Inglese - iis bachelet


Inglese - iis bachelet
Anno scolastico 2015/16
Docente: Immacolata Sanvitale
TESTO adottato: Headway digital, pre-intermediate. John and Liz Soars; ediz. Oxford.
UNIT 1: “Getting to know you” ; questions, tense revision, right word, wrong word; social expressions.
Lettura: Blind date.
UNIT 2: “Whatever makes you happy” ; present tenses, have/have got, Things I like doing, making
Letture: “Mamy Rock”, “How happy are you?” “The super Jam millionaire”.
UNIT 3: “What’s in the news?” Past simple and continuous, adverbs, saying when.
Letture: “Walking the Amazon”, “Ed’s blog, “Steven Slater flight attendant”.
UNIT 4: “Eat drink and be merry!” Expressing quantity, something/no one…articles, a piece of… can you
come for dinner?
Letture: “An extraordinary ambition”. “my grandfather’s shop”, “No ordinary placet o eat”.
UNIT 5 : “Looking forward”; verb patterns, future forms, phrasal verbs, ex pressing doubt and certainty.
Lettura: Palina, the girl with two families.
UNIT 6: “The way I see it” What …like? , comparatives and superlatives, synonyms and antonyms, what’s
Lettura, “The world in one street”
UNIT 7: “Living history” Present perfect, for and since, ever and never, word formation, agree with me!
Letture: “John”, “John’s flat”, “Frieda, archeologist and writer”; Living History, Chatsworth House.
UNIT 8: Girls and boys; have to, don’t have to; should, must, Things to wear, At the doctor’s.
Letture: “Problems, dear Annie”. “Sons and daughters”
UNIT 9 : “Time for a story.” Past perfect and narrative tenses, joining sentences, feelings, exclamations.
Letture: “The bear and the travellers”, “The boy who cried wolf”
UNIT 10: Our interactive world. Passive, compound nouns, words that go together, on the phone.
Letture: “A phone call that changed the world”, “five internet firsts”
UNIT 11: Life’s what you make it! Present perfect continuous, tense review. (unita’ svolta solo in parte)
Lettura “A tragic dynasty” (J. Paul Getty I, II, III, Balthazar Getty)
Per quanto riguarda le 11 unità , sono stati svolti una buona parte degli esercizi proposti, sia nelle singole
unita’ che nel workbook. Sono stasti fatti degli ascolti proposti dal testo.
Sono inoltre state presentate alcune schede lessicali presenti nel testo di grammatica e sono state
ascoltate canzoni.
Come supporto, è stata anche utilizzato il testo di grammatica “ Grammar and Vocabulary for the real
Abbiategrasso, 2/6/2016
I rappresentanti di classe