extra grammar


extra grammar
1. Sottolinea i soggetti nelle frasi seguenti e sostituiscili con i pronomi personali corrispondenti.
Mr Brown is a railway engineer.
He is a railway engineer.
Mr and Mrs Jones are engineers.
My sister and I are not English.
Barry is a technician.
My laboratory is big.
The dog is in the garden.
Sue is a secretary.
Mr Smith is a manager.
Paul and Mike are Italian.
2. Inserisci l’articolo indeterminativo corretto.
1) …… English dictionary
6) ....... aeroplane
2) …… bag
7) ....... table
3) …… bench
8) ....... camera
4) …… pencil
9) ........ chair
5) …… armchair
10) ....... desk
3. Completa con have o has.
1) Sue ………. a nice bedroom.
2) Tim ……… a big family.
3) I ……… an invitation to a party.
4) We .......... a new house.
B. Aggiungi got alle frasi ottenute.
C. Riscrivi le frasi ottenuti utilizzando la forma contratta.
D. Ora trasforma le frasi in C in forma negativa contratta.
4. Costruisci la 3° persona singolare del present simple dei seguenti verbi.
1) Catch……………
6) Carry...................
2) Make …………..
7) Watch..................
3) Kiss………………
8) Do..................
4) Hurry……………..
9) Go..................
5) Miss……………….
10) Say.................
5. Completa le frasi con il present simple dei verbi tra parentesi.
1) Nick and Sarah (work) ………………… in a bank.
2) He (drive) ………………… a Mercedes.
3) Tim (go) ………………… to the swimming pool every day.
4) Bill and Mary (live) ………………… in Liverpool.
5) He (know) ………………… a lot of people.
6) Jane (speak) ………………… Italian very well.
7) He is a porter and always (carry) ………………… heavy suitcases.
8) Tom (sing) ………………… in a pop group.
9) I usually (study) ………………… hard during the week.
10) She always (watch) ………………… TV after dinner.
6. Completa ciascuna frase con la forma corretta del present simple dei verbi tra parentesi.
1) I often (miss) ………………… it and (arrive) ………………… at school.
2) Jane (get) ………………… up at 7 o’clock, she (wash) ………………… and (have)
………………… breakfast.
3) I am lazy and I always (get) ………………… up late. I always (run) ………………… to the
4) After breakfast she (catch) ……………… the school bus. She never (miss) ………………… it.
5) She (go) ………………… home for lunch and in the afternoon she (do) ………………… her
1. Completa le seguenti frasi con il present continuous del verbo tra parentesi. Utilizza le forme intere
dell’ausiliare to be.
1) We (run) ……………………………….. to the bus stop.
2) They (go) ……………………………….. to school.
3) I (wear) ……………………………….. jeans.
4) He (play) ……………………………….. the guitar.
5) Mum is in the kitchen. She (make) ……………………………….. dinner.
6) She (sit) ……………………………….. on the chair.
7) Peter and hid brother(leave) ……………………………….. for Venice.
8) Sue (work) ……………………………….. in her office.
2. Costruisci frasi come nell’esempio.
I / watch TV. I /read a book
I’m not watching TV. I’m reading a book.
1) They / play football. They / watch a football match .......................................................................
2) She / paint the kitchen. She / paint her bedroom ............................................................................
3) She / get up. She / sleep ..................................................................................................................
4) They / look after the children. They / play cards ............................................................................
5) He / water the flowers. He / cut the grass .......................................................................................
3. Completa le frasi adeguatamente come nell’esempio.
I usually go to work by train but today I’m going by car.
1) We often watch TV but this evening ..............................................................................................
2) Mary often drinks coffee but this morning .....................................................................................
3) They usually spend their holiday in Italy but this summer .............................................................
4) We always have dinner at six but this evening ...............................................................................
5) My husband doesn’t like reading but now.......................................................................................
4. Completa ciascuna frase con il corretto aggettivo possessivo.
1) We are in ………. old house.
2) I’m Ann and this is ………. sister Betty.
3) Susan is in the park with ………. dog.
4) Tom, this is my cousin Mary and this is ………. friend Jenny.
5) Look at the cat! One of ………. leg is broken.
6) The children are at the cinema with ………. father.
7) He is German but ………. father is American.
8) She is English but ………. mother is German.
1. Completa le seguenti frasi con was o were.
1) They ………… born in New York.
2) She ………… at school yesterday.
3) That ………… a good idea.
4) My sisters ………… at home last night.
5) Mr Bean ………… in the sitting room.
6) Emma’s friends ………… at the restaurant.
7) The children ………… in their bedroom.
8) Mr Bean ………… at the theatre last night.
2. Coniuga i verbi tra parentesi al past simple facendo attenzione alle variazioni ortografiche.
1) They (stop) ……………………….. at the pub on the way home.
2) She (walk) ……………………….. to school yesterday.
3) They (live) ……………………….. in Paris last year.
4) He (travel) ……………………….. by plane last week.
5) He (carry) ……………………….. a lot of suitcase.
6) She (study) ……………………….. history yesterday.
7) They (play) ……………………….. tennis last Sunday.
8) We (prefer) ……………………….. to go to the seaside.
3. Scrivi il past simple dei seguenti verbi irregolari.
1) Fly
2) Begin
3) Feel
4) Become
5) Fall
6) Buy
7) Eat
8) Come
9) Drive
10) Do
4. Completa le frasi con il past simple dei verbi irregolari indicati tra parentesi.
1) She (write) ……………………a letter to her friend.
2) He (drink) ……………………too much last night.
3) She (get up) ……………………late this morning.
4) Manchester United (win) ……………………the match.
5) He (buy) ……………………a new book.
6) He (lend) ……………………me his car.
7) They (sell) ……………………their house in September.
8) They (spend) ……………………heir holidays in Spain.
5. Completa adeguatamente le frasi con il past simple dei verbi forniti.
run – lose – meet – buy – take – read – speak – sit
1) We ……………………on a comfortable sofa.
2) He ……………………the bus to go to school.
3) He ……………………English with some American managers.
4) They ……………………some cigarettes.
5) She ……………………an interesting book last week.
6) She ……………………home.
7) They ……………………their friends at the pub.
8) Mary ……………………her wallet yesterday.
1. Completa i paradigmi con il passato dei verbi elencati.
Base form
Past simple
Past participle
1) decide
2) walk
3) meet
4) do
5) write
6) make
7) drop
8) drink
2. Completa le frasi con il present perfect simple dei verbi tra parentesi.
1) Tom (bring) ……………………. my dictionary.
2) I (speak) ……………………. to him about me.
3) Tom (buy) ……………………. a new computer.
4) Peter (read) ……………………. his book.
5) Mark (win) ……………………. the race.
6) Jim (break) ……………………. his arm.
7) Mary (forget) ……………………. her ombrella.
8) They (call) ……………………. their friends.
3. Riscrivi le frasi con la forma corretta del present perfect simple del verbo. Inserisci gli avverbi
nella posizione corretta.
1) I (not / eat) ……………………… much recently.
2) I’m very tired because I (not / sleep) ……………………… all night.
3) (you / check) ……………………… the oil level?
4) The train (not / arrive / yet) ………………………
5) (you / not / see) ……………………… John?
6) this is the first time I (be) ……………………… on a car.
7) Tom (already / leave) ………………………
8) we (just / buy) ……………………… a little house.
4 . Inserisci gone oppure been.
1) Where have you ………..?
2) We have ………………. to London many times.
3) I have never ………………. to China.
4) Bill is not at home. He has ………………. to school.
5. Offri consigli ad un amico chiedendogli se ha fatto determinate cose nelle situazioni indicate. Guarda
1) The car engine doesn’t start.- check / battery?
Have you checked the battery?
2) We are driving to Paris today. – check / car?
3) I’ve got a terrible headache. – see a doctor?
4) My sister is having problems at school. – tell / parents? ..............................................................?
5) I can’t find my drill. –look /bench
6. Completa le seguenti frasi con for oppure since.
1) We watched TV…………….. an hour.
2) She has worked here …………….. two hours.
3) I have studied Japanese …………….. five years.
4) I haven’t seen him …………….. three weeks.
5) We haven’t written to each other…………….. 2000.
6) I have lived here…………….. I was born.
7) We haven’t met …………….. last month.
8) I have smoked …………….. Sunday.
7. Scegli l’alternativa corretta.
1) I a) ’ve done b) did a lot of work in the last few weeks ……………………….
2) I a )’ve been b) went to London two years ago ……………………….
3) It’s the second time I a) have been b) was here ……………………….
4) We a) met b) have met him many times ……………………….
5) I a) didn’t see b) haven’t seen this shop before ……………………….
6) Paul a) has just arrived b )just arrived ……………………….
8. Coniuga i verbi tra parentesi al past simple o al present perfect simple nella forma corretta.
1) We (meet) ……………….. Peter yesterday.
2) Last month my wife and I (drink) ……………….. good wine.
3) My secretary (read) ……………….. a lot of letters today.
4) I (never / be) ……………….. abroad.
5) Someone (break) ……………….. the window.
6) Yesterday I (buy) ……………….. a nice present for you.
7) We ( just / finish) ……………….. our breakfast.
8) I (live) ……………….. in this town since I was born.
9. Completa come nell’esempio.
A pen
two pens
1) A cargo
three …………..
2) A clutch
3) A winding
two ....................
4) An orange
three .................
5) A chair
four ...............
6) A banana
7) A computer
8) A conveyor
five …………
10. Scrivi il plurale dei seguenti sostantivi.
1) Dish ............................
2) Bus ............................
3) Glass............................
4) Match............................
5) Box............................
6) Watch............................
7) Brush............................
8) Address............................
11. Scrivi il plurale dei seguenti sostantivi.
1) Day............................
2) Lady............................
3) Party............................
4) Baby............................
5) Toy............................
6) City............................
7) Country............................
8) Family............................
12. Scrivi il plurale dei seguenti sostantivi.
1) Thief……………….
2) Knife……………….
3) Loaf……………….
4) Life……………….
5) Roof……………….
6) Shelf……………….
7) Wolf……………….
8) Wife……………….
13. Scrivi il singolare dei seguenti sostantivi plurali.
1) Men……………….
2) Radios……………….
3) Boxes……………….
4) Potatoes……………….
5) Teeth……………….
6) Babies……………….
7) Mice……………….
8) Children……………….
1. Trasforma le seguenti frasi in forma passiva. Ometti il complemento d’agente quando non è
1) Someone abandoned this dog in the street ………………………………………………
2) They make these t-shirt in China
3) Someone ran over him
4) Those boys are reading a book
5) She was watching us
6) They are building a new house
7) The police arrested the man
8) They are painting their house
2. Trasforma le frasi in forma passiva. Ometti il complemento d’agente quando non rilevante.
1) My dad builds this model car
2) A man feeds the animal twice a day
3) Mum had cleaned the house
4) The secretary is writing a letter
5) They have made these cars in America …
6) They have just used the computer
3. Scrivi le seguenti frasi in forma passiva nei tempi indicati tra parentesi.
1) English (speak) …………….. here. (present simple).
2) The new hospital (open) …………….. next year. (future simple)
3) The kitchen (paint) …………….. recently. (present perfect)
4) Ann ( not / see) …………….. for five days. (past perfect)
5) A table for four (book) …………….. (present perfect)
6) A lot of people(invite) …………….. to his party. (past simple)
4. Costruisci frasi passive utilizzando i suggerimenti forniti e coniugando i verbi al tempo adeguato.
1) A copy of this book / find / two hundred years ago ………………………………………..…
2) Our house / paint / last month
3) Lunch / serve / now
4) My car / repair / next week
5) An invitation / send / to you / in a few days ……………………………….…………………
6) The meal / cook / an hour before
5. Completa le seguenti frasi con preposizioni di moto through o across.
1) There is a path which goes …………. the wood.
2) It takes a long time to drive …………. the country.
3) He swam …………. the river and reached the other side.
4) I drove …………. the desert.
5) The train is going …………. the tunnel.
6) We walked …………. forest and reached a little village.
1. Indica se le seguenti frasi esprimono un’azione presente (P) o futura (F)
1) What are you doing? I’m washing the dishes.
2) Look! That’s Peter. Where is he going?
3) When are they coming?
4) What are you doing next summer? Are you going on holiday?
5) Where’s Jim? He’s in the sitting room.
2. Rispondi usando i suggerimenti per costruire frasi di senso compiuto.
What are they doing on Sunday afternoon?
1) Betty / work
2) Susan / stay / home
3) Mr Smith / go / see / football match
4) John / play / football
5) They / visit / friends
3. Completa le frasi utilizzando la forma corretta del present continuous.
1) Who (you / meet) ……………………………… at the conference?
2) They (leave) ……………………………… tomorrow.
3) She (not / go) ……………………………… to the dentist.
4) (they / get) ……………………………… married?
5) They (move) ……………………………… to Glasgow.
4. Inserisci il tempo corretto (present simple, present continuous o past simple)del verbo tra
1) She ……………………………………. unch in a few minutes. (have)
2) I ……………………………………. at home last night. (stay)
3) She ……………………………………. lunch in a few minutes ago. (have)
4) He usually ……………………………………. his parents at weekends. (visit)
5) They……………………………………. on holiday next summer. (go)
5. Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di futuro. Present continuous o going to?
1) The teachers (meet) ………………. at 2.30 to talk about the new reform.
2) (you / lend) ………………. him your motorbike?
3) What (you / give) ………………. Bob for his birthday?I don’t know yet.
4) Paul an i (play) ………………. basketball tomorrow afternoon.We decided it yesterday.
5) I (attend) ………………. a guitar course and then I’d like to play.
6. Completa le seguenti frasi con will (‘ll) o won’t.
1) They say the environment ……… be damaged by smog.
2) Ring me up. I ……… be at home this evening.
3) Susan ……… buy those shoes. They are ugly.
4) He ……… pass the exam. He’s very good at Italian.
5) Don’t come on Saturday. I ……… be at home.
7. Questo è ciò che il mago ha previsto per il tuo futuro. Costruisci frasi che rispondono alla domanda
utilizzando i suggerimenti forniti.
What will happen to me?
1) You / good health
2) You / not / rich / but / happy ...............................................................
3) You / have / five children
4) You / have / good job
5) You / get married / age 40
1. Completa le seguenti frasi con some, any oppure no.
1) Can I have ………… sugar, please? Yes, of course.
2) There aren’t ………… eggs. We can’t make a cake.
3) Are there ………… people in the swimming pool? Yes, there are …………
4) There are ………… tomatoes left. We can’t make a salad.
5) There are ………… cars in the car park. It’s empty.
6) Is there ………… flour? No, there isn’t…………
7) There isn’t ………… sugar.
8) There are ………… apples and ………… oranges.
2. Completa con no oppure none.
1) Are there any bananas in the basket? No, there are ………… bananas.
2) Have we got any milk? No, we’ve got …………
3) Is there any wine in the jug? No, there is …………
4) Have we got any eggs? No, we’ve got ………… eggs.
5) Is there any water in the bottle? No, there is ………… water left.
3. Scrivi la lettera C (countable = numerabile) o la lettera U (uncontable = non numerabile) di fianco ai
seguenti sostantivi.
1) Orange
5) Water
2) Petrol
6) Meat
3) Boy
7) Beer
4) Desk
8) Egg
4. Completa le seguenti frasi con some, any, no oppure con l’articolo a/an.
1) There is………… beer in the fridge.
2) There is ………… cup of coffee on the table.
3) There is ………… nice girl there.
4) There are ………… dirty cups.
5) Have we got ………… sugar? No, we haven’t got …………
6) Are there ………… clean glasses?
7) There are ………… apples left. Can you buy …………?
8) Would you like ………… cup of tea?
5. Completa con some, any, oppure a/an.
1) There is ………… park there.
2) I’ve got ………… bad news for you.
3) We’ve got ………… trees in the garden.
4) There is ………… coin in the wallet.
5) I haven’t got ………… money today.
6) Is there ………… money?
7) There is………… ice table in the sitting room.
8) We’ve got………… nformation for you.
6. Scegli la soluzione corretta.
1) Have we got a)some b)any c)a bread?
2) There are a)some b)a c)any records near the television. .......
3) We have a)none b)no c)a petrol left.
4) I’ve got a)a b)none c)some nice furniture.
7. Trasforma le seguenti frasi in forma interrogativa e poi in forma negativa.
1) We’ve got a lot of meat.
2) There are a lot of people.
3) They’ve got a lot of friends. …………………………………………………………………….
4) There is a lot of sugar.
8. Completa con much, many, a lot of, very, very much.
1) I like this film ..................
2) Her children haven’t got ............... toys.
3) There aren’t ............. cars here.
4) I haven’t got ............... time.
5) Is that book ................... interesting?
6) We’ve got ............... eggs but we haven’t got ................. sugar.
7) There aren’t ........................ books.
8) Are there ................. books here?
9. Completa con much oppure many.
1) There are some apples but not ……..
2) We’ve got some tea but not ……..
3) She’s got some new books but not ……..
4) They’ve got some money but not ……..
10. Inserisci how much, how many, much, oppure many.
1) .....................time have they got?
Not ...................
2) ......................money have they got? Not ...................
3) ......................books have we got?
Not ...................
4) ....................bread have we got?
Not ...................
11. Inserisci too, too much oppure too many.
1) There is ........................ food at this party.
2) There are ........................ people here.
3) He’s ........................ short to play basketball.
4) He is ........................ old for you.
5) There are ........................ desks in this classroom.
6) There is ........................ flour in this cake.
7) It’s ........................ cold this evening.
8) There is ........................ work to do.
12. Inserisci a little oppure a few.
1) There is …………… petrol in the tank.
2) There is …………… butter.
3) There is …………… food.
4) There are only …………… cars here.
13. Inserisci little oppure few.
1) They’ve got very…………… rooms. Their house is small.
2) I’ve got very …………… coffee. Can you buy some?
3) She’s got very …………… money. She’s poor.
4) We’ve got very …………… oranges. Can you buy some?
1. Scrivi ciò che Wendy stava facendo ad una certa ora come nell’esempio.
What was Wendy doing at….?
1) 7.00
get up
She was getting up
2) 6.40
have dinner
3) 7.35
have breakfast
4) 5.40
drive back home
5) 7.50
drive to school
6) 8.00
buy a book
7) 9.00
8) 10.00
have a coffee
2. Costruisci frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi al past continuous e completando con so, because,
1) He (cross) ……………….. the street ……………….. he was run over by a car.
2) Sarah didn’t hear her mother ……………….. she (sing) ………………..
3) Tom (not / wear) ……………….. her glasses ……………….. she didn’t see me.
4) Mario didn’t know ……………….. his parents (come) ………………..
3. Completa le frasi con when oppure while.
1) ……………….. he went to pay the bill he saw Sue.
2) ……………….. I was going to work I met an old friend.
3) He was taking a photograph ……………….. they came.
4) He was working in the garden ……………….. it started to rain.
5) ……………….. he was decorating his room he fell down.
6) I cut my finger……………….. I was gardening.
7) ……………….. she was shopping she saw me.
8) Mary was watching TV……………….. the light went out.
4. Costruisci frasi di senso compiuto coniugando i verbi al past simple o al past continuous.
1) Tom / arrive / while / we / watch / a film
2) Where / you / go / when /they / call / you?
3) Susan / do / the shopping / when / I / see / her.
4) He / sit / in the pub / when / it / start / snowing.
5. Completa le frasi con il past simple o il past continuous in modo adeguato.
1) It (be) ……………….. 9 o’clock. Dad (sit) ……………….. on the sofa, mum (read)
……………….. a book an I……………….. (listen) ……………….. to music.
2) While mum (make) ……………….. lunch, Mary (clean) ……………….. the house.
3) While they (walk) ……………….. home someone (follow) ……………….. them.
4) When (you / arrive) ………………..?
5) We (sleep) ……………….. when the burglar(break) ……………….. into the house.
6) Who (you / speak) ……………….. to when I (see) ……………….. you?
7) They (stop) ……………….. talking when they (see) ……………….. I (be) ………………..
8) They (talk) ……………….. about their teacher when he (enter) ……………….. the room.
6. Rispondi alle domande usando il present perfect continuous e i suggerimenti forniti come da
What has Mr Bean been doing all day? - decorate / bedroom.
He’s been decorating his bedroom.
1) What a smell! What have you been doing? - cook
2) What has Paul been doing all afternoon? - watch TV
3) What have you been doing all morning? - read / a book
4) What have your brothers been doing all evening? - listen to / music
7. Completa le seguenti frasi con for oppure since.
1) Tom is still at that table. He’s been eating ……………. two hours!
2) I’ve been waiting living in this flat……………. three years.
3) Mum has been driving……………. ten hours.
4) I’ve been waiting for her……………. two hours.
5) Sarah has been studying for her examination……………. June.
6) I’ve been waiting for you……………. 3 o’clock.
7) What have you been doing……………. I saw you last summer?
8) We’ve been staying in a hotel……………. two weeks.
8. Completa le seguenti frasi con il present perfect simple o con il present perfect continuous nella
forma corretta.
1) I (already / read) …………………. this book.
2) How much money (you / spend) …………………. this year?
3) We (just / buy) …………………. a new bag?
4) How long ( you / wait) …………………. for me?
5) How often ( John / be) …………………. to Italy?
6) We ( not / receive) …………………. his letter.
7) How long ( she / study) ………………….?
8) It (snow) …………………. for three hours.
9. Unisci le coppie di frasi formandone una sola con l’utilizzo di: and, or, but, both...and, either...or,
1) I haven’t got any friends. I haven’t got any relatives.
2) He is a student. He is 14 years old.
3) She is not old. She is not young.
4) They can choose biscuits. They can choose bread.
5) I like wine. I like beer.
6) She likes coffee. She doesn’t likes tea.
7) I live in a big country .I don’t live in a big city.
8) Jane lives in London. Peter lives in London too.
10. Completa con both...and, either...or, neither...nor.
1) We can have ........... ice cream ........... tea. We can’t have spaghetti.
2) Mr Jordan can speak ........... Spanish........... Italian perfectly; he’s very good at languages.
3) If you are interested in cinema........... Rome........... Paris are the right places for you.
4) Rod is very bad at languages; he can speak........... French........... German.
I’m not very hungry. I’ll have........... meat........... vegetables, just some ice cream.
1. Completa le frasi con il comparativo di uguaglianza utilizzando le parole tra parentesi.
1. This book isn’t ……………. I thought. (interesting)
2. These seats aren’t……………. those ones. (comfortable)
3. Andy studies……………. me. (hard)
4. John is ……………. Jack. (strong)
5. He doesn’t sing ……………. Carreras. (well)
6. Italy isn’t……………. USA. ( big)
2. Completa le frasi con as much / as many.
1) We study five hours every afternoon. They study two hours.
They don’t study……………. as us.
2) Peter receives a lot of letters. Mary receives a lot of letters, too.
Mary receives……………. letters as Peter.
3) I have three sisters. Jane has three sisters, too.
Jane has……………. sisters as me.
4) She wrote five postcards. I wrote two.
I didn’t write……………. postcards as her.
5) Mary’s wardrobe is full of new t-shirts. I don’t buy many t-shirts.
I haven’t got……………. t-shirts as Mary.
6) I read a lot. My brother reads a lot, too.
My brother reads……………. as me.
3. Forma il comparativo ed il superlativo di maggioranza dei seguenti aggettivi. Quando esistono due
possibilità scrivile entrambe.
1) Far
5) Near
2) Wet
6) Young
3) Beautiful
7) Dry
4) Old
8) Glad
4. Completa le frasi con il comparativo di maggioranza degli aggettivi tra parentesi.
1) My soup is (hot) …………….than yours.
2) Bread is usually (cheap) …………….than meat.
3) The exercises were (difficult) …………….than I thought.
4) This book is (boring) …………….than I exspected.
5) That bed is (comfortable) …………….than that one.
5. Completa le frasi con il superlativo di maggioranza come da esempio.
This suitcase is very heavy. I think it is heaviest of the three.
1) That film was exciting. It is one of ………………….films I have seen.
2) This bag is cheap. It is………………….I have ever bought.
3) This street is very noisy. It is………………….street in the city.
4) Football is very popular in Italy. It is one of ………………….sports.
5) Summer is a hot season. It is ………………….of all season.
6) Timmy is a friendly dog. It is ………………….animal of all.
7) That watch is very expensive. It is one of………………….things in the shop.
8) That t-shirt is beautiful. It is ………………….t-shirt in the shop.
6. Introduci il secondo termine di paragone correttamente: than, of, oppure in. Metti X se non
1) Climbing is more dangerous …………….... walking.
2) These exercises are easier…………….... those ones I did yesterday.
3) This lake is deeper…………….... the one you can see there.
4) Susan is the most reserved girl…………….... the class.
5) My sister is the youngest…………….... the family.
6) He is the most famous actor…………….... at the moment.
7) I think it’s the most interesting museum…………….... London.
8) Betty is more attractive…………….... Jane.
7. Inserisci la forma avverbiale comparativa o superlativa dell’aggettivo indicato tra parentesi.
1) He is reading quickly ……………… than in the past. (quick)
2) He works ……………… of all of them. (hard)
3) Mr Smith swims ……………… than Mr. Roth. (good)
4) We can travel ……………… on a large road. (fast)
5) Alex must do his work ……………… than he usually does. (careful)
6) You must drive ……………… when the street is wet. (slow)
7) They can act ……………… than they used to. (confident)
8) He can play tennis ……………… of all. (good)
8. Trasforma le frasi usando il comparativo di minoranza come da esempio.
Gold is more precious than Silver.
Silver is less precious than gold
1) My sister is more generous than yours.
2) An Alfa is more expensive than a Fiat.
3) His idea is more sensible than mine.
4) Silver is more valuable than bronze.
5) Tim is more aggressive than John.
Ora trasforma le frasi utilizzando la forma alternativa al comparativo di minoranza come da esempio.
Sue is less short than Sharon.
Sue is taller than Sharon.
1) Ann is less old than Silvia.
Ann is....................................
2) These boys are less ugly than those.
These boys are..........................
3) My house is less expensive than Queen’s house.
My house is...............................
4) Robert is less thin than me.
Robert is....................................
9. Inserisci less / the least / fewer / the fewest.
1) This ring is ..................valuable than mine.
2) Paul spoke ..................fluently than Rob.
3) There are ..................people today than yesterday.
4) Peter is working ..................than usually does.
5) There is ..................water in the fridge than I supposed.
6) My dress is ..................expensive than yours.
7) She made ..................mistakes than you.
8) This car is ..................cheap on the market.
10. Inserisci la forma corretta dell’aggettivo tra parentesi:comparativo o superlativo di maggioranza?
(fai attenzione se il confronto è tra due o più di due)
1) This lesson is the …………….. of the two. (difficult)
2) My car is the …………….. of all cars in the garage. (old)
3) Chris is the …………….. of the two brothers. (young)
4) This horse is the …………….. of the two. (fast)
5) Glenda is the …………….. of the family. (old)
1. Indica se i pronomi relativi nelle seguenti frasi sono restrittivi (D) o non restrittivi (N.D)
1) The computer that I bought is very useful for my job.
2) Tom, who is a doctor, is my sister’s son.
3) Shara, whose sister is my best friend, is an excellent actress.
4) Mr. Smith is the man who has replaced the old teacher.
2. Indica se la parola in corsivo è pronome relativo (R) o se ha altre funzioni (X).
1) Who is that girl at the door?
2) The speaker announced that the meeting was finished.
3) It’s so late that I cartainly will not arrive.
4) This is the present that John gave me last year.
5) Can you see the letter that arrived this afternoon?
6) He said that he had broken his car.
7) He was so tired that he fell asleep during the lesson.
3. Completa le frasi con i pronomi relativi who / which / that / whose. Se sono possibili due soluzioni,
scrivile entrambe.
1) How do you call someone …………… kills people for money?
2) Mrs. Jones is the woman…………… lives on the second floor.
3) I work in a school…………… is near my house.
4) A thief is someone…………… steals things.
5) Did you know that there are birds…………… cannot fly?
6) How much did you pay for the jeans…………… you are wearing?
7) The woman…………… lives next door is a doctor.
8) Is there anything…………… I can do for you?
4. Completa con who / which / that / whose. Se sono possibili due soluzioni, scrivile entrambe. Metti
una X quando il pronome relativo restrittivo può essere omesso.
1) Have you seen the film………………won the Oscar last year?
2) He’s the boy ………………was with you last Sunday.
3) Aren’t they the people ………………house wasn’t finished?
4) That’s the girl ………………I met at the disco yesterday night.
5) Isn’t that the film ………………you saw last year?
6) This is the book ………………I read at school.
7) Rob is a person ………………can be trusted.
8) The car ………………he was driving was Tom’s.
5. Inserisci correttamente who, which, e whose. Metti una X quando il pronome relativo restrittivo può
essere omesso.
1) This is the best book ………….. I have read.
2) The woman in this photo is an actress ………….. I met in Italy.
3) That’s the girl ………….. is going to become an engineer.
4) The man in this photo is the actor ………….. won the Award last year.
5) Would you like to taste the wine………….. I bought last week?
6) The girl………….. we saw on TV last night is my friend.
7) That’s the car………….. won the rally two years ago.
8) Do you remember the nice skirt………….. I bought yesterday?
6. Riscrivi le frasi in uno stile più informale come da esempio.
That’s the man to whom I’d like to talk.
That’s the man I’d like to talk to.
1) I like the music to which you are listening.
2) Oh, look! This is the book in which Janet was interested.
3) The people with whom we spent our holiday were American.
4) That’s the man with whom she works.
5) That’s the doctor to whom I complained.
6) That’s the woman to whom Mary was speaking.
7) The boy for whom Sue was waiting didn’t come.
8) That’s the book about which I have heard.
7. Inserisci un pronome relativo non restrittivo. Inserisci anche la preposizione richiesta quando
1) Sue ………….wasn’t very hungry, didn’t eat meat.
2) My grandparents’ house………….is near the coast, was finished last year.
3) Jane, ………….her husband had dedicated his victory, left England the following year.
4) Rimini………….is a very popular seaside, is not too far from here.
5) Everest ………….is 29,028 feet high, is the highest mountain in the world.
6) Bob, ………….has lived in Italy for ten years, speaks Italian fluently.
7) I often go to visit my friends in New York………….is only 30 miles.
8) She gave me a coffee………….I drank immediately.
8. Inserisci le seguenti coppie di frasi utilizzando pronomi relativi non restrittivi come da esempio.
Effettua eventuali modifiche.
Bill speaks Italian fluently. His father is from Florence.
Bill, whose father is from Florence, speaks Italian fluently.
1) My father was born in Italy. My father emigrated to America.
2) Tim wants to study medicine at university. His mother is a doctor.
3) Mrs Gorman is looking for a job. Her children are at school now.
4) Miss Carson is an English teacher. I was talking to her a few minutes ago.
5) This morning I found a cat in the garden. It’s leg was broken.
6) She went to the dentist’s. The dentist told him not to eat for 5 hours.
7) That film is very good. You are interested in it.
8) Lucy is a perfect nurse. She works in a well equipped hospital.
9. Unisci le seguenti coppie di frasi utilizzando un pronome relativo restrittivo o non restrittivo. Ometti
il relativo quando non è necessario. Effettua le modifiche necessarie.
1) The woman over there is an actress. I don’t remember her name.
2) I’ve lost the bag. You lent it to me this morning.
3) That’s the girl. I gave her the dictionary.
4) They are looking at a house. They would like to buy it.
5) The bus was late. It was coming from far.
6) We haven’t received the letter. Tim wrote it from Italy.
7) This is the book. I wanted to give it to Mum.
8) Bob gave me the ring. I put into my bag.
1. Inserisci can oppure could in modo appropriato.
1) Where is my umbrella? I.................... (not) find it.
2) .................... I speak to you, please?
3) Why.................... (not) Jane come to you?
4) We.................... see the TV very well.
5) My little sister.................... use a computer.
6) .................... I borrow your pen, John?
7) .................... I go out?
8) .................... I borrow your book?
2. Completa le seguenti frasi con may oppure may not.
1) Paul .................... come tonight. He isn’t well.
2) Don’t forget the umbrella .It .................... rain.
3) There .................... be fog on the roads. Pay attention!
4) He hasn’t studied much. He .................... fail the exam.
5) Tom has hurt his head. He .................... be able to play tennis.
6) Are you ready? Our parents .................... arrive.
7) How old is she? She .................... be ten.
8) We .................... go out if it is .................... cold.
3. Inserisci may oppure can.
1) My little sister .................... play guitar very well.
2) .................... I use your phone?
3) .................... I leave the office earlier?
4) .................... you make a cup of tea?
5) Robert .................... be watching TV in this room.
6) .................... I borrow your bike?
7) Mary.................... be at home.
8) It .................... rain again today.
4. Inserisci may, might, can, oppure could. A volte è possibile più di una soluzione corretta.
1) He .................... be hungry when he comes home. (abbastanza probabile)
2) He said he .................... be late.
3) I .................... not be at home at 7.
4) This is Mr Smith .................... I leave a message for Rob?
5) I think he .................... be the teacher we’re looking for. (abbastanza probabile)
6) .................... you be happy!
7) .................... you help me, John? Yes, sure.
8) Tom.................... not arrive. He said he had not the car.
5. Trasforma le frasi come da esempio,per esprimere proibizioni.
ESEMPIO: Don’t open the door. → You mustn’t open the door.
1) Don’t eat here.
2) Don’t get up late.
3) Don’t talk in the classroom. ...............................................
4) Don’t walk on the grass.
6. Usa must per esprimere deduzione affermativa e can’t per deduzione negativa in modo adeguato al
1) You …………..be thirsty! You’ve just drunk two bottles of water.
2) There is nobody at home. They …………..be at the cinema.
3) Bob hasn’t eaten anything all day. He …………..be very hungry.
4) She ate and drank a lot last night. She …………..be on a diet.
5) They …………..be sleeping. The phone is ringing but nobody is answering.
6) They …………..be at home. All the light are off.
7) Mr. And Mrs Jones have got a new car. They …………..be very rich.
8) It …………..be raining again!
7. Completa adeguatamente con must oppure to have nel tempo e nella forma corretti.
1) Sorry, I can’t come out tonight. I …………..study.
2) Sorry, I…………..go home. I …………..feed the cat and the dog.
3) We …………..to get up early if we want to leave.
4) You(not) …………..smoke.
5) My family …………..to move out of our flat.
6) They(not) …………..to get up early.
7) Jane …………..be younger than me.
8) You (not) …………..invite them.
8. Completa le frasi con should oppure shouldn’t per dare consigli/suggerimenti.
1) We ………….. hurry. We’re a bit late.
2) She ………….. visit her parents.
3) You ………….. tease the dog.
4) I think you ………….. drive so fast.
5) I have got a bad cold. He………….. go out.
6) It’s cold. You ………….. wear a coat.
7) The doctor said you ………….. smoke so many cigarettes.
8) You are too thin. You ………….. eat more.
9. Utilizza should oppure shouldn’t per esprimere supposizioni.
1) She said she’d be here by six o’clock. She ……………. be late again.
2) Look! That’s Tim ……………. he be on holiday?
3) He ……………. play tennis well by now.
4) I don’t think Bob is at home. He ……………. be at work at the moment.
10. Completa le frasi con will / won’t / would / wouldn’t in modo adeguato.
1) The car was so old that the engine ………….. start.
2) ………….. you buy me some cheese?
3) Who………….. you like to invite?
4) ………….. you give me that price-list?
5) ………….. you like something else?
6) Where ………….. you like to go tonight?
7) ………….. you stop talking!
8) ………….. you mind closing the window?
1. Completa i seguenti periodi ipotetici di 1° tipo con il tempo e la forma corretti dei verbi tra parentesi.
1) If you come, I (be) ………………….. pleased to see you.
2) If you look for it carefully, you (find) ………………….. it.
3) We (go) ………………….. to the park if the weather is fine.
4) You (feel) ………………….. better if you rest.
5) If you (drink) ………………….. to much wine, you’ll be sick.
6) If we (leave) ………………….. now, we won’t miss the film.
7) You (get) ………………….. fat if you eat too much.
8) If you walk under a ladder you (have) ………………….. bad luck.
2. Completa i seguenti periodi ipotetici di 1° tipo con il tempo e la forma corretti dei verbi tra parentesi.
1) If you (not / pay) ………………….. attention, you (not learn) …………………..
2) If we (need) ………………….. money, I (go) ………………….. to the bank.
3) I (understand) ………………….. if you (speak) ………………….. slowly.
4) They (arrive) ………………….. in time for the meeting if they (catch) ………………….. the
10.000 bus
5) You (feel) ………………….. better if you (sleep) ………………….. longer.
6) If she (come) ………………….. early, I (tell) ………………….. her to wait.
7) Dad (be) ………………….. angry if you (come) ………………….. home late again.
3. Trasforma i periodi ipotetici di 1° tipo in periodi ipotetici di 2° tipo.
ESEMPIO: We won’t go out if the weather is bad.
We wouldn’t go out if the weather were (was) bad.
1) If he has the money, he’ll go to the concert.
2) If I don’t work, I’ll come with you.
3) If the weather is nice, I’ll go to the park.
4) If you eat too many sweets, you’ll get fat.
5) If you study more, you’ll pass the examination.
6) If we are not invite, we won’t go.
7) She’ll phone me if she wants to talk to me.
8) I’ll understand if he speaks slowly.
4. Scegli l’alternativa corretta del tempo verbale nei seguenti periodi ipotetici di 1° tipo e 2° tipo.
1) If we a)went b)go to the concert we’ll enjoy ourselves very much.
2) They’ll pass their exams if they a)studied b)study hard.
3) I’ll take the medicine if I a)don’t feel b)won’t feel well.
4) If you forget to phone her she a)will get b)gets very angry.
5) What will you buy if you a)win b)won a lot of money?
6) If we saved enough money we a)bought b)would buy a new house.
7) If Paul a)won’t come b)doesn’t come to my party I’ll be very sad.
8) What would you do if you a)see b) saw a monster?
5. Completa i periodi ipotetici di 1° e 2° tipo con il tempo e la forma corretti dei verbi tra parentesi.
1) If you (accept) ………………… the job with that company you won’t regret it.
2) If I (be) ………………… you, I’d speak to the manager.
3) I (tell) ………………… you the truth if I knew that you can keep a secret.
4) What (you / do) ………………… if it starts snowing?
6. Completa i periodi ipotetici di 3° tipo con il tempo e la forma del verbo tra parentesi.
1) If they had come to my party, they (enjoy) …………………….. themselves.
2) If I had had sugar an eggs, I (make) …………………….. a cake.
3) I (not / accept) …………………….. the job if I had know the situation.
4) If there (be) …………………….. snow we would have gone skiing.
5) (you / go) …………………….. to the market, if he had asked you?
6) If I (read) …………………….. the book, I wouldn’t have gone to see the film.
7. Completa i periodi ipotetici di 3° tipo con il tempo e la forma corretti dei verbi tra parentesi.
1) If we (find) …………………….. a bigger flat, we (buy) …………………….. it.
2) If we (have) …………………….. more time, I (tell) …………………….. you about my wife.
3) If I (win) …………………….. a lottery, I (buy) …………………….. a big house.
4) I (not / marry) …………………….. him if I (not / love) …………………….. him so much.
5) I (understand) …………………….. him if he (speak) …………………….. slowly.
6) (she / marry) …………………….. him if he (not / be) …………………….. so rich?
7) If he (try) …………………….. to escape from prison, they (catch) …………………….. him
8. Competa i periodi ipotetici di 2° e 3° tipo con il tempo e la forma corretti del verbo tra parentesi.
1) How long (she / stay) …………………….. in China if she could?
2) If he didn’t come, I (be) …………………….. very unhappy.
3) What ( you / do) …………………….. if you were rich?
4) I (be) …………………….. very glad if she had called me.
5) If he (want) …………………….. to go out, he would tell me.
6) She (marry) …………………….. him if he asked her.
9. Scegli il tempo verbale corretto dei seguenti periodi ipotetici.
1) I a) would have told b)will tell c)told you if I had known.
2) What a)did you do b)would you do c)you did if you felt hungry?
3) If you a)wanted b)want c)will want to arrive early, you must take the 11.00 bus.
4) If I get bored, I a)would have left b)would leave c)will leave the lesson.
10. Riformula le frasi costruendo periodi ipotetici di 3° tipo.
ESEMPIO: I got angry because you were not sincere with me.
If you had been sincere with me I wouldn’t have got angry.
1) He didn’t read the instructions. That’s why he made all the mess.
2) She arrived late because she had an accident.
3) He has had health problems because he has always drunk.
4) He hurt his left foot so he didn’t win the race.
5) I didn’t know him well. That’s why I trusted him.
6) The train didn’t leave on time because there was fog.
7) I married her because she was nice.
8) I voted for him because he was always been an honest man.