Max Weber Building / Paris West Nanterre La Défense University


Max Weber Building / Paris West Nanterre La Défense University
Ca s o s tu d i o : Ma x We b e r B u i l d i n g / P a r i s We s t Na n te r r e La Dé fe n s e Un i ve r s i ty
S i to we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /i ta l i a /
Max Weber Building / Paris West Nanterre La Défense
Tipo lo gia di pro getto : Nuo va co struzio ne
Tipo di edificio : Scuo la Primaria o
Seco ndaria, Università
Anno di co struzio ne : 20 14
Zo na climatica : [Cbc] Mild, dry winter,
warm and wet summer.
Superficie utile calpestabile : 4 9 0 4 m 2
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 11
271 9 0 5 €
Numero delle unità funzio nali : 124
Co sti/m2 : 2 29 9 €/m 2
Co sti/Studenti : 9 0 9 0 2 €/Studenti
20 0 avenue de la République , 9 20 0 0
Nanterre cédex, France
// Descrizione
Max Weber Building is a pio neer building that reviews in depth the standards o f the o ffice building, and uses enviro nmental
requirements as a mo to r o f inno vatio n and architectural design. Its 5 levels are 10 0 % wo o den structure, including elevato r
shafts and stairways, while the o ffice space - Flexible and scalable - are free o f false ceilings and raised flo o rs false. This
passive building witho ut air co nditio ning, is naturally ventilated thro ugh an architectural device that manifests ro o f by 25
ventilatio n stacks o f 3.70 meters high.
At t e ndibilit à de i dat i :
Auto -dichiarazio ne
// Stakeholders
No me : Atelier Pascal Go ntier
pascal go ntier
Sito web : http://www.pascalgo m
Azio ne : Co nceptio n
No me : Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Patrick Bo bin
Sito web : https://www.u-paris10 .fr
Azio ne : Co ntracting Autho rity
Rappresentante del committente
Chlo é Ader
Sito web :
Azio ne : Representative o f the Paris West University Nanterre La Défense
Assistente del committente
No me : SLH So phie Brindel Beth
Azio ne : AMO HQE
Agenzia di consulenza per impianti termici
No me : INEX
Eric Hutter
Sito web :
Azio ne : Fluids
Structures calculist
No me : Batiserf
Philippe Clément
Sito web : m
Azio ne : Timber structure
Structures calculist
No me : Jean Paul Lamo ureux
JP Lamo ureux
Sito web : https://www.lamo
Other consultancy agency
No me : Cabinet MIT
Pierre MIT
Azio ne : Eco no my
No me : SNRB
Jéro me Anastasio
Sito web : m
Azio ne : General enterprise
No me : Charpente Ho uo t
Rémi Bro sso let
Sito web : http://www.charpente-ho uo m/
Azio ne : Wo o d Enterprise
T ipo lo gia co nt rat t uale :
Macro lo tti
Appro ccio de l pro prie t ario alla so st e nibilit à e ne rge t ica : The University o f Nanterre wanted to inco rpo rate a High
Enviro nmental Quality fo r all o f its o peratio ns o n campus. This sho uld inco rpo rate the requirements o f the master plan o f the
campus and the climate plan o f the city o f Nanterre. He was asked the pro ject management team to integrate this appro ach to
enviro nmental quality early in the design phase and reaso ning abo ut the full life o f the building (pro ductio n / use and
explo itatio n / deco nstructio n).
Targeted HQE targets are:
3 Targeted levels: Base (B) High Perfo rmance (P), Very High Perfo rmance (HP)
0 1 "harmo nio us relatio nship with the immediate enviro nment" HP
0 2 "Integrated cho ice o f pro ducts, systems and co nstructio n pro cesses": P
0 3 'Chantier lo w nuisance "HP
0 4 "Energy Management": P
0 5 "Water Management": P
0 6 "Waste management activities": B
0 7 "Maintenance - Sustainability o f enviro nmental perfo rmance": P
0 8 'Hygro thermal co mfo rt ": P
0 9 "Aco ustic co mfo rt": P
10 "Visual co mfo rt": B
11 "Olfacto ry co mfo rt": B
12 "sanitary quality o f spaces": B
13 "Health Air Quality": P
14 "Water Quality": B
The enviro nmental appro ach o f the client was ambitio us and pro ject management went beyo nd that demand, particularly o n
the target 2 (integrated cho ice o f pro ducts ...), No . 4 (po wer management ), No . 7 (maintenance, sustainability ...), No . 10 (visual
co mfo rt) and No . 12.
De scrizio ne archit e t t o nica : A stro ng enviro nmental ambitio n presided o ver the design o f Max Weber building. It helped
re-examine in depth the nature o f the o ffice space available to researchers and pro po se new architectural tracks.
Office buildings are indeed to o o ften ultra standardized pro ducts that o ften find their identity in a fo rmal bidding at the façades
and deco ratio n.
Max Weber building was designed to avo id, thanks to a stro ng enviro nmental ambitio ns, the trivializatio n o f wo rkspaces fo r
researchers. This is indeed an atypical building, co mpletely wo o den, passive, and with natural ventilatio n in winter and
summer. The materials used are used where they are mo st adapted and appear as what in the truth o f their jo ints. Fo r this, the
false ceilings and air co nditio ning were banned fro m o ffices and co ntro lled mechanical ventilatio n. Co ntrary to co mmo n
practice, the structure is no t co ncrete but entirely o f wo o d, which visible, highly branded interio r spaces and gives them a
unique and warm character. The hallways are no t blind but enlightened co urse and views to the o utside. The three cages o f
wo o den stairs also bathe in natural light with wide views.
Large o ffice windo ws co nsist o f two o pening, allo wing o ccupants to custo mize the management o f their atmo sphere.
The flo o rs raw co ncrete, co vered with lino leum, co ntribute to the inertia and summer co mfo rt in the premises witho ut the need
to use an air co nditio ner.
To achieve this, the pro blems related to aco ustics and integratio n o f netwo rks have thus been designed in a different lo gic,
very early, at the architectural co mpetitio n, alo ng with the pro ject structure and o rganizatio n o f spaces.
Retaining the architectural style fits in harmo ny with the existing buildings, and is distinguished by a simple vo lume, slightly cut
the co rners gentle terraces and o utdo o r spaces in piles. Its aluminum siding hints fro m the o utside, thanks to genero us
o penings regularly arranged, the stro ng presence o f wo o d in the interio r spaces, while large chimneys o n the ro o f signal a
singular ventilatio n.
Here, the architectural expressio n o f the building is marked by the co ntrast between glo ss and smo o thness o f the o uter skin o f
aluminum and matte nature, o rganic and warm wo o d used fo r interio r spaces.
Opinio ni de gli ut ilizzat o ri de ll\'e dif icio : Returns fro m the Head o f the University's heritage: it speaks o f a building
seductive effect with its users. Peo ple co mpletely appro priate the building and say hello to each o ther! The stairs are a real
architectural o bject that impresses.
// Energia
Energy consumption
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria : 51,6 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria de l m e de sim o e dif icio co st ruit o se co ndo gli st andard m inim i pre vist i dalla no rm at iva vige nt e :
71,50 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Me t o do di calco lo : RT 20 12
CEEB : 0 kWh PE / €
Co nsum o di e ne rgia f inale : 32,21 kWh EF/m 2 /an
Ripart izio ne de l co nsum o di e ne rgia prim aria no n rinno vabile in uso : Heating: 20 .0 0 kWhEP / m² / year
Co o ling: 0 .20 kWhEP / m² / year
Ho t Water: 5.40 kWhEP / m² / year
Lighting: 13.10 kWhEP / m² / year
Auxiliaries: 12.8 0 kWhEP / m² / year
Performance dell'involucro
T rasm it t anza : 0 ,6 6 W.m -2 .K-1
Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : Timber fram wall (wo o l insulatio n o f wo o d and sto ne wo o l): 0 .150 W / (m²K)
Terrace facility: 0 .222 W / (m²K)Ro o f - Terrace: 0 .155 W / (m²K)
Flo o r belo w: 0 .152 W / (m²K)
Carpentry wo o d / aluminum: Uw: 1.3 W / (m²K)
Indicat o re : I4 (I4) m 3 /H.m 2 n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
Indice di t e nut a all'aria de ll'invo lucro e dilizio : 1,0 1
// Fonti Rinnovabili e Impianti
Im piant o di riscaldam e nt o :
Im piant o di pro duzio ne di acqua calda sanit aria :
Caldaia elettrica indipendente
Im piant o di raf f re scam e nt o :
Geo termico ad aria
Im piant o di ve nt ilazio ne :
Ventilazio ne naturale
Raffrescamento gratuito
Scambiato re di calo re a do ppio flusso
Geo termico ad aria
Sist e m i pe r lo sf rut t am e nt o di f o nt i di e ne rgia rinno vabili :
Nessun sistema di energia da fo nti rinno vabili
The ho t water needed fo r health is pro duced by individual ballo o ns to rapid heating.
Smart Building
Use r\'s o pinio n o n co nt ro l syst e m s :
Steering o f o verventilatio n
// Prestazioni ambientali
GHG emissions
Em issio ni di Gas se rra in f ase di ut ilizzo : 4,9 3 KgCO 2 /m 2 /an
Me t o lo gia ut ilizzat a : Thermic Regulatio n Calculatio n
Water & Indoor air quality
Co nsum o di acque m e t e o riche re cupe rat e : 315,0 0 m 3
Fo llo wing the request o f the pro ject o wnership, a vo lume o f 20 m3 reco very o f surface water is intended fo r watering green
spaces. These needs o ver a perio d o f 6 mo nths, the mastery o f wo rk pro po sed to co nnect the tank to the health o f so to
co ver these needs by building unsafe water when there is no need fo r watering.The study sho ws that the 20 m3 sto rage tank
allo ws, if it is co nnected all year o n the to ilet, to co ver 34% o f health needs to be an annual saving o f drinking water 315m3.
// Prodotti
Pro dut t o re : RENSON
Co nt at t o : Mme Laetitia Wajs-So urimant
Sit o we b: http://www.renso
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : HVAC / Ventilazio ne, Raffrescamento
De scrizio ne :
Aco ustic self-adjusting air intake Natural ventilatio n2 versio ns-have-been installed in the
pro ject. Versio n Regulato ry hygienic fixed rate and mo to rized release fo r o verventilatio n
Co m m e nt i:
Perfect integratio n in the frame jo ineryPo ssible actio n by users fo r starting the-ventilatio n via a
push butto nEasy maintenance fro m the inside
Hybrid extractor
Pro dut t o re : Edmo nds
Co nt at t o : sales@edmo
Sit o we b: http://www.edmo
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : HVAC / Ventilazio ne, Raffrescamento
De scrizio ne :
The hybrid extracto r allo ws:
- Increase the static pressure in the natural netwo rk,
- To take o ver when flo ws will be insufficient via a lo w energy mechanical extracto r
Co m m e nt i:
Integratio n into an air extractio n chimney lo cated o n the ro o fVisual signal buildingLo w maintenance pro duct
Canadian Well
Pro dut t o re : PAM ELIXAIR
Co nt at t o : Pierre Caquelin - 0 1 47 17 14 23
Sit o we b: m/
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : HVAC / Ventilazio ne, Raffrescamento
De scrizio ne :
Canadian wells with undergro und pipe netwo rk
Co m m e nt i:
Earnings co mfo rt and heating co stsBetter thermal co nductivity than o ther materialsBetter
durability and air quality
Wooden panels CLT
Pro dut t o re : LIGNATEC / KLH
Co nt at t o : Michel DIDIER - 0 3 29 52 9 5 21
Sit o we b:
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere strutturali / Struttura - Invo lucro - Finitura
De scrizio ne :
Cro ss laminated timber
Co m m e nt i:
Speed o f implementatio nHighlighting o f wo o d structure
Joinery Wood / Aluminium
Pro dut t o re : Bieber
Co nt at t o : M. Jacques Bo urges - 0 1 30 72 52 8 4
Sit o we b: http://www.bieber-bo m/
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere di finitura / Elementi esterni - Po rte e Finestre
De scrizio ne :
External Jo inery Wo o d / Aluminium
Co m m e nt i:
Quality o f the jo inery
// Costi
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 11 271 9 0 5 €
// Qualità della pianificazione urbana
Am bie nt e urbano : Max Weber building is lo cated within the gro unds o f the University o f Paris Ouest Nanterre, large
campus with different buildings o f co ncrete and metal are evidence o f French academic architecture built fro m the 6 0 s Lo cated
alo ng the alley o f the University, west Campus, the land adjo ins the building's entrance.
Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'are a di int e rve nt o :
Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio :
Spazi ve rdi ad uso co m une :
5150 m 2
23 %
20 0 0
Num e ro di parche ggi : 25 parking spaces fo r vehicles in the basement, 1 parking space fo r reduced mo bility, up o utside
40 two wheeler parking spaces
// Qualità ambientale dell'edificio
Qualit à am bie nt ale de ll\'e dif icio :
Adattabilità dell\'edificio
Cantiere (inclusa la gestio ne dei rifiuti)
Gestio ne delle acque
Efficienza energetica
Pro cessi di co struzio ne
Pro do tti e materiali
// Concorsi
A structure 10 0 % wo o d including elevato r shafts and escaliers- o ffice ceilings in so lid wo o d, witho ut false plafo nds- a
passive type o f building with natural ventilatio n device assistée- a building no t a building Co nditio ned- mo dular , flexible and
scalable - natural light in all the co rrido rs : co rrido rs , stairwells...
The cho ice o f wo o d respo nds to enviro nmental co nsideratio n. Wo o d is indeed a bio -based material, renewable, recyclable,
which abso rbs carbo n during its life and sto res it in its co nstructio n.