La Voce - Italian Canadian Cultural Association


La Voce - Italian Canadian Cultural Association
Il Bollettino dell’ Associazione Culturale Italo Canadese della Nuova Scozia
La Voce
Primavera / Spring 2011
Issue 110
Location: 2629 Agricola Street, Halifax, NS Mail Address: P.O. Box 9044, Stn A Halifax, N.S, B3K 5M7 Email: [email protected] Website:
The Newsletter of the Italian Canadian Cultural Association of Nova Scotia
Italian Cultural
The Italian Language School is offering organizations and schools in the Halifax Regional Municipality the opportunity to learn more about Italy and the Italian culture. This activity is organized by Laura Nardi, Director of the Language School. Please contact our Association by calling 453‐5327 for more info. Golden Age
Seniors from our community meet and socialize on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. at the ICCA hall. Those interested in joining this group, please call the ICCA Office. If seniors have any concerns, or would like information about anything, please contact our office at anytime by calling 453‐5327. Email Notices
If you would like to join our electronic distribution list, please send an email to [email protected] Include in the subject line “Subscribe to La Voce” To honour the 150th Anniversary of Italy’s Unification
and the 65th Anniversary of the Italian Republic
Rodolfo Meloni
Honorary Consul of the Italian Republic in Nova Scotia
Luigi Velocci,
President of The Italian Canadian Cultural Association of Nova Scotia
Invite the Italian Community to help us celebrate these events.
Reception be held on Thursday, June 2nd, 2011 from 18.00 to 20.30 Hrs
At the Italian Canadian Cultural Center, 2629 Agricola Street, Halifax
Business Attire
RSVP: (902) 453-5327
Festa della Republica,
June 2nd, @ 6 PM
Father’s Day Dinner,
June 18th @ 7 PM
Picnic, July 17th
Italian Weekend,
September 9-11th
Rodolfo Meloni, Console Onorario della Repubblica Italiana in Nuova Scozia
Luigi Velocci, Presidente della Associazione Italiana ICCA
Join the next generation!
“Icca’s The Next Generation”
Sunday Dinners
Over until Fall.
Invitano la Comunita` Italiana ad un ricevimento
che si terra` giovedi 2 giugno, 2011, dale ore 18 alle ore 20.30
Search for
Per celebrare uniti il 150th Anniversario dell’Unita d’Italia
ed il 65mo. Anniversario della Repubblica Italiana
presso il Centro Italiano 2629 Agricola Street
E richiesto uso di giacca e cravatta
Confermare per telefono (902) 453-5327
La Voce, Issue 110 Primavera / Spring 2011
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Happy Father’s Day!
Saturday, June 18th
Dinner in the
Main hall starts at 7:00 pm
Commerce /
il Commercio
Advertise yearly here for
$10, call Giovanni Da Ros
At 865-3927 or
[email protected]
Pasta, Porchetta, Salad,
Mobile Ready Mix
- Mel Fiander, 835-8780
Bread & Crostata
Veritas Books and Gifts
- Luciano Bianchini, 429-7216
Afterwards stay around for some cards & bocce!
Ventura Realty
- Luigi Benigno, 420-0124
$20.00 Members (taxes included)
$25.00 Non-members (taxes included)
Noseworthy, Di Costanzo &
- John Di Costanzo, 444-4747
Money Concepts
- Brice Guerin, 463-6063
Please RSVP at the ICCA Office
For more info call us at 453-5327.
Oral & Maxillofacial
Surgery Consultants
- Marco Chiarot,
Centura Atlantic
Floor and Wall Fashions
- Peter Maddalena, 468-8453
TPI Travel Consultants
- Loly Crowley, 443-7851
European Auto Services Inc.
- Joseph Braca, 477-7596
Pragmatic Pension and Benefits
Solutions Inc.
- Ivano Adriani, 435-2929
MLA Maureen MacDonald,
Trompe L'oeil Murals
- Annemarie Manfreda-Johnson,
Accenti Magazine
The Canadian Magazine with an
Italian Accent
Italiana di Moncton
Visit them at
Italian Picnic – July 17th at Oakfield Park
Oakfield Park in Waverley, will again be the location for the annual picnic (July 17 . Please remember that is a Provincial Park and Provincial Park rules must be followed. In case of bad weather check the club’s voice mail by 10:00 am (453‐5327). Oakfield Park has a large open picnic area, grass field and beautiful sand beach ideal for family swimming. Come out and join us, it is a great way to enjoy the day with family and friends and to meet new friends along with seeing old ones. Feel free to bring your friends along as well. Keep in mind … the early bird gets the worm … in this case the early bird gets the picnic tables. The park has suggested to us that we bring some tables as they are limited, so if you have a portable table please bring it along. As this is a public space, it is first come first serve. We expect lots of members and friend to attend. Let’s hope for great weather!! As usual we will have games for all ages!!! Italian Weekend – La Pesca!!
It is spring time and we would like to start preparing for pesca early this year. In order for such a Raffle to take place and be successful, we need items to raffle. In saying this, we would appreciate any help that you may be able to provide ‐ items, such as Gift Certificates and Promotional Articles are usually a great hit, for example: t‐shirts, mugs, toys, magnets, hats, tools, etc. However, if you choose to Sponsor us with a Monetary Donation we will buy a prize(s) in your name and add them to the raffle. Thanking you in advance for your efforts, Giovanni Da Ros 902‐865‐7655 / Melissa Da Ros‐Tibbs 902‐865‐
4366 / ICCA Office 902‐453‐5327 La Voce, Issue 110 Primavera / Spring 2011
ICCA Bursary
Deadline June 20th! The ICCA School and Heritage will be offering a bursary to members of our club who are accepted in a post secondary program for the academic year commencing September 2011. Please visit the website for more details … Articles for La Voce
We are always looking for articles of interest to share with our community. If you have a story about an Italian related event or a special trip to Italy or maybe even a visit to many of the Little Italy's found in the New World, an Italian recipe, etc, please forward to [email protected]. The articles can be written in English or Italian. We would love to hear from you!
Wall of Honour
The Wall of Honour will be updated with new donations received on a yearly basis. We are in the process of sending these changes to the sign‐maker. If your name has been missed or misspelled on the current board, please contact the office at [email protected] or call 453‐5327.
Servers & Bar Staff
for Events
If you would like to have your name added to the list of servers and bar staff, please send an email to [email protected] indicating your interest and if you have any experience, along with your contact information. Servers should be at least 15 years of age and bar staff are required to be at least 19 years of age. Please note that you may be asked to volunteer for ICCA sponsored events (i.e.‐ Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc) but would be compensated for rental events (weddings, private parties, etc.). Soccer at the ICCA Last summer, we had a soccer match against the crew of the San Giusto. Since it was so much fun for the players and spectators, we thought we would get a group together for a fun game this summer. If you are interested in adding your name to the list of players, please send an email to [email protected] All ages welcome!! Page / Pagina 3
Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the
Unification of Italy
By Maria Hayes In 1861, nine separate kingdoms were unified to form what is today known as Italy. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy and her emergence of a modern nation. Torino became the first national capital and Vittorio Emanuele II was named the first Italian King. 2011 will be a great year to visit Italy; from March through November, there will be events, exhibits, and shows to celebrate all that is Italian. March 17th was declared a bank holiday with all banks, schools and shops closed. In recognition of this national holiday, the ICCA hosted a celebration for its members and friends. The guests enjoyed an evening of camaraderie and the ever‐delicious food prepared by the incomparable kitchen volunteers. To cap off the festivities, a beautiful (and delicious!) cake was presented which depicted the familiar shape of Italy. There are still many months left until the end of the official celebrations on November 20th ‐ why not plan a trip to take part in some of the celebrations and expositions. There appears to be no limit to the number of special events, concerts, parades and festivals that will take place all over the country. ICCA Library
At the ICCA Center we are proud owners of a small but unique library. It is a combination of books which have been gifted in part by the Italian Government, as well as of many volumes donated through the years by members of our Club and the community at large. Any contribution is at all times both appreciated and encouraged. The book club will re‐commence meeting in mid‐September. Stay tuned for details. ICCA Biblioteca
Al Centro dell’ICCA, siamo orgogliosi di avere una piccola ma singolare biblioteca. I libri sono stati donati dal Governo Italiano e dai membri della nostra comunitá. Qualunque altra donazione sarebbe comunque gradita ed apprezzata. Gli inconti mensili per i membri del "club del libro" riprenderanno alla metà di settembre.. Buone vacanze a tutti. Italian Weekend – Volunteers!!
We are now looking for volunteers to help out during the Italian Weekend, September 9‐11th. Contact the ICCA Office at 453‐5327 or email [email protected] In order for us to put on a great event we need the help of friends and family. We also need work done during the weeks in advance of the Italian Weekend. We need help at cash, bar, cooking, cleaning, music, setting up, information booth ... etc ... basically everywhere. If you are musically talented and can play an instrument, we want to know! If you can work a shift of 4 to 6 hours that would be great! Please send an email to [email protected] letting us know your availability and interest. The sooner you let us know, the sooner we can plan. More details available soon on the website … La Voce, Issue 110 Primavera / Spring 2011
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Festa dedicata a tutte le mamme
By Laura Nardi, Foto per gentile concessione di Giacomo Bruno, SNAP Halifax Lo scorso 14 Maggio, l’Associazione italiana ha festeggiato tutte le mamme della comunità. La serata è stata allietata dallo straordinario talento degli studenti della Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana , che con le loro poesiole , canzoncine e suonate, hanno commosso gli ospiti e tutte le mamme presenti in sala. Durante la cena Matthew Glynn, figlio di Angela De Nicola, ci ha intrattenuto piacevolmente al piano con dolci melodie, mentre Flora Rebuli ha recitato , prima di cena, una preghiera dedicata alle Mamme. La magnifica serata è stata brillantemente presentata dalla giovane Mikela Sani , coadiuvata dal nostro vicepresidente Maria Hayes che ci hanno simpaticamente intrattenuto per più di tre ore. La cena è stata abbondante e molto buona. Complimenti a tutti i cuochi! Prima di iniziare le danze, tutti i presenti in sala, guidati da Flora, si sono alzati in piedi ed hanno cantato la canzone " Mamma". E' stato veramente un momento emozionante. Ringraziamenti vanno a tutti coloro che hanno contribuito a rendere questa serata meravigliosa : le organizzatrici, i bambini della scuola, i giovani talenti italiani, le nuove mamme presenti in sala, le presentatrici, la cucina, i baristi, il Presidente, il Presidente passato, i ragazzi che hanno servito la cena. Per la serata speciale dedicata a tutte le mamme presenti e assenti, tutte queste persone hanno donato il proprio tempo e servizi senza essere retribuiti. Grazie di cuore a tutti i partecipanti. All`anno prossimo. VIVA LA MAMMA! Celebrating All Mothers
By Laura Nardi, Photos courtesy of Giacomo Bruno, SNAP Halifax On May 14, the Italian Association celebrated all mothers. The evening was enlivened by the extraordinary talent of the students from our School of Language and Culture and by young Italians of the Community. They sang, play instruments, recited poems and touched the hearts of all the mothers and guests in attendance. Special thanks to Matthew Glynn, son of Angela De Nicola, who entertained us during the meal, with his melodies, at the piano. The evening was brilliantly emceed by the young Mikela Sani assisted by our Vice President Maria Hayes. Before the meal, Flora Rebuli read a prayer dedicated to all Mothers and after the beautiful supper, she lead everyone in singing the song " Mother". It was a very special and emotional moment for everyone. I would like to thank everyone who helped in the organization of this wonderful event and to all those who attended. A special thanks from the depth of my heart, to all the performers, the new Mothers, to all the kitchen staff, the President, the past President, the bartenders and the young servers. All of them donated their time and their services for this special event without remuneration. Thanks again to all the Participants. See you next year and once again VIVA LA MAMMA! John Di Costanzo. L.L.B
Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public
Noseworthy Di Costanzo Diab
6470 Chebucto Road, Halifax, NS B3L 1L4
Bus: (902) 444 4747 Fax: (902) 444 4301
Res: (902) 443 6468
Email: [email protected]
La Voce, Issue 110 Primavera / Spring 2011
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I membri dell’esecutivo e tutta la comunità italiana inviano le più più profonde condoglianze : •
Alle famiglie Taraschi per la perdita di Dora •
Alle famiglie Marcelli per la scomparsa prematura di Giulio •
A Silvana Gardin e famiglia per la perdita della propria mamma •
Alla famiglia Petracca per la perdita di Marino The members of the Executive and the Italian Community send their deepest condolences: •
To the Taraschi families for the passing of their beloved Dora •
To the Marcelli families for the passing of their dear Giulio •
To Silvana Gardin and family for the loss of her dear mother in Italy •
To the Petracca family for the loss of Marino The memory of these people will remain with us always and they will all be sadly missed. Ensemble BelCanto Comes to Halifax
By Tania Meloni
In celebration of the 150th anniversary of Italy as a country, and to promote Italian culture in Canada, the Italian Consulate in Nova Scotia, in cooperation with the Italian Canadian Cultural Association (ICCA) and the Italian Cultural Institute in Montreal (IIC) presented an evening of operatic and classical music by the quartet "Ensemble BelCanto" at the Bella Rose Arts Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia on April 16th. Mr. Rodolfo Meloni, the Honorary Italian Consulate in Nova Scotia and the evening's emcee, Ms. Olga Milosevich, from CBC Radio welcomed the four artists to the Bella Rose stage. The four artists included Rosaria Buscemi (soprano), Antonio Arcuri (clarinet), Massimo Celiberto (French horn), and Alessandro Vuono (piano). Together, they have worked with recording stars the likes of Andrea Bocelli, Cecilia Gasdia and Jose Carreras. These accomplished artists have undergone years of study to perform at such a professional level, and they truly were an ensemble. In fact, all of the Ensemble BelCanto artists graduated "Cum Laude" as solo chamber musicians from the Music Conservatory in Cosenza, Italy and have been working together to promote Italian culture abroad for the last several years. The sounds from the classical instruments and Ms. Buscemi's warm voice filled the air of the Bella Rose Arts Centre with an unexpected joy. Some of the musical selections came from Italian film classics such as The Godfather (Nino Rota), Life is Beautiful (Nicola Piovani) and Il Postino (Luis Bacalov). Others selections included classical Neapolitan songs ranging from the 1830's all the way up to the 1900's. The music selections chosen by Ensemble BelCanto demonstrated the range of 150 years of Italian musical diversity. During the intermission, a patron said "It was music therapy for the soul and simply wonderful to hear live" and I could not have agreed with her more. In the end, it was a great evening and one that will long out live the music. Just as one song drifted effortlessly into another during the concert, the evening also changed tempo at the end of the night when all the musicians from Ensemble BelCanto, along with attendees and sponsors of the event were treated to an assortment of Italian food prepared by the ICCA. Our own President, Luigi Velocci closed the evening thanking Ensemble BelCanto for their wonderful performance and thanked the sponsors for their generosity in making the event happen. If you would like to see more event of this nature please contact the ICCA at [email protected] Italian Weekend
September 9th, 10th, 11th!
La Voce, Issue 110 Primavera / Spring 2011
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A Gift of Hope on Father's Day! Multi-Ethnic Stem Cell Drive
By Maria Giuliana Radelich Every year, hundreds of Canadians are looking for a stem cell match in order to survive their devastating disease. There are currently approximately 900 people in Canada alone, who are waiting for stem cells transplants. The best chance of a match is from within one’s own ethnic group. For many of us, that would be someone with Italian decent. Healthy people from 17 to 50 years old can register, and the ideal registrants are young adults between the ages of 17‐39. A simple cheek swab and fifteen minutes of your time is all it takes to register with OneMatch (Canada’s unrelated stem cell bone marrow donor network) as a potential donor to help save someone’s life! Halifax Greek Community GOYA, ICCA Italian Canadian Cultural Association, Lebanese Teen and Our Lady of Lebanon Youth Association are inviting people from all communities to give a gift of hope this Father’s Day. WHO: Any healthy person between 17‐50 who is willing to be a potential stem cell donor and to donate stem cells to any patient anywhere if and when asked. Although the greatest need is for young donors between the ages of 17‐39, any healthy person between 17‐ 50 can be a potential donor. WHEN: Sunday June 19th, 2011 12:30 pm ‐ 4:30pm WHERE: Saint George's Greek Community Hall, 38 Purcell's Cove Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia HOW: Come register in person and be swabbed at the same time; (bring photo ID and your Provincial Health Care Card). Interesting Facts of Italy
Pasta alla Norcina
Researched By LaVoce Staff By
There are many dialects of the Italian language spoken throughout Italy. The official Italian language spoken today originates from the Tuscan dialect (of Latin ) Spartacus the slave, fought as a gladiator in the Roman Coliseum. He miraculously escaped, then went on to lead a rebellion but was eventually killed in battle in 71BC. Archimedes, one of the world's most famous mathematicians, was born in Sicily. Italy has the lowest birthrate in Europe ‐ a contradiction to the large Italian family culture. Italians live very long, the percentage of the retired population is 20% which is a cause for concern as there aren't enough young people to work and contribute to the state pension Italians on average eat around 30 kg (66 pounds) of pasta and drink 60 liters of wine per year. Opera is an Italian creation. Many of Shakespeare's plays were set in Italy, including Romeo and Juliet from Verona. If you have some interesting facts send them along [email protected] Norcia, in the mountains of southeastern Umbria, is noted for its salsicce (sausages), prosciutto, capocollo, salame, and other pork derivatives. In the 9th century, the Lombards then occupying the region learned to preserve pig meat with salt; hence, a pig butcher anywhere in Italy is called a norcino. Ingredients: (for 4) 1 lb penne or rigatoni pasta (Ed.’s note – In the image below, orecchiette are used. “The horror, the horror,” I know… sometimes though, you just have to use the pasta that you have sitting round.) 3‐4 Umbrian (and ONLY Umbrian!) sausages – (and if not attainable, use about 1/2 lb ground pork meat, adding one finely‐chopped garlic clove, salt and pepper to it for taste. No fennel seeds or red pepper in Umbrian salsicce.) 1 white onion white wine (about 1 cup or so) olive oil salt pepper small hot red pepper 1 – 1‐1/2 c. cream Parmigiano cheese, freshly‐grated (or use pecorino, sheep’s milk cheese… very Umbrian!) Finely slice the white onion. Cover bottom of saucepan in olive oil and sauté onion until golden (do NOT burn – and if you do, start over, or entire pasta will taste like burnt onion…!). Take sausage meat out of casing and crumble into onion/olive oil mixture. Add chili pepper. Simmer a couple of minutes until sausage (or pork meat) starts to brown. Add white wine, covering the meat. Simmer uncovered a few minutes (wine will start to evaporate). Add cream and simmer briefly. Add salt and black pepper to taste. Stir into pasta which you have cooked and drained (always save a bit of the pasta water when draining pasta: it can be used to dilute your sauce if needed). Pasta mixture should be creamy – if too dry, add a bit of olive oil (and next time, use more cream – or white wine – when preparing). Add the Parmigiano (or pecorino) on top before serving. Buon appetito La Voce, Issue 110 Primavera / Spring 2011
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Quesiti referendari
Come noto, con i D.P.R. del 23 marzo 2011 pubblicati nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 77 del 4 aprile 2011 sono
stati indetti i seguenti Referendum popolari abrogativi, che si terranno nei giorni 12 – 13 giugno:
a) referendum popolare n. 1–Modalità di affidamento e gestione dei servizi pubblici locali di rilevanza
economica. Abrogazione;
b)referendum popolare n. 2–Determinazione della tariffa del servizio idrico integrato in base all’adeguata
remunerazione del capitale investito. Abrogazione parziale di norma;
c)referendum popolare n. 3–Nuove centrali per la produzione di energia nucleare. Abrogazione parziale di
d) referendum popolare n. 4–Abrogazione di norme della legge 7 aprile 2010, n. 51, in materia di legittimo
impedimento del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri e dei Ministri a comparire in udienza penale, quale
risultante a seguito della sentenza n. 23 del 2011 della Corte Costituzionale.
Istruzioni per il voto
Gli elettori residenti all’estero e alcune specifiche categorie di connazionali temporaneamente all’estero per motivi di servizio o missioni
internazionali potranno votare per corrispondenza in occasione di tali consultazioni.
Il voto per i referendum dei cittadini residenti all’estero ed iscritti all’AIRE si esprime esclusivamente per corrispondenza. Gli elettori
residenti all’estero riceveranno a domicilio, da parte del Consolato di riferimento, il plico elettorale contenente le schede e le istruzioni
sulle modalità di voto. Si raccomanda di seguire attentamente le istruzioni e di osservare le date indicate per spedire all’Ufficio consolare
la busta preaffrancata contenente la busta anonima con le schede votate.
In caso di mancata ricezione del plico elettorale entro il 29 maggio, i cittadini italiani residenti all’estero potranno recarsi di persona
all’Ufficio consolare di riferimento per verificare la propria posizione elettorale: nel caso in cui i nominativi già figurino nell’elenco
degli elettori in possesso dell’Ufficio consolare, si potrà ottenere un duplicato del plico elettorale, mentre in caso contrario si potrà
chiedere al Consolato di attivare le procedure per essere aggiunti all’elenco degli elettori.
Esprimono il voto per corrispondenza anche i cittadini italiani temporaneamente all’estero per motivi di servizio o missioni
internazionali (appartenenti alle Forze Armate e alle Forze di Polizia impegnati nello svolgimento di missioni internazionali, dipendenti
di Amministrazioni dello Stato, di Regioni o di Province autonome, Professori e ricercatori universitari), che abbiano reso apposita
dichiarazione entro l’8 maggio 2011.
I cittadini italiani che si trovino temporaneamente all’estero e non appartengano alle tre categorie sopraindicate potranno votare per i
referendum solamente recandosi in Italia presso le sezioni istituite nel proprio Comune di iscrizione nelle liste elettorali.
Si ricorda a tutti i connazionali che la BUSTA GRANDE PREAFFRANCATA contenente le SCHEDE VOTATE inserite nella busta
bianca piccola chiusa e il TAGLIANDO ELETTORALE deve pervenire al Consolato di riferimento entro le ore 16,00 locali del 9
Concluse le operazioni, le schede votate dagli italiani residenti all’estero saranno convogliate in Italia, dove avrà luogo lo scrutinio a
cura dell’Ufficio Centrale per la Circoscrizione Estero istituito presso la Corte di Appello di Roma. Parimenti, saranno trasportate a
Roma le schede votate dai cittadini temporaneamente all'estero per motivi di servizio, le quali saranno scrutinate congiuntamente a
quelle dei residenti all’estero.
Per ulteriori informazioni, si potranno contattare gli Uffici consolari competenti per territorio o l’indirizzo di posta elettronica
[email protected], oppure visitare il sito web del Ministero degli Affari Esteri all’indirizzo
La Voce, Issue 110 Primavera / Spring 2011
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La Voce, Issue 110 Primavera / Spring 2011
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Italian Canadian Cultural Association
ICCA of NS: Membership Form 2011
2629 Agricola Street
Halifax NS
Tel 902 4535327 / Fax 902 4531852
Email [email protected]
Please circle the areas of
interest that you would like to
participate in.
Bar/ Bar
Kitchen / Cucina
Membership / Iscrizioni
Place of Birth:
Maintenance / Manutenzione
Library / Biblioteca
Phone Number:
Italian Weekend
Sunday Dinners/ Cene Domenicali
Mailing Address:
Special Events/ Altre funzioni
La Voce
Web Page
Public Relations
Youth/ Giovani
Email Address:
Seniors/ Anziani
Hall Rentals / Affitto Sala
Office use only
Membership Prices
Method of Payment
Type of Membership
(over 65)
Key Card number
Sponsored by:
(for new members only)
(18-25 Full time)
To place your business card ad in La Voce for one Year @ $70
Contact Giovanni Da Ros @ 865-7655 or [email protected]