African Development Bank (BMCE)
African Development Bank (BMCE)
Ca s o s tu d i o : Afr i ca n De ve l o p m e n t B a n k ( B MCE) S i to we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /i ta l i a / African Development Bank (BMCE) PUBBLICATO DA AGADI | 19 LUGLIO 16 Tipo lo gia di pro getto : Nuo va co struzio ne Tipo di edificio : Altri edifici Anno di co struzio ne : 20 14 Zo na climatica : [Csa] Interio r Mediterranean - Mild with dry, ho t summer. Superficie utile calpestabile : 17 0 0 0 m 2 Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 18 0 000 € Numero delle unità funzio nali : 6 Nessuna Co sti/m2 : 11 €/m 2 Co sti/Nessuna : 30 0 0 0 €/Nessuna , 20 30 0 Casablanca, Maro c // Descrizione The pro ject invo lves the realizatio n o f BMCE Academy, lo cated bo usko ura. This pro ject co nsists o f a set o f training ro o ms, a receptio n center, an amphitheater, a restaurant, a bank branch and finally a Data Center. At t e ndibilit à de i dat i : Certificazio ne di terza parte // Stakeholders Committente No me : BMCE Bank Appro ccio de l pro prie t ario alla so st e nibilit à e ne rge t ica : BMCE Bank is a co mpany co mmitted to sustainable develo pment, with an enviro nmental po licy and a system certified ISO 140 0 1 and ISO 9 0 0 1. The cho ice o f the HQE certificatio n to the Internatio nal fo r its pro ject will translate the perfo rmance o f its pro ject fo llo wing an internatio nal unit o f measure and demo nstrate co mpliance co mmitments by a third party. BMCE BANK wants to set an example. The o rientatio n HQE (phase test) will allo w taking into acco unt eco no mic, so cial and enviro nmental characteristics o f Mo ro cco , that in o rder to enco urage inno vatio n, co rpo rate so cial respo nsibility and green eco no my with co mmo n sense and in a co ntinuo us impro vement pro cess. De scrizio ne archit e t t o nica : As part o f the develo pment o f its educatio nal activities and to meet its co mputing needs, BMCE BANK pro vides the realizatio n o f a TRAINING CENTER with OFFICES & WORKSHOPS. The new pro ject under the BMCE Bank respo nds to the desire to pro vide quality services at internatio nal academic standards in terms o f o peratio nal and managerial training. As equipment co llective public interest, the TRAINING CENTRE is strategically lo cated o n the mo st visible part o f the land. Easily accessible, it is next to a green area o f spo rts fields and parking areas. Due to the accessibility TRAINING CENTER therefo re benefits bo th to the peo ple o f Bo usko ura that the po pulatio n o f the city o f Casablanca and its visito rs. In additio n, all equipment that includes this pro ject sho uld generate o ver 70 permanent jo bs and several co ntracto rs and jo bs is part o f the develo pment o f No uacer Prefecture and the city o f Casablanca. // Energia Energy consumption Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria : 132,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /an Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria de l m e de sim o e dif icio co st ruit o se co ndo gli st andard m inim i pre vist i dalla no rm at iva vige nt e : 18 1,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /an Me t o do di calco lo : Altro CEEB : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / € Performance dell'involucro T rasm it t anza : 0 ,40 W.m -2 .K-1 // Fonti Rinnovabili e Impianti Systems Im piant o di riscaldam e nt o : Po mpa di calo re Im piant o di pro duzio ne di acqua calda sanit aria : Caldaia elettrica indipendente So lare termico Im piant o di raf f re scam e nt o : Sistema VRV (Variant Refrigerant Vo lume) Smart Building BMS : Yes // Prestazioni ambientali // Prodotti CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamic modeling f luid dynamics or Pro dut t o re : Design Builder So ftware Co nt at t o : designbuilder.maro [email protected] m Sit o we b: http://www.designbuildermaro m/ Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Management / Others De scrizio ne : The CFD analysis (Co mputatio nalFluidDynamic) allo ws yo u to study the distributio n o f temperature, pressure, co mfo rt, the air velo city o f an inner area and the winds and pressure fields o utside a bâtiment.CFD means Co mputatio nalFluid Dynamics. It includes all the metho ds o f numerical calculatio ns to predict the temperature o f the air, its speed, its directio n in an o pen space o r fermé.Répo ndre questio ns such as: What effect my (my) building (s) has o r do they have o n the wind? What is the temperature distributio n in a ro o m o f high ceilings? Ho w effective air diffusers acco rding to their placement, the air speed? radiato rs peuvent- they be better po sitio ned to maximize co mfo rt? the CFD Mo dule DesignBuilder 3DEst designed to o ffer users an airflo w predictio n to o l and temperature distributio ns inside and o utside o f a building o f the same so that the dedicated so ftware but at co mpetitive prices and witho ut the need fo r assistance fro m a spécialiste.L'usage current CFD so ftware turns greedy time and requires special attentio n to establish co rrect geo metries and bo undary co nditio ns. Using CFD mo dule DesignBuilder drastically reduces these tasks by auto matically pro viding the geo metry and co nditio ns limites.Les temperatures, heat flo w and air exchange vo lumes calculated by EnergyPlus can be used as bo undary co nditio ns by simply specifying time and CFD CFD analysis so uhaitée.L'interface date is designed to allo w analysis 'push butto n' using auto matically generated data but with o ptio n fo r mo re experienced users to mo dify the data. This appro ach allo ws users to o btain reliable 3D CFD analysis witho ut reco urse to specialized kno wledge o f mo dels numériques.Quelques key features: 3D grids are generated auto matically fro m the mo del geo metry and bo undary co nditio ns by pro mo ting the use o f algo rithms o ptimal so lutio ns co nvergenceLe CFD engine is built aro und the SIMPLER algo rithm which is o ne o f the mo st widely distributed and used metho ds. Turbulence is mo deled using the well do cumented ke mo del and have been the subject o f much research. Other mo dels will be added later lo use meet spécifiques.L'interface applicatio ns included many to o ls fo r the bo undary co nditio ns such as air diffusers, extracto rs, temperature patch, etc. A co mpo nent library is pro vided o ffering radiato rs, fan co il units, furniture, o ccupants, etc. to place anywhere and auto matically included in the analyse.Les bo undary co nditio ns can be derived fro m an EnergyPlus simulatio n antérieureLes 3D CFD results are displayed using the OpenGL graphics engine DesignBuilder with impressive images easily interpreted, velo city vecto rs o f films, temperature co nto urs, iso surfaces, particle streams, etc. Co m m e nt i: DesignBuilder is a dynamic simulatio n so ftware, with a graphical interface with many features no t available in existing so ftware simultaneo usly: Calculatio n o f lo ss / heat gain in winter envelo pe / étéDimensio nnement chauffageDimensio nnement o f the refresh by natural ventilatio n and / o r dynamic climatisatio nSimulatio n (STD) resto ring co mfo rt data, heat balance, ventilatio n and 3D etc.Co nstructio n realistic view o f shado ws (BIM mo del) Mo deling o f the building including windo w creatio n assistants, co nstructio n assembly, auto matic detectio n o f the type wall that yo u avo id many seizures o r dessinGestio n o ccupatio n, mechanical ventilatio n, windo w o penings, the o ccultatio n berries, internal gains ... by co nfigurable schedule depending o n the day, mo nth, ho ur (o r sub zo ne) energy saving: free co o ling, energy reco very o n exhaust air, night ventilatio n, dimming the lighting acco rding to brightness, air temperature regulatio n blo wn acco rding to demand, vo lume variable air ... already available in so me clics.Plusieurs hundreds o f examples and materials are delivered in french with the Pack FrançaisCarte natural lighting, FLJCalculs RT20 12Calculs LEED fo r ASHRAE 9 0 .1 and EAp2Calcul o verall co st with po werful functio n estimatio n o f co nstructio n co sts, energy, lifecycle-based o ptimizatio n mo del BIMMo dule allo wing yo u to determine the building parameters o ffering the best co mpro mise between co st, co nvenience, GES // Costi Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 18 0 0 0 0 € Construction and exploitation costs Co st o t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio : 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 € // Qualità della pianificazione urbana Am bie nt e urbano : The pro ject site is lo cated so uth o f Casablanca, in the to wn o f Bo usko ura, which falls within the pro vince o f No uacer. The pro ject field is limited by the Bo usko ura fo rest so utheast, no rth-west by the future high-speed line (LGV), and no rtheast thro ugh Sidi Masso ud (Casa-Medio una link). The metro po lis o f Greater Casablanca is justified taking into acco unt the fo llo wing key po ints: - The develo pment strategy fo r Greater Casablanca, which aims to impro ve the eco no my o f the regio n, Mo ro cco o ccupies the lo co mo tive status fo r mo re than a century, bo th eco no mically and culturally. The stro ng urbanizatio n facing the metro po lis. Indeed, the registered urban gro wth is 70 0 to 10 0 0 hectares per year Enco uraging dedensificatio n thro ugh the o pening 25 0 0 0 ha to urbanizatio n by 20 30 . - The eco no mic dynamics that kno ws the axis Casablanca-No uaceur. - The pipeline, structuring and co ntro l o f urban develo pment o f the city Bo usko ura; - The ro le o f vo catio nal training in pro mo ting eco no mic and so cial activity. Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'are a di int e rve nt o : Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio : Spazi ve rdi ad uso co m une : 50 0 0 0 m 2 30 0 0 0 % 20 0 0 0 // Qualità ambientale dell'edificio Qualit à am bie nt ale de ll\'e dif icio : Adattabilità dell\'edificio Qualità dell\'aria indo o r Bio diversità Cantiere (inclusa la gestio ne dei rifiuti) Acustica Co mfo rt (visivo , o lfattivo , termico ) Gestio ne dei rifiuti (relativo all\'edificio ) Gestio ne delle acque Efficienza energetica Energia da fo nti rinno vabili Gestio ne dell\'edificio Integrazio ne ambientale Mo bilità Pro do tti e materiali // Concorsi Categorie del concorso Energy & Ho t Climates