Fabrizio Cesaroni – Curriculum Vitae - LEM


Fabrizio Cesaroni – Curriculum Vitae - LEM
Fabrizio Cesaroni – Curriculum Vitae
Place of Birth: Urbino (PS)
Date of Birth: 30.06.1970
E-mail: [email protected]
2001-Pr esent: Contract Researcher on the topic “Valorisation of R&D activity by firms and
public research centres” (Valorizzazione delle attività di R&S nelle imprese private e nei
centri di ricerca pubblici), St. Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa
2001: Founding Member of the European Academy of Management (EURAM).
2000-2001: Collaboration within the LINK Project “Piano di Potenziamento della Rete di
Ricerca e di Sviluppo del Territorio – Progetto Link, Prima Fase” – Sub-project P6 “Research
and Training on Spin-off firms (Ricerca e Formazione sulle Imprese Spin-off), St. Anna
School of Advanced Studies, Pisa
My research activity is mainly focused on two related topics.
The first aims at analysing the way in which technology can be exploited and
commer cialised. This represents a wide issue, which spans from the definition of appropriate
firms' technology strategies and business models, to the analysis of how universities and other
research centres can gain value from their research activity. Companies and univer sities are
indeed the main actors of my studies. While firms have traditionally exploited R&D activities
through internal manufacturing and marketing, in recent years more and more firms are looking
at other possibilities (such as technology licensing-out) in order to profit from technology
development, and many sectors are indeed organising accordingly. What are the incentives for
these new strategies? What are the advantages and disadvantages? The interesting aspect of this
pattern is that what is becoming more and more common to companies is becoming common to
universities as well. Patenting, licensing, and technology exploitation are words very unusual
for universities since few years ago, but that are now becoming central concerns of their
policies. Why? What has changed? What the consequences?
The second topic I'm interested in is the analysis of univer sity-industr y r elationships and
r elated public policies. Scientific knowledge has become particularly relevant for innovation
and manufacturing purposes, so that companies increasingly seek to collaborate with research
laboratories of universities and other public research centres. But the linkage between the realms
of science and technology, between university and industry is not easy, mainly because of the
different "ethical" norms and rules governing the two institutions. As a consequence, policy
makers are asked to answer new, unresolved questions: What's the role of universities? What's
the boundary between public and private objectives in scientific research? How to allow
universities to remain independent and, at the same time, to allow scientific knowledge flow
towards industrial firms?
2002: Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) in Economics and Management of Innovation
Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies – Pisa (Italy)
Title of Dissertation: “Technology Strategies in the Knowledge Economy”
Advisors: prof. Riccardo Varaldo, prof. Alfonso Gambardella; prof. Andrea Piccaluga.
2001: Visiting Scholar to the Judge Institute of Management Studies, University of Cambridge
(UK) – August 2001.
2000: Visiting Student to the “Carlos III” University of Madrid (Spain) – January and February
1999: Visiting Student to the “Pompeu Fabra” University of Barcelona (Spain) – SeptemberDecember 1999.
1999: Participation to the Doctoral Training Programme “ ETIC - Economics of Technological
and Institutional Change” – 1st session – Strasbourg (France), April 19-30.
1998: Participation to the Summer School “ ESSID – European Summer School on Industrial
Dynamics” – IMRI (Institut pour le Management de la Recherche et de l'Innovation) –
Cargese (France), September 6-13.
1996: Laurea Degree (B.A.) in Economics and Management (Economia e Commercio)
Facoltà di Economia – Università degli Studi di Urbino
Thesis: “The Economics of Science: Management and Public Policies” (Economia della
Scienza: Management e Politiche Pubbliche)
1995: Participation to the courses “ Introduction to Econometrics” and “ Intermediate
Microeconomics” – International Summer School - London School of Economics – London
2001 – Pr esent: Italian CNR-Agenzia2000 project “Technology Strategies in the Knowledge
Economy. Large Firms and Technology Markets” (Strategie Tecnologiche nell’Economia
della Conoscenza. Grandi Imprese e Mercati della Tecnologia ).
2001 – Pr esent: Eropean Commission STRATA project “INCUPUB: The Role of Technology
Policy in Incubating European New Technology Based Firms”, co-ordinated by prof. Bart
Clarysse, Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School/IWT, Bruxelles.
2000 – Pr esent: European Commission STRATA project “NPR-Net: New Policy Rationales for
the Support of Public Research in the EU”, co-ordinated by prof. E. Steinmuller, SPRU –
University of Sussex, Brighton (UK).
2000 – 2001: Italian MURST project “Co-ordination Modes and Models of Assessment of
Scientifica and Technological Research” (Forme di Coordinamento e Modelli di Valutazione
della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica ), co-ordinated by prof. R. Varaldo, St. Anna School of
Advanced Studies, Pisa.
1999 – 2001: European Commission TSER project “ESSY: Sectoral Systems in Europe –
Innovation, Competitiveness and Growth”, co-ordinated by prof. F. Malerba, Università
Bocconi, Milano.
1998 – 2001: European Commission TSER project “From Science to Products. A green paper
on innovation for the chemical industry”, co-ordinated by prof. W. Garcia-Fontes, Università
Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain).
1998 – 2000: Italian MURST project “Industrial Dynamics and Relationships among Firms”
(Dinamica Industriale e Relazioni tra Imprese), co-ordinated by prof. F. Malerba, Università
Bocconi, Milano.
1997: Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli project “Technology, Innovation, and Italian
Competitiveness within the International Context” (Tecnologia, Innovazione, Competitività
dell’Italia nel contesto internazionale), co-ordinated by prof. C. Antonelli, Fondazione
Giovanni Agnelli, Torino.
1. Cesar oni F., 2002, “Technological Diversification, Technology Strategies and Licensing in
the Chemical Processing Industry” in Cantwell J., Gambardella A. and Granstrand O. (eds.),
Corporate Technological Diversification, in press.
2. Cesar oni F., Gambardella A. and Mariani M., 2002, “The Evolution of Networks in the
Chemical Industry”, in Hikino T. and Zamagni V. (eds.), Global Chemical Industry Since
the Petrochemical Revolution, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
3. Cesar oni F. and Piccaluga A., 2002, “Patenting Activity of European Universities.
Relevant? Growing? Useful?”, paper presented to the conference Rethinking Science Policy.
Analytical Frameworks for Evidence-Based Policy, SPRU – University of Sussex, Brighton
(UK), 21-23 March 2002.
4. Cesar oni F. and Gambardella A., 2002, “The Use of Referee Scores to Estimate Research
Productivity”, paper presented to the conference Rethinking Science Policy. Analytical
Frameworks for Evidence-Based Policy, SPRU – University of Sussex, Brighton (UK), 2123 March 2002.
5. Cesar oni F., Gambardella A., Garcia-Fontes W. and Mariani M., 2001, “The Chemical
Sectoral System. Firms, markets, institutions and the processes of knowledge creation and
diffusion”, LEM Working Paper 2001/17, St. Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa.
6. Cesar oni F., 2001, “Technology Strategies in the Knowledge Economy. The Licensing
Activity of Himont”, paper presented to the conference The Future of Innovation Studies,
Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies, Eindhoven (NL), September 21-23, 2001.
7. Cesar oni F. and Mariani M., 2001, “The Market for Knowledge in the Chemical Sector”, in
Guilhon B. (eds.), Technology and Markets for Knowledge, Kluwer Academic Publisher,
8. Arduini R. and Cesar oni F., 2001, “Environmental Technologies in the European Chemical
Industry”, LEM Working Paper 2001/09, St. Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa.
9. Cesar oni F. and Gambardella A., 2001, “Trasferimento tecnologico e gestione della
proprietà intellettuale nel sistema della ricerca in Italia”, LEM Working Paper, Italian
Collection Series, 2001/03, St. Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa.
10. Cesar oni F., Gambardella A. e Piccaluga A., 2001, “Exploration and Exploitation: Brevetti
e Imprese Spin-off per la Valorizzazione della Ricerca Pubblica”, paper presented to the
LINK conference Le reti di innovazione e lo sviluppo territoriale. Analisi di una
esperienza: il progetto Link, Roma, January 16-17.
11. Cesar oni F., Piccaluga A., Trio O. e Viegi L., 2001, “Risorse scarse e preziose per
l’innovazione. I fattori critici per la nascita di imprese spin-off della ricerca nell’area di
Brindisi e Lecce”, in Lanzara R. e Lazzeroni M. (eds.), Metodologie per l’innovazione. Un
progetto sperimentale nelle aree di Pisa, Benevento, Brindisi e Lecce, Franco Angeli,
12. Cesar oni F., Gambardella A., Piccaluga A. e Varaldo R., 2000, “La Complessità della New
Economy: Tecnologia e Organizzazione”, paper presented to the AIDEA conference
Processi di terziarizzazione dell’economia e nuove sfide al governo delle aziende, Genova,
26-27 Ottobre.
13. Cesar oni F., 2000, “Technological User-Supplier Relationships in the Chemical Industry”,
University “Carlos III” Madrid, WP 00-23, Business Economics Series 6, March.
14. Potì B.M., Cesar oni F. e Cioppi M., 1999, L’Interazione tra Scienza e Industria in Italia.
Idee per una valutazione della politica della ricerca , Franco Angeli, Milano.
15. Cesar oni F., 1999, “La Politica per la Tecnologia nella Società dell’Informazione. Il Ruolo
dell’Unione Europea”, in Gambardella A. (eds.), L’impresa: Vecchie e Nuove Fonti del
Vantaggio Competitivo, Giappichelli, Torino.
16. Cesar oni F. e Gambardella A., 1999, “Dai ‘Contenitori’ ai ‘Contenuti’: i Parchi Scientifici
e Tecnologici in Italia”, in Antonelli C. (eds.), Conoscenza Tecnologica: Nuovi Paradigmi
dell’Innovazione e Specificità Italiana , Ed. Fondazione Agnelli, Torino.
17. Cesar oni F. e Gambardella A., 1999, “Valutazione dei Programmi Pubblici di Ricerca: le
Metodologie della Nuova “Micro-Economia” della Scienza”, Quaderni di Sociologia , vol.
XLIII (20), pp. 66-94.