Meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Society 100th Anniversary of St


Meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Society 100th Anniversary of St
Ministerial Changes at St. Clare’s & St. Nicholas
As of the beginning of July, changes will occur in the
pastoral staff of our two parishes. Fr. Oscar, who has been
with us since July of 2012, will be transferred to
Penetanguishene and become Associate Pastor of Ste.
Croix and St. Florence Parishes. Fr. Vito will resume his
responsibility as Pastor of St. Clare’s Church only (without
Associate), and the pastoral care of St. Nicholas’ parish will
be offered to the Capuchin Fathers, with Fr. Bruno
Nandaba, as Administrator. Fr. Vittorio will continue to
serve the Eritrean Chaplaincy at St. Nicholas. We thank Fr.
Oscar for his ministry among us and we wish him well in
his new assignment. On Saturday evening, June 29th at 6
p.m., parishioners and friends of St. Nicholas and St. Clare
Parishes, are invited to St. Clare’s Church Hall for some
refreshments and to personally thank Fr. Oscar for his
ministry among us.
Last week, we celebrated the graduates of Stella Maris and
St. Clare’s School and this week we celebrate the
graduates of Loretto College High School and Pope Paul
School. We invite everyone to join us as we celebrate and
pray for them! May God Bless them and be with them
always, as they journey towards their future! We extend
our congratulations to all parishioners graduating from all
schools, colleges and universities. To those moving on to
places of higher learning, and to all who are entering the
work force, may the blessings of God accompany you.
Thank you to everyone who has thus far contributed to the 2013
ShareLife Parish Campaign. You are helping ShareLife agencies
continue the valuable work they do for the poor and marginalized
in our region by giving generously. You have made the path to
new opportunities much easier for thousands of the most
vulnerable in our communities. For those who wish to make a
donation, you are still welcome to do so. You can drop your
ShareLife envelopes in the offertory basket until July 31, 2013 or
donate online at Thank you!
Monthly Parish Memorial Mass
On Friday, June 28th at 7:30 p.m. we celebrate a Memorial
Mass in honour of our loved ones. If you have a friend or
family member whose birthday, anniversary or anniversary
of death took place during this month, please call the office
asap with the name you wish to have mentioned.
100th Anniversary of St. Clare’s Parish
Volunteers are needed for 100th Anniversary
Activities. There are a number of ways that you can help
as we move towards St. Clare's 100th Anniversary, If you
would like to volunteer, please contact Mary Benincasa.
Please mark these dates in your calendar
Sunday, August 11th – 12 Noon - Feast of St. Clare
Solemn Mass and Reception.
Sunday, September 8th - 12 Noon Mass - Feast of
the Birth of Mary. Mass presided by His Eminence
Cardinal Collins.
Friday, October 18th - Anniversary Gala at the
will try to accommodate more tables, if at all
possible. More information will be published over
the next few weeks.
our 100th Anniversary Local artist,
Antonio Caruso, is presently sculpting a
nearly life-size wooden sculpture of our
Patron Saint, represented walking, and
offering a loaf of bread, symbol of charity
and of the Eucharist. Anyone wishing to
offer a donation for the cost of the statue
may do so. Envelopes may be found at the
doors. You may return the envelope and
place it in any Sunday collection basket. The
statue will be unveiled on the day of the
Feast, Sunday, August 11th, and will be blessed by the
Cardinal on Sunday, September 8, when His Eminence will
be among us, to celebrate our Anniversary Mass.
Total raised to date: $35,658.15
Low Gluten Altar Breads
If you have not yet offered your gift, please do so, over the next
few weeks. We are aware that many are in need and that
challenges face everyone of us. Let us consider those who are
struggling in their daily journey. In our sharing, God will bless us
As announced last Sunday, Low Gluten Altar Breads are now
available at our liturgies. These hosts are produced in Poland
with church approval and certification from the Celiac Medical
Association in Poland. The gluten content is lower than 20
ppm (or 0.002%) and the shelf life is 18 months after the
container in which they come is opened. At Sunday Mass,
after the distribution of the Body & Blood of Christ to the
faithful has occurred and the priest and ministers have
returned to the altar, the faithful wishing to receive Holy
Communion with the Low Gluten Consecrated Hosts, are
invited to come forward to the altar and partake in the Holy
Eucharist. During weekday Masses, please advise the priest in
the sacristy before Mass begins.
Meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Society
There is a meeting of the SVDP Society on Monday, June 24 th at
7:30 p.m. Anyone interested in finding out about the good works
of the St. Vincent de Paul Society or to become a member is
invited to this meeting.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, June 22
5:00 – Giovanni e Teresa Marino
Sunday, June 23
9:00 – Jeanne Marie Horgan
10:30 – Francesco e Adelina Mazzotta, Salvatore, Vittoria e Gina
Trotto, Raffaele Lusito e Vito Darmiento, Guerino
Vercillo, Igino, Mariano e Oliva Vacca, Maria e Pio
Pazienza, Rita De Melo Pisani, Amelia Rende, Gianna
Citter, Gianni Ariganello, Antonio Virginillo e Giuseppe
12:00 – Filomena e Vitoantonio Zuccaro
Monday, June 24
9:00 – Antonietta Cortese
7:00 – Adele Sarracini († 1 yr. Memorial)
Tuesday, June 25
9:00 – Giovanni Tomassetti
10:00 – Stella Maris School Mass
7:00 – Maria Bellissimo († 1 yr. Memorial)
Wednesday, June 26
9:00 – Intenzioni di Graziella Macri
Thursday, June 27
9:00 – Manuel Barradas
7:00 – Loretto College H.S. Graduation Mass
Friday, June 28
9:00 – Maria e Antonio Macri
Saturday, June 29
9:00 – Rosa Bonora (1 mo. Memorial) &
Angelo e Giovanni Bonora e Francesco Filazzola
2:30 – WEDDING – Steve Nicolopolous & Sonia Almeida
5:00 – Rosa Alaimo
There is a promise of Marriage between the
following couples:
Christopher Bouma & Elizabeth D’Amico
Anthony Romano & Sabrina Crucini
Christopher Lopes & Angela Reale
Sergio Rodrigues & Sonia Giorgio
Pellegrinaggio in Europa
Anche quest’anno la parrocchia organizza un pellegrinaggio
nei Santuari dell’Europa. Tra questi, Lourdes, Medjugorje,
Assisi, San Giovanni Rotondo, Roma e tanti altri. Per
ulteriori informazioni, telefonate in ufficio, oppure
all’agenzia St. Clair Travel North al 905-851-1512.
Cambiamenti nel Clero did Santa Chiara e San Nicola
All’inizio del mese di luglio, alcuni cambiamenti avverranno nelle
nostre parrocchie. P. Oscar, qui con noi da luglio scorso, verrà
trasferito come assistente alle parrocchie di Santa Croce e San
Florence in Penetanguishene. P. Vito continuerà senza assistente
parroco solo nella parrocchia di Santa Chiara. La responsibilità
spirtuale della lingua inglese e italiana della parrocchia di San
Nicola sarà affidata al P. Cappuccino Bruno Nandaba, mentre P.
Vittorio continuerà a guidare la comunità Eritrea che si raduna a
San Nicola. Vogliamo ringraziar P. Oscar per il suo ministero in
mezzo a noi, e vogliamo augurargli copiose benedizioni nel suo
nuovo mandato. Sabato sera, 29 giugno, alle ore 6:00 p.m.,
parrocchiani e amici delle comunità di San Nicola e Santa Chiara,
sono invitati per un rinfresco nella sala parrocchiale di Santa
Chiara per salutare P. Oscar e augurargli ogni bene.
Grazie per l’aiuto che avete già offerto per ShareLife.
Abbiamo finora raccolto $ 35,658.15. Chi non ha ancora
avuto modo di presentare il proprio dono, potrà portarlo entro
la fine del mese di luglio. Anche se tutti sentiamo le difficoltà
economiche di questi tempi, sappiamo bene che molte
famiglie soffrono in modi ancora più drastici. Aiutlamoli con la
preghiera e con l’aiuto finanziario. Dio benedica ogni nostro
gesto di amore e di generosità.
ricorrenza del Centennario della parrocchia.
L’artista Antonio Caruso, sta attualmente preparando
una scultura lignea di Santa Chiara, sotto la direzione
di P. Vito. Questa stuatua, a quasi altezza naturale,
rappresenta la nostra Patrona, in vestiti autentici
dell’epoca, in cammino verso la comunità offrendo il
Parrocchiani e amici della parrocchia che
desiderano contribuire verso il costo della statua
potranno ritirare una busta all’uscita e deporre la
propria offerta qualsiasi domenica. La statua sarà presentata alla
comunità nel giorno della festa, domenica 11 agosto, e poi
benedetta dal cardinale la domenica 8 settembre, quando Sua
Eminenza sarà quì da noi per celebrare la Santa Messa in onore
del Centennario.
Come ben sappiamo, la nostra parrocchia celebrerà il suo
centennario dall’ 11 agosto 2013 (festa di Santa Chiara) fino all’11
agosto 2014.
Vari momenti di preghiera e celebrazione
guideranno l’itinerario giubilare. Vi invitiamo a sottolineare le
seguenti date:
Domenica 11 agosto – a mezzogiorno – Messa solenne
dell’inizio dell’anniversario. Festa che segue nella sala.
Domenica 8 settembre – a mezzogiorno – Messa con sua
Eminenza, il Cardinale Thomas Collins. Festa che segue
nella sala.
Venerdi 18 ottobre - Grande Festa nel Liberty Grand
BIGLIETTI per ora ESAURITI. Cercheremo di procurare
altri tavoli. Vi informaremo appena possibile.