CBC Abby 30 nov 15


CBC Abby 30 nov 15
Test di idoneità Corso di Diagnostica di Laboratorio
Candidato _________________________________________ Matricola _____________________
Segnalamento: Andy, Cane Boxer, femmina, aa. 8
Reperti clinici: da alcuni gg. disoressia, abbattimento, PU/PD
Reticolociti % = 0.49 (0,2-0,81)
Reticolociti ass /mcL = 8477 (14.680-57.672)
CRP % = 0,14 (0,23-0,86)
Indice Ret. = 0,05 (0,33-1,3)
1) Which hematopoietic growth factor has proven beneficial to patients with renal failure?
a- interleukin 3
b - interleukin 10 c - thrombopoietin
d - granulocyte-monocyte colony stimulating factor
e - erythropoietin
2) When the mean corpuscolar volume (MCV) is decreased in an anemic dog, what is the
most likely cause?
a - immune mediated hemolytic anemia b - iron deficiency or chronic inflammation
c - non regenerative anemia from any cause d - myelodysplasia
e - Heinz-body anemia