Past simple


Past simple
Past simple - all forms
*1 Riscrivi le frasi usando la forma affermativa del
Past simple le espressioni di tempo tra parentesi.
0 I usually play tennis on Mondays. (last Monday /
Last Monday I played football.
1 School usually starts at 8 a.m. (today / 9 a.m.)
2 She lives in Paris. (10 years ago / Madrid)
3 We watch football on TV every Sunday. (yesterday /
a film)
4 I work 40 hours every week. (last week / 35 hours)
5 They study at a school in Milan. (2 years ago / Rome)
6 He stays with his cousin most weekends. (last
weekend / his sister)
7 John usually finishes work at 6 p.m. (today / 8 p.m.)
8 They phone their parents every day. (this morning /
their friends)
*2 Volgi le frasi alla forma negativa e sostituisci le
parole sottolineate con le parole tra parentesi.
0 John got up early this morning. (late)
John didn’t get up late this morning.
1 My sisters travelled to Greece last month. (Spain)
2 Tom played football at the weekend. (rugby)
3 We watched the new Brad Pitt film last night. (Johnny
Depp film)
4 I waited for my friend in front of the cinema. (next to
the pub)
5 I talked to Julie at work this morning. (at school)
6 Andrew finished school at 1 o’clock. (2 o’clock)
Recupero */**
*3 Scrivi delle domande usando il Past simple e
rispondi con una short answer seguendo le
indicazioni tra parentesi.
0 your brother / get that job? (✓ )
Did your brother get that job? – Yes, he did.
1 you / go to the cinema last night? (✓ )
2 they / meet on holiday? (✗)
3 Marcus / go to University? (✗)
4 she / call her mother? (✓ )
5 your friends / give you that CD? (✗)
6 the concert / finish early? (✓ )
7 your dog / eat the birthday cake? (✗)
8 Joanna / call you this morning? (✓ )
**4 Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa del
Past simple dei verbi nel riquadro.
be • break • drink • eat • fall • fly • get • fail
• lose • run • spend • take
0 I’m sorry that you failed your driving test. Try again
next month!
1 Sarah ________ very good results in her English test.
2 They ________ a lot of photos at the wedding.
3 Their last holiday _______ very expensive. They
________ a lot of money.
4 He was late, so he _______ to school.
5 I ______ on some ice and _______ my leg in the
mountains last winter.
6 I ______ from Heathrow to New York with British
7 She ________ 10 kg on that diet!
8 It was a very expensive party. They ______ caviar
and ______ champagne!