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Settimana 39 No.72 ,30 Settembre 2013
La Stampa, 28-09-2013, Siria, sì del Consiglio di sicurezza Onu alla risoluzione sul disarmo di Assad, Si tratta di un documento dal carattere vincolante, come avevano chiesto a chiare lettere
Cina e Stati Uniti. «E’ una grande vittoria della comunità internazionale», avverte il presidente Barack Obama.
Il Sole 24 Ore, 27-09-2013, La Cina vende missili alla Turchia, Paese Nato. Cina preferita a Usa e consorzio italo-francese, Ankara ha annunciato, a sorpresa, di aver siglato un accordo per
l'acquisto di missili a lungo raggio e di un sistema di difesa missilistica per un valore di 4 miliardi di dollari con una azienda cinese, una società per di più colpita da sanzioni dagli Stati Uniti, il
maggior alleato di Ankara.
Agi China 24, 27-09-2013, Scambi Cina-Russia quadruplicheranno, I volumi degli scambi commerciali di fonti energetiche tra Russia e Cina nel 2025 saranno quattro volte superiori ai valori
Agi China 24, 27-09-2013, Internet libero nella zona economica di Qianhai, Dopo Shanghai è il turno di Qianhai, zona economica vicino Shenzhen, dove si avrà libero accesso a internet.
Agi China 24, 27-09-2013, Xiaomi, il marchio cinese che sbaraglia l’apple, In Cina è il marchio di smartphone del momento, sta riscuotendo molto successo e sembra destinato a irrompere presto
sulla scena internazionale.
Agi China 24, 27-09-2013, La successione nelle aziende, Secondo i dati dell’Accademia cinese di Scienze sociali, più di 3 milioni di imprese private dovranno fare i conti con il problema della
successione nei prossimi 5-10 anni, quando la prima generazione di imprenditori raggiungerà l’età pensionabile.
Il Sole 24 Ore, 28-09-2013, Le acciaierie cinesi sostengono i prezzi del minerale in ferro, Da mesi Pechino sta sfornando acciaio a un ritmo che fa stimare una produzione annualizzata di 780 se
non addirittura 800 milioni di tonnellate: rispetto all'anno scorso si tratterebbe di un incremento superiore al 10 per cento.
China Files, 26-09-2013, Autocritica, compagni!, Xi Jinping ha recentemente partecipato a numerose riunioni formali in cui i funzionari provinciali sono stati incoraggiati a fare autocritica.
Agi China 24, 27-09-2013, Anti-tectonics: l'Italia alla Design week di Pechino, E' stato presentato oggi il programma "Anti-tectonics" di collaborazione tra architetti e designer italiani e
internazionali. Il programma, è stato presentato all'interno del padiglione realizzato dagli architetti promotori dell'iniziativa nello spazio 751.
The Guardian, 28-09-2013, Silvio Berlusconi ministers resign and leave Italian economy in chaos, The Italian centre-right leader's announcement will likely lead to new elections or formation of
a new coalition.
Reuters, 29-09-2013, Italian political crisis threatens to split Berlusconi camp, Silvio Berlusconi's bid to push Italy into new elections faces a test on Monday when he meets lawmakers from his
center-right party who have shown growing unease over his shock decision to pull support from Prime Minister Enrico Letta's coalition.
Reuters, 29-09-2013, Shares, dollar jolted by U.S., Italian politics, China disappoints, U.S. stock futures and the dollar came under pressure on Monday as a shutdown of the U.S. government
seemed increasingly likely, while the euro had political troubles of its own as the Italian government teetered on the edge of collapse.
The Guardian, 29-09-2013, Italy: on the brink, once again, The eurozone's third-biggest economy is struggling to emerge from a two-year recession, a €2tn public debt and youth unemployment
of 40%. If the yield gap between Italian and German 10-year bonds does indeed widen significantly when the markets open today, Mr Berlusconi is playing with fire.
Reuters, 29-09-2013, Italy to face international pressure if crisis drags on, Italy could face pressure from international partners if the current political crisis persists and reverberates through the
euro zone.
Reuters, 29-09-2013, Italian president hopes to solve political crisis without new vote, Italy's president began talks on Sunday to pull the country out of a new political crisis, attempting to
undercut a move by former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to bring down the government and force new elections seven months after the last vote.
China Daily, 30-09-2013, Investing a nation's wealth wisely, Ding Xuedong, the new chairman of the sovereign wealth fund, had recently remarked that these are indeed tumultuous times for the
global financial markets, as there are several uncertainties.
China Daily, 30-09-2013, Silver screen takes on a new dimension, Chinese cinema has come out of the shadows in recent years as far as Western audiences are concerned, with an increasing
number of movies making it to screens in Europe and the US. Collaboration between Hollywood and the Chinese film industry is also at an all time high as the film moguls of Los Angeles seek to cash
in on China's huge box office potential.
China Daily, 30-09-2013, China to upgrade tourism industry, A Daxin government official, who did not want to be named, said the infrastructure for the county's tourism industry is failing to
meet demand due to an under-developed economy and a lack of comprehensive management in the sector.
China Daily, 30-09-2013, Siemens to cut 15,000 jobs by autumn 2014, The German engineering giant Siemens plans to cut 15,000 jobs, including 5,000 in Germany, by autumn 2014, a
spokesman said here on Sunday.
China Daily, 30-09-2013, Chinese hybrid rice yield hits record, A team led by Yuan Longping, known in China as "the father of hybrid rice" has made a record for hybrid rice production with an
average yield of 988.1 kilograms per mu (0.0667 hectares).
China Daily, 30-09-2013, Different strategic intentions, China and the US should enhance mutual understanding, foster greater trust and expand their common interests.
1 week change(%)
1 month change(%)
CSI 300 Index
AZ CSI300 Active Index
Hang Seng Index
Sept 23, 2013 – China September HSBC flash manufacturing PMI was at 51.2 vs estimates of 50.9.
Sept 23, 2013 – Standard & Poor's reported that China's real GDP could grow 7% to 7.5% in 2013 and beyond, a level that will be the new normal.
Sept 27, 2013 – Shanghai free trade zone was officially launched today.
YTD change(%)
1 week change(bps)
1 month change(bps)
YTD change(bps)
7 Day Repo
1 year Deposit Rate
7 Years Government Bond
Demand Deposit Rate
Sept 24, 2013 – The PBOC added 88 billion RMB using 6-day reverse repo agreements at an unchanged yield of 3.9%. That was the highest amount since 410 billion RMB of 14-day agreements were auctioned on Feb 7. before
the week long Lunar New Year break, and compares with 8 billion RMB of 7-day contracts a week ago.
Sept 26, 2013 – The PBOC deputy governor said China will allow trading of certificates of deposit between banks.
Sept 26, 2013 – The PBOC conducted 80 billion RMB via 14-day reverse repo agreements at 4.1%. The PBOC injected a net 150.1 billion RMB this week.
Sept 27, 2013 – The Reuters reported that the PBOC asked 20 Chinese banks to submit plans and desired quotas for collateralized loan obligation trials.
1 week change(%)
1 month change(%)
YTD change(%)
RMB down 0.11%
RMB down 0.03%
RMB up 1.74%
RMB up 0.03%
RMB up 0.04%
RMB up 1.83%
EUR down 0.25%
EUR up 1.21%
EUR up 0.53%
Sept 24, 2013 –Morgan Stanley predicts that the RMB would appreciate gradually and slowly in the medium term.
Sept 24, 2013 –RMB appreciated a little bit this week and already up 1.83% YTD with the mid-price reaching a new high this week.
Source: China Market Weekly Update provided by AZ Investment Management
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