Prytanes II - Construction21


Prytanes II - Construction21
Ca s o s tu d i o : P r yta n e s II
S i to we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /i ta l i a /
Prytanes II
Tipo lo gia di pro getto : Estensio ne +
Riqualificazio ne
Tipo di edificio : Casa di cura o casa di
ripo so
Anno di co struzio ne : 20 15
Zo na climatica : [Csa] Interio r
Mediterranean - Mild with dry, ho t summer.
Superficie utile calpestabile : 418 m 2
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 1
0 42 0 0 0 €
Numero delle unità funzio nali : 9 Po sti
Co sti/m2 : 2 49 3 €/m 2
Co sti/Po sti letto : 115 778 €/Po sti letto
418 5, ro ute de Gardanne Quartier Turin ,
130 8 0 Luynes, France
// Descrizione
This is the co mbinatio n o f a unique pro gram co nsisting o f the receptio n and acco mmo datio n o f heirless peo ple, aiming fo r a
return to auto no my, and a green building pro ject. Nine studio type units , in an enviro nment with ro ad co nstraints, are
o rganized aro und a stro ng co mmunity life. This pro ject includes, in interio r spaces, a receptio n desk, a multipurpo se meeting
ro o m, a lo cal care, and a laundry ro o m, linen ro o m, and o utdo o r spaces, an o rganic garden and henho use self-pro ductio n
with dedicated equipment.
The ambitio n and the means fo r a green building have been made effective by achieving a passive building with ho t water by
so lar energy, setting up a natural pro tective shield no ise fro m the track and rainwater harvesting to use irrigatio n o f cultivated
At t e ndibilit à de i dat i :
// Stakeholders
No me : PACT13
Sito web :
Agenzia di consulenza per impianti termici
No me : Co ncept BIO
Frédéric MICHEL
Sito web : ncept-bio .co m/
Azio ne : CATEGORY
No me : EURL AVB
Anne Vado n
Azio ne : Pro ject manager design, Pro ject management Design Assistant
No me : Atelier d’Architecture PACT13
Appro ccio de l pro prie t ario alla so st e nibilit à e ne rge t ica : The high-quality so cial ho using pro ject to wards
po pulatio ns in large marginality called "Les Prytanes II" was bo rn fro m a neighbo ring o peratio n mo re successful small scale
in a neighbo ring residential hamlet, Luynes, next to Aix en- Pro vence: in 20 0 9 , PACT Rhô ne Bo uches-du-placed at dispo sal
o f the asso ciatio n Alternative So cial Habitat, which aims to “defend the right to ho using and the right to health, the dignity o f the
mo st vulnerable”, a resto red villa became “Prytanes” o peratio n.
In the Athenian demo cracy Prytanes, fro m the five hundred elected the ball (the Co uncil), have a central po litical ro le, but their
po wer is limited. They assume the institutio ns o f o rganizatio nal and o peratio nal missio ns. The Prytanes reside day and night,
acco mmo dated, ho used and fed by the city, in an adjo ining building ... They are thus able to enter the sessio n at any time.
Fro m the success o f this o peratio n fo r users is bo rn the o peratio n “Prytanes II” co nsisting in the idea o f allo wing these peo ple
to reco ver in a place where they decide fo r themselves, what they want to do , a shared place with high to lerance and where the
co llective and the individual make participatio n an insertio n to o l into the city.
The partnership PACT 13 / HAS - Habitat Alternative So cial / Team Wo rk o f Master with architect Anne VADON the heating
engineer BIO CONCEPT Frédéric MICHEL was develo ped in this co ntext o f equitable and sustainable develo pment. The
pro gram was o rganized fro m existing ho mes in 9 ho using units, co mmunity living spaces o f reintegratio n assistance:
receptio n hall, multi-purpo se so cial living ro o m space nursing, laundry - co mmo n laundry - sanitary, technical ro o m receiving
all co mmo n equipment and energy metering. It has also been so ught in this pro ject, a saving in energy implemented and
auto no my in terms o f public facilities. Thus was bo rn a place upgraded co mpared to its co nstraints, and lo w energy
co nsumptio n, thus also bio climatic as po ssible, yet easy to use every day: A pro gram o f pro viding a passive building has
established itself with a seal to perfect air, the quality co ntro l o f indo o r air and an energy metering fo r dwellings. The o peratio n
is thus part o f the pro cess BDM - Mediterranean Sustainable Buildings and requires o ngo ing suppo rt that can be envisaged
that is perpetuated in o ther places and in o ther fo rms, no do ubt…
De scrizio ne archit e t t o nica : The treatment by the pro ject management team, building structure, its wrapping and o utdo o r
facilities was a reflectio n o f the passive co nstructio n and bio climatic appro ach stems fro m the will o f the Client and the
o perato r, in a summer go al o f co mfo rt as winter to the attentio n o f a reinsertio nable po pulatio n in an o rdinary life.
After identifying the site reso urces, and co nstraints, (website suburban near a ro ad with heavy traffic and a railway track, but still
natural area - fo rest land and agricultural- to upgrade, zo ne lo w seismicity, land subject to the risk o f shrinkage and swelling
Building realizatio n o f the co ncepts are bo rn o f simple ideas:
- Use direct so lar heat to pro duce ho t water and, co nversely, o ccultatio ns systems berries and so lar shields summer
maneuver by curtains manual
- Using the natural inertia o f certain materials (paving)
- natural cro ss ventilatio n enabling the o peratio n o f passive character
- structure is wo o d and insulatio n in natural wo o d wo o l surface co atings to lo cal sands and lime applied manually
- co ver in traditio nal curved tiles with Geno ese pro tectio n against rain
- Circulatio ns ho rizo ntal slats o f wo o d galvanized steel substrates witho ut co ating o r additio nal maintenance.
Ho wever, implementatio ns were highly technical:
- High iso latio n o f the envelo pe and pushed treatment o f thermal bridges,
- efficient so lar panels - Machineries and co unting calo ries in a dedicated technical ro o m
- external jo inery in aluminium pro files and wo o d reinfo rced insulatio n triple glazing
- co lo urful co ated Canvas high weather resistance,
- auto no mo us Sanitatio n with co mpact filter massive zeo lite ...
Like these pro cesses, the o utdo o r areas are do o med to remain in its natural state:
- traffic vehicles and pedestrians o n stabilized earth
- very slight fence do tted with vegetatio n fo rming natural screen against the nuisances o f the ro ad,
- vegetable garden to residents as part o f integratio n activities and passive pro tectio n against fires the nearby fo rest.
In additio n to the stro ng enviro nmental pro visio ns, a “green site Charter” was established, requiring co mpliance with a number
o f site o rganizatio n criteria by the intervening co mpanies.
// Energia
Energy consumption
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria : 32,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria de l m e de sim o e dif icio co st ruit o se co ndo gli st andard m inim i pre vist i dalla no rm at iva vige nt e :
16 2,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Me t o do di calco lo : RT 20 12
CEEB : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / €
Co nsum o iniziale prim a de ll\'inizio de i lavo ri :
250 ,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Performance dell'involucro
T rasm it t anza : 0 ,31 W.m -2 .K-1
Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : - Timber frame Flo o r: Insulatio n under screed by 12cm po lyurethane + flo o r ho urdie
po lystyrene (UP27)
Wo o d wo o l (140 mm) + mental wo o d fiber wall (52 & 6 0 ); lime & plaster cladding
Cellulo se wadding: 30 cm; 20 cm + 10 cm Excelsio r extruded
Jo inery:
PVC, triple glazing; Ug: 0 ,6 1W / m².K, Uf = 0 ,9 6 W / m²K; FS = 6 2%
Indice di t e nut a all'aria de ll'invo lucro e dilizio : 0 ,6 4
// Fonti Rinnovabili e Impianti
Im piant o di riscaldam e nt o :
Caldaia elettrica indipendente
Im piant o di pro duzio ne di acqua calda sanit aria :
Caldaia elettrica indipendente
So lare termico
Im piant o di raf f re scam e nt o :
Nessun sistema di raffrescamento
Im piant o di ve nt ilazio ne :
Scambiato re di calo re a do ppio flusso
Sist e m i pe r lo sf rut t am e nt o di f o nt i di e ne rgia rinno vabili :
So lare termico
Pro duzio ne di e ne rgia rinno vabile : 72,0 0 %
- Extra electric heating - VMC 2F high efficiency PAUL NOVUS 450
Electro -So lar (72% co verage o f 12m² panels ECS-)
// Prestazioni ambientali
Water & Indoor air quality
Rainwater co llectio n fo r garden perspirance o ld walls is preserved: iso fiber based (sto ne o r wo o d) + lime plaster.
phyto purificatio n dry to ilet greywater
He alt h & co m f o rt : The o ccupatio n o f the day building generates internal substantial gains that accumulate the ho urs
we typically as part o f an ERP o r tertiary use, which means face to buildings that can harshly dispense with co o ling. To
prevent “air co nditio ning”, We wo rked o n the flo w rate o f 20 natural ventilatio ns and co nsidered less co nventio nal refresh
so lutio ns (and ceiling fan fo gger enslaved pro be temperature senso r). Furthermo re, it has been defined with the pro ject
o wner behavio ural rules to reduce the energy dissipated during the day in the building: o bserve the o ccultatio n level fixed,
avo id indo o r activities and the kitchen during warm perio ds do no t leave do o rs o r windo ws o pen during the day, limit the
ventilatio n flo w as needed induced o ccupatio n (variable flo w / CO2 senso r).
// Prodotti
DHW solar thermal
Pro dut t o re : Vaillant
Co nt at t o : rt/vo us-avez-une-questio n/index.fr_fr.html
Sit o we b:
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : HVAC / Riscaldamento , Acqua calda sanitaria
De scrizio ne :
The auro THERM classic senso rs can be ind installed o n, o r be integrated with all types o f
ro o fing slate, tile o r metal ro o f, terrace o r building facade. The vario us pre-assemblestallatio n
accesso ries are a quick and easy implementatio n in 4 mo vements o nly. This senso r is
dedicated to o peratio ns with mo re mo dules auro FLOW When the senso r fields co nsist o f two
o r three senso rs, fields can be co nnected o n the same side. A battery, o r senso r field has a
maximum o f 6 senso rs co nnected to bo th sides, also called diago nally. The lengths to / senso r
fields must be identical o n the principle o f the lo o p Tickelmann, and have the same number o f
bends. Fo r the installatio n o f a number o f senso rs greater than 6 , the hydraulic co nnectio n sho uld be divided into parallel
branches, each branch must have the same number o f senso rs.
Co m m e nt i:
In regular co ntact with HAS. The feedback is very po sitive o n all "pro ducts" that we have implemented in this pro ject.
wood wool insulation
Pro dut t o re : Ho materm
Co nt at t o : france@ho m, +33(0 )3 25 55 10 0 0
Sit o we b: http://www.ho m/fr/
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere di finitura / Partizio ni, iso lamento
De scrizio ne :
WOOD WOOL - SIDING: UD Pro tect - The UC pro tect bo ards which were used o n the building
finished with a wo o den cladding pro tects against bo th wind and rain. But no t o nly, because
thanks to its lo w thermal co nductivity and a thickness up to 16 0 mm, it saves energy and o ffers
o ptimal results fo r pro tectio n against heat and no ise. Arranged o utside insulatio n, the stability
o f fo rm and strength o f its co rners make these panels o f high-end pro ducts. Overview o f
insulatio n advantages: Made by a mo dern dry pro cess gro o ve and to ngue peripheral
symmetrical high co mpressive strength hydro pho bic Integral treatment slip surface, Permeable
to vapo r diffusio n, general appro val by the planning autho rities Applicatio ns: Insulatio n o utdo o r wo o d frame behind facades
(directly o n the frame), so lid wo o d walls, ventilated facades o n brickwo rk WOOD WOOL – COATED: Energy Mo re co mfo rt. The
insulating panel o f wo o d fibers with fire pro tectio n. EnergiePlus FR is a ho mo geneo us plaster base panel with o ptimized fire
pro tectio n class Euro C “resistant” to DIN EN 1350 1-1. This plaster base panel o pens new perspectives. In terms o f fo rmats,
strength and hydro pho bic treatment, the plaster bo ard is specifically designed fo r applicatio ns in timber frame co nstructio n.
Thus, it can be mo unted directly to the frame and pro vides a so lid and perfect suppo rt fo r the applicatio n o f the co ating.
Thermal bridges are avo ided. A thickness up to 16 0 mm guarantees excellent pro tectio n against heat. Overview o f insulatio n
advantages: Made by a mo dern dry pro cess Surface co ating Gro o ve Lo w thermal co nductivity and symmetrical peripheral
to ngue high co mpressive strength integral hydro pho bic treatment Permeable vapo r secto r: the plaster panel fo r co mpo site
thermal insulatio n systems
Co m m e nt i:
In regular co ntact with HAS. The feedback is very po sitive o n all "pro ducts" that we have implemented in this pro ject.
The mixed wood screed / concrete
Pro dut t o re : SFS Intec
Co nt at t o : +33 4 75 75 44 2, nstructio [email protected]
Sit o we b: /fr/fr/web/ho mepage.html
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere strutturali / Struttura - Invo lucro - Finitura
De scrizio ne :
This mixed timber-co ncrete system is fo rmed o f a co ncrete slab with a minimum thickness o f
6 cm, rigidly co nnected to a wo o den jo ist. Wo o den beams and sho w tractio n while the co ncrete
slab is stressed in co mpressio n. Co mpared to a simple wo o den jo ists, the defo rmatio n o f the
flo o r is smaller and co nsiderably increased bearing capacity. It is thus po ssible to cro ss large
spans (up to 8 .50 m!) Safely and eco no mically. Key element, the co nnecto r pro vides the
co nnectio n between wo o d and co ncrete. He is the guaranto r o f the benefits yo u o ffer the
system, namely lo w disto rtio n and lo w stress in the wo o d and co ncrete.
Co m m e nt i:
In regular co ntact with HAS. The feedback is very po sitive o n all "pro ducts" that we have implemented in this pro ject.
solar control windshield sun horizontal / vertical and awning
Pro dut t o re : SERGE FERRARI
Co nt at t o : +33(0 ) 4 74 9 7 41 33
Sit o we b: m/
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere strutturali / Sistema passivo
De scrizio ne :
The benefits o f sunscreen: Check the so lar heat and natural light has a co nsiderable effect o n
the energy needs o f a building. In o rder to make sure that sun pro tectio n can co ntro l effectively
to the reductio n o f energy co nsumptio n, the cho ice o f the best so lutio n has to be do ne very
early in the pro ject. The o utdo o r sun pro tectio n: thermal co mfo rt. It effectively fights against
o verheating by preventing heat radiatio n fro m reaching the windo w and therefo re inside the
ro o m. It also pro tects against glare and pro mo tes the visual co mfo rt o f the user. Placed o utside
the screens so ltis 9 2-20 45 halt 9 5% o f thermal radiatio n. A real benefit in terms o f user co mfo rt and energy savings.
Co m m e nt i:
In regular co ntact with HAS. The feedback is very po sitive o n all "pro ducts" that we have implemented in this pro ject.
// Costi
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 1 0 42 0 0 0 €
Construction and exploitation costs
Co st o t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio : 1 6 0 8 0 0 0 ,0 0 €
Sussidi f inanziari : 728 0 0 0 ,0 0 €
// Qualità della pianificazione urbana
Am bie nt e urbano : The Prytanes II is lo cated o n the Ro ute de Gardanne in Luynes. The plo t stretches between the D7
(Gardanne, Aix) and a railway. Lo w Density Residential. There is an o ld building into disuse. This building will be preserved
and rehabilitated.
// Qualità ambientale dell'edificio
Qualit à am bie nt ale de ll\'e dif icio :
Qualità dell\'aria indo o r
Cantiere (inclusa la gestio ne dei rifiuti)
Co mfo rt (visivo , o lfattivo , termico )
Gestio ne dei rifiuti (relativo all\'edificio )
Efficienza energetica
Energia da fo nti rinno vabili
// Concorsi
The lo catio n o f the pro ject in the heart o f the to wn o f Aix en Pro vence, between the to wns o f Luynes and Gardanne, allo ws us
to affirm that we are in the "temperate climate" catego ry. Altho ugh the Mediterranean climate characterizes us a little mo re.
During the pro ject design phase and during its implementatio n, the energy co nservatio n and eco no my have been o ur
leitmo tiv. Indeed, there is no independent heating system, because the Prytanes 2 building is a passive building. Mo reo ver,
there is no need fo r air co nditio ning as a natural ventilatio n thro ugh-pro cess (perfo rmed o vernight) allo ws to refresh the
ho using units. Then we set up a so lar co ntro l system pushed, wich allo ws, thro ugh ho rizo ntal, vertical blinds and independant
fabrics to regulate sunshine living ro o ms. Impo rtantly, do mestic ho t water, which is mo stly pro duced by so lar. And finally, all
light bulbs are lo w co nsumptio n and LEDs, and appliances quantity is reduced to the bare needs o f users.