6- Maratona dles dolomites EN


6- Maratona dles dolomites EN
Press Release n. 6/2010
Cavriago, June 14 2010
Cavriago (RE), April 26 2010 – After the 90th Giro d’Italia in 2007, Landi Renzo is sponsoring
another cycling event: the 24th “dles Dolomites” Marathon, coming up July 4 in the splendid setting
of the upper Badia Valley in the province of Bolzano.
The competitive long-distance event will see 8500 participants compete on their choice of one of
three possible routes.
The event attracts participants who share the values of daily dedication, determination and
constancy, commitment, dynamism and respect for nature.
Landi Renzo is particularly enthusiastic about sponsoring events like this one in which the
organisers raise funds for a good cause: this year the funds will be donated to the non-profit
organisation "Insieme per la Speranza" (www.insiemeperlasperanza.it).
Landi Renzo is a world leader in LPG and methane components and supply systems for automotive drives.
The company, based in Cavriago (Reggio Emilia) and boasting more than 50 years’ experience in the field, is characterised
by high growth of revenues and internationalisation, and is now present in more than 50 countries, with exports generating
almost 50% of its sales.
Landi Renzo S.p.A. made its debut on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange in June 2007.
Contact information:
Corrado Storchi
External Relations Manager
[email protected]
+39 0522 94 33