto da noi, ha il nome della nostra vocazione. Preghiamo con le parole del Salmo: "Signore, il mio cuore non ha pretese non è superbo il mio sguardo, non desidero cose grandi superiori alle mie forze. Io sono tranquillo e sereno, come un bimbo in braccio a sua madre. È quieto il mio cuore dentro di me. Israele confida nel Signore, ora e sempre". Non aspiriamo dunque ‘ai primi pos ', ma, con tu a umiltà e coraggio, cer della Sua Presenza nella nostra vita: ‘come sono, là dove sono, fare tu o ciò che posso'... per la Sua Gloria e per il bene dei fratelli! COMMUNITY EVENTS:
The Right of Life booth at the annual Hymer’s Fair needs
volunteers during the Labour Day long weekend:
September 4th & 5th from 9am-6pm / 9am-5pm. If you
are interested, please call Christina at 577-3283.
Spaghetti and meatball take out will take place on
Thursday, September 22nd, from 3:00-6:00 pm. A
reminder to bring a container to the take out event at the
Columbus Centre on May Street. Please call 623-3252
for any questions.
Anthony Jayce Bennardo &
Presley Victoria Circelli were recently
baptized in the Lord. Congratulations
to their families.
Aug. 29 — Sept. 4, 2016
Monday, August 29
9:00am English
All Parishioners
John Talarico
R. & D. Furioso
Tuesday, August 30
9:00am Italian
Maria Rosa Consolata Tino
Giuseppe Tassone
Primo & Mario Sabotig
For All Souls
Giuseppe & Family
J. & L. Tassone
L. & T. Cappello
Wednesday, August 31
9:00am English
Vincenzo Maletta
Rosina Garofalo
M. Turco
S. & M. Frattaroli
Thursday, September 1
9:00am Italian
Franca Daniele
Bruno Larizza
Maria Costanzo
Nicola Magisano
Antonia Bellante
E. Cassano
D. & F. Donato
Moglie & Famiglia
Notabartolo Family
Friday, September 2
Florenza Clemenza
9:00am English
M. Scalese
Maria Teves
J. & M. Boniglio
Bruno Marino, & Concetta & Pasquale Tassone
♥ 1:00pm
Laura Laudone & Nicholas Ward
Saturday, September 3
♥ 1:30pm
Kayla Hutsul & Aaron Squier
In onore della Madonna di Maria Santissima Consolazione
Giuseppe Arella
Elena Castelli
Fiorvante DeAmicis
Bruno & Maria Mauro
Giovanni Eleutario Chiarelli
In Thanksgiving
Sunday, Sept. 4
Wife & Family
C. Sacchetti
C. Sacchetti
M. & R. Stefanile & Family
F. Donato
XXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time
Nicola Gallo
Rachele Costanzo
Serafina & Rugiero Scaglio
Antonietta Fiorito
Carmine DeVuono
M. & P. Maletta
St. Anthony’s Senior’s Club
Wife & Children
Virgilio & Lucrezia Paola, & Natalina & Joseph Baratta
A. DeGrazia
Salvatore Sanzo
S. & M. Federico
Mario Arella
G. Tassone
Mirko Mihaljevic
Rosa & Family
Deceased of Andreussi & Menis families
Menis Family
Francisco Pacheco
Ilidio DaSilva
Mariana Eistacio & Joao Freitas
Paolo Galle
Luigina Pugliese
Maria Teves
Jose Cabral
Wife & Family
A. Freitas
G. & A. Iorianni
O. & N. Coccimiglio
A. & J. Arruda
In onore della Madonna di Maria Santissima Consolazione
Antonia Bellante
R. & D. Lacaria
Notabartolo Family
† Let us pray for the repose of the soul of
Jim Grant who recently passed away.
remember him and his family in your prayers.