Incontro con le famiglie e gli studenti – preparazione Meeting Creta Si


Incontro con le famiglie e gli studenti – preparazione Meeting Creta Si
Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Statale “Alessandro Volta”
Chimica, Materiali e Biotecnologie
Grafica e Comunicazione
Trasporti e Logistica
Circolare n.012
[email protected]
Via Assisana, 40/E - loc. Piscille - 06135 Perugia
Centralino 075.31045 fax 075.31046 C.F. 80005450541
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Meccanica, Meccatronica ed Energia
Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica
Informatica e Telecomunicazioni
Perugia 06 settembre 2016
All'attenzione degli Studenti
Barbalata Dumitru
Bhuiyan Saniel Amin
Stanzione Luigi
Gelosi Edoardo
Masciolini Luca
Turriziani Luca
Moretti Tommaso
Palazzoni Giorgio
Alle Famiglie interessate
Ai Docenti Accompagnatori
Proff. Bucigni, Mattiacci,
Pignatelli, Ruoppolo
Oggetto: Incontro con le famiglie e gli studenti – preparazione Meeting Creta
Si comunica che giorno 8 Settembre alle ore 18.15 si terrà un incontro con le famiglie , gli
studenti ed i docenti interessati per comunicazioni relative allo scambio che si terrà a Creta dal 25
Settembre al 30 Settembre 2016, nell'ambito del progetto Erasmus M.A.T.H.S.
coloro che eventualmente non potessero partecipare sono pregati di contattare la prof.
In allegato i moduli da compilare da studenti e/o genitori, da consegnare giorno 8 settembre
Prof.ssa Rita Coccia
Rules of conduct
The rules of conduct signed in the Parental/Guardian consent form are as follows:
1. The pupil is required to participate fully in project activities and to strictly respect the mobility
2. Smoking is forbidden. Abuse of alcohol and use of drugs are strictly forbidden.
3. Driving of any motorised vehicle is not allowed.
4. Responsible behaviour is required all the time.
5. The pupil must respect the authority of sending and hosting school teachers as long as he/she is
attending common activities at school or outside together with the mobility group.
6. The pupil must respect the authority of the host family as long as he/she is under the family
responsibility at the end of each common activity and during the night as planned in the
7. The pupil must try every effort to match the family rules and to respect their habits and decisions
about what to do in the free time and evenings.
8. The pupil is not allowed to go out alone or without family permission even if he/she is with some
other pupils of the group. Host family must always know where the pupils are.
9. The pupil is not allowed to sleep by a hosting family different from the one assigned, even if is a
family also involved in the mobility.
10. The pupils must alert immediately the teachers in charge of the project and mobility in case of any
problem or emergency, according to the Crisis Action Plan.
Accepted and signed by:
Date, place
Sending school
Parent / Guardian
Allegato 2
Parental/guardian consent form
Name of participant:
Home address:
Mobility period: from_________ to_________
Host School_______________________________________________________________________
The signing of this form by the parent(s)/guardian(s) before the start of the activity is an absolute
condition for participation. The priority is to ensure the safety of all participants at all times and your full
cooperation is essential in this regard.
As a parent/guardian of the above pupil,
- I hereby give my consent to his/her participation in the above Erasmus Multilateral Project,
including prior preparation and subsequent follow-up activities;
- I confirm that I have received adequate information concerning the Erasmus Multilateral Project
and the practical details of the exchange and have received the documentation on crisis management and
rules of conduct;
- I agree that he/she during this stay will be under the authority of, and be responsible to, the teacher
in charge of the project and the mobility, the host school and the host family;
- My child is aware of the rules of conduct agreed between the sending and host school for the stay
and is familiar with the crisis procedures, and he/she will act in accordance with them;
- I accept that it may be necessary to send my child home earlier in the following circumstances:
(1) In case of a serious breach of the following rules:
The pupil is required to participate fully in project activities and to strictly respect the mobility
o Abuse of alcohol and use of drugs is strictly forbidden.
o Driving of any motorised vehicle is not allowed.
(2) If he/she displays behaviour that is deemed inappropriate or offensive to the host community,
endangers him/herself or other people, or causes damage to property
For medical reasons
I furthermore acknowledge that in case of (1) and (2), this will happen at my responsibility and cost;
- I agree to my child receiving necessary medication and any emergency dental, medical or surgical
treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities
- I agree to keep all personal data concerning host family confidential.
- I agree that the sending school will communicate the data concerning my child included in the Pupil
Application Form to the host school, and that the host school will transmit the relevant data to the family
which will host my child. All the personal data will be treated as confidential.
- I understand that photographs and film and video footage (the images) of current and former
exchange pupils are used for documentation of the action and could be published in the project website as
well as in the participant schools websites. They could be used also by each National Agency and European
Commission. By signing this Parental Consent Form, I grant to all the institutions involved the right to use,
publish and/or reproduce excerpts from interviews and letters, images and audio recordings of the pupil
taken during his/her involvement with the Comenius Multilateral Project.
Signature and date:
I do not agree to such use of the photographs, films and video footages of my child.
Signature and date
- I authorise the host family/the teachers for my child to sign any authorisation required by the school
for my child to participate in any school-sponsored activities, events or programmes.
- I am aware that my child must contribute to the final report which will be submitted by the sending
school to the Comenius National Agency. The model for the report will be provided by the school.
Agreed and accepted by:
(Parent/Guardian) Name in capital letters:
(Parent/Guardian) Name in capital letters:
(Pupil) Name in capital letters:
Contact details of the parent/guardian:
Mobile telephone:
E-mail address:
Allegato 3
Prof.ssa Rita Coccia