European Awareness Scenario Workshops Rome, Italy 23 October


European Awareness Scenario Workshops Rome, Italy 23 October
European Awareness
Scenario Workshops
Rome, Italy
23 October 2012
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. European Awareness Scenario Workshop – INPROFOOD project ......................................................... 3
2. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ........................................................................................................................... 5
3. WORKSHOP DESIGN AND AGENDA...................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Location ................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Planning ................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Agenda: Scenario workshop research programming on food and health (English version) ................... 8
3.4 Agenda: Scenario workshop research programming on food and health (Italian version) .................. 10
3.5 Schedule ................................................................................................................................................ 12
4. WORKING GROUP ................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Homogeneous Working Groups ............................................................................................................ 14
4.1.2 Homogeneous Group 1: BUSSINESS & INDUSTRIES ....................................................................... 14
4.1.3 Homogeneous Group 2: NOT FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ......................................................... 17
4.1.3 Homogeneous Group 3: PUBLIC AUTHORITIES & POLICIES MAKERS ............................................. 19
4.2 Heterogeneous Groups ......................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.1 Heterogeneous Group 1: NUTRITION AND QUALITY OF LIFE ......................................................... 22
4.2.2 Heterogeneous Group 2: FOOD INNOVATION ............................................................................... 25
Heterogeneous Group 3: RESEARCH POLICIES ........................................................................................ 28
5. OTHER OUTCOMES ................................................................................................................................. 30
6. ANNEX ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
6.1. The selection of participants in the scenario workshop....................................................................... 31
6.2 Pictures of the Italian EASW .................................................................................................................. 33
1.2. European Awareness Scenario Workshop – INPROFOOD project
INPROFOOD - Towards inclusive research programming for sustainable food innovations
( – is funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme. The
main objective is to study the role that food innovations and new technological research could play
to counteract health problems caused by food. The project was inspired by the recent
recommendations of the European Commission in the area of food and the study of public opinion,
more receptive about the quality of food.
Within the INPROFOOD project a total of 39 EASWs will be organized in the following countries
in three waves: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal,
Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom.
INPROFOOD is determined to tackle this hugely ambitious task during 3 years of intensive
activities. Their aim is to foster dialogue and mutual learning between industry, academia and civil
society already in the earliest stages of the research processes directed towards developing
innovative approaches (technical and social) for dealing with the food and health challenge.
The project aims to achieve the broadest possible involvement. Potential stakeholders were divided
into three categories according to information and documents obtained from official sources. With
regard to the organization of the Italian Large Scenario Workshop, it was built a database for 919
institutions divided into three categories: not for profit organizations, public authorities & policy
makers, business & industry.
Below the list sources consulted in the construction of the database:
 Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rare Diseases Patients' Associations
 Ministry of Health, Voluntary Associations
 Ministry of Health, Eating Disorders Associations
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Non-governmental organizations
 Ministry of Economic Development , Consumers’ Associations
 ACRI - Association of Italian Foundations and Savings Banks Italian, Foundations of
Banking Origin
 Ministry of Justice, professional associations
 The Italian Government, The Ministers
 Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies
 Ministry of Economic Development
 Ministry of Education, Universities and Research
 Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, Elenco degli Istituti di Ricerca
 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade Unions
 Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, Universities
 Ministry of Health, University Hospitals (IRCCS)
 Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, Research Institutes
Table 1 List of Delegates/Participants (in alphabetical order by surname)
Surname & Forename
Albertini Maria Cristina
University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Department of
Biomolecular Sciences
Public authority – policy makers
Antonini Giovanni
Roma Tre University, Department of Biology
Public authority – policy makers
Bicchiega Virginia
Italian Institute for Auxology, Experimental Laboratory of
Nutritional Research
Business & Industry
Campioni Giovanna
AICCA (Italian Association for Adult Congenital Hearth
Not for Profit organizations
Coccia Cinzia
CIES Onlus (Center for Development Information and
Not for Profit organizations
Copparoni Roberto
Ministry of Health, Directorate General for Hygiene, Food
Safety and Nutrition, Nutrition Office
Public authority – policy makers
De Lorenzo Francesco
FAVO (Italian Federation of Voluntary Associations in
Not for Profit organizations
Eramo Pina
CIA (Italian Confederation of Farmers)
Business & Industry
Levedianos Giorgio
“San Camillo” Hospital, Operative Unit of Cardiology
Business & Industry
Marelli Sergio
MLFM (Movement for the Fight against Hunger)
Not for Profit organizations
Masci Alberto
Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies,
COSVIR IV – Research and Experimentation
Public authority – policy makers
Misciagna Giovanni
“Saverio De Bellis” Hospital, Operative Unit of
Epidemiology and Nutrition
Not for Profit organizations
Neuhold Susanna
AIC (Italian Association of Celiac Disease)
Not for Profit organizations
Rossi Filippo
Catholic University of Sacred Hearth, Faculty of
Business & Industry
Russo Carlo
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Department of
Economy and Law
Public authority – policy makers
Ruzzi Maurizio
Tuscia University, Department for Innovation in Biological,
Agro-food and Forest Systems
Public authority – policy makers
Scampicchio Matteo
Free University of Bolzano, Faculty of Sciences and
Business & Industry
Tranquillini Rudi
University of Trento, Department of Materials Engineering
and Industrial Technologies
Public authority – policy makers
3.1 Location
We have organized the EASW in Rome at the research centre Agricultural Reserch Council (CRA)
under the department of Soil-Plant System studies.
The Agricultural Research Council (CRA) is a National Entity for research with general scientific
competence in agriculture, agro-industry, fisheries and forestry. CRA has legal personality under
public law, under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and has scientific
autonomy, statutory, organizational, administrative and financial. It was established by Legislative
Decree 454/992. As it will be show with pictures in the annex, we have reserved one main room in
the library to be used as plenary session and for one group and others two small rooms for group
3.2 Planning
The first Italian EASW on programming of research in the field of food and health has been
planned on 23rd October 2012 in Rome. The program aims to involve civil society, academia and
business in order to improve research in the field of food and health solutions. The workshop, which
lasts one day, combine together 18 delegates from various Italian institutions.
The event through working group and plenary sessions has given the opportunity to participants to
develop and discuss on possible scenarios in the field of research programming on food and health
in an informal atmosphere with no slide presentations or lecture. The participants contributed with
their personal experiences, made suggestions and critical considerations, identifying obstacles and
solutions so that research can interpret adequately the interests of the society.
Before the EASW we sent to participants the agenda to offer them some additional information and
a summary document on current issues on food and health according to JPI document “A Healthy
Diet for a Healthy Life”.
CRA, Mission and Organization Chart,
3.3 Agenda: Scenario workshop research programming on food and health (English version)
What is it about?
To meet future environmental and demographic challenges, we also need research policies that foster healthy
and sustainable food innovation.
A healthier diet for a growing and ageing society that suffers from lack of physical activity is at the core of
modern health policies. The threat of climate change and the scarcity of resources urgently demand for
sustainable technologies. Apart from healthiness, safety and affordability, today’s consumers ask for
compliance with ethical and environmental standards. Food producers are challenged to provide smarter
products (in Europe, they are often small and medium enterprises, but a strong economic sector and job
On the European level the linking of food and health receives a lot of attention: health claims for food
products will be restricted and need stronger scientific evidence. Food labeling regulations have been refined
recently. Some Member States even put taxes on sweets, sugar, certain fats food products that they judge as
unhealthy. In the Joint Programming Initiative A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life Member States aims at
developing common visions and research agendas3.
Long-term research programming is a tricky task. The standards for healthiness and sustainability are
constantly changing, and research programmes on food innovation should allow for flexibility to react to
such developments. Also what is considered as innovation is subject to change. It demands a political
framework on a European and national level to the development of which this workshop will contribute.
In small working groups of changing composition and sitting in a circle you will mostly discuss along your
experiences, demands and concerns the various aspects of research programming in food & health research.
There will be two rounds of working groups and plenary sessions on the working groups, the second round
will build upon the first. Together with the other participants, you will draft worst-case and best-case
scenarios of research programming for healthy and sustainable innovations in the food area on an equal
footing. That way, you will discuss potential pitfalls, intended/unintended effects and standards demanded
for research programmes to foster healthy and sustainable food innovation. A professional facilitator will
keep up collaboration among participants on an equal footing and an inspiring and motivating atmosphere.
Because of this workshop structure, we kindly request you to attend the whole workshop and not to leave
earlier or come later.
Why have you been invited?
By taking recourse to reliable, public web resources we systematically compiled a database of organizations.
We also want to distribute evenly the opportunities for potentially concerned organizations (stakeholders) to
bring in their demands, experiences and opinions. For invitations we applied a random selection scheme
based on public lottery numbers.
The documentation of the workshop will be a descriptive presentation of working group findings without
much interpretation. Contributions will not be identified by name. You and the organization you are
representing will be named only in a list of all workshop participants. For each working group only the
number of stakeholder “representatives” by group will be given, but not which persons participated in which
working group. So participants can speak more freely and working groups will better cooperate.
Outcomes will be documented for each working group separately. We will not present a consensus only, but
different trains of thoughts and opinions are equally valuable.
What will we do with the results?
The outcomes of working groups will be compared to the outcomes of working groups in similar scenario
workshops in 12 other European countries4.
The national documentation will be available in Italian and an English translation of the report will be
included into the cross-regional comparing report. Both reports will be brought to the attention of national
and European politicians, large health and sustainability networks, innovators, etc.
Both, the reports of the national workshops as well as the report comparing the workshops conducted in
different regions, will be of high interest to the European Commission, which funds the INPROFOOD
project. They will be available for free download at and other websites.
There will be a strong effort to bring them to the attention of not only national and international policy
makers, but also to civil society, business communities and the research community all over Europe. The
results will also feed into an Open Space Conference of civil society and business representatives,
researchers, scientists, and policy makers from all over Europe scheduled for 2013.
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, and The
United Kingdom
3.4 Agenda: Scenario workshop research programming on food and health (Italian version)
Il tema dell’incontro
Per rispondere alle future sfide ambientali e demografiche abbiamo bisogno di politiche di ricerca che
favoriscano l'innovazione di cibo sano e sostenibile.
Una dieta sana per una società contrassegnata dalla crescita demografica, dall’invecchiamento della
popolazione e che soffre di mancanza di attività fisica è al centro delle politiche sanitarie moderne.
La minaccia del cambiamento climatico e la scarsità di risorse richiedono urgentemente tecnologie
sostenibili. Oltre alla salubrità, alla sicurezza e all’accessibilità economica, i consumatori di oggi chiedono il
rispetto di standard etici e ambientali. I produttori di generi alimentari sono chiamati quindi a fornire prodotti
più efficaci (in Europa, essi sono spesso piccole e medie imprese, ma rappresentano un forte settore
economico in grado di offrire molti posti di lavoro).
A livello istituzionale europeo, si dedica molta attenzione al legame fra alimentazione e salute: le richieste di
sicurezza dei cibi saranno sempre più restrittive e necessiteranno di forti prove scientifiche. Le norme in
materia di etichettatura degli alimenti sono state perfezionate di recente. Alcuni Stati membri hanno anche
adottato tasse su dolci, zucchero e su alcuni prodotti alimentari contenenti grassi e considerati malsani.
Questi e altri temi sono contenuti nel documento del JPI “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life” in cui si punta a
sviluppare visioni comuni e programmi di ricerca5.
La programmazione della ricerca nel lungo periodo è un compito difficile. Le norme per la sicurezza e la
sostenibilità sono in costante evoluzione, e programmi di ricerca in materia di innovazione alimentare
dovrebbero permettere una certa flessibilità per stare al passo con tali sviluppi. Anche ciò che è considerato
innovazione è soggetto a modifiche. Si esige quindi un quadro politico a livello europeo e a livello nazionale
per lo sviluppo di questi aspetti, al quale potrà contribuire questo scenario workshop.
In piccoli gruppi di lavoro composti da diversi delegati, i partecipanti discuteranno in base alle proprie
esperienze, esigenze e preoccupazioni sui vari aspetti della programmazione della ricerca nel campo
dell’alimentazione e della salute.
Ci saranno due turni di lavoro di gruppo e sessioni plenarie riguardanti le conclusione del lavoro a gruppi; la
seconda parte della giornata si svilupperà in base ai risultati della mattinata.
I partecipanti elaboreranno casi critici e casi favorevoli di programmazione della ricerca per le innovazioni
nel settore degli alimenti che tengano conto in modo equilibrato degli aspetti di salute e sostenibilità. In
questo modo si esamineranno potenziali insidie, effetti desiderati/indesiderati, e le norme richieste per
programmi di ricerca che promuovano l'innovazione di cibi sani e sostenibili. Un facilitatore professionista
permetterà ai partecipanti di offrire il loro contributo su un piano di parità, in un ambiente stimolante e
motivante. Data la struttura del workshop, chiediamo ai delegati di essere presenti per l’intera durata della
giornata evitando di arrivare in ritardo o di andarsene prima della fine dell’incontro.
Il documento JPI HDHL è disponibile sul sito:
Perché Lei è stata/o invitata/o?
Attraverso l'uso di risorse web pubbliche e affidabili, abbiamo costruito un database organico e completo
delle organizzazioni italiane. Con questo workshop vogliamo anche offrire equamente alle organizzazioni
potenzialmente interessate (stakeholders) l’opportunità di portare le loro richieste, esperienze e opinioni. Per
quanto riguarda gli inviti, abbiamo utilizzato un sistema di selezione casuale basato sull’estrazione dei
numeri del Lotto italiano.
Le attività dello scenario workshop saranno documentate in modo descrittivo a partire dai risultati dei lavori
di gruppo senza alcuna interpretazione degli organizzatori. I contributi dei singoli non saranno identificabili
in base al nome. Lei e l'organizzazione che rappresenta sarete indicati solo nell’elenco che riporta la lista dei
partecipanti al workshop. Per ogni gruppo di lavoro sarà elencato il numero dei partecipanti citando
solamente l’organizzazione di appartenenza senza alcuna indicazione sui componenti. In questo modo i
partecipanti potranno offrire liberamente una maggiore collaborazione all’interno dei gruppi con la massima
garanzia di anonimato. I risultati saranno documentati per ogni gruppo di lavoro separatamente. Non si
presenterà un documento consensuale, ma diverse opinioni e contributi ritenuti equamente importanti.
Come saranno utilizzati i risultati?
I risultati dei gruppi di lavoro saranno comparati con i risultati degli altri gruppi attivi nel corso di scenario
workshop simili organizzati in 12 Paesi europei6.
La documentazione nazionale sarà disponibile in italiano e la traduzione in inglese del documento sarà
inclusa nel rapporto internazionale di comparazione. Entrambi i documenti saranno portati all'attenzione di
politici nazionali ed europei, reti di organizzazione che operano per la sostenibilità e la salute, innovatori,
Sia il report dei workshop nazionali sia il report comparativo degli scenario workshop condotti in diversi
Paesi saranno di grande interesse per la Commissione europea, l’ente che finanzia il progetto INPROFOOD.
I documenti saranno disponibili per il download gratuito dal sito e da altri siti web.
Si produrrà il massimo impegno per far conoscere i due report non solo ai responsabili politici nazionali ed
internazionali, ma alla società civile, alle comunità di operatori e professionisti e alla comunità dei ricercatori
europei. I risultati saranno utilizzati anche per organizzare una conferenza Open Space, prevista per il 2013,
aperta alla società civile, ai rappresentanti delle imprese, ricercatori, scienziati e responsabili politici
provenienti da tutta Europa.
Tra i paesi coinvolti nel progetto Inprofood, oltre all’Italia, vi sono: Austria, Belgio, Danimarca, Francia, Germania,
Grecia, Olanda, Portogallo, Regno Unito, Slovacchia, Spagna, Turchia.
3.5 Schedule
The one day Scenario Workshop was organized from 9.00 to 18.00 according to the following scheme for the
activities have been proposed.
Table 2 Timetable (English version)
Rome, 23rd October 2012
European Awareness Scenario Workshop
“Towards a safe and sustainable food research”
Introduction of organizers, moderator, presentation of the programme of the
day, briefly presentation of the document Joint Programming Initiative, “A
healthy diet for a healthy life” (vision and synthesis of three key areas)
Homogeneous groups: "Our scenario towards a safe and sustainable food
research in 2030"
The groups will be homogeneous and subdivided according the following three
stakeholder groups (not for profit organizations, public authorities & policies
makers, business & industries)
The aim of the group is to define a possible scenario by 2030 in which to place
the safe and sustainable research in the field of foos &health
Plenary session: presentation of the results in the homogenous working groups
Plenary session: discussion and it will be developed a shared scenario for
planning of working group in the afternoon
Heterogeneous groups: “development of ideas”
Division of the participants into three thematic group
Thematic Groups: the groups should prepare proposals on the criteria for a safe
and sustainable food research.
The topics for the thematic groups were as follows::
1. Nutrition and quality of life
2. Food innovation
3. Research policies
Plenary Session: presentation of the thematic group results
Plenary Session: Discussion and vote, further information
Fill in the evaluation questionnaire
Table 3 Timetable (Italian version)
Roma, 23 ottobre 2012
Workshop partecipativo:
“Verso una ricerca alimentare sicura e sostenibile”
Saluti ed Introduzione dei lavori – presentazione dello svolgimento della
giornata, presentazione del documento JPI (vision e sintesi delle tre aree di
Lavoro in gruppi: “La nostra visione Verso una ricerca alimentare sicura e
sostenibile al 2030”
I gruppi saranno omogenei e strutturati per rappresentanza delle varie categorie
coinvolte (Organizzazioni non profit, Autorità pubbliche, Imprese)
Obiettivo del lavoro di gruppo: definire lo scenario possibile entro il 2030 in
cui collocare la ricerca sicura e sostenibile nel campo dell’alimentazione e
della salute
Presentazione in plenaria del lavoro dei gruppi
Discussione in plenaria ed elaborazione di una visione condivisa in vista del
lavoro nel pomeriggio
Lavoro in gruppi: “sviluppo di idee”
I gruppi saranno eterogenei e dovranno elaborare proposte riguardanti i criteri
per una ricerca alimentare sicura e sostenibile. Ecco i temi dei tre gruppi:
1. Modelli di vita ed alimentazione sana (Alimentazione e qualità della
2. Innovazione alimentare
3. Politiche e programmazione della ricerca (ricerca in campo alimentare)
Presentazione in plenaria del lavoro dei gruppi
Discussione conclusiva in plenaria: votazione su aspetti critici, valutazione del
lavoro svolto, ulteriori approfondimenti
Compilazione questionario di valutazione
4.1 Homogeneous Working Groups
4.1.2 Homogeneous Group 1: BUSINESS & INDUSTRIES
Figure 1 Business & Industries positive scenario poster’s picture
Visione positiva 2030
Slogan: Salute, efficienza ed efficacia
Fattori di successo: Prodotti tradizionali/realismo
Costi ridotti
Politiche della ricerca
 riduzione sprechi micro/macro
 ↓ prezzo prodotti di qualità
 cittadini/agricoltori coinvolti nel processo
 madri/nonni simboli della sana alimentazione
 media ruolo equilibrato
 aumento della produttività con meno terra
 ↑consapevolezza culturale agricoltore
 politiche UE che la incentivano più sostenibili
* prodotto/ packaging
Alimentazione e qualità della vita
 efficace campagna prevenzione bambini
 ↑ attività fisica
↓ Pc/ telefono etc.
 anziani sani
 preferire la qualità, genuinità all’esteriorità
 stili alimentari differenti a causa della multiculturalità
Innovazione alimentare
 allungare la biodisponibilità dei prodotti
 riscopriamo le ricette della “nonna”
 alimenti più nutrienti con biotecnologie
 ↓ utilizzo di pesticidi e additivi
 ↑ varietà alimentare
 KM zero
 ↑ controlli di processo
Positive Vision 2030
Slogan: Health, efficiency and effectiveness
Success factors: Traditional Products / realism
reduced costs
Research policies
 ↓ price quality products
* product/ packaging
 citizens/farmers involved in the process
 mothers/grandparents as symbols of healthy diet
 well-balanced media’s role
 increased productivity with less land
 ↑ farmer’s cultural awareness
 EU policies more suitable that encourage them (Eu should encourage research policies)
Food and quality of life
 effective prevention campaign for children
 ↑ sport
↓ PC/phone etc..
 healthy elderly
 to prefer the quality and authenticity than outward appearance
 different eating styles due to multiculturalism
Food innovation
 to extend the bioavailability of the products
 rediscover the recipes your grandmother once used
 hearty foods with biotechnologies
 ↓ use of pesticides and additives
 ↑ variety of foods
 from farm to fork
 ↑ process control
4.1.3 Homogeneous Group 2: NOT FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS
Figure 2 Not For Profit Organizations positive scenario poster’s picture
Visione positiva
Politiche della ricerca
 ricerca pubblica su:
 sui processi produttivi e delle trasformazioni alimentari (anche in aree marginali)
 per migliorare le qualità (impatto sulla salute) sul suolo agricolo – produzione sostenibile
 sulle patologie e sulle recidive e non solo sulla prevenzione
 ricerca sulle modalità e tecnologie comunicative per un’educazione all’alimentazione “sana”
Modelli di vita
 modello filiera corta a produzione locale
 attenzione alla stagionalità dei prodotti
 attenzione alla qualità più che ad una ampia offerta
 trasparenza della comunicazione
 valorizzazione della dieta mediterranea e salutista
Innovazione alimentare
 alimenti prodotti con l’obiettivo di avere cibi sani e non solo per la vendita
 riduzione dei processi di trasformazioni superflui
Positive vision
Research policies
 public research:
 on the production processes and food processing (even in marginal areas)
 to improve the quality (health impact) on agricultural land - sustainable production
 on diseases and relapses and not only on the prevention
 research methods and communication technologies for education to “healthy” diet
Styles of life
 short supply chain model on local production
 attention to seasonal products
 focus on quality rather than a wide offer
 transparency of communication
 enhancement of the Mediterranean and healthy diet
Food innovation
 food produced with the aim of getting healthy foods and not only food for the sale
 the reduction of superfluous processes of transformations
Figure 3 Public authorities & policies makers positive scenario poster’s picture
Scenario positivo
Fattori critici di successo
Politiche della ricerca e governance
 finanziamenti in partenariato pubblico/privato
 ricerca coordinata con specializzazione integrata (UE)
 attenzione alla specificità nazionale
 varietà dei livelli di governance
 maggiori risorse con apparecchiature in centri-servizio coordinati
 premiare le aggregazioni
 aumentare le risorse e gli accessi ai giovani ricercatori
Alimentazione qualità vita
 quantità di risorse per un’alimentazione di qualità
 produzione e controllo di qualità
 consapevolezza/atteggiamenti per una alimentazione-informazione controllo sui
 competitività industria alimentare su fattori di nutrizione/sostenibilità
 sperimentazione etichette incentivanti e sviluppo regolamentazione
Innovazione alimentare
1) dieta personalizzata
1) sistemi di conservazione alimenti-trasportabilità
1) recupero eccedenze
1 innovazioni tecnologiche
1. Gestione OGM
2 innovazioni organizzative
3 innovazioni comunicative
1) dispositivi per analisi di alimenti
3) condivisione comunicazione alimentare tra diverse fonti
Positive scenario
Critical Success Factors
Research policies
 funding in public/private partnership
 coordinated research with integrated specialization (EU)
 attention to the national peculiarity
 variety of levels of governance
 more resources and equipments in coordinated service centers
 to reward aggregations
 to increase resources and entries/admission for young researchers
Food and quality of life
 resources for quality food
 production and quality control
 awareness / attitudes towards nutrition - information and control on behaviors
 competitiveness among food industries on nutrition and sustainability’ s factors
 testing incentive-based labels and development of regulations
Food innovation
1) personalized diet
1) portable food storage systems
1) Recycling overproduction
1 technological innovations
2 organizational innovations
3 communicative innovations
1) devices for analysis of foods
3) sharing of food communications between different sources
1. GMO management
4.2 Heterogeneous Groups
4.2.1 Heterogeneous Group 1: NUTRITION AND QUALITY OF LIFE
Figure 4 Nutrition And Quality Of Life poster’s picture
Sviluppo di metodi di analisi
Promozione della qualità
Università + istituti di ricerca + semplici e rapidi per la qualità
alimentare (tipicità)
del prodotto
Voti 9
Sviluppo di metodi di analisi
Tracciabilità di filiera di
Università + istituti di ricerca + per la tracciabilità autenticità/
produzioni tipiche
Voti 5
 Programmi specifici di edu.
fisica nelle scuole
 Evitare la restrizione
Min. sanità + ospedali +
 Informare scuole/famiglie/
Ridurre l’obesità e il
università + educatori +
 Gruppi di confronto
 Opuscoli + ricettari da
Voti 11
Strategia di comunicazione
multi target:
Min. sanità + ospedali +
università + educatori +
 Web 2.0
Informazione chiara e coerente
commercio + media
 Famiglie con medici
Voti 7
 Filiera corta
“La salute con gusto”
Min. agricoltura + consorzi +
 Aree dedicate nella grande
associazioni di categoria +
 Stimolare il consumatore
scuole + grande distribuzione
verso prodotti di qualità
 Campagna media
Voti 5
The development of simple and
Promotion of food quality
Universities + research
fast analysis’ methods for the
institutes + industry
quality of the products
Votes 9
The development of methods
The traceability of the supply
Universities + research
of analysis for tracking,
chain on typical products
institutes + industry
genuineness, peculiarity
Votes 5
 Specific programs of gym in
the schools
 To avoid the food restriction
Ministry of Health +hospitals +  To Inform schools,
To reduce obesity and
universities + teachers
families, doctors
(educators) + traders
 Control groups
 To hand out flyers and
recipe books
Votes 11
A Communication strategy for
multiple targets:
Ministry of Health + hospitals
Clear and coherent information + universities + teachers
 Web 2.0
(educators) + traders +media
 Families with medical
Votes 7
The Ministry of Agricultural +  Short supply chain
“The health and taste”
Food and Forestry Policies +
 Areas for large-scale retail
 To encourage the consumer Consortium + Trade
associations + Schools + Large  Media campaign
towards quality products
+ retailers
Votes 5
4.2.2 Heterogeneous Group 2: FOOD INNOVATION
Figure 5 Food Innovation poster’s picture
Identificazione di nutrimarker
collegati alla salute
Enti di ricerca
Definizione di criteri
nutrizionali condivisi per
categoria di prodotti
Tavoli di lavoro multi
professionali istituzionali
definizione del prodotto tra
produttore e consumatore
Imprese, regioni
Riduzione degli scarti di
produzione e consumo
(tecnologia, logistica e
Studio di confronto tra
alimentazione con cibi
preparati con modalità “pre” e
“post” industriali ed effetti
sulle variabili biologiche su
soggetti “normali”
Centri di ricerca, imprese,
Istituzioni pubbliche ed enti di
ricerca in rete
 Studi di osservazione
 Studi sperimentali
 Network multidisciplinari
Voti 4
 Studi di analisi
 Concertazione
 Processi di certificazione
 Linee guida
Voti 4
 Contrattualizzazione tra
 Informazione
 Educazione
 Cultura condivisa
 Formazione
Voti 4
 Utilizzo nuove tecnologie
 Sistemi di educazione al
Voti 4
Metodologie tipo TRIAL
Voti 4
Identification of “nutrimarker”
related to health
Research institutes
Definition of shared nutritional
criteria subdivided by products
Institutional and multi professional working group
the definition of the product
between producer and
Enterprises, regions
Waste reduction in production
process and consumption
(technology, logistic and
A comparison study of foods
prepared with “Pre” and “Post”
industrial method and their
effects on biological variables
on “normal” people
Research centers, enterprises
Public institutions and research
organizations working in
 Observational studies
 Experimental studies
 Multidisciplinary
 Network
Votes 4
 Studies and analysis
 Negotiation
 Certification processes
 Guidelines
Votes 4
 Negotiations among
 Information
 Education
 Shared culture
 Training
Votes 4
 The use of new technologies
 Systems of education for
Votes 4
Methodologies such as TRIAL
Votes 4
Heterogeneous Group 3: RESEARCH POLICIES
Figure 6 RESEARCH POLICIES poster’s picture
Osservatorio sulla nutrizione
Tutti autori
Riduzione della
Istituzioni pubbliche
Sviluppo di tecnologie di
valutazione rapida qualità
UE, stati, aziende
Comunicazione adeguata (in
accordo con l’osservatorio.)
 Ricerca sulla sostenibilità
dei processi produttivi e
miglioramento [delle]
qualità nutrizionale
 Prevenzione malattie
Enti pubblici, privati ,
Observatory on nutrition
all authors
Reduction of fragmentation
Public institutions
Development of technologies
for rapid assessment of quality
EU, states, enterprises
Suitable communication (in
step with the observatory)
 Research on the
sustainability of productive
Public agencies, private
processes and improving the
companies , consumers
nutritional quality
 Disease prevention
 Coord. Macro aree
 Valutazione impatto
 Riorganizzazione ruoli
Voti 4
 Favorire aggregazioni
 Armonizzazione bandi
Voti 4
 Progetti
 Ricerca & Sviluppo
Voti 7
 Strumenti diversi e dedicati
 Informazioni sull’impatto
Voti 5
Valutazione dell’intero
processo dal campo/foresta al
Voti 12
 Coordination of Macro
 Impact Assessment
 Reorganization of
professional roles
Votes 4
 To promote aggregations
The Harmonization of
research calls
Votes 4
 Projects
 Research &Development
Votes 7
 Different and focused tools
 Information on the
international impact
Votes 5
 Evaluation of the whole
process from the field/forest
to the consumer
Votes 12
Delegates have shown a great deal of attention to the differentiation of food. In various ways they
have expressed the value for the food which often refers to culture of belonging. For example,
organizations that deal with eating disorders have stressed the importance of treatment and
During the discussion, it has been repeatedly invoked the principles of good information and the
need for food communication that takes into account the needs of the public. Delegates have been
called the problems of food communication, especially the fact that often there is no consistency
between public agencies and commercial media, including on key issues relating to health
guarantees for citizens.
Assurance systems for food are considered essential, even those who use unconventional methods
and aimed to develop a food culture and health education. The issue of food control is not only the
responsibility of government or technical bodies involved, citizens have their responsibilities and
must perform a control function acting choices.
On several occasions participants talked about food as a whole, which should be considered taking
into account the relationship between the following aspects: taste, attractiveness, health, nutritional
capacity and the impact on the territory. For the latter aspect it has been emphasized repeatedly the
need to carefully consider relations between production and consumption. This relationship has
changed significantly in recent years and consumers are increasingly cautious about how you
develop the supply chain from farm to fork.
The eating habits are increasingly linked to lifestyles and to support proper nutrition, consumers
must develop a culture of life styles that keep in mind the food, physical activity and health care.
There were also references to the existence of different cultures and ethnic groups in European
countries. This requires special attention to the type of food culture and education that are promoted
at the national level
On several occasions they were reminded of the research priorities food: a sustainable use of soil,
reduction of food excess and the production of food that prevent diseases.
6.1. The selection of participants in the scenario workshop
The guidelines for the selection process have been managed by Wissenschaftsladen Wien - Science
Shop Vienna and then it has been adapted by each partner according to own national characteristics.
Stakeholders in the Italian database compiled by Observa were numbered from 1 to 919 in order to
choose random numbers thanks to the Italian National Lottery.
It has been chosen extraction Lottery on Saturday 4th August, 2012. The date was communicated to
the European partners and published on the website of INPROFOOD before the date of the
extraction, in order to ensure transparency in the procedure. The following table is the extraction of
4th August 2012:
Table 4 Lotto 4th August 2012
drawn in
1 Nazionale
2 Bari
3 Cagliari
4 Firenze
5 Genova
6 Milano
7 Napoli
8 Palermo
9 Roma
10 Torino
11 Venezia
The Italian National Lottery works with 90 numbers (1 to 90), a lottery numbers drawn in 10 cities
(Bari, Cagliari, Firenze, Genova, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Roma, Torino, Venezia) and 1 called
For each category of stakeholders in the database were added 9 columns, each of which with
numbers from 1 to 90, in order to select 9 stakeholders per group. The goal was to reach 24-27
stakeholders enrolled in the Scenario Workshop to reach.
The procedure for selection of stakeholders was carried out as follows. We started from the lottery
numbers drawn in “Nazionale”. Within the database, the first group of stakeholders (non-profit
organizations), was chosen the first number (68) from the first and sixth column, the second number
(81) was chosen in the second and fifth columns, and so on until completing the 9-colon it. The
entire procedure was repeated in the second group of stakeholders (public authorities and policy
makers) and third (business and industry).
About the replacements (for example, if a stakeholder could not participate in the Scenario
Workshop), the numbers were selected from the same column of the next numbers drawn. For
example, if the stakeholder marked by number 81 (second extraction of the wheel National) should
be replaced, we chose the number 49 (second extraction of the wheel of Bari). If the 49 needs to be
replaced, we chose the 83 (second extraction of the wheel of Cagliari), and so to the point of
At the end of the procedure, 27 stakeholders were selected. They were contacted by telephone to
ask them if they were interesting in the issues for the Scenario Workshop and on INPROFOOD, and
if they were available to send a delegate. In the case of a positive result, in the first contact we sent
an official communication, either by mail or by email, containing a letter of invitation to the
Scenario Workshop, an information sheet on logistical details and a brochure presenting the project
INPROFOOD. Subsequently, to each delegate we sent a document presenting the Scenario
6.2 Pictures of the Italian EASW
Figure 7 Introduction: power point presentation
Figure 8 presentation: plenary session
Figure 9 Working group session
Figure 10 Plenary session: positive scenario presentation
Figure 11 Coffe break
Figure 12 Working Group session
Figure 13 Plenary session: development of idea presentation (Who? What? How?)
Figure 14 Voting