ICF Habitat Novedis / Beem `Up accelerators


ICF Habitat Novedis / Beem `Up accelerators
Ca s o s tu d i o : Co te n ti n -Fa l g u i e r e : ICF Ha b i ta t No ve d i s / B e e m ' Up a cce l e r a to r s e n e r g y
r e n o va ti o n
S i to we b : h ttp ://www.co n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /i ta l i a /
Cotentin-Falguiere: ICF Habitat Novedis / Beem 'Up
accelerators energy renovation
Tipo lo gia di pro getto : Ristrutturazio ne
Tipo di edificio : Co ndo minio di altezza
inferio re a 50 m
Anno di co struzio ne : 19 59
Zo na climatica : [Cfb] Marine Mild Winter,
warm summer, no dry seaso n.
Superficie utile calpestabile : 5 759 m 2
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 4
000 000 €
Numero delle unità funzio nali : 8 2
Co sti/m2 : 6 9 5 €/m 2
Co sti/Appartamenti : 48 78 0
, 750 15 Paris, France
// Descrizione
ICF Habitat perfo rmed the reno vatio n o f 8 7 apartments in the Co tentin Falguière residence with its subsidiary fo r intermediate
ho using, ICF Habitat No vedis within the co ntext o f the Experimental Pro ject Euro pe , in Beem'Up - Building Energy Efficiency
fo r Massive Market Uptake. This euro pean pro ject , co vering 3 sites (o ne in the Netherlands and o ne in Sweden), aims to
share inno vative, eco no mic and repeatable so lutio ns between acto rs o f the co nstructio n field, in o rder to accelerate energetic
reno vatio n o f co llective ho usings in Euro pe. The co mmo n o bjectives are:
Reductio n o f energy co nsumptio ns by 75%
Establishing a quality appro ach enshrined in the time
Acco mpanying tenants thro ugho ut the pro ject
Pro po sing inno vative so lutio ns
Analysis o f the gain o f the pro ject and its po tential fo r replicatio n.
The rehabilitatio n pro gram o f the Co tentin Falguière residence includes:
External thermal insulatio n o f the façade (partially with BASF inno vative thin insulant), the ro o f and the terraces.
Wo o dwo rk replacement and mechanical ventilatio n implemantatio n.
Bo ilers replacement asso ciated with regulatio n and perfo rmance mo nito ring.
Co nsumptio n measuring and auto matic repo rting to the tenants.
Implemantatio n o f a ERS bio fluid system fo r heat reco very fro m greywater to the ho t water system.
At t e ndibilit à de i dat i :
Auto -dichiarazio ne
// Stakeholders
No me : ICF Habitat No vedis
Sito web : http://www.icfhabitat.fr/no vedis/
No me : Cabinet Geo rges Ro ux Architectes, Do minique Le Ferrand
Other consultancy agency
No me : COTEC
Impresa di costruzioni
No me : Brezillo n
Impresa di produzione
No me : BASF
[email protected] m
Sito web : http://co nstructio n.basf.co m
Impresa di produzione
co ntact@bio fluides.co m
Sito web : http://www.bio fluides.co m
T ipo lo gia co nt rat t uale :
Co ntraente generale
Appro ccio de l pro prie t ario alla so st e nibilit à e ne rge t ica : Within the co ntext o f the Grenelle de l'Enviro nnement, ICF
Habitat plans to divide by their greenho use gas emissio ns by 4 fo r 20 50 , no tably thro ugh their Patrimo ny Strategic Plan, their
Energy Masterplan and their carbo n fo o tprint actio n plan.
To reduce their emissio ns by 10 ,0 0 0 to nnes CO2eq per year (ie 2.5%) at co nstant perimeter, ICF Habitat elabo rated a threeyear actio n plan that fo cuses o n five main areas:
"Energy in the rental sto ck" o r the integratio n o f energy efficiency criterias in the strategy fo r reco nfiguratio n o f rental ho using
and energy o ptimizatio n (majo r pro jects no t included).
"Paper and respo nsible purchasing" o r ho w to reduce co nsumptio n, including paper hro ugh a deliberate dematerialisatio n
po licy.
"Instrumentatio n and behavio r" o r ho w to fo ster the evo lutio n o f o ur tenants to mo re so ber behavio r in matters o f energy and
waste, pedago gical use o f smart meters;
"Real estate pro ject o wnership" with experimentatio ns in co nstructio n lo w carbo n reno vatio ns;
"Life at wo rk" o r ho w to mo bilize all emplo yees aro und sustainable develo pment o bjectives o f the Gro up.
ICF Habitat to o k part in several Euro pean research pro jects:
After the implementatio n o f the first Energy Perfo rmance Co ntract (EPC) with a third investo r in Schiltigheim (France), ICF
habitat demo nstrates o nce again with Beem'Up pro ject, its willingness to participate fully in the search fo r inno vative so lutio ns
to reno vate the existing ho using. ICF No vedis Habitat pio neers also in sustainable management o f green spaces.
De scrizio ne archit e t t o nica : Challenges :
- bringing the building to current safety and co mfo rt standards ;
- impro ving thermal efficiency o f the building and limiting the co nsumptio ns;
- highlighting the assets o f the building;
- impro ving co mfo rt and quality in ho usings;
- limiting expanses due to energy co nsumptio ns;
- check o n implemented upgrades efficiency.
Pro gram:
- Building envelo pe: thermal insulatio n, reno vatio n o f the façades, ro o f and terraces, wo o dwo rk replacement;
- Outside spaces: yard and bike parking lo ts;
- Co mmo n areas: halls, circulatio ns and technical spaces;
- Co llective equipments: ventilatio n, heating system and co llective ho t water;
- Ho usings: co nsumptio ns tracking o n video pho nes, restructured ho usings, heaters and sanitary systems, electricity;
- Energy co nsumptio ns mo nito ring befo re and after reno vatio n.
Opinio ni de gli ut ilizzat o ri de ll\'e dif icio : Vario us actio ns were led very early par the pro ject o wner and allo wed tenants'
expectatio ns to be co nsidered and to teach them abo ut the eco no my savings appro aches pro mo ted by Beem Up.
Amo ng them, as so o n as late 20 11: meetings, wo rksho ps, surveys amo ng tenants, letters, reno vatio n guide,. After the pro ject
is delivered, end o f April 20 14, an ernegy savings kit will be given to the tenants and wo rksho ps will teach them ho w to use
their new equipements. A survey amo ng tenants will be led at the end o f 20 14. Fo llo wing the same appro ach, the co ntracting
co mpany put a co mplaint bo o k fo r the tenants and a dedicated staff member is present to listen to them.
The majo rity o f these actio ns, mandato ry within the euro pean pro ject, had already been implemanted by ICF Habitat No védis.
Thro ugh them, the go al fo r reduced co nsumptio ns can be achieved. The results o f the survey will be used to elabo rate mo dels
fo r lesso rs to co mmit to ward their tenants.
// Energia
Energy consumption
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria : 41,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria de l m e de sim o e dif icio co st ruit o se co ndo gli st andard m inim i pre vist i dalla no rm at iva vige nt e :
130 ,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Me t o do di calco lo :
Co nsum o di e ne rgia f inale : 44,6 2 kWh EF/m 2 /an
Ripart izio ne de l co nsum o di e ne rgia prim aria no n rinno vabile in uso : Pro ject data in kWh ep / m² SHON / year:
- Heating 13.17 gas heating
- Ho t Water 27.9 0 ECS gas minus the heat reco very ERS system bio fluids 10 .0 0
- Ventilatio n electricity 2.6 0
- Auxiliary electricity 0 .48
- Lighting electricity 6 .0 5
Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : Within the Beem'Up pro ject, the verificatio n o f energy efficiency targets is planned by
measuring co nsumptio ns o ver o ne year thro ugh the center o f techno lo gical reso urces NOBATEK. ICF Habitat No védis also
pro vides mo nito ring o f co nsumptio n o f the residence o ver the lo ng term to o ptimize its usages, maintenance and check up.
Fo r this purpo se, the building and equipments are equipped with Siemens senso rs mo nito red by their intelligent co ntro l
system Synco Living.The first results are expected by the end o f 20 14.
Co nsum o iniziale prim a de ll\'inizio de i lavo ri :
20 5,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Performance dell'involucro
T rasm it t anza : 0 ,53 W.m -2 .K-1
Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : Initial Ubat = 2.124Current part, 18 cm NEOPOR, po lystyrene fo amed graphite, are installed.
Level balco nies, 5cm SL-DP, iso lating a base silica airgel.
// Fonti Rinnovabili e Impianti
Im piant o di riscaldam e nt o :
Caldaia a gas a co ndensazio ne
Radiato re ad acqua
Im piant o di pro duzio ne di acqua calda sanit aria :
Caldaia a gas a co ndensazio ne
Po mpa di calo re
Im piant o di raf f re scam e nt o :
Nessun sistema di raffrescamento
Im piant o di ve nt ilazio ne :
HVAC senso ri di umidità (igro metrico B)
Sist e m i pe r lo sf rut t am e nt o di f o nt i di e ne rgia rinno vabili :
Pro duzio ne di e ne rgia rinno vabile :
20 ,0 0 %
// Prestazioni ambientali
// Prodotti
Biof luids ERS Energy Recycling System
Pro dut t o re : Bio fluides
Co nt at t o : .
Sit o we b: http://bio fluides.co m/ers.php
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o :
De scrizio ne :
No ting that a large amo unt o f heat was released directly to sewers, bio fluids Enviro nment
created the Energy Recycling System ERS ® . This po o l o f heat, hitherto untapped, is no w
captured and used again to pro duce ho t water fo r sanitary applicatio ns, heating o r industrial
pro cesses. System o perating day and night and no t dependent o n the climate, it perfectly
makes the need fo r ho t water match with the available po o l o f heat. The E. R. S. ® hbenefits
fro m the Title V as a system and already pro vides thirty sites in ho t water supply. Efficient,
reliable, co mpact, E. R. S. ® meets the RT 20 12 requirements and allo ws energy savings o f 30 -70 % co mpared to regulato ry
co nsumptio n.
http://www.co nstructio n21.o rg/italia/data/so urces/user (...)
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o :
De scrizio ne :
Neo po r ® is used fo r thermal insulatio n o f exterio r reno vatio n pro ject BEEM UP. The
expandable po lystyrene (EPS) has been created in the labo rato ries o f BASF in 19 51. This
material that has beco me co mmo n no wadays, was impro ved by BASF to turn into Neo po r ® .
This new material fo r mo dern insulatio n systems expands in the same manner as Styro fo am
® (trademark o f BASF co nventio nal EPS) then turns into plates and mo ldings. The difference
is visible to the naked eye'': graphite is added to the raw material, which gives Neo po r ® a
silvery gray co lo r. The graphite abso rbs and reflects a part o f the thermal radiatio n up to 20 %
and impro ves the insulatio n capacity o f the PSE co mpared to that o f the co nventio nal white EPS, a density equal. The vario us
insulatio n systems o utside (ITE) including Neo po r ® are mo stly fo amed plates co vered with a mesh and plaster. IMPROVED
thermal insulatio n: the lambda thermal co nductivity o f 0 .0 32 W / mK and superio r insulating po wer o f 20 % than traditio nal
white EPS guarantee a thin insulating layer in favo r o f flo o r space (ideal fo r reno vatio n). The thermal perfo rmance o f Neo po r
meet the criteria o f current thermal regulatio ns and futures.Mise in 'PIECE o n easy site: eco no my o f material, fast installatio n
and easy thanks to lo w weight o f the material, ho t wire cutters fo r a net decrease o f dust and waste, 'Neo po r ® also o ffers a
real warranty o f quality and efficiency. All the pro ducts use subject to o fficial co ntro ls and o btained the certificatio ns Acermi,
CSTBat are integrated in DTU o r have a technical review.
http://www.co nstructio n21.o rg/italia/data/so urces/user (...) Pro dut t o re : BASF
Co nt at t o : co nstructio [email protected] m
Sit o we b: http://co nstructio n.basf.co m
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere di finitura / Partizio ni, iso lamento
// Costi
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 €
// Qualità della pianificazione urbana
Am bie nt e urbano : The entire pro perty is lo cated in the 15th arro ndissement o f Paris, a 7-minute walk fro m Mo ntparnasse
train statio n and 5 minutes fro m the metro statio n "Vo lunteers" (Line RATP n° 12 - Aubervilliers / Mairie d'Issy). The area
enjo ys all types o f businesses and vario us public services (Po st Office, scho o ls, etc..). The building is built o n the co rner o f
two streets and has an input o n each. The plo t is subject to a servitude o f passage thro ugh a po rch, allo wing entry o n a
co urtyard (Parcel 31 CM) where a building is lo cated fo r pro fessio nal o r co mmercial use.
Building pro perty o n the edge o f street: alignment with the street is preserved
Urban right o f preemptio n (DPU): simple.
Lo cal Develo pment Plan o f Paris: Urban AGeneral Area
Nature o f public utility servitudes: Pro tectio n perimeter o f histo ric mo numents, ancient quarries zo nes, mo nito red and
co ntro led zo ne against termites, area at risk fo r lead expo sure, Enhancement o f vegetatio n.
Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'are a di int e rve nt o :
1228 m 2
Num e ro di parche ggi : Redevelo pment parking fo r cycles: 18 lo ts shelter fo r bicycles
Garage with vegetal ro o f: separatio n o f bicycles (28 places) and mo to rcycles (14 places).
// Qualità ambientale dell'edificio
Qualit à am bie nt ale de ll\'e dif icio :
// Concorsi