S.McKinlay, R. Hastings, Success 2, ed. Longman


S.McKinlay, R. Hastings, Success 2, ed. Longman
Libri di testo:
S.McKinlay, R. Hastings, Success 2, ed. Longman;
The Prose and the Passion, ed. Zanichelli;
Grammar Files, Blue Edition.
Come in accordo con i colleghi di dipartimento si è lavorato prevalentemente sulle seguenti unità
procedendo sullo SB, WB, Grammar BooK e sul testo di microlingua.
Testo: SUCCESS 2
Units: 7, 9, 11,12
Unit 7: Health matters
Second conditional
Unit 9: Mad about the Media
The Passive
The Media
TV or not TV?
Unit 11: Entertain us
Reported Speech
Cinema and Films
Unit 12: Winners and Losers
Third Conditional
Plans and ambitions
Hidden Talents
The Prose and the Passion
Welcome Module
- An Introduction to Poetry
- sound devices
- language devices
- How to read a poetic text
- An introduction to fiction as a genre
- The Story of an Hour (Kate Chopin)
Module 2 From The Renaissance to the Restoration
- Introduction
- The Historical and Social Context
- The World Picture
- The Literary Context: sonnet, metaphysical poetry (Song by J.Donne)
- Authors and Texts: Shakespeare (sonnet 18,60, Sonnets 147-81), Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, text
bank 6-My Mistress’ Eyes, text bank 5- The marriage of true minds.
- Onomatopoeia and literary devices, Petrarchan and Elizabethan sonnet, - graphic forms:
Module 3 From the Restoration to The Augustan Age
The Historical and Social Context
The World Picture
The Literary Context: the rise of the novel
Authors and Texts: Daniel Defoe (Robinson Crusoe), Jonathan Swift (Gulliver’s Travels)
A Modern Perspective: Coetzee’s Foe, Robinsonade, From the coffee-house to the Internet
Module 4 The Romantic Age
The Historical and Social Context
The World Picture: the sublime
The Literary Context: the Gothic Novel, the Novel of Manners
Authors and Texts: Mary Shelley-Frankenstein, Jane Austen-Pride and Prejudice
A Modern Perspective: Bridget Jones’ Diary
- direttori d’orchestra: women conductors (ricerche personali), Missing From Podiums
- From Poetry to Pop (3 songs: The River by Bruce Springsteen, Follow the Leader by Rakim,
Strange fruit by Billie Holiday)
- Excelsior Ballet 1881- Expo and The Crystal Palace (1851).
- Connections between art, poetry and music
- Win Your Own Portrait
Journalism and mass media (Charlie Hebdo), The Conservation of Energy and The Mentalist of
Physics (Richard Feynman), dangerous sports, Daredevil Shaun Baker, KKK and The Mentalist
(ricerche personali).
FILM (in L2):
Shakespeare in Love, Cast Away, Pride and Prejudice, Excelsior (ballet)
Esercitazioni per le vacanze estive:
- ripasso funzioni lessicali e sintattiche incontrate nel corso dell’anno scolastico sia sullo SB che sul
WB e Grammar Book.
- ripasso di letteratura
- analisi di:
Joshua Reynolds – The Age of Innocence (CD ROM-Route 8 Direction 2)
Thomas Gainsborough – The Morning Walk(CD-ROM-Route 8 Direction 3)
Joseph M.W.Turner – The Great Fall of the Riechenbach, Norham Castle,Sunrise, Rain,Steam and
Speed (CD-ROM-Route 11 Direction 2, 3 and 4-text book pp137-138), p 138 The egotistical
sublime (The Prose and the Passion)
-Ricerche: Jeans orchestra and Spira Mirabilis.
Si ricorda, inoltre, che nelle primissime settimane di Settembre, al rientro dopo la pausa estiva
verrà somministrato un test (valutato) per verificare l’avvenuto svolgimento dei compiti assegnati
and il ripasso.
I rappresentanti di classe