CROUS Jean Jouzel - Eiffage Construction


CROUS Jean Jouzel - Eiffage Construction
Ca s o s tu d i o : CRO US J e a n J o u z e l - Ei ffa g e Co n s tr u cti o n
S i to we b : h ttp :// n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /i ta l i a /
CROUS Jean Jouzel - Eiffage Construction
Tipo lo gia di pro getto : Nuo va co struzio ne
Tipo di edificio : Residenza studentesca
Anno di co struzio ne : 20 13
Zo na climatica : [Csb] Co astal
Mediterranean - Mild with co o l, dry summer.
Superficie utile calpestabile : 3 70 0 m 2
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 5
30 0 0 0 0 €
Numero delle unità funzio nali : 120
Co sti/m2 : 1 432 €/m 2
Co sti/Appartamenti : 44 16 7
172 rue de Co ureilles , 170 0 0 La Ro chelle,
// Descrizione
University student Residence in La Ro chelle, 120 student ho usings o n 5 levels with mo dules so lid laminated wo o d: EC
Co ncept Lignum ® .
BBC no rm -20 % RT 20 12 (french thermal rules) -40 %
At t e ndibilit à de i dat i :
Certificazio ne di terza parte
// Stakeholders
Direttore dei lavori
No me : Eiffage Co nstructio n & Eiffage Industrie
Jacques Bo uillo t
Sito web : http://www.eiffageco nstructio m
Appro ccio de l pro prie t ario alla so st e nibilit à e ne rge t ica : The go al was to build an eco no mically and eco lo gically
efficient building o n a reduced timeline. The Jean Jo uzel pro ject is the first building based o n the Lignum Co ncept so lutio n:
so lid laminated wo o d mo dules.
Wo o d co nstructio n, based o n prefabricated mo dules plant, caused mo dificatio ns in technical and pro ject management, during
design and pro ductio n phases.
Technical benefit: respo nse to the sho rt co nstructio n delays while maintaining quality (30 % reductio n).
Enviro nmental benefit: life cycle analysis co ntro lled and wo o d used fo r co nstructio n: a sto ck o f 5 T.eq.CO2/mo dule o r the
equivalent o f 30 years o f o perating the building.
Pro ductivity benefit: impro vement o f the health-preventio n safety thanks to a reduced co habitatio n o n site.
De scrizio ne archit e t t o nica : The aco ustics, fire resistance and no VOCs (vo latile o rganic co mpo unds) have also been a
very special attentio n to this pro ject.
Opinio ni de gli ut ilizzat o ri de ll\'e dif icio :
Satisfactio n o f students, who can enjo y a bright studio with apparent wo o d
// Energia
Energy consumption
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria : 49 ,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Fabbiso gno di e ne rgia prim aria de l m e de sim o e dif icio co st ruit o se co ndo gli st andard m inim i pre vist i dalla no rm at iva vige nt e :
51,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Me t o do di calco lo : RT 20 12
Ripart izio ne de l co nsum o di e ne rgia prim aria no n rinno vabile in uso :
Auxiliary distributio n 3.6 Auxiliary Fan 5
17.4 Heating ECS 19 .5 Lighting 3.7
Performance dell'involucro
T rasm it t anza : 0 ,44 W.m -2 .K-1
Maggio ri inf o rm azio ni : exterio r walls: ITE 20 cm ro ckwo o l
Co e f f icie nt e di co m pat t e zza de ll\'e dif icio (f at t o re di f o rm a s/v) :
Indicat o re :
I4 (I4) m 3 /H.m 2 n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
// Fonti Rinnovabili e Impianti
Im piant o di riscaldam e nt o :
Caldaia a gas a co ndensazio ne
Radiato re ad acqua
Im piant o di pro duzio ne di acqua calda sanit aria :
Caldaia a gas a co ndensazio ne
Im piant o di raf f re scam e nt o :
Nessun sistema di raffrescamento
Im piant o di ve nt ilazio ne :
Flusso singo lo
HVAC auto rego labile
HVAC senso ri di umidità (igro metrico B)
Sist e m i pe r lo sf rut t am e nt o di f o nt i di e ne rgia rinno vabili :
So lare termico
Pro duzio ne di e ne rgia rinno vabile :
25,0 0 %
// Prestazioni ambientali
0 ,6 2
GHG emissions
Em issio ni di Gas se rra in f ase di ut ilizzo :
Durat a de ll'e dif icio : 50 ,0 0 an(s)
13,0 0 KgCO 2 /m 2 /an
Life Cycle Analysis
Made with the Bilan Carbo ne spreadsheet released by ADEME (french energy natio nal agency). Building materials
(pro ductio n, transpo rt and develo pment 'used) impacts o f co nstructio n (waste, co nsumptio n and displacements staff)
Mat e riali e co -co m pat ibili : Wo o d used in the building can sto re CO2 permanently (110 0 to nnes o f CO2 fo r 128
mo dules)
Water & Indoor air quality
Qualit à de ll'aria int e rna :
Cho ice o f lo w emissio n materials
// Prodotti
Eif f yConso
Pro dut t o re : Eiffage Co nstructio n, Eiffage Industries, Effineo
Co nt at t o : .
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o :
De scrizio ne :
Tracking so lutio n fo r co nsumptio n by Eiffage Co nstructio n: Eiffyco nso , in co llabo ratio n with
Effineo , which allo ws each student to fo llo w its water and energy co nsumptio ns thro ugh a
dashbo ard available o n a bo x o r o n the internet.
Co m m e nt i:
As o f to day, this to o l is already used by 30 % o f residents
Pro dut t o re : Eiffage Co nstructio n and Eiffage Industries
Co nt at t o : .
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere di finitura / Impianti sanitari
De scrizio ne :
HVA Co ncept is a prefabricated bathro o m o f high added value. It allo ws the reunio n o f way to
co nso lidate 7 subtrades in a co nfined space. HVA Co ncept o ffers a perso nalized design, with a
very sho rt manufacturing timeline The advantage is that o nly o ne perso n is needed to
implement a co mplete bathro o m. The o verall co st is mastered while respecting the no rms: the
structure is fully recyclable and no n-co mbustible.
Co m m e nt i:
already mo re than 30 0 0 bathro o ms delivered, installed and wo rking.
Pro dut t o re : KLH - Lignatec
Co nt at t o : co ntact[a]
Sit o we b:
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere strutturali / Struttura - Invo lucro - Finitura
Panneau bois contrecollé KLH
Pro dut t o re : KLH - Lignatec
Co nt at t o : co [email protected]
Sit o we b:
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere strutturali / Struttura - Invo lucro - Finitura
De scrizio ne :
Panneau structurel en bo is co ntreco llé. Le panneau est emplo yé po ur to ute la superstructure.
KLH murs et planchers assemblés par Eiffage. Po se de mo dules déjà meublé sur chantier.
Déso lidarisatio n aco ustique entre chaque mo dule. Panneau apparent en plafo nd.
Co m m e nt i:
légéreté, rigidité, précisio n usinage, étanchéité à l’air, po ssibilité de le laisser apparent
Panneau bois contrecollé KLH
Pro dut t o re : KLH - Lignatec
Co nt at t o : co [email protected]
Sit o we b:
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere strutturali / Struttura - Invo lucro - Finitura
De scrizio ne :
Panneau structurel en bo is co ntreco llé. Le panneau est emplo yé po ur to ute la superstructure.
KLH murs et planchers assemblés par Eiffage. Po se de mo dules déjà meublé sur chantier.
Déso lidarisatio n aco ustique entre chaque mo dule. Panneau apparent en plafo nd.
Co m m e nt i:
légéreté, rigidité, précisio n usinage, étanchéité à l’air, po ssibilité de le laisser apparent
Panneau bois contrecollé KLH
Pro dut t o re : KLH - Lignatec
Co nt at t o : co [email protected]
Sit o we b:
Cat e go ria de l pro do t t o : Opere strutturali / Struttura - Invo lucro - Finitura
De scrizio ne :
Panneau structurel en bo is co ntreco llé. Le panneau est emplo yé po ur to ute la superstructure.
KLH murs et planchers assemblés par Eiffage. Po se de mo dules déjà meublé sur chantier.
Déso lidarisatio n aco ustique entre chaque mo dule. Panneau apparent en plafo nd.
Co m m e nt i:
légéreté, rigidité, précisio n usinage, étanchéité à l’air, po ssibilité de le laisser apparent
// Costi
Co sto di co struzio ne/ristrutturazio ne : 5 30 0 0 0 0 €
// Qualità della pianificazione urbana
Am bie nt e urbano : In the heart o f the university campus o f La Ro chelle, Jean Jo uzel Cro us is a residence fo r students
and o ffers a lifestyle o f quality to its students. Less than 15 minutes away o n fo o t fro m the city center o f La Ro chelle, students
are also clo ser to their university buildings.
Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'are a di int e rve nt o :
Supe rf icie t o t ale de ll\'e dif icio :
Spazi ve rdi ad uso co m une :
Num e ro di parche ggi :
three buildings to park.
30 0 0 m 2
30 %
19 50
Parking spaces are lo cated o n the o utside o f the building, 2 parking spaces allo w residents o f
// Qualità ambientale dell'edificio
Qualit à am bie nt ale de ll\'e dif icio :
// Concorsi