Present perfect continuous


Present perfect continuous
Present perfect continuous
*1 Riordina le parole per formare delle frasi.
1 going / I / been / have / to / this / school /
five / for / years
2 has / He / since / he / was / at / school / English /
primary / been / learning
3 have / been / seeing / recently / We / much / our / not /
Aunty / very
4 you / garden / working / Have / in / the /
been / ?
5 has / hours / to / his / MP3 / been / three / He / player /
listening / for
6 football / My / team / have / not / very / doing / this /
well / been / month
7 you / recently / going / Who / out / been / with / have / ?
8 has / hard / been / for / exam / really / Matthew / the /
**2 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del
Present perfect continuous dei verbi tra
0 I’m really tired. I ’ve been working (work) on this
report all night.
1 The girls ___________________ (dance) all evening.
2 He ___________________ (try) to repair his car all
3 I’m sure he ___________________ (not watch) TV.
4 What ___________________ (you / do) for the last
two hours?
5 We ___________________ (think) of moving house
for a long time.
6 I ___________________ (just run). I’m really hot.
7 Your hands are dirty. What ________________ (you /
8 I ___________________ (not study) very much
recently. I don’t have much time.
9 The house looking fantastic, I ___________________
(clean) for hours.
Recupero */**
**3 Scrivi due frasi per ogni situazione usando il
Present perfect continuous o il Present perfect
0 Jason
• start watching TV 2 hours ago
Jason has been watching TV for 2 hours.
• programmes watched so far: 2
He has watched 2 programmes so far.
1 Alex
• start travelling at Easter
Alex _______________________________________
• countries visited so far: 8
She ________________________________________
2 Adam
• start waiting for Sam: 30 minutes
Adam ______________________________________
• call Sam 3 times
He ________________________________________
3 Sarah and Sally
• start working together when they left college
Sarah and Sally ______________________________
• shops opened: 25
They _______________________________________
**4 Tre delle seguenti frasi contengono un errore.
Individuale e riscrivile in modo corretto.
0 They’ve gone to New York again. ✓
00 I haven’t been understanding this exercise.
I haven’t understood this exercise.
1 How long have you been having your bike?
2 I’ve never met Orlando Bloom.
3 He’s been liking that band for months.
4 They’ve been working for the same company for
5 I’ve been looking for this book for ages.
6 How long have you been living here?
7 How long have you been knowing your girlfriend?
8 I’ve been shopping all morning and now I don’t have
any money left.

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