Guadeloupe National Park Headquarters
Guadeloupe National Park Headquarters
Ca s o s tu d i o : G u a d e l o u p e Na ti o n a l P a r k He a d q u a r te r s S i to we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /i ta l i a / Guadeloupe National Park Headquarters PUBBLICATO DA HUGUET | 14 GIUGNO 16 Tipo lo gia di pro getto : Nuo va co struzio ne Tipo di edificio : Edificio per uffici di altezza inferio re a 28 m Anno di co struzio ne : 20 12 Zo na climatica : [Aw] Tro pical Wet & Dry with dry winter. Superficie utile calpestabile : 1 6 0 0 m 2 Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 3 0 23 0 0 0 € Numero delle unità funzio nali : 6 2 Po stazio ni di lavo ro Co sti/m2 : 1 8 8 9 €/m 2 Co sti/Po stazio ni di lavo ro : 48 758 €/Po stazio ni di lavo ro , 9 7120 Basse-Terre, Guadelo upe, France // Descrizione The headquart ers o f t he Nat io nal Park o f Guadelo upe were designed f o llo wing a Caribbean enviro nment al qualit y appro ac h aiming f o r an arc hit ec t ural pro jec t wit h: minimal impac t o n t he lo c al, regio nal and glo bal enviro nment ; o pt imal impac t o n healt h and c o mf o rt o f t he users. The Nat io nal Park c an rely o n t his ic o nic building t o highlight it s missio ns, it s princ iples and c o nc erns t o t he public . It f ully plays it s ro le as a rekno wn dest inat io n, c laimed by t he po pulat io n and t he st akeho lders. It is a healt hy equipment , a "passer" o f kno wledge, o f respec t , o f exc hanges bet ween peo ple, bet ween t he c o nc erns o f everyo ne aro und nat ure ,bet ween t he indo o r spac es and gardens. Maggio ri de t t agli sul pro ge t t o : http://www.guadelo upe-parcnatio At t e ndibilit à de i dat i : Auto -dichiarazio ne // Stakeholders Committente No me : Parc Natio nal de Guadelo upe marie-edith.ado lphe@guadelo upeparcnatio Sito web : http://www.guadelo upe-parcnatio Progettista No me : ATELIER 13 Périne Huguet, Eric Ramlall, Laurent Lavall Azio ne : architectural design; fo llo wed the wo rksite; receptio n Progettista No me : ACAPA Frédéric Pujo l Sito web : m/agence.html Azio ne : architectural design Other consultancy agency No me : A2E Jean-Lo uis Hernandez Azio ne : fluids Structures calculist No me : BIEB David Malaval Sito web : Azio ne : Structure et VRD Other consultancy agency No me : Ro bert Célaire Co nsultant Ro bert Célaire Azio ne : HQE Other consultancy agency No me : EQUINOXE Laurent Séauve Azio ne : BET energy and pho to vo ltaic generato r No me : Agence Ter Sito web : m/ Azio ne : landscaper Other consultancy agency No me : AGENCE TER Michel Ho essler Sito web : m Azio ne : landscaping, pro tectio n o f existing remarkable trees T ipo lo gia co nt rat t uale : Lo tti separati Appro ccio de l pro prie t ario alla so st e nibilit à e ne rge t ica : A urban develo pment pro cess and co nstructio n which is part o f a sustainable develo pment appro ach can meet this do uble urgency o f co ntro lling the enviro nmental impact o f buildings at the lo cal, regio nal and glo bal o n the o ne hand and perfo rming spaces life mo re co mfo rtable and healthier o n the o ther hand. And this is especially the lo catio n and o rientatio n o f buildings o n the site which define the quality o f this respo nse, since they pro vide no extra co st, satisfacto ry so lutio ns to this pro blem: - A minimizing earthwo rks, and subsequently a limitatio n o f nuisance, po llutio n, disruptio n o f the natural enviro nment and the co sts incurred. - The Building is po sed lightly o n the land fo llo wing its to po graphy - No site evacuatio n was required, all the cuttings were reused; - Bypassing all the trees and preserving their ro o t system thro ugh fo undatio ns limiting excavatio n; - Minimum waterpro o fing o f the field by the establishment o f mo re than 50 0 m² o f green ro o fs planted with plants taken fro m the site, creating a car park co nsisting o f a dirt / sto ne co mplex (o r grass / gravel) and car traffic lanes defined by o nly 2 treads co ncrete separated by a stabilized vegetated area; - A Minimizing direct so lar gain o n facades, o ptimizing the po tential o f natural ventilatio n and maximum use o f natural light depo sit, three issues that have a direct impact o n user co mfo rt and energy co nsumptio n; - The Creatio n o f atmo spheres and quality o f views, a harmo nio us dialo gue with the natural enviro nment, limiting harmful interference to the neighbo rho o d and the site. The headquarters o f the Natio nal Park o f Guadelo upe is thus to “land” with respect fo r the site o n the gro und level curves between existing trees preserved. The few necessary earthwo rks are treated balanced cut and fill. De scrizio ne archit e t t o nica : - The sweet integratio n o f the building and o n the ho st site - The preservatio n o f the diversity o f enviro nments and remarkable trees o f the site. - The Opening and transparency o f the building as an attractio n to the kno wledge o f nature. - The Quality o f the interio r spaces fo stering relatio nships, exchanges and co nviviality in a place to wo rk, co mfo rtable and genero us, - The architectural transitio n between this place o n the edge o f the city and the natural area o f the park and So ufriere. - A Fluid and readable fo r all o perating upo n entry Headquarters - An exemplary in co ntro lling energy co nsumptio n and co nserving natural reso urces // Energia Energy consumption Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria : 8 4,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria de l m e de sim o e dif icio co st ruit o se co ndo gli st andard m inim i pre vist i dalla no rm at iva vige nt e : 344,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an Me t o do di calco lo : RT Guadelo upe CEEB : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / € Co nsum o di e ne rgia f inale : 21,70 kWh EF/m 2 /an Ripart izio ne de l co nsum o di e ne rgia prim aria no n rinno vabile in uso : - Interio r light: 25% - Air Co nditio ning lo cal server: 30 % - Co ntro ls: 11% - Co mputers 23% Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : The energy o ptimizatio n appro ach uses the Negawatt principles: - simplicity o f needs, thanks to the successful bio climatic design - equipment perfo rmance: including ceiling fans, o rders by presence detecto rs - the use o f renewable energy, the so lar generato r o perating in co nsumptio n that has been sized to co ver 10 0 % o f the electrical needs. Performance dell'involucro T rasm it t anza : 0 ,6 0 W.m -2 .K-1 Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : no t representative fo r the building because bio climatic o peratio n in the tro pics in o pen atmo sphere. The so lar facto r characterizing the quality o f the envelo pe under tro pical co nditio ns is less than 0 .0 3 ro o f. Re ale co nsum o f inale di e ne rgia : Re ale co nsum o f inale di e ne rgia / m 2: 21.7 (20 15) // Fonti Rinnovabili e Impianti Systems Im piant o di riscaldam e nt o : Nessun sistema di riscaldamento Im piant o di pro duzio ne di acqua calda sanit aria : So lare termico Im piant o di raf f re scam e nt o : Nessun sistema di raffrescamento Im piant o di ve nt ilazio ne : Ventilazio ne naturale Sist e m i pe r lo sf rut t am e nt o di f o nt i di e ne rgia rinno vabili : So lare fo to vo ltaico So lare termico Pro duzio ne di e ne rgia rinno vabile : 10 5,0 0 % Optimizatio n o f natural ventilatio n after sunscreen limiting external heat gains, thermal co mfo rt thro ugho ut the building, is created by the breakdo wn o f lo cal enabling: - firstly, to evacuate the internal lo ads which have previo usly been minimized; - Seco ndly, to create an air speed o f the o ccupant can reduce up to 4 ° C the temperature felt by the latter with an air speed inside the building and o n the o ccupier o f the o rder o f 1 m / s. Excellent capacity fo r natural ventilatio n o f buildings is permitted by the design o f the master plan : - which o utlines the best building to capture the prevailing winds; - Which includes tall circulatio n spaces with o ptimal natural ventilatio n po sitio ns o f input-o utput, and scalability o f the do o rs (frames ventilatio n) leading to the ability to co ntro l the directio nal flo w and air speeds. In terms o f design: the po ro sity (drilling rate) o f the facade do wnwind air flo w, less efficient (thermal day breeze) is increased minimally to values co nsistent with tho se specificatio ns ECODOM lo ads and allo w fo r circulatio n ho mo geneo us air and a venturi effect. Fo r perio ds witho ut wind o r when the wind speed will be insufficient to ensure thermal co mfo rt, it may be o btained by means o f air ceiling brewers. These ceiling fans create an air speed o f abo ut 0 .5 m / s in the ro o ms where they are installed and may induce impro vement felt co mfo rtable aro und 2 ° C. In the first year o f o peratio n, the perfo rmance ratio o f the so lar generato r is higher than average (11%) o f the mo nito red facilities in Guadelo upe So lut io ns e nhancing nat ure f re e gains : The design o f effective sun pro tectio n is essential to create co mfo rt in a building that is no t air co nditio ned, this sunscreen also minimizing co o ling requirements o f buildings which are air co nditio nned. // Prestazioni ambientali Life Cycle Analysis Mat e riali e co -co m pat ibili : - Use o f certified wo o d fo r all uses; - Building witho ut the use o f CFCs o r HCFCs (eg insulato rs, refrigerants since no air co nditio ning, ...) - abso lute minimizatio n o f the use o f PVC Water & Indoor air quality The eco -management pro cess o n drinking water was identical, in metho do lo gical terms, to the o verall co nceptual appro ach ado pted by the team fo r the pro ject design and especially fo r the management o f o ther fluids including energy: - So briety in the use o f water ie o verall design o f facilities and green spaces (patio , green ro o f ...) minimizing the drinking water needs and enco uraging users to ratio nal and reaso nable use o f this water; - Efficiency in the use o f water ie designing distributio n systems and terminals minimizing, fo r a given service, co ld water co nsumptio n and ho t water; - Ratio nal design o f inland water netwo rks with pressure relief valves (max 3 bar), a minimizatio n o f dead legs and lengths o f terminal antennas, glo bal o ptimizatio n pathways enabling: to save water by reducing rates (co ntro lled pressure); water savings by presence detectio n fo r each withdrawal po int (except the co mmo n kitchen); - Design o f water terminals efficient po table use: To ilets do uble speed, ro bust and easy to use, with integrated signage speed max 3/6 liters; Terminals sho wer and sinks with mo dular flo w aerato rs with Max 8 l / min; Minimizing Legio nella risk thro ugh the use o f electro nic faucets with auto matic o pening 45 s after 24 ho urs o f no n-use thus preventing the develo pment o f bacteria. - Selectio n o f lo cal plant species o f trees and shrubs with very lo w water needs. The species selected are all no n-allergenic He alt h & co m f o rt : The main pillars o f co mfo rt fo r the users o f the premises are: - Optimal natural ventilatio n but anytime manageable and assisted by lo w po wer co nsumptio n devices (ceiling fans ceiling) - An o ptimized natural lighting - Spaces o pen o nto the preserved o r reco nstructed nature - distant views o mnipresent sea, the Caribbean mo untains but also the mature gardens. To do this: - All buildings o f bo dies 6 meters deep at mo st to allo w penetratio n o f natural light unifo rmly - All o ffices have a wide o pen fro ntage o n the direct sunlight (no rth o r so uth facade) and a seco nd day o f the patio o r the lighted co rrido rs, - All o ffices are in direct thro ugh-ventilatio n, - prevailing winds are drained into the "bo ttleneck" o f patio creating a pull facto r co nductive to ventilatio n that advertises the freshness created by plantatio ns in all o ffices. - The friendly meeting places are present thro ugho ut the circulatio ns. These spaces are wo rking o n the o utside and the treatment o f their fro nt raw wo o d trellis pro vides permanent ventilatio n while letting in a gentler filtered light. // Prodotti photovoltaic solar generator Pro dut t o re : SOLAR ELECTRIC Co nt at t o : m/?page_id=50 72 Sit o we b: m/ Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere di finitura / Sistemi elettrici (alta e bassa tensio ne) De scrizio ne : The sizing was do ne to co ver all electrical needs annual review. Co nsidering the appro priateness o f the site needs with so lar o utput, the generato r has no energy sto rage. Stakeho lders have decided to wo rk o n the site o f a pho to vo ltaic generato r PNG o perating in co nsumptio n, with injectio n o f surplus energy o n the netwo rk. Finally, the cho ice was made to use micro -inverters, pro mising techno lo gy o ffering multiple benefits in a listed o ffice building ERP security, guaranteed fo r 25 years inverters o ptimized pro ducible. Mo reo ver, the ho t water is pro vided by a so lar water heater installed o n the ro o f. Co m m e nt i: Wooden trellises f rom a local track Pro dut t o re : Delta po se Co nt at t o : http://www.deltapo ntact Sit o we b: http://www.deltapo Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere strutturali / Struttura - Invo lucro - Finitura De scrizio ne : Lo cal wo o d was used fo r all claustras gates that clo se the building. This is a perfo rmance because the wo o d industry do es no t exist in Guadelo upe. Indeed, in o rder to succeed, we had to use the o nly wo o d that still co mes fro m the fo rest and used to make timber pro pping in co nstructio n. To do so , an agreement with NFB (Natio nal Fo restry Bo ard) was passed so they designate the parcel can be harvested. The trunks o f yo ung trees are used as raw. The principle is to replace them if they are degraded. Presently, o ne o f the species (white gum tree the mo re tender) ho sts many “Vo nvo n” (Xylo co pa mardax, fat bumblebee) to the delight o f manager who sees and bio diversity invade even his building. Ano ther advantage is the light that is created inside o f the building is screened, so ft, like a wo o d. Co m m e nt i: The client was very pleased o f this pro duct because its enviro nmental appro ach had suffered fro m the failure to use lo cal wo o d Ni Ni even the Guyana timber (co st pro blem). The client was therefo re particularly interested and satisfied with this so lutio n that places again as remarkable building by that use. // Costi Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 3 0 23 0 0 0 € Construction and exploitation costs Co st o de i sist e m i pe r lo sf rut t am e nt o di f o nt i di e ne rgia rinno vabili : 8 8 429 ,0 0 € // Qualità della pianificazione urbana Am bie nt e urbano : The buildings emerge fro m the vegetatio n that has been densified to accentuate this visual effect, especially in the part o f parking, high slo pe, respecting existing species. The pedestrian and auto mo bile traffic fit into dense vegetatio n. The cafeteria (lo cal staff) is in the middle o f a clearing, surro unded by fruit trees. The fo o tpaths plunge thro ugh dense planting beds, where the buildings are emerging, playing bo th the ro le o f service and disco very o f the vegetatio n o f the site. The patio , a beautiful garden, the main co ntent o f this vegetatio n to extend this wealth to the heart o f the building. The print request is the superpo sitio n o f these layers o n a site o f great wealth, all so just stick to the existing, o nly the minimum is kidnapped and finds substituted by an o utstanding building. Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'are a di int e rve nt o : Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio : Spazi ve rdi ad uso co m une : Num e ro di parche ggi : 130 0 0 m 2 12 % 110 0 0 Parking, stabilized turf, co ntributing to the integratio n o f these structures to the site. // Qualità ambientale dell'edificio Qualit à am bie nt ale de ll\'e dif icio : Qualità dell\'aria indo o r Bio diversità Co mfo rt (visivo , o lfattivo , termico ) Gestio ne delle acque Efficienza energetica Energia da fo nti rinno vabili Integrazio ne ambientale Pro cessi di co struzio ne Pro do tti e materiali // Concorsi This reference building in Guadelo upe is emblematic o f a search fo r co mfo rt and minimizing enviro nmental impacts at lo wer o verall co st. It was designed in an Enviro nmental Quality appro ach Building (QEB) in tro pical enviro nments, which relies heavily o n a bio climatic design o f the architectural pro ject. By explo iting the natural reso urces o f the site (climate, to po graphy) and fully respecting the natural enviro nment (existing remarkable trees, minimizing cut and fill, landscaped entry, o ptimized o rientatio n ...) serving a bio climatic o peratio n mo de (to ie witho ut use o f air co nditio ning), the building is no w reco gnized as a benchmark fo r Enviro nmental Quality o f the Building in the tro pical co ntext.