55+ Group First Communion Breakfast 100th


55+ Group First Communion Breakfast 100th
Catholicism Series
Thank you to everyone who has thus far contributed to the
2013 ShareLife Parish Campaign.
You are helping
ShareLife agencies continue the valuable work they do for
the poor and marginalized in our region by giving
generously. You have made the path to new opportunities
much easier for thousands of the most vulnerable in our
communities. For those who wish to make a donation, you
are still welcome to do so. You can drop your ShareLife
envelopes in the offertory basket until July 31, 2013 or
donate online at www.sharelife.org. Thank you!
Total raised to date: $30,877.35
If you have not yet offered your gift, please do so, over the
next few weeks. We are aware that many are in need and
that challenges face everyone of us. Let us consider those
who are struggling in their daily journey. In our sharing,
God will bless us abundantly.
55+ Group
The 55+ group will be getting together in the Parish Hall
this Thursday, June 13th at 9:30 a.m. for some Pizza & a
game of Bingo. All the young at heart are invited!
Feast of St. Anthony
Thursday, June 13th is the Feast of St.
Anthony. Mass will be celebrated at 9
a.m. and at 7:30 p.m., with a procession
inside the church, followed by the blessing
of bread. Anyone wishing to offer bread
may do so.
Youth Dance
We invite all our Grade 7 & 8
students to a Dance on Friday, June
14th, in our Parish Hall from 7:00 –
9:30 p.m. PIZZA and drinks will be
served. Come and have fun with your friends.
First Communion Breakfast
Next Saturday, June 15th, all the children
who celebrated their First Holy Communion
this year, are invited to join us for a
Communion Breakfast. We will gather for Mass at 9:00
a.m. in the church, followed by breakfast in the church
hall. Once again our congratulations to the children and
their families.
St. Vincent de Paul Drive
Next weekend (June 15/16th), the SVDP
truck will be parked in the school yard. If
you have any good used items that you’d
like to donate, please bring them to the truck then.
Journey Around the World and Deep into the Faith. Join us
in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, June 19th at 7:00 p.m. for
the last of a ten part series entitled World Without End:
The Last Things”.
100th Anniversary of St. Clare’s Parish
Volunteers are needed for 100th Anniversary
Activities. There are a number of ways that you can help
as we move towards St. Clare's 100th Anniversary, If you
would like to volunteer, please contact Mary Benincasa.
Please mark these dates in your calendar
Sunday, August 11th – 12 Noon - Feast of St. Clare
Solemn Mass and Reception.
Sunday, September 8th - 12 Noon Mass - Feast of
the Birth of Mary. Mass presided by His Eminence
Cardinal Collins.
Friday, October 18th - Anniversary Gala at the
Liberty Grand. Tickets now on sale; call Rose
Simonetti 416-618-8244; $150 per person. Get
your tickets today. A limited number of tickets left.
Pilgrimage to Europe
We are planning a wonderful Pilgrimage to Europe from
September 8th to September 25th. Some of the places we’ll be
visiting are Lourdes, Assisi, Medjugorje, San Giovanni Rotondo
& Rome. For a full itinerary, please call the office or St. Clair
Travel North at 905/851-1512.
our 100th Anniversary Local artist,
Antonio Caruso, is presently sculpting a nearly
life-size wooden sculpture of our Patron Saint,
represented walking, and offering a loaf of
bread, symbol of charity and of the Eucharist.
Anyone wishing to offer a donation for the cost
of the statue may do so. Envelopes may be
found at the doors. You may return the
envelope and place it in any Sunday collection
basket. The statue will be unveiled on the day
of the Feast, Sunday, August 11th, and will be
blessed by the Cardinal on Sunday, September
8, when His Eminence will be among us, to celebrate our
Anniversary Mass.
Backpacks for Children in Need
Will you help provide a back-to-school backpack (estimated
cost $35 to $40) for a child in need? The St. Vincent de
Paul Society is organizing a program which will see
parishioners helping families in need get their young
children ready for the return to school in the Fall.
Members of the Society will be present after the Masses
this week and next to sign you up and give you helpful
Mass Intentions
Saturday, June 8
5:00 – Ella Carell
Sunday, June 9
9:00 – Abilio Carvalho (1 yr. anniv.)
10:30 – Vito, Maria, Rosa e Vincenzo Pileggi,
Marta e Michele Carnovale, Antonio, Michele e Vincenza
Caputo, Paul Côté, Annina Arena, Giuseppe Boccuto,
Nicola Lamberti, Cecilia Marascio, Amelia Rende, Gianni e
Ferruccio Fontana, Rocco Tomei, Quirino Boni e in onore
di Sant’ Antonio
12:00 – Patrick & Verena Hanley
Monday, June 10
9:00 – Luis Ferreira
Tuesday, June 11
9:00 – Artur Inacio dos Santos
Wednesday, June 12
9:00 – Michele e Assuntina Urso
7:00 – Francesco Platì († died in Italy)
Thursday, June 13
9:00 – Luis Ferreira
10:00 – Loretto High School Mass
1:00 – St. Clare School Mass
7:30 – In honour of St. Anthony
Friday, June 14
9:00 – Piera Canella
Saturday, June 15
9:00 – Humberto Medeiros
5:00 – Luigi Brusatin
There is a promise of Marriage between the
following couples:
chiesa, o lasciare un’offerta.
Grazie per l’aiuto che avete già offerto per ShareLife.
Abbiamo finora raccolto $ 30,877.35. Chi non ha ancora
avuto modo di presentare il proprio dono, potrà portarlo entro
la fine del mese di luglio. Anche se tutti sentiamo le difficoltà
economiche di questi tempi, sappiamo bene che molte
famiglie soffrono in modi ancora più drastici. Aiutlamoli con la
preghiera e con l’aiuto finanziario. Dio benedica ogni nostro
gesto di amore e di generosità.
Nel prossimo weekend (15/16 giungo), ci sarà parcheggiato
nel cortile della Scuola di St. Clare (su Westmount Ave.) il
camion della Società San Vincenzo de Paoli. Siamo invitati a
portare qualsiasi articolo: panni, mobili, pentole, quadri,
ecc…, che sono ancora in buona condizione ma che non ci
sono più utili.
ricorrenza del Centennario della parrocchia.
L’artista Antonio Caruso, sta attualmente
preparando una scultura lignea di Santa Chiara,
sotto la direzione di P. Vito. Questa stuatua, a
quasi altezza naturale, rappresenta la nostra
Patrona, in vestiti autentici dell’epoca, in cammino
verso la comunità offrendo il pane. Parrocchiani e
amici della parrocchia che desiderano contribuire
verso il costo della statua potranno ritirare una
busta all’uscita e deporre la propria offerta
qualsiasi domenica. La statua sarà presentata
alla comunità nel giorno della festa, domenica 11
agosto, e poi benedetta dal cardinale la domenica 8 settembre,
quando sua eminenza sarà quì da noi per celebrare la Santa
Messa in onore del centennario.
Enrico Capocci & Hannah Posedowski
Steve Nicolopolous & Sonia Almeida
Come ben sappiamo, la nostra parrocchia celebrerà il suo
centennario dall’ 11 agosto 2013 (festa di Santa Chiara) fino
all’11 agosto 2014. Vari momenti di preghiera e celebrazione
guideranno l’itinerario giubilare. Vi invitiamo a sottolineare le
seguenti date:
Gruppo 55 e Più
Domenica 11 agosto – a mezzogiorno – Messa solenne
dell’inizio dell’anniversario. Festa che segue nella sala.
Il gruppo 55+ si raduneranno nella Sala questo giovedì, 13
giugno alle 9:30 a.m., per la Pizza e un gioco di Bingo. Tutti i
giovani di cuore sono invitati!
Festa di Sant’ Antonio
Questo giovedì, 13 giugno, Festa di Sant’
Antonio, celebriamo la S. Messa alle 9 del
mattina, e alle 7:30 di sera con
processione all’interno della chiesa,
benedizione e distribuzione dei pani dopo
le messe. Chi volesse offrire il pane, potrà portarlo in
Domenica 8 settembre – a mezzogiorno – Messa con
sua Eminenza, il Cardinale Thomas Collins. Festa che
segue nella sala.
Venerdi 18 ottobre - Grande Festa nel Liberty Grand
Celebrate con noi questo grande evento. I biglietti sono già in
vendita. Chiamate Rose Simonetti al 416-618-8244
RAPIDA. Cerchiamo di procurarceli appena possibile per
assicurare la nostra presenza.