Curriculum vitae - Fondazione ISMU


Curriculum vitae - Fondazione ISMU
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Simona Bodo
Date of birth
[email protected]
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
From 2003 onwards
Independent consultant
Team expert (planning, training, evaluation, editorial consultant) in the framework of two intercultural
projects :
“A Brera anch’io. The museum as a platform for intercultural dialogue” (addressed to primary and
secondary schools; planning started in 2003, running since 2007)
“Brera: another story. Intercultural trails in the museum” (addressed to an adult audience; running
since 2012)
Soprintendenza for the historical, artistic and ethno-anthropological heritage of Milan – Brera Picture
via Brera, 28 – 20121 Milan (Italy) Website:
National Picture Gallery
From 2005 onwards
Independent consultant / researcher
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
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Simona Bodo
developing a new area of research and training, aimed at exploring the potential contribution of
heritage institutions in promoting intercultural exchange and understanding (conferences and
seminars; handbooks; training courses for museum professionals, educators and mediators)
creating and editing the on-line resource “Patrimonio e Intercultura” (“Heritage and Interculture”,
English version available) (
developing and running joint intercultural projects with museum institutions (Museum of Peoples
and Cultures, Milan: “TAM TAM – The Museum for All” project, 2010-2012)
promoting and coordinating the open call for young artists and cultural institutions “Art, Heritage
and Human Rights” in partnership with Connecting Cultures (since 2010)
Fondazione ISMU (ISMU Foundation - Initiatives and Studies on Multiethnicity)
via Copernico 1 – 20125 Milan (Italy) Website:
Research foundation on immigration and integration issues
From 2005 onwards
Independent consultant (external evaluator, editorial consultant, trainer of museum staff)
Advisor in several European projects supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European
Union (e.g. project evaluator, editorial consultant, trainer): “LLML - Lifelong Museum Learning” (20052007), “MTMS - Museums Tell Many Stories” (2005-2007), “MAP for ID - Museums as Places for
Intercultural Dialogue” (2007-2009,, see publications in Annex 1), “MumAE –
Museums meet Adult Educators” (2009-2010), “LEM – the Learning Museum” (2010-2013,
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Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
IBC Regione Emilia-Romagna (Institute for Cultural Heritage of Emilia-Romagna regional
via Galliera 21 – 40121 Bologna (Italy) Website: (see in particular
“European projects” section)
Regional cultural institute
From 2005 onwards
Independent consultant / researcher
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Italy’s national correspondent on the issues of intercultural dialogue, social cohesion and cultural
policies for the “Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe”
team expert (heritage and museum sector) in a study on national approaches to intercultural
dialogue for the European Commission (“Sharing Diversity. National approaches to intercultural
dialogue in Europe”,, 2007).
ERICarts Institute - European Research Institute for Comparative Cultural Policy and the Arts
Irmintrudisstr. 17 - 53111 Bonn (Germany) Website:
European research institute
From July to December 2011
Independent consultant / researcher (member of a research team coordinated by ECCOM - European
Centre of Cultural Organisation and Management)
Team expert involved in the drafting of the call for proposal “Promoting innovative forms of cultural
participation”, addressed to national museums, archaeological sites and monuments
Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali – DG Enhancement of the Cultural Heritage
via del Collegio Romano 27 – 00186 Rome (Italy) Website:
Italian Ministry for the Heritage and Cultural Activities
From November 2008 to March 2009
Occupation or position held
Independent consultant / researcher
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Co-author of a study on “Culture and Social Inclusion” on behalf of Fondazione Cariplo, aimed at
providing the Foundation with practical suggestions/recommendations to develop a new grant
programme specifically devoted to promoting the inclusive potential of cultural policies in deprived
neighbourhoods. So far, two new calls for proposals have been launched in the framework of this
programme: “Developing New Audiences for Culture” and “Promoting Social Cohesion through Public
Fondazione Cariplo
via Manin 23 - 20121 Milan (Italy) Website:
Banking foundation
Independent consultant / researcher
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
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co-author of the report on “Cultural policies and cultural diversity in the metropolitan area of
Rome” within the framework of CIRCLE’s research project “Metropolises of Europe: diversity in
urban cultural life” (2006)
project manager of two major international conferences: “When Culture Makes the Difference:
Heritage, Arts and Media in Multicultural Society” (Genoa, November 2004), and “Shifting
Cultures. Tools and Resources for an Intercultural City” (Milan, May 2005).
Associazione per l’Economia della Cultura (Italian Association for Cultural Economics)
via Mecenate, 59 – 00184 Roma (Italy) Website:
Independent non-profit research organisation in the field of cultural policies and economics
Independent consultant / researcher
Team expert in two research projects carried out by ECCOM on behalf of Compagnia di San Paolo, a
banking foundation based in Turin:
- “The cultural heritage as a vehicle of social cohesion” (2003-2004)
- “The role of the heritage and the arts in urban regeneration programmes” (2005-2006)
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Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
ECCOM – European Centre of Cultural Organisation and Management
via Emilia 81 – 00187 Rome (Italy) Website:
Independent non-profit research organisation in the field of cultural policies and economics
Institutional Relations Officer
Coordinating Assolombarda’s cultural projects, touching on the following issues: corporate museums,
new juridical and fiscal models to promote strategic partnerships between public and private sector in
the cultural field, public understanding of science and technology.
Assolombarda (Milan’s employer associations)
via Pantano 9 – 20122 Milan (Italy) Website:
Employers’ association
Special consultant for the Museum Programme
Project manager and researcher:
- “Science Centre Project” (1997): a preliminary study for the setting up of a Science Centre in
Turin through the analysis and evaluation of major international case studies
- “The Relational Museum” (1998): a study on how art museums throughout Europe are rethinking
communication and dealing with changing values in contemporary society by developing creative
and innovative partnerships with their audiences.
Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli
via Giacosa 38 – 10125 Turin (Italy) Website:
Independent non-profit research institute in the field of human and social studies
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
From October 1990 to August 1991
Master in Museums & Galleries Administration
Thesis title: “Heritage exploitation in Italy and the ‘Cultural Mines’ programme”
City University, Department of Arts Policy and Management, London (UK)
BA in Literature with specialisation in Art History
Thesis title: “The Gonzaga collection of Novellara. A study of 18th century inventories and
Università degli Studi di Milano, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, Milan (Italy)
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
Spoken interaction
C2 Proficient user
C1 Proficient user
Spoken production
B1 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user
Proficient user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
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Proficient user
Proficient user
Social skills and competences
Organisational skills and
Computer skills and competences
sound experience in teamwork and co-heading working groups gained by taking part in several
research, action-research and training projects, both at a national and at an international level
good ability to work in a European dimension, developed as a team expert / advisor in several
international research projects (e.g. on behalf of the European Commission and the Council of
Europe) and through my work/study experience abroad (e.g. MA in London, internship at the
British Museum Education Department)
Sound skills and competences in:
- designing and running research projects and training courses
- writing research reports
- editing publications and web content
- organising conferences/seminars
developed by undertaking work for local authorities, NGOs, cultural bodies and foundations, transgovernmental bodies
Competent with most Microsoft Office programmes
Additional information -
I am individual member of the Platform for Intercultural Europe (
My work experience also includes: Fitzcarraldo Foundation, Turin (1993-1997): research
coordinator in heritage issues; British Museum Education Department, London (1991-1992):
team member for the education programme of a major exhibition on Rembrandt’s drawings
Since 2004 I have been lecturing widely in a variety of contexts (university degrees, MAs, training
courses for museum staff, cultural workers, intercultural mediators), and have taken part in
numerous conferences and symposia both as a speaker and as a moderator
My publications include “Museums as places for intercultural dialogue: selected practices from
Europe” (with K. Gibbs and M. Sani, 2009), “Quando la cultura fa la differenza. Patrimonio, arti e
media nella società multiculturale” (“When culture makes the difference. Heritage the arts and
media in multicultural society”, with M. R. Cifarelli, 2006), “Il museo relazionale” (“The relational
museum”, 2000).
Annexes Essential bibliography
Annex I – Essential Bibliography
S. Bodo, S. Mascheroni (2012), Educare al patrimonio in chiave interculturale. Guida per educatori e mediatori museali, Fondazione Ismu, Collana
“Strumenti”, Milan.
S. Bodo, K. Gibbs, M. Sani (2009) (eds.), Museums as places for intercultural dialogue: selected practices from Europe, MAP for ID partners, Dublin,
S. Bodo, E. Daffra, R. Giorgi, S. Mascheroni, A. Montalbetti, M. Sozzi (2007), A Brera anch’io. Il museo come terreno di dialogo interculturale,
Soprintendenza per il Patrimonio Storico Artistico ed Etnoantropologico di Milano e della Lombardia Occidentale, Pinacoteca di Brera, Electa, Milan.
S. Bodo, S. Cantù, S. Mascheroni (eds.) (2007), Progettare insieme per un patrimonio interculturale, Quaderni ISMU 1/2007, Fondazione ISMU,
S. Bodo, M. R. Cifarelli (eds.) (2006), Quando la cultura fa la differenza. Patrimonio, arti e media nella società multiculturale, Meltemi, Rome
(English versions of most essays available on the website, section “Le pubblicazioni”, sub-section “Volumi”).
S. Bodo (ed.) (2005), Culture in movimento. Strumenti e risorse per una città interculturale, proceedings of the international symposium organised by
Provincia di Milano and Associazione per l’Economia della Cultura (Milan, 12-13 maggio 2005), M&B Publishing, Milan.
S. Bodo, C. Da Milano (eds.) (2004), themed issue on “Culture and Social Inclusion”, Economia della Cultura, n. 4/2004, Il Mulino, Bologna.
S. Bodo (ed.) (2003), Il museo relazionale. Riflessioni ed esperienze europee, Edizioni Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Turin (first edition 2000)
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Articles / essays (published in English)
S. Bodo (2013), "New Paradigms for Intercultural Work in Museums – or Intercultural Work as a New Paradigm for Museum Practice?", article
published on the "The Incluseum" blog (
S. Bodo (2012), «Museums as intercultural spaces», in R. Sandell, E. Nightingale (eds.), Museums, Equality and Social Justice, Routledge, London
and New York, pp. 181-191.
S. Bodo (2009), «Museums and the challenge of promoting intercultural dialogue», in D. Ilczuk, M. Nowak, A. Stępniewska (eds.), Intercultural
dialogue in contemporary metropolis, City of Warsaw Culture Department – Pro Cultura Foundation, Warsaw.
S. Bodo (2008), «From “heritage education with intercultural goals” to “intercultural heritage education”: conceptual framework and policy
approaches in museums across Europe» (, in ERICarts
Institute, Sharing Diversity. National approaches to intercultural dialogue in Europe.
C. Bodo, S. Bodo (2006), “Cultural policies and cultural diversity in the metropolitan area of Rome”, in D. Ilczuk, R. Isar (eds.), Metropolises of
Europe: diversity in urban cultural life, CIRCLE Publication 14, Pro Cultura Foundation, Warsaw.
Commissioned reports
S. Bodo, C. Da Milano, S. Mascheroni (2009), Periferie, cultura e inclusione sociale, final report of a survey carried out on behalf of Fondazione
Cariplo, “Quaderni dell’Osservatorio”, n. 1, March 2009 ( ).
S. Bodo, P. Ciocca, L. Moreschini, W. Santagata (2002), Il Progetto Science Center e il sistema della divulgazione scientifica a Torino, Ebla Center
– Dipartimento di Economia dell’Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin, April 2002.
S. Bodo (1998), L’esperienza internazionale degli Science Centre – Concetti, modelli, esperienze, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Contributi di
Ricerca, Turin, March 1998.
S. Bodo, P. Castelnovi, L. Dal Pozzolo (1997), Musei e beni culturali a Torino – Problemi di settore, problemi di sistema: tra gestione e
valorizzazione delle risorse, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Contributi di Ricerca, Turin, September 1997.
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