Notice to the Public Boil Water Notice lifted for parts of Tutuila


Notice to the Public Boil Water Notice lifted for parts of Tutuila
American Samoa
Power Authority
In reply refer to:
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Phone: (699) 699-5282
Facsimile: (684) 699-7067
Notice to the Public Boil Water Notice lifted for parts of Tutuila The American Samoa Power Authority is happy to announce that the most western part of the island has been lifted from the existing Boil Water Notice. The area now off the notice starts from the Pulenu’u To’a Tuitasi residence going west in the village of Malaeloa village, at the Lepuapua and Taputimu intersection going west to Poloa and from Tuatagaloa’s in Taputimu heading west through Vailoa all the way to Poloa. However, there are key gate valves in these areas that separate the Leone Hydraulic District from the rest of the water which still needs to be under the Boil Water Notice advisory. The ASPA and AS‐EPA continue to work together on removing more villages in the immediate area from the on going Boil Water Notice and we hope to notice the public on these additional villages in the near future. All the villages or areas East, heading towards Tafuna, of these gate valves and locations are still under the Boil Water Notice. This includes the existing Boil Water Notice affecting the Tafuna area all the way to Leloaloa. The ASPA would like to acknowledge the American Samoa Environmental Protection Agency for their efforts in assisting ASPA in resolving the Boil Water Notice and the US‐EPA for their support. The accomplishment of removing septic tanks and cesspools, which were determined to be the sources of E‐Coli contamination, from the areas around the contaminated wells highlight the success of both agencies ongoing collective efforts in dealing with the existing Boil Water Notice. The ASPA would also like to thank the Most Reverend John Quinn Weitzel, Bishop of the Diocese Samoa‐Pago Pago (American Samoa), St. Theresa’s School, Contractor Lorgio Baul and the residents of Malaeloa for their cooperation in allowing ASPA to expedite the needed work to complete this project. There is still a lot of work to be done to remove other villages from the Boil Water Notice and the ASPA continues to ask the Public for their patience as we strive to protect our water supply. This includes assistance with land issues, removal of septic tanks and cesspools as well as following permitted guidelines for building proper waste water systems, especially in areas not served by a sewer line. Please remove any illegal piggeries, trash dumpsites and refrain from activities around streams and wells that will cause any contamination or harm to our water supply. Our actions on land affect and can contaminate our water supply in the ground. We all need to do our part to protect our water supply. ASPA Management Fa’aaliga mo Tagata Lautele Aveesea Lapataiga o le Fa’apunaina o le Suavai Taumafa i ni vaega o le Motu o Tutuila I le ava ma le fa’aaloalo e tatau ai, ua fiafia le Matagaluega o le Eletise ma le Suavai Taumafa e fa’ailoa atu – ua mafai ona taofia le fa’apupunaina o le suavai po’o le Boil Water Notice (BWN) mo pa’aga totogi pili o lo’o alaala i nu’u i le itu i sisifo o Tutuila. O lenei fa’asilasilaga e a’afia ai aiga uma e amata mai i le Laoa o Tuitasi (pulenu’u) i le a’ai i Malaeloa e aga’i atu i sisifo (Leone); le magatolu o Lepuapua ma Taputimu e aga’i atu i Poloa; ma le maota o Tuatagaloa i Taputimu e aga’i atu i Vailoa ma fa’asolo atu ai i Poloa. O lo’o galulue so’otau’au pea le ASPA ma le Ofisa mo le Puipuiga o le Si’osi’omaga (AS‐EPA) ina ia mafai ona ave ese isi alaalafaga i lenei itu o le motu, mai le fa’apupunaina o le suavai. Ua iai nei galuega o lo’o fa’atinoina ma o lo o iai le fa’amoemoe e toe vave o’o atu se isi fa’asilasilaga i se taimi lata mai. Ae mo le taimi nei, o nu’u uma i Sasa’e o alaalafaga ua ta’ua i luga e aga’i atu i Tafuna – fa’amolemole fa’aauau pea le fa’apupunaina o le suavai. O alaalafaga uma fo’i e amata mai Tafuna se’i pa’ia Leloaloa o lo’o iai pea i lalo o le fa’asilasilaga e fa’apupuna le suavai taumafa (BWN). E fia fa’ailoa atu fo’i lo matou agaga fa’afetai tele i le Ofisa o le Puipuiga o le Si’osi’omaga (AS‐
EPA), ona o lo latou fesoasoani malosi i le taumafaiga a le ASPA, e si’itia le fa’asilasilaga mo le fa’apupunaina o le suavai. O le ave’eseina o tane tuai mo suavai lafoa’i mai fanua na a’afia ai vaieli i siama o le E‐Coli, e atagia mai ai le taua tele o le galulue fa’atasi o le ASPA, le AS‐EPA, ma le mamalu o le atunu’u ‐ ina ia puipuia le suavai taumafa. E momoli atu fo’i le matou fa’afetai tele i le afio’aga o Malaeloa, le a’oga fou o St. Theresa aemaise le Afioga I le Vaopunimatagi – le Tama Epikopo Quinn Weitzel, ma le Susuga ia Lorgio Baul i le lagolagoina o le galuega a le ASPA aua le puipuia o a tatou vaieli. Matou te fa’amalulu atu ona ua matou solivale i fanua, ae o le agaga lava ina ia saogalemu le suavai taumafa. O lo’o telē pea le galuega e mana’omia ona fa’atino ina ia mafai ona matua ave’ese uma alaalafaga o lo’o a’afia i lalo o le fa’asilasilaga e fa’apupunaina le suavai, ma e fa’atagisia pea lo outou fesoasoani a’o galulue le ASPA e puipui le suavai taumafa. Matou te fa’alatalata atu pea i le paia ma le mamalu o le tatou atunu’u, ina ia fa’autagia lelei tulafono mo le fausia o lo’ilo’i (sai o mea tua’olō) ma tane mo le suavai lafoa’i – aemaise vaega o le atunu’u e le o o’o atu ai le laina mo le suavai lafoa’i (sewer line). Fa’amolemole, ‘aua ne’i lafoa’i ni otaota pe fa’alatalata ni nofoaga mo lapisi i a tatou ala vai ma vaieli – aua o nei gaioiga e a’afia ai ma fa’aleagaina ai le suavai taumafa. O a tatou galuega fa’atino i luga o le eleele e matua a’afia ai le suavai o lo’o pamuina mai i luga mo le tatou fa’aaogaina. O le tatou tiute tauave o le galulue fa’atasi e fa’asaogalemu ma puipui le suavai taumafa mo nei ma le lumana’i o le atunu’u. Ma le fa’aaloalo lava, Pulega o le Eletise ma le Suavai 

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