For immediate release Subject: Event in Italian : Le Parole del Mare
For immediate release Subject: Event in Italian : Le Parole del Mare
For immediate release Subject: Event in Italian : Le Parole del Mare At: the Italian Cultural Institute, 39 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8NX Date: 22nd October 2007 Time: 6.30 pm Entrance fee £5.00, free for members. Booking essential. More information: Press Officer: Stefania Bochicchio direct line 0207 396 4402 Email [email protected] The Sea is a real presence in the Italian consciousness: it can be said that it has shaped Italy’s history and its culture. It has been beautifully described by the widest of range of Italian writers from the very beginning of a recognizable Italian literature. Professor of Italian Studies Martin McLaughlin, of Fiat-Serena at Magdalene College, Oxford has chosen the texts together with actress Graziella Galvani, who will read them with the piano accompaniment by Mario Mariani. The event has been organized for the VII Italian Language Week and will be in Italian. Excerpts from: Salvatore Quasimodo (1901-1968): Epigrammi, A un poeta nemico Giorno dopo Giorno, S’ode ancora il Mare Dante Alighieri (1265-1321): Inferno, Canto XXVI Gabriele d’Annunzio (1863-1938): Alcyone, L’Onda Stanislao Nievo (1928-2006): Il Prato in Fondo al Mare Tiziano Scarpa (1963): Venezia e’un pesce Erri de Luca (1950): Il contrario di Uno, Udito: un Grido Raffaella La Capria (1922): Ferito a Morte Eugenio Montale (1896-1981): Poesie Disperse