Information Point for the Ibarrola Exhibition in Garoza


Information Point for the Ibarrola Exhibition in Garoza
Ca s o s tu d i o : In fo r m a ti o n P o i n t fo r th e Ib a r r o l a Exh i b i ti o n i n G a r o z a
S i to we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /i ta l i a /
Information Point for the Ibarrola Exhibition in Garoza
Tipo lo gia di pro getto : Nuo va co struzio ne
Tipo di edificio : Museo
Anno di co struzio ne : 20 15
Zo na climatica : [Csa] Interio r
Mediterranean - Mild with dry, ho t summer.
Superficie utile calpestabile : 50 m 2
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 9 2
9 43 €
Numero delle unità funzio nali : 2 Clienti
Co sti/m2 : 1 8 59 €/m 2
Co sti/Clienti : 46 472 €/Clienti
, 0 5530 Muño galindo (Ávila), España
// Descrizione
The Ibarro la Pro ject in Garo za aims to reco ver an existing but underused cultural facility, to turn it into a cultural to urism facility
that energizes the eco no my and culture o f the pro vince o f Avila.
La Dehesa de Garoza is a mountain of oaks with livestock f arm located in the town of Muñogalindo,
opposite the Amblés Valley. Between 2005 and 2010 the Basque artist Agustin Ibarrola, invited by the
owner of the Dehesa, made an artistic intervention painting 115 granitic rocks in an area of 11 hectares.
T his work has remained almost unknown until September 2015 when the Asocio Foundation of Avila
opened the project, af ter signing an agreement with the artist, the owner of the property and the City
Council, which undertook to carry out the work to adapt the pastureland to visitors and to manage the
equipment. T he intervention consisted in bringing a new driveway f rom the road, building a new access f or
livestock, hurdling the f arm where the painted rocks are, building the Inf ormation Point and Foundation
staf f of f ice, design and execute museology and perf orm the communication plan.
Sustainability in its f our approaches has been the basis f or intervention in such a sensitive environment as
the existing one, the cultural component being especially important when dealing with the recovery of an
artistic work, but also because it value cultural elements and identity of the place, such as extensive beef
cattle, the pasture as landscape modif ied by man and other existing cultural resources in the Valley, as
vetones f orts and cave paintings. In addition, intervention integrates two existing resources in the village
f or a f ew years, the Cultural Hall located beneath the town hall and the gazebo. T he project aims to
revitalize the culture of the province, f or its ability to attract visitors interested in culture, their potential
synergies with other resources and schedule of activities. It also is expected to contribute to economic and
social development of the region, af f ecting sectors such as hotel, rural tourism, catering, tourism
businesses and trade of local products.
Regarding the environmental aspect has f ollowed the approach to change as little as possible, both
physically and visually the pasture and artistic work, keeping the livestock use, so that it remains with the
use and physiognomy who f ound the artist bef ore intervening. in this sense, they have avoided earthworks
which would have altered the topography and natural runof f have been used local materials, existing energy
prey in place and most of the waste is recycled in situ.
Following this line, the building Inf ormation Point wooden construyeen, pref abricated in workshop and then
assembled in situ, slightly elevated above the ground to avoid changing the natural environment in its
construction phase, use and removal, as a building perched on the f loor. Laenvolvente has high levels of
insulation and airtightness and the outer skin of the building is wooden f looring chestnut 90x20mm type S1,
battens, f orming a ventilated chamber that protects you f rom the sun and aging naturally no longer leading
treatment chemical.
From the energy point of view the building is self -suf f icient and local energy supplies, sun and biomass. By 14
photovoltaic panels that charge 24 batteries, system that allows a range of 2 days sun sinradiación, all
electricity needs are covered. Ductable heating is a stove with built-in f an that uses the own wood of pruning
of the pasture as biomass.
Maggio ri de t t agli sul pro ge t t o :
http://ibarro laengaro za.o rg/pro yecto /arquitectura/ m/blo g/pro yec (...)
At t e ndibilit à de i dat i :
Auto -dichiarazio ne
// Stakeholders
No me : Fundació n Aso cio de Ávila
Iban Jaén
Sito web : http://www.fundacio naso cio .co m/
Azio ne : Lo cal Actio n Gro up pro ject spo nso r.
No me : Iban Jaén Ro dríguez-Carrascal
c/ Luis Larraínza, 1 28 0 0 2 Madrid. T: 9 1 416 349 7 [email protected] m
Sito web : o lstudio .co m
Azio ne : Autho r o f the pro ject and co nstructio n manager
No me : Daniel Carpio Hernández
Azio ne : technical architect, directo r o f the executio n o f the wo rk.
No me : Mabitat So lutio ns S.L.
Pablo Sabin - Po lígo no Industrial San Andrés de So ria. Parcela 12. 4216 3 (Almarza) SORIA
Sito web :
Azio ne : Co nstructio n co mpany specializing in wo o d wo rks
T ipo lo gia co nt rat t uale :
Co ntraente generale
Appro ccio de l pro prie t ario alla so st e nibilit à e ne rge t ica : The Aso cio Ávila Fo undatio n has been financing and
advising public and private develo pers fo r 15 years. Their aim is to develo pe rural areas o f their co unties. This so cial,
eco no mic and cultural appro ach is acco mpanied by a special care fo r the enviro nment and energy efficiency o f the pro jects as
a key aspect to their survival and the survival o f the enviro nment in which they are implanted.
De scrizio ne archit e t t o nica : In the o verall perfo rmance and the design o f the building, the appro ach was to change as
little as po ssible, bo th physically and visually the pasture and artistic wo rk, keeping the livesto ck use, so that it remains with the
use and physio gno my he fo und the artist befo re intervening. In this sense, they have avo ided earthwo rks which wo uld have
altered the to po graphy and natural runo ff. Lo cal materials have been used, existing energy prey in place and mo st o f the waste
is recycled in situ. Fo llo wing this line, the building Info rmatio n Po int is built in wo o d, prefabricated in wo rksho p and then
assembled in situ, slightly elevated abo ve the gro und to avo id changing the natural enviro nment in its co nstructio n phase, use
and disassembly, as a building perched o n the flo o r. The envelo pe has high levels o f insulatio n and airtightness and the
exterio r o f the building is wo o den flo o ring chestnut 9 0 x20 mm type S1, battens, fo rming a ventilated chamber that pro tects yo u
fro m the sun and aging naturally since no chemical treatment was perfo rmed.
Fro m the energy po int o f view the building is self-sufficient and lo cal energy supplies, sun and bio mass. By 14 pho to vo ltaic
panels that charge 24 batteries, system that allo ws a range o f 2 days witho ut sunlight, all electricity needs are co vered.
Ductable heating is a sto ve with built-in fan that uses the o wn wo o d o f pruning o f the pasture as bio mass.
// Energia
Energy consumption
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria : 34,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria de l m e de sim o e dif icio co st ruit o se co ndo gli st andard m inim i pre vist i dalla no rm at iva vige nt e :
8 1,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Me t o do di calco lo : RD: 47/20 0 7
CEEB : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / €
Co nsum o di e ne rgia f inale : 75,0 0 kWh FE/m 2 /year
Ripart izio ne de l co nsum o di e ne rgia prim aria no n rinno vabile in uso :
kWh / m2 year; ACS 11 kWh / m2 year; Lighting: 17.8 kWh / m2 year
Heating: 5.3 kWh / m2 year; Co o ling: 0
Performance dell'involucro
T rasm it t anza : 0 ,29 W.m -2 .K-1
Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : The mo dules used as walls, flo o rs and ro o fs are so lid wo o d framing (certified fro m
sustainably managed fo rests), filled with rigid ro ck wo o l and braced with plywo o d. they have a thickness o f 24 cm in flo o rs
and ro o fs and facades 14 cm, which are respectively 22 and 12 cm thick insulatio n, with transmittances o f 0 .15 and 0 .24 W /
m2K. The exterio r o f the building is wo o den flo o ring 9 0 x20 mm chestnut type S1, battens, fo rming a ventilated chamber that
pro tects yo u fro m the sun and aging naturally with no chemical treatment applied. Fo r the ho les maximum energy efficiency
systems have been cho sen with fixed triple glazing glass with argo n gas chambers and a lo w emissio n sheet and
o penable do uble glazed with argo n gas and a lo w emissio n sheet.
Co e f f icie nt e di co m pat t e zza de ll\'e dif icio (f at t o re di f o rm a s/v) : 0 ,48
Indicat o re : HE1 BD (I4) m 3 /H.m 2 n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
// Fonti Rinnovabili e Impianti
Im piant o di riscaldam e nt o :
Wo o d bo iler
Im piant o di pro duzio ne di acqua calda sanit aria :
Caldaia elettrica indipendente
Im piant o di raf f re scam e nt o :
Nessun sistema di raffrescamento
Im piant o di ve nt ilazio ne :
Ventilazio ne naturale
Ventilazio ne no tturna
Sist e m i pe r lo sf rut t am e nt o di f o nt i di e ne rgia rinno vabili :
So lare fo to vo ltaico
Caldaia a legna
Pro duzio ne di e ne rgia rinno vabile : 10 0 ,0 0 %
14 integrated pho to vo ltaic panels have been installed o n the ro o f, who se fo rm is derived to achieve the o ptimal tilt to
capture the largest po ssible surface and to install panels if mo re energy is needed fo r o ther uses o r future buildings.
Sto rage o ccurs in 24 batteries lo cated in the lo wer part o f the building where the inverter and co ntro l system are. The
building pro duces 30 % mo re energy than needed, surplus energy to be devo ted to supplying electricity to o ther elements o f
the exhibitio n, such as public to ilets and night beaco ning.
So lut io ns e nhancing nat ure f re e gains : Night ventilatio n
// Prestazioni ambientali
GHG emissions
Em issio ni di Gas se rra in f ase di ut ilizzo :
Me t o lo gia ut ilizzat a : RD-47-20 0 7
Durat a de ll'e dif icio : 20 ,0 0 year(s)
0 KgCO 2 /m 2 /year
Water & Indoor air quality
Co nsum o dal sist e m a idrico :
16 ,0 0 m 3
Co nsum o di acque grigie : 0 m 3
Co nsum o di acque m e t e o riche re cupe rat e : 0 m 3
Indice di aut o suf f icie nza pe r i co nsum i idrici : 0 %
Co nsum o idrico /m 2 : 0 ,32 m 3 /m 2
Co nsum o idrico /unit à f unzio nale : 8 ,0 0 m 3 /Clienti
In the paddo ck there is no municipal drinking-water o r water in the gro und so the water is carried in tanks o f 50 0 0 liters are
sto red in tanks. A 4 times recharge is expected every year since the co nsumptio n o f water is small. Regarding the treatment
system, a vertical flo w wetland has been installed at the subsurface, that filters and purifies wastewater o rganically, then
po uring it to the gro und by drainage ditches. In the future, it has been pro po sed to co llect the water and take it to a cistern to
supply tanks in the building and public to ilets installed o utside.
Aco ust ic co m f o rt : The building has an excellent aco ustic enviro nment since it is made o f wo o d.
Daylight f act o r : To das las estancias salvo el baño tienen luz natural. La zo na de o ficina además tiene amplias vistas
so bre la dehesa para co ntro lar la expo sició n y a lo s visitantes.
// Prodotti
Chestnut wood f acade and cover
Pro dut t o re : Siero lam S.A.
Co nt at t o : Lo s Cueto s, s/n Argüelles, Siero . 3318 8 Asturias ; 9 8 5 742 0 12
Sit o we b: http://www.siero m/
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere di finitura / Partizio ni, iso lamento
De scrizio ne :
Brushed chestnut wo o d slats
Co m m e nt i:
Wide acceptance by the public and pro fessio nals.
// Costi
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 9 2 9 43 €
Construction and exploitation costs
Co st o t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio : 9 2 9 43,0 0 €
Sussidi f inanziari : 9 2 9 43,0 0 €
// Qualità della pianificazione urbana
Am bie nt e urbano : The building is in a meado w o f o aks with livesto ck use o f 11 hectares, lo cated abo ut two kilo meters
fro m the center o f the to wn o f Muño galindo .
Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'are a di int e rve nt o :
Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio :
Spazi ve rdi ad uso co m une :
110 0 0 0 m 2
64 %
Num e ro di parche ggi : There is no public parking in the pasture to avo id the impact that the infrastructure and vehicles
might cause to the enviro nment and the artistic wo rk. An access ro ad has benn co nditio ned taking advantage o f an existing
easement step fo r access o f wo rkers o f the Fo undatio n, supply, maintenance and emergency equipment.
// Qualità ambientale dell'edificio
Qualit à am bie nt ale de ll\'e dif icio :
Co mfo rt (visivo , o lfattivo , termico )
Energia da fo nti rinno vabili
Integrazio ne ambientale
Pro cessi di co struzio ne
// Concorsi
Categorie del concorso
Lo w Carbo n , Sustainable Co nstructio n Grand Prize , Users' Cho ice Award