Regards Croisés, Regard Moderne


Regards Croisés, Regard Moderne
Regards Croisés, Regard Moderne
Multidisciplinary Approaches and a Modern Paradigm
Visioni a Confronto, Visione Moderna
Sciences et cultures au service de l’innovation alimentaire
Sciences and cultures to support food innovation
Scienze e culture al servizio dell'innovazione alimentare
Colloque parrainé par :
Jeudi 18 Juin 2015
Salle Manzoni
Palazzo delle Stelline
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 2
M. Loïc Bienassis
Agrégé d’histoire, est chargé de mission au sein de l’Institut Européen d’Histoire
et des Cultures de l’Alimentation (IEHCA), basé à Tours. Parallèlement aux projets
dont il a la charge au sein de l’IEHCA, Loïc Bienassis conduit des recherches en
histoire de l’alimentation – autour de la notion de patrimoine culinaire en
particulier – et travaille à des publications destinées au grand public (Reflets de
France, Albin Michel, 2013/French Regional Food, Frances Lincoln, 2014).
Researcher and historian with the European Institute of the History and
Culture of Food (IEHCA, Institut Européen d'Histoire et des Cultures de
L'Alimentation) based in Tours, France. His research area is the history of food,
with focus on the concept of culinary heritage. He has also written books for
the general public, including French Regional Food, co-authored with Joel
Robuchon and published by Frances Lincoln, London, 2014.
Loïc BIENASSIS è storico e ricercatore all'Istituto Europeo di Storia e Culture
dell’Alimentazione (IEHCA) dell'università di Tours. Oltre ai progetti di cui è
responsabile per l'IEHCA, Loïc BIENASSIS conduce ricerche in storia
dell'alimentazione incentrate sulla nozione di patrimonio culinario. È inoltre
autore di saggi destinati al grande pubblico (Reflets de France, Albin Michel,
2013/French Regional Food, Frances Lincoln, 2014).
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 3
Dr. Abalo Chango
Enseignant-chercheur, professeur de génomique nutritionnelle et bioinformatique appliquée à l’Institut Polytechnique Lasalle Beauvais.Il a créé et
animé de 2006 à 2010 l’Unité de Recherche Expression des Gènes et Régulation
Epigénétique par l’Aliment (EGEAL). Ses recherches portent sur l'approche de
génomique du métabolisme des vitamines-B (folates,…) des composés bioactifs
(polyphénols,..) et des contaminants alimentaires (mycotoxines, néoformés,
métaux lourds,…). L’objectif de ses travaux est de comprendre les interactions
complexes entre ces composés alimentaires, le génome et la susceptibilité à des
maladies dans les populations à risque et dans les phases précoces de la vie. Il
assure depuis 2012 la direction du département des Sciences de la Nutrition
et Santé de l’Institut: un département actif dans l’enseignement, la formation, la
recherche, la valorisation et transfert technologique dans les domaines de la
nutrition, alimentation et santé.
Professor of Nutrigenomics and Applied Bioinformatics at the Institut
Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais in France. He established the EGEAL research
team on food and epigenetic regulation of gene expression in 2006 and directed
it through 2010. His main research is focused on the genomics approach of
folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism. The major aim of his research is to
understand the complex interactions between dietary components (B-vitamins,
bioactives), food contaminants (mycotoxins, neo-formed molecules, heavy
metals) and the susceptibility to birth defects and chronic diseases of at-risk
populations that are pregnant women and children. Since 2012, he has headed
the LaSalle Beauvais Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, a department
active in teaching, research and technology transfers in the areas of nutrition,
food and health
Abalo Chango è docente e ricercatore, professore di Genomica nutrizionale e
bioinformatica applicata all'Istituto politecnico LaSalle Beauvais. Ha creato e
condotto dal 2006 al 2010 l'Unità di ricerca ‘Espressione genica e regolazione
epigenetica dell'alimento’ (EGEAL). Le sue ricerche sono impostate
sull'approccio genomico al metabolismo delle vitamine B (come ad es. i folati),
dei composti bioattivi (polifenoli et al.) e dei contaminanti alimentari
(micotossine, neoformati, metalli pesanti, ecc.). L'obiettivo di questi lavori è
comprendere le interazioni complesse tra composti alimentari, genoma e
predisposizione a malattie specifiche, nelle popolazioni a rischio e nella prime fasi
della vita. Dal 2012 è direttore del dipartimento di Scienze della nutrizione e della
salute dell'Istituto. Il dipartimento si dedica attivamente all'insegnamento, alla
formazione, alla ricerca, alla valorizzazione e all'insegnamento delle tecnologie
nei settori della nutrizione, dell'alimentazione e della salute.
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 4
Pr. Jean-Pierre Corbeau
Professeur émérite de sociologie de l'alimentation à l'Université
François Rabelais est cofondateur de l'Institut Français du Goût et du
Comité de Recherche "Anthropologie et sociologie de l'Alimentation"
à l'AISLF. Secrétaire de l'IEHCA, il est membre qualifié du Conseil
National de l'Alimentation, des comités scientifiques du GROS et de
Auteur, coauteur ou responsable de plus d'une dizaine d'ouvrages et d'une
centaine d'articles sur l'alimentation, ses études portent sur l'éducation
alimentaire, les sociabilités et le plaisir alimentaire chez les enfants, les
adolescents et les personnes âgées. Il étudie les fonctions symboliques des
Professor emeritus of the Sociology of Food at the University of Tours, is co-founder
of the Institut Français du Goût and of the Research Committee on the
Anthropology and Sociology of Food at the AISLF. He serves as Executive
Secretary of the European Institute of the History and Culture of Food (IEHCA),
and is a member of the French National Food Council and serves on the scientific
committees of the GROS (discussion group on obesity) and the OCHA
(observatory of dietary habits). He has authored, co-authored or edited over ten
books and a hundred articles on food. He has investigated the symbolic functions
of food, and his research covers food education, and food sociability and
pleasure among children, adolescents and the elderly.
Professore emerito di sociologia dell'alimentazione all'Università François Rabelais,
è cofondatore dell'Institut Français du Goût et del Comitato di ricerca
"Antropologia e sociologia dell'Alimentazione" dell'AISLF (Associazione
internazionale dei sociologi di lingua francese). Segretario dell'IEHCA, è membro
del Consiglio nazionale dell'alimentazione, dei comitati scientifici del GROS
(Gruppo di riflessione sull'obesità e il sovrappeso) e dell'OCHA (Osservatorio Cniel
delle abitudini alimentari).
È autore, coautore o curatore di oltre une decina di saggi e di un centinaio di
articoli sull'alimentazione. I suoi studi vertono sull'educazione alimentare, le
sociabilità e il piacere alimentare di bambini, adolescenti e anziani, nonché sulle
funzioni simboliche degli alimenti.
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 5
Mme Agnès Giboreau
Spécialiste en évaluation sensorielle et du comportement du consommateur.
Docteur-ingénieur en sciences des aliments, titulaire d’un DEA de psychologie
cognitive, elle est Directrice de la Recherche de l’Institut Paul Bocuse. Elle est
membre fondateur et co-animatrice de Sensolier, groupe de travail
industrie/recherche sur la sensorialité. Elle enseigne dans plusieurs Masters
universitaires et a publié de nombreux articles.
Specialized in the sensory and behavioral evaluation of consumers. She holds a
PhD in Food Sciences and a graduate degree in Cognitive Psychology, and is a
Research Director at Institut Paul Bocuse. She is a founding member and codirector of Sensolier, a joint academic and industry research initiative sensorality.
She teaches in several Masters programs and has published numerous articles.
Agnès Giboreau è specializzata in analisi sensoriale e comportamento dei
consumatori. Ingegnere, ricercatrice in Scienza degli alimenti e titolare di un
dottorato in psicologia cognitiva, dirige il dipartimento di Ricerca dell'Istituto Paul
Bocuse. È membro fondatore e coanimatrice di Sensolier, un gruppo di lavoro
industria-ricerca sulla sensorialità. Insegna in numerosi Master universitari e ha
pubblicato numerosi articoli.
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 6
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 7
M. François Guillon
HEC, il aime et pratique depuis longtemps le management, la gestion de terrain,
la découverte par l’enquête, la construction en commun de solutions,
l’accouchement des esprits, la formation et le conseil. En 1978, alors qu'il était
Professeur-Assistant du Groupe HEC, il prend, aux Grands Moulins de Paris, la
responsabilité du développement européen de la chaîne de boulangeries
restaurants Vie de France, puis, dans le Groupe SODEXO, la responsabilité de
développement de chaînes grand public au Moyen-Orient et aux Etats-Unis. En
1984 il revient en France et ouvre une consultance en stratégie et marketing
alimentaires. Il sert des clients de tous les métiers de l’alimentaire. De 1991 à 2007,
il est simultanément Responsable de l’enseignement de la stratégie et du
marketing alimentaire au Conservatoire national des arts et métiers à Paris. En
2001, il devient enseignant-chercheur de l’Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais.
Il y dirige le Mastère Spécialisé «Management, Restauration, Santé, Bien-être». En
2007, l’Institut lui confie la Chaire de Marketing Alimentaire et Ethique. Il a présidé
pendant dix ans l’association IREMAS (Institut pour la recherche en marketing de
l’alimentation santé). Depuis 2014, il préside ALIM50+, une association
professionnelle ayant pour objet d’imaginer et d’accompagner l’avenir de
l’alimentation des Seniors.
He holds an MBA from HEC Paris, and has been active in administration, field
management, surveys, collaborative solution building, teaching and consulting.
In 1978, while an assistant professor with HEC Group, he was in charge of
European development projects for the milling and baking group Grands Moulins
de Paris, and then, with Sodexo, developed and managed new concepts of
public commercial restaurant and bakery shops in the Middle East and the USA.
He returned to France in 1984 and opened a consulting firm specialized in food
strategy and marketing. From 1991 to 2007, he was Associate Professor of Food
Economics and Marketing at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris. In
2001 he joined the faculty of Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais as associate
professor, where he directed the masters program in Management, Catering,
Health and Wellbeing. In 2007, he was appointed to the Food Marketing and
Ethics Teaching and Research Chair. For a decade, he was Chair of the IREMAS
association (Institute for Research in Food Health Marketing). Since 2014, he has
been president of ALIM50+, a professional association with members from
academia and industry to promote research into future food developments for
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 8
Diplomato dell'HEC di Parigi, nutre per il management una passione che mette in
pratica da molti anni, insieme alla gestione sul campo, la scoperta attraverso
l'inchiesta, la costruzione comune di soluzioni, la maieutica, la formazione e la
consulenza. Nel 1978 lascia il posto di Docente-assistente presso il Gruppo HEC per
raggiungere i Grands Moulins de Paris, che gli affidano lo sviluppo europeo della
catena di fornai e ristoratori Vie de France, per poi incaricarlo dello sviluppo delle
catene SODEXO per il grande pubblico in Medio Oriente e negli Stati Uniti. Nel
1984 torna in Francia e lancia un'attività di consulenza in strategia e marketing
alimentari, collaborando con aziende che rappresentano tutti i mestieri del
settore. Dal 1991 al 2007 aggiunge alla sua attività di consulenza il ruolo di
Responsabile didattico in Strategia e marketing alimentare allo CNAM
(Conservatorio nazionale di arti e mestieri di Parigi). Nel 2001 diventa docentericercatore all'Istituto politecnico LaSalle Beauvais, dove dirige il Master di II livello
in "Management, Ristorazione, Salute, Benessere". Nel 2007, l'Istituto gli conferisce
la cattedra di Marketing alimentare e etico. È stato per dieci anni Presidente
dell'associazione IREMAS (Istituto per la ricerca in marketing dell'alimentazione
salutare). Dal 2004 è Presidente dell'ALIM50+, un'associazione professionale che si
propone di immaginare e accompagnare il futuro dell'alimentazione della terza
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 9
M. Olivier Rollin
Géographe de formation, ancien consultant en ingénierie touristique et en
marketing territorial, Olivier Rollin est aujourd’hui en charge du développement
au sein l’Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation. Il intervient
notamment dans divers projets de valorisation du patrimoine alimentaire et
gastronomique des territoires.
Olivier Rollin's academic background is in Geography. He has worked as a
consultant in tourism engineering and territorial marketing, and is currently the
head of development at the European Institute of the History and Culture of Food
(IEHCA, Institut Européen d'Histoire et des Cultures de L'Alimentation), which is
affiliated with the University of Tours. He has been involved in numerous projects
designed to preserve and market the culinary and gastronomic heritage of
specific territories.
formazione, ex consulente in ingegneria turistica e marketing territoriale, Olivier
Rollin è responsabile dello Sviluppo presso l'Istituto Europeo di Storia e Culture
dell’Alimentazione. La sua attività comprende numerosi progetti di valorizzazione
del patrimonio alimentare e gastronomico regionale
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 10
M. Hassan Younes
Hassan YOUNES, titulaire d’un Doctorat d'université en Nutrition Humaine, est
habilité à diriger des recherches en Nutrition Humaine. Son parcours l’a mené de
l’université d’Auvergne où il était enseignant-chercheur en nutrition humaine au
cabinet Nutralis où il était Consultant en transfert technologique en Nutrition,
Alimentation et Santé, puis à l’Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais en tant que
Directeur du département Sciences de la Nutrition et santé, puis d’EnseignantChercheur en Nutrition Humaine et de Responsable de la cellule de recherche
clinique en Nutrition. Ses centres d'intérêt au niveau de l’enseignement couvrent
la physiologie et la physiopathologie, la nutrition humaine et maladies associées.
Dans le domaine de la recherche, il se concentre sur les fibres alimentaires et
leurs implications dans l'homéostasie de différents métabolismes ainsi que dans la
prévention et la prise en charge des pathologies physiologiques et métaboliques.
Hassan Younes holds a PhD in Human Nutrition and is an accredited research
director in the discipline. He has taught at the University of Auvergne and served
as a consultant at Nutralis, a consulting firm, in the area of technology transfers in
Nutrition, Food and Health. At LaSalle Beauvais, he has served as head of the
Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, professor of Human Nutrition, and
head of the Nutrition Clinical Research group. His areas of academic interest
include physiology and physiopathology, human nutrition, and associated
pathologies. His research focuses on dietary fiber and its role in the homeostasis
of metabolic processes, and in the prevention and treatment of
physiologicaland metabolic pathologies.
Hassan YOUNES è titolare di un dottorato universitario in Nutrizione umana,
materia che è anche il suo campo di ricerca. Il suo percorso è iniziato
all'Università dell'Alvernia, dove è stato docente-ricercatore in nutrizione umana.
In seguito raggiunge la società Nutralis come Consulente in trasferimento
tecnologico in Nutrizione, Alimentazione e Salute, per poi integrare l'Istituto
politecnico LaSalle Beauvais in qualità di Direttore del dipartimento di Scienze
della nutrizione e salute, e infine come docente-ricercatore in Nutrizione umana
e Responsabile della divisione di Ricerca clinica in Nutrizione. I suoi centri
d'interesse pedagogici includono la fisiologia e la fisiopatologia, la nutrizione
umana e le malattie ad essa correlate. Le sue ricerche sono incentrate sulle fibre
alimentari e la loro implicazione nell'omeostasi dei vari metabolismi, nonché sulla
prevenzione e trattamento delle patologie fisiologiche e metaboliche.
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 11
Matin - Approches scientifiques multidisciplinaires
des participants
et café d’accueil
Accueil de la
Philippe Choquet,
Directeur général de
Institut Polytechnique
(Beauvais, Fr.)
Charlotte Dufour,
Division de la Nutrition,
FAO, (Rome, It.)
L’intérêt es liens entre
alimentation et bienêtre
Jean-Pierre Corbeau,
professeur émérite,
Université François
(Tours, Fr.)
Session 1
Individu, biologie,
et bien-être
Modérée par Abalo
LaSalle Beauvais
L'alimentation participe-t-elle
au bien-être ? Réalités, enjeux
et contradictions (Réflexions
physiologiques et sanitaires)
Jean-Michel Lecerf, Chef du
Service de Nutrition, Institut
Pasteur (Lille, Fr.)
Wellbeing also means not
suffering from food-related
illnesses: A state of the art of
dietary technological tools
Rick Weiss, Président,
Fondateur & Ingénieur en chef
Bien-être, Viocare, Inc. (USA)
Session 2
Le contexte du repas et le
bien-être : environnement et
rituel Modérée par Erminio
Monteleone, Professeur
associé, Université de Florence
The use of plating and
presentation to increase
healthy eating
Debra Zellner, Professeur de
Psychologie à l’Université
d’Etat de Montclair (USA)
Using culinary and hospitality
know-how to increase the
pleasure of meals
Agnès Giboreau, Directrice de
la Recherche de l’Institut Paul
Bocuse (Lyon, Fr.)
Session 3
Les représentations
historiques et
sociologiques du bienmanger / bien-être
Modérée par Loïc
Bienassis, Chargé de
mission IEHCA (Tours, Fr.)
Bien manger pour bien
être : nourriture et santé
du Moyen Âge au
début de l'ère
Antonella Campanini,
Université des Sciences
(Pollenzo/Bra, It.)
Consommation de
produits régionaux et
bien-être alimentaire :
pratiques et
représentations de
jeunes retraités
Karen Montagne et
Frédéric Précigout,
Sociologues de
l’alimentation, EA 6294,
L’Équipe Alimentation
(LÉA), Université
François Rabelais (Tours,
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 12
Après-midi - De la science à l’innovation alimentaire
Synthèses et conclusion de la
matinée - Présentation des tables
François Guillon, enseignantchercheur, Institut Polytechnique
Lasalle Beauvais, Coordinateur du
2ème table ronde Modérée par Olivier
Rollin, Chargé du développement,
IEHCA (Tours, Fr.)
1ère table ronde Modérée par
François Guillon, enseignantchercheur, LaSalle Beauvais (Fr.)
Alimentation, bien-être et nouveaux
produits alimentaires
Un panel d’universitaires et de
professionnels dont Claire Meunier
(Coca-Cola) et Jean-Pierre Williot
(Université François Rabelais – Tours)
Alimentation, bien-être, nouveaux
produits, services et art de vivre
Un panel d’universitaires et de
professionnels dont: Christophe
Château (Bonduelle), Eugenio
Mailler (Slow Food) et Samuel Vals
Synthèses du colloque
Par le Professeur Albert Capatti,
Université de Pavie
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 13
Morning – Multidisciplinary scientific approaches
Registration and
welcome coffee
Introduction to
Philippe Choquet,
Director, Institut
Polytechnique LaSalle
(Beauvais, Fr.)
Opening speech
Charlotte Dufour,
Nutritionist, Nutrition
Division, FAO, (Rome, It.)
The importance of
linkages between food
and wellbeing
Jean-Pierre Corbeau,
Professor Emeritus,
University of Tours (Fr.)
Session 1
Individuals, biology, food
and wellbeing
Moderator: Abalo
Chango, Professor of
Nutrigenomics and
Applied bioinformatics,
LaSalle Beauvais
How does food contribute to
wellbeing? Realities,
implications and contradictions
(Physiological and health
Jean-Michel Lecerf, Head of
Department of Nutrition, Institut
Pasteur de Lille (Fr.)
Wellbeing also means not
suffering from food-related
illnesses: A state of the art of
dietary technological tools
Rick Weiss, President, Founder &
Chief Wellness Engineer of
Viocare, Inc. (USA)
Session 2
The context of meals and
wellbeing: environment and
Moderator: Erminio
Monteleone, Associate
Professor, University of Florence
The use of plating and
presentation to increase
healthy eating
Debra Zellner, Professor of
Psychology, Montclair State
University (USA)
Using culinary and hospitality
know-how to increase the
pleasure of meals
Agnès Giboreau, Director of
Research at the Paul Bocuse
Center for Food and Hospitality
Research (Lyon, Fr.)
Session 3
Historical and
representations of
eating well and
wellbeing Moderator:
Loic Bienassis, Head of
Policy and Projects,
IEHCA (Tours, Fr.)
Eating well for wellbeing: food and
health from the
Middle Ages to the
start of the Industrial
Antonella Campanini,
Assistant Professor,
University of
Gastronomic Sciences
(Pollenzo/Bra, It.)
Consumption of
regional products and
nutritional wellbeing:
practices and
representations of
recent retirees
Karen Montagne and
Frédéric Précigout,
Food Sociologists, EA
6294, L’Équipe
Université François
Rabelais (U. of Tours,
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 14
Afternoon – From science to food innovation
Summary of the morning's
proceedings. Introduction to the
round table discussions
François Guillon, Associate Professor,
Institut Polytechnique LaSalle
Beauvais, Coordinator of the
2nd round table Moderator: Olivier
Rollin, Head of Development, IEHCA
(Tours, Fr.)
1st round table Moderator: François
Guillon, Associate Professor, LaSalle
Beauvais (Fr.)
Nutrition, wellbeing, and new food
products : Seeds, emerging and
A panel of academics and industry
professionals, incl. Claire Meunier
(Coca-Cola) and Jean-Pierre Williot
(Université François Rabelais – Tours)
Food, wellbeing, new products and
services, and the art de vivre: Seeds,
emerging and developed
A panel of academics and industry
professionals, incl. Christophe
Château (Bonduelle), Eugenio
Mailler (Slow Food) and Samuel Vals
Conference wrap-up
Prof. Alberto Capatti, University of
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 15
Mattino - Approcci scientifici multidisciplinari
Registrazione dei
partecipanti e caffè di
Accoglienza della
Philippe Choquet,
Direttore generale,
Istituto Politecnico
LaSalle (Beauvais, Fr.)
Charlotte Dufour,
Nutritionista, Divisione
Nutrizione, FAO, (Roma
L'interesse delle
relazioni tra
alimentazione e
Jean-Pierre Corbeau,
professore emerito,
Università François
Rabelais (Tours, Fr.)
1a sessione
Individuo, biologia,
alimenti e benessere
Moderatore: Abalo
Chango, docentericercatore, LaSalle
Come l'alimentazione
partecipa al benessere?
Realtà, sfide e contraddizioni
(riflessioni fisiologiche e
sanitarie). Jean-Michel
Lecerf, Primario del servizio di
nutrizione, Istituto Pasteur
(Lille, Fr.)
Star bene significa anche
non soffrire di malattie
alimentari: Lo stato dell'arte
degli strumenti tecnologici in
Rick Weiss, Presidente,
fondatore e ingegnere capo
Benessere, Viocare, Inc. (USA
2a sessione
Il contesto del pasto e il
benessere: ambito e rituale
Moderatore: Erminio
Monteleone, Professore
associato, Università di
Firenze (It.)
3a sessione
Le rappresentazioni
storiche e sociologiche
del mangiar benebenessere
Moderatore: Loïc
Bienassis, Responsabile
IEHCA (Tours, Fr.)
Mangiar bene per star
bene: cibo e salute dal
Medio Evo all'inizio
dell'era industriale
Antonella Campanini,
Università degli Studi di
Scienze Gastronomiche
(Pollenzo/Bra, It.)
Consumo di prodotti
regionali e benessere
alimentare: pratiche e
rappresentazioni dei
Il ricorso all'impiattamento e neopensionati.
alla presentazione per
Karen Montagne et
incoraggiare il mangiar sano Frédéric Précigout,
Debra Zellner, Professore di
Psicologia all'Università di
dell'alimentazione, EA
Stato di Montclair (USA)
6294, L’Équipe
Alimentation (LÉA),
Migliorare il piacere dei pasti
Università François
attraverso le buone pratiche
Rabelais (Tours, Fr.)
della gastronomia e
Agnès Giboreau, Direttrice di
Ricerca dell'Istituto Paul
Bocuse (Lyon, Fr.)
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 16
Pomeriggio - Dalla scienza all'innovazione alimentare
Sintesi e conclusione della mattina Presentazione delle tavole rotonde
François Guillon, docentericercatore, Istituto Politecnico
LaSalle Beauvais, Coordinatore del
2a tavola rotonda
Moderatore: Olivier Rollin,
Responsabile dello sviluppo IEHCA
(Tours, Fr.)
1a tavola rotonda
Moderatore: François Guillon,
docente-ricercatore, LaSalle
Beauvais (Fr.)
Alimentazione, benessere e nuovi
prodotti alimentari
Panel di relatori del mondo
professionale e universitario, tra cui
Claire Meunier (Coca-Cola) e JeanPierre Williot (Università François
Rabelais – Tours)
Alimentazione, benessere e nuovi
prodotti, servizi, stile di vita
Panel di relatori del mondo
professionale e universitario, tra cui
Christophe Château (Bonduelle),
Eugenio Mailler (Slow Food) e Samuel
Vals (Epicurium)
Sintesi del convegno
Professor Alberto Capatti, Università
di Pavia
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 17
M. Philippe Choquet
Director, Institut Polytechnique LaSalle
(Beauvais, Fr.)
Directeur général de l’Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais depuis 1999.
Ingénieur diplômé de LaSalle Beauvais en 1987, Philippe Choquet complète sa formation
l’année suivante par le MBA d’HEC Paris avec spécialisation en stratégie internationale à la
London Business School.
Il débute sa carrière en Espagne dans le secteur semencier de 1989 à 1992, puis travaille dans le
conseil en stratégie pendant sept ans chez PERI-G.
Nommé directeur général de l’Institut supérieur d’agriculture de Beauvais en 1999, il pilote la
fusion avec l’Institut de géologie Albert-de-Lapparent pour constituer l’Institut polytechnique
LaSalle Beauvais. Très impliqué à l’international, il a été successivement vice-président puis
président de l’ICA – European Association of Life Sciences Universities de 2008 à 2011, président
de GCHERA, Association mondiale des universités en agriculture de 2009 à 2013, puis viceprésident depuis 2007 de l’International Association of LaSalle Universities .
Director of Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais since 1999.
An engineering graduate of LaSalle Beauvais in 1987, Philippe Choquet earned an MBA the
following year from HEC Paris, with a specialization in international strategy at London Business
He began his career in Spain in the seeds sector, from 1989 to 1992, and then spent seven
years in strategic consulting with PERI-G.
After appointment as director of Institut Supérieur d'Agriculture de Beauvais in 1999, he
managed the merger with Institut de Géologie Albert-de-Lapparent, to form Institut
polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais. He is highly involved in international educational
organizations, and has served as vice president and then president of ICA – European
Association of Life Science Universities from 2008 to 2011; President of GCHERA, the Global
Confederation of Higher Education Associations for the Agricultural and Life Sciences, 20092013; and vice president, since 2007, of the International Association of LaSalle Universities..
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regard moderne »
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Direttore generale dell'Istituto Politecnico LaSalle (Beauvais, Fr.) dal 1999
Dopo la laurea in ingegneria a LaSalle Beauvais nel 1987, Philippe Choquet completa il suo
percorso formativo con un MBA della Haute École de Commerce di Parigi, e si specializza in
strategia internazionale alla London Business School.
Inizia la carriera in Spagna nel settore delle sementi agricole tra il 1989 e il 1992, poi lavora per
sette anni come consulente strategico da PERI-G.
Nominato Direttore generale dell'Istituto Superiore di Agricultura di Beauvais nel 1999, ne
coordina la fusione con l'Istituto di Geologia Albert-de-Lapparent per costituire l'Istituto
Politecnico LaSalle Beauvais. Nella sua attività in contesto internazionale, è stato vicepresidente dell'ICA – European Association of Life Sciences Universities dal 2008 al 2011 e
presidente della GCHERA, Associazione mondiale delle facoltà di agricoltura, dal 2009 al
2013. È vice-presidente dal 2007 dell’International Association of LaSalle Universities.
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 19
Mme Charlotte Dufour
Charlotte Dufour, Nutritionist, Nutrition Division,
FAO, (Rome, It.)
Spécialiste des liens entre l’agriculture, l’alimentation et la santé, Charlotte Dufour travaille à
l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture (FAO). Elle a travaillé avec
Action Contre la Faim et le Groupe Urgence Réhabilitation Développement (URD) avant de
rejoindre la FAO en 2005 en tant que conseillère en nutrition auprès du Ministère de
l’Agriculture en Afghanistan. Elle travaille au siège de la FAO depuis 2010, où elle se consacre
aux liens entre agriculture et alimentation et santé, via des actions de plaidoyer politique, de
formation et d’appui aux programmes de terrain en Afrique et ailleurs. Elle est diplômée de
l’Université d’Oxford et de la London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Specialized in the links between food production and human nutrition, Charlotte Dufour works
in the UN Food and Agriculture Organization nutrition policies and programmes team. She
started working with Action Against Hunger and Groupe Urgence Réhabilitation
Développement (URD) before joining FAO as Food Security and Nutrition Advisor to the Ministry
of Agriculture in Afghanistan in 2005. Since 2010, she works in FAO’s headquarters nutrition
division in Rome, and works on promoting agriculture, nutrition and health linkages through
advocacy, training and field programme support. She holds a Ba from Oxford University and a
MSc. from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Specialista delle relazioni tra agricoltura, alimentazione e salute, Charlotte Dufour lavora
all'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'Alimentazione e l'Agricoltura (FAO). Ha lavorato con
Azione Contro la Fame e per il gruppo Urgenza Riabilitazione Sviluppo (URD) prima di
raggiungere la FAO nel 2005, come consulente in nutrizione presso il Ministero dell'Agricoltura in
Afghanistan. Lavora presso la sede della FAO dal 2010, dove si dedica alle relazioni tra
agricoltura, alimentazione e salute tramite azioni di promozione, formazione e sostegno dei
programmi condotti sul campo in Africa e nel mondo. Si è laureata all’Università di Oxford ed
ha conseguito un master alla London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
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regard moderne »
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In order to set the scene to the day's discussion, Charlotte Dufour will provide an overview of the
nutrition situation in the world, emphasising the persistence of undernutrition and micro-nutrient
deficiencies and the rising levels of overweight and obesity. She will also describe how diets are
changing as the world's population increasingly lives in urban areas and are better connected
to markets through globalisation. She will propose insights as to how different types of
malnutrition and changes in diets relate to human well-being, and argue that while the linkages
between diets, nutrition and well-being can differ between countries or cultures, food is
fundamental to well-being worldwide.
Charlotte Dufour posera le contexte global des discussions en présentant la situation
nutritionnelle dans le monde, mettant en avant la co-existence de sous-nutrition, de carences
en micro-nutriments et d'une obésité de plus en plus répandue. Elle décrira comment les
régimes alimentaires évoluent avec la mondialisation des échanges et l'urbanisation des
populations à travers le monde. Elle proposera des réflexions sur les liens entre les différents
types de malnutrition, les changements alimentaires et le bien-être, arguant que même si la
nature de ces liens peuvent être différents d'un pays ou d'une culture à l'autre, l'alimentation est
un élément fondamental du bien-être humain partout dans le monde.
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regard moderne »
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Pr. Jean-Pierre Corbeau
Emeritus Professor at the Université François Rabelais, Tours
The importance of linkages between "food" and "well-being"
The topic of food and well-being can be interpreted in a variety of ways.
The reality of food is an all-encompassing whole; it has multiple dimensions, e.g., biological,
symbolic and economic; it can be analyzed as an area for social reproduction or construction;
it signifies a sense of belonging or desire for distinction.
The notion of "well-being" carries connotations of a comfortable position in society; it is
embedded in "happiness" — a word that similarly has multiple meanings; it points to a quality of
life, not simply physical but also emotional; it evokes pleasant bodily and sensory experiences;
and ultimately, it is amenable to analysis under the more academic concepts of identity
balance and self-esteem.
Paradoxically, connecting the two terms makes it possible to clarify both, and to develop
scenarios that can be of interest not only to decision-makers in the public policy and economic
spheres, but also to ourselves as eaters.
We begin with the first link between food and "well-being": we must eat to survive, as "being"
precedes "well-being."
We underscore the danger of reducing food and well-being to their biological and nutritional
dimension, seeing only a medical issue on the one hand, and conflating well-being and its
related properties with some kind of "health package".
On the other hand, we also point out the dangers of any reading of "well-being" that ignores
the distinctions between "sensorial emotion" connected with the sense of taste, and "the
pleasures of food", thereby confining the eater to a compulsive process of fattening.
The importance of the linkages between food and "well-being" emerges when we analyze what
"eating" signifies; when we consider cultural transmission of repertories (edible, culinary,
gastronomical), their transgression, and playful innovations — when one takes into account the
forms of communication embedded in sharing, the complexity of perceived pleasure (in the
organoleptic emotion where the eater's and the product's stories/histories intersect), and the
imaginaries that each food carries. In particular, this includes the needs of urban eaters for
"trust" and "reassurance" regarding the food they take into their bodies; in addition to the
traditional signs of quality and health, they want to capture the producers' know-how; they
want to eat or drink countryside landscapes; they want to re-experience what they have
already known there, or imagine what they will find.
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regard moderne »
Page 22
L’intérêt des liens entre « alimentation » et « bien être »
Alimentation et « bien-être » donnent lieu à de multiples interprétations.
Le « fait alimentaire est total », il mobilise plusieurs dimensions allant du biologique au
symbolique, en passant par l’économique, dans le même temps qu’il souhaite reproduire ou
créer, signifier une appartenance ou un désir de distinction.
La notion de « bien-être » renvoie à une position sociale confortable ; elle s’imbrique dans le
« bonheur » -lui-même polysémique- ; elle signifie une qualité de vie, pas seulement matérielle
mais aussi affective ; elle évoque des sensations corporelles et sensorielles plaisantes, pour, in
fine, participer à la notion plus sociologique d’équilibre identitaire et d’estime de soi.
Paradoxalement, la mise en lien des deux termes permet leur éclaircissement et la
matérialisation de scénarios susceptibles d’intéresser des acteurs politiques, économiques et,
bien sûr, en premier lieu, les mangeurs que nous sommes tous.
Nous évoquerons d’abord le premier lien entre l’alimentation et le « bien-être », celui qui nous
oblige à manger pour être, avant d’être bien !
Nous soulignerons alors le danger de réduire l’alimentation et le bien-être à leur seule dimension
biologique et nutritionnelle, de médicaliser la première en confondant les produits dérivés du
second avec une simple « offre » santé.
A l’inverse nous pointerons aussi les dangers d’un « bien-être » qui confondrait trop rapidement
« émotion gustative » et « plaisir alimentaire » et qui « enfermerait » le mangeur dans un gavage
L’intérêt des liens entre alimentation et « bien-être » émerge lorsque l’on comprend ce que
manger veut dire, que l’on envisage les transmissions identitaires des répertoires du
mangeable, du culinaire et du gastronomique, leur transgression et les innovations ludiques.
Lorsque l’on prend en compte les formes de communications imbriquées dans les partages, la
complexité du plaisir ressenti (qui fait se rencontrer l’histoire du mangeur et celle du produit au
sein de l’émotion organoleptique), les imaginaires que véhicule l’aliment, le besoin
de « confiance », de « rassurance » des mangeurs urbains incorporant l’aliment et qui, au-delà
de la santé et des signes traditionnels de qualité nécessaires, désirent s’approprier des savoir
faire de producteurs, désirent manger ou boire des paysages, retrouver ce qu’ils y ont connu ou
anticiper sur ce qu’ils y découvriront.
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 23
Dr. Jean-Michel Lecerf
Head of Department of Nutrition – Institut Pasteur de Lille
Chef du Service de Nutrition – Professeur associé à l’Institut Pasteur de Lille.
Jean-Michel Lecerf est médecin, spécialiste en endocrinologie et maladies métaboliques. Il se
consacre à la nutrition depuis 29 ans après avoir exercé comme médecin généraliste 7 ans
(1979-1986), endocrinologue en libéral 18 ans (1986-2004), tout en ayant débuté ses fonctions
hospitalières où il s’est spécialisé dans les maladies métaboliques (dyslipidémies, obésité,
diabète) et ses activités à l’Institut Pasteur de Lille où il travaille comme nutritionniste dès 1982.
Dr. Jean-Michel Lecerf is Head of the Department of Nutrition and Associate Professor at the
Institut Pasteur in Lille. He is specialized in endocrinology and metabolic disorders. He spent
seven years as a general practitioner (1979-1986) and 18 as an endocrinologist in private
practice (1986-2004). For the past 29 years, a major focus has been on nutrition, alongside his
responsibilities at the Lille University Teaching Hospital, where he specializes in metabolic
disorders (dyslipidemia, obesity and diabetes) and at Institut Pasteur in Lille, where he has
worked as a nutritionist since 1982. He has published widely.
Responsabile del Sevizio nutrizione - Professore associato dell'Istituto Pasteur di Lille. Jean-Michel
Lecerf è medico, specializzato in endocrinologia e malattie metaboliche. Si dedica alla
nutrizione da 29 anni, di cui 7 come medico di famiglia (1979-1986) e 18 come endocrinologo
(1986-2004), e in parallelo ha lavorato in ospedale, specializzandosi nelle malattie del
metabolismo (dislipidemie, obesità, diabete), e all'istituto Pasteur di Lille, dove esercita come
nutrizionista dal 1982.
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 24
Does food contribute to well-being?
Realities, complications and contradictions
Yes, food contributes to well-being, because eating is a fundamental physiological need, on a
par with drinking, sleeping, and breathing. Failure to eat leads to death. Reducing intake leads
to malnutrition and deficiencies — but there are phases of adaptation to permit survival. The
paradox is that overeating can also lead to illness. But health is not defined by the absence of
illness; health is an overall state including physical, mental and social well-being. Can well-being
be defined, or it entirely subjective and personal?
Yes, obviously, eaters and nutritionists alike experience, in their own bodies and in their scientific
work, the fact that proper nutrition improves health, objectively and subjectively, whereas
overindulgence, too much of a good thing, leads to discomfort. Part of the discomfort is a
direct consequence of improper eating, namely becoming overweight. But excess weight is
well tolerated for quite some time, whereas being underweight can lead to ill-being.
Curiously, convincing someone that he or she is not eating properly cannot come from wise
words or medical test results, but only from an actual change in dietary intake and the
subsequent improvements. Persuasion requires empirical, experimental proof. Note however
that the placebo effect is as strong with nutrition as it is with a drug: the way in which the
change is prescribed counts just as much as the change itself. The idea is: "I decide that this is
good for me, because I want it to be."
This helps to explain the success of many crazy fads and diets based on eliminating one thing or
another. Add the nocebo effect regarding perceived or related dangers, and ideas like: "these
apples are full of pesticides and they're poisoning me; gluten is a big sticky protein that harms
the intestines; cow's milk is not intended for humans; or butter is full of saturated fats that clog
the arteries" — ideas that lead to the conclusion: "I can't stand these foods that are making me
This shows why it is so hard to define proper food and nutrition. Everyone has his or her ideas,
with fools and charlatans in the lead, with the best of intentions and a positive agenda.
Because well-being is related to health, the public authorities also come forward with their
positive agenda. No one denies that proper nutrition is a factor of good health. So government
will encourage proper eating and being healthy. Good health becomes a demand. Gradually,
the idea emerges that being healthy is a duty, if for the best of reasons, to keep spending under
control. This could translate into a totalitarian approach to public health and hygiene; not only
would this approach subject some people to harassment; it would also be medical heresy and
in many cases scientific error: not everyone can be in good health, some things are beyond our
control, and food is not the only factor.
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
Page 25
L’alimentation participe-t-elle au bien-être ?
Réalités, enjeux et contradictions
Oui, puisque se nourrir est un besoin physiologique majeur au même titre que boire, dormir,
respirer. S'en passer conduit à la mort. La réduire conduit à la sous-nutrition et aux carences,
mais il existe des phases d’adaptation permettant la survie. Trop manger peut aussi
paradoxalement conduire à la maladie. Mais l’absence de maladie ne définit pas la santé qui
est un état complet de bien-être physique, mental et social… Peut-on définir le bien-être, n’est-il
pas subjectif et individuel ?
Oui bien sûr, mangeurs et nutritionnistes ont en commun d’expérimenter dans leur chair et dans
leur chaire qu’une bonne alimentation améliore la santé objective et subjective, à l’inverse de
la bonne chère qui crée de l’inconfort. Mais une partie de cet inconfort est lié à une
conséquence indirecte d’une alimentation inadéquate, le surpoids. Cependant longtemps le
surpoids est bien toléré et c’est le sous-poids qui peut induire un mal être !
Curieusement ce n’est pas le discours des autres qui peut convaincre que l’on mange mal, ce
n’est pas non plus une batterie de tests, c’est le changement d’alimentation et son cortège
d’améliorations : pour séduire il faut prouver par l’expérimentation. L’effet placebo est
cependant aussi puissant avec la nutrition qu’avec un médicament : la façon dont le conseil
de changement est prescrit compte autant que le changement lui-même. Je décide que cela
me fait du bien (parce que je le veux).
C’est pourquoi aussi beaucoup de régimes farfelus, de modes alimentaires, de régimes « sans »,
marchent. A cela il faudra ajouter l’effet nocebo relatif aux dangers perçus et/ou associés :
« ces pommes (bourrées de pesticides) m’empoisonnent… ; le gluten est une grosse protéine
collante qui abime l’intestin, le lait n’est pas fait pour l’homme, le beurre bourrés d’acides gras
saturés encrasse les artères. Je ne supporte pas ces aliments qui me rendent malade ! »
D’où la difficulté de définir une bonne alimentation : chacun y va de son couplet les ignorants
et les charlatans plus que les autres, tous redresseurs de torts.
Mais puisque le bien-être a quelque chose à voir avec la santé, les derniers redresseurs de torts
pourraient être les pouvoirs publics. En effet une bonne alimentation est un facteur de bonne
santé, personne ne peut en disconvenir. Alors encourageons la bonne alimentation et la bonne
santé. Exigeons la bonne santé. C’est ainsi que petit à petit ce devoir d’être en bonne santé
fait son chemin (pour la bonne cause, pour des économies), facteur de totalitarisme sanitaire
au nom de l’hygiénisme, véritable persécution pour certains, mais aussi hérésie médicale et
parfois erreur scientifique : tous ne peuvent pas être en bonne santé, tout ne dépend pas de
nous, tout ne vient pas de l’alimentation.
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regard moderne »
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Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
regard moderne »
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M. Rick Weiss
President, Founder, and Chief Wellness Engineer of Viocare,
Inc. (USA)
Presidente, fondatore e ingegnere capo Benessere,
Viocare, Inc. (USA)
Président, fondateur et Chief Wellness Engineer de la société Viocare, Inc., une entreprise située
à Princeton (New Jersey) qui met les technologies de l’information au service de la santé et du
bien-être. Viocare développe, à l'intention des chercheurs, des professionnels de la santé, et
des conseillers wellness, des méthodes innovantes et scientifiquement prouvées qui visent à
évaluer les habitudes alimentaires et d'activité physique, et les systèmes pour promouvoir la
modification des comportements.
Rick Weiss a été invité dans de nombreux congrès médicaux majeurs, et a publié des articles
concernant de nouvelles techniques d’évaluation alimentaire dans des revues scientifiques
Titulaire d'une licence en génie électrique et mathématiques de l’Université Carnegie Mellon et
d'un master en génie électrique et informatique de l'Université Princeton, Rick Weiss a débuté sa
carrière dans la recherche appliquée au sein des Laboratoires Bell.
President, Founder, and Chief Wellness Engineer of Viocare, Inc., a healthcare information
technology company in Princeton, New Jersey. Viocare researches and develops innovative
and scientifically-proven dietary and physical activity assessment and behavioral modification
systems for researchers, clinicians, and wellness counselors.
Rick has been the Principal Investigator on 25 National Institutes of Health grants and contracts,
valued at over $11 million, presented at numerous major healthcare conferences, and
published in peer review journals about new techniques for dietary assessments. He started his
career as an Applied Researcher at Bell Laboratories after receiving a Bachelor’s degree in
Electrical Engineering and Math with honors from Carnegie Mellon University and a Master’s
degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton University.
Presidente, fondatore e Ingegnere capo Wellness di Viocare, Inc., una società di tecnologia
dell'informazione sanitaria con sede in Princeton, New Jersey. Viocare ricerca e sviluppa
metodologie di valutazione delle abitudini alimentari e dell'attività fisica innovative e
scientificamente provate, nonché sistemi di modificazione del comportamento rivolti a
ricercatori, personale medico e consulenti del settore wellness.
È stato coordinatore scientifico in 25 ricerche sovvenzionate dagli Istituti Nazionali di Sanità
americani per un importo totale di oltre 11 milioni di dollari. Relatore in numerose conferenze
sul tema di salute pubblica, ha pubblicato articoli sulle tecniche di valutazione delle abitudini
alimentari in riviste scientifiche rinomate. La sua carriera è iniziata nella ricerca applicata
presso i laboratori Bell, dopo aver conseguito con lode una laurea triennale in Ingegneria
elettrica e Matematica alla Carnegie Mellon e un Master in Ingegneria elettrica e Scienze
informatiche all'università di Princeton.
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regard moderne »
Page 28
Wellbeing also means not suffering from food-related illnesses: A state of the art
of dietary technological tools
Diet and physical activity patterns are leading contributors to premature death. Care of chronic
disease can be improved through two technologies that improve the collection of diet intake: a
web-based dietary assessment questionnaire based on a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ)
technique and a mobile food tracker app that uses image and voice recognition.
A new graphical data collection questionnaire method can improve and reliably assess the
dietary intake of a patient. This web-based graphical FFQ includes 1,200 food and portion size
images. Results are immediately available for analysis; reports include a food pattern analysis, a
list of foods and nutrients consumed, and tailored behavioral feedback.
Nutrient intake captured by this tool was evaluated through an inter-method reliability study
with 74 subjects conducted at The Ohio State University. Nutrient intake produced by two
administrations of the tool was compared to intake from six 24-hour recalls.
The inter-method reliability was higher for the web-based graphical FFQ than for the paper FFQ
that was used as the model for the system and higher than reported for many other paper FFQs
used in major epidemiological studies. Of the macronutrients, accuracy only of alcohol values
were similar to other questionnaires; for all other components correlations were substantially
higher, being at or above 0.80 for most macronutrients (0.90 for alcohol, 0.84 for saturated fat,
0.82 for fat, and 0.79 for carbohydrate) and 0.67 for protein.
Food records, often deemed the most accurate of the self-reported methods, are often viewed
as tedious, may require weighing and recording intake over several days, making them prone
to non-compliance. The most significant issue facing all self-reported methods is inaccuracy.
The Mobile Food Intake Visual and Voice Recognizer (FIVR) System is a novel combination of
innovative technologies including computer vision and speech recognition to measure diet
intake using a mobile phone. A FIVR user captures a short video of foods to be consumed using
the mobile phone’s camera with a verbal annotation of the list of foods. These video and audio
files are processed through a real-time backend server for food recognition and portion size
measurement. FIVR is a low user-burden method for accurately capturing, analyzing, and
reporting dietary behavioral measures. FIVR is trained to recognize over 200 different food types
and achieved as little as 5% error in volume estimation in tests.
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regard moderne »
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La dieta e l'attività fisica sono fattori fondamentali in termini di longevità. La cura delle malattie
croniche può essere migliorata grazie a due tecniche che migliorano il monitoraggio degli
apporti alimentari: la valutazione alimentare online quotidiana, basata sul Food Frequency
Questionnaire (FFQ), e un'applicazione su smartphone che permette di registrare i cibi
consumati tramite il riconoscimento visivo e vocale.
La nuova versione del questionario FFQ si basa sull'uso di immagini che migliorano l’attendibilità
della valutazione del consumo alimentare da parte del paziente. Questo FFQ online, basato su
elementi grafici, include 1.200 immagini di cibi in porzioni di quantità diverse. I risultati sono
immediatamente disponibili per l'analisi; i rapporti includono l'analisi del modello alimentare, la
lista dei cibi e principi nutritivi consumati, e un commento personalizzato sulle abitudini
La quantità di nutrienti ottenuta con questo strumento è stata valutata attraverso uno studio di
attendibilità inter-metodologie, condotto dalla Ohio State University su 74 soggetti. L'assunzione
di nutrienti risultante da due somministrazioni dello strumento è stata paragonata all'assunzione
valutata tramite sei 24HR.
L'attendibilità inter-metodologie era più elevata per il questionario FFQ online rispetto a quello
su carta usato come modello comparativo, ed era più elevata di quella osservata in numerosi
altri FFQ su carta nel quadro di studi epidemiologici. Tra i macronutrienti, solo l'accuratezza dei
valori alcolici era simile a quella degli altri questionari; per tutti gli altri elementi, la correlazione
era significativamente più elevata, con un indice di almeno 0,80 per la maggior parte dei
macronutrienti (0,90 per l'alcol, 0,84 per i grassi saturi, 0,82 per i grassi, 0,79 per i carboidrati) e di
0,67 per le proteine.
Il diario alimentare, solitamente considerato come il miglior metodo di auto-valutazione, è
spesso percepito come fastidioso e può richiedere di pesare gli alimenti e di documentare le
assunzioni su più giorni, abbassando il grado di compliance. Il principale problema dei metodi
di auto-valutazione è l'inaccuratezza.
Il FIVR (Food Intake Visual and voice Recognizer - Riconoscimento visivo e vocale degli apporti
alimentari) combina due tecnologie innovative, la visione artificiale e il riconoscimento vocale,
permettendo di calcolare gli apporti alimentari usando uno smartphone. L'utente del FIVR
registra con la telecamera del cellulare un corto video degli alimenti che sta per consumare,
pronunciando al contempo una lista verbale dei cibi presenti. Questi video e i relativi file audio
sono elaborati in tempo reale da un server, che riconosce gli alimenti e misura le porzioni. Il FIVR
è un metodo di semplice utilizzo per il soggetto, e permette di registrare, analizzare e
monitorare il comportamento alimentare. Il dispositivo sa riconoscere più di 200 tipi di alimenti e
ha ottenuto meno del 5% di errori di valutazione nei test.
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M. Erminio Monteleone
Professore presso l’Università degli Studi di
Professeur associé à l’Université de Florence (Italie) où son enseignement porte sur l’évaluation
sensorielle des aliments et les études consommateurs. Ses recherches concernent les éléments
sensoriels qui déterminent l'acceptation alimentaire et les préférences des consommateurs.
Président de la SISS (Société italienne des sciences sensorielles), il a présidé la première édition
de l’European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research (Florence 2004) et la 8e édition
du Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium (Florence 2009). Il est également rédacteur adjoint
de la revue Food Quality and Preference.
Erminio Monteleone is Professor in Sensory Food Science, at University of Florence, Italy, where
he teaches Sensory Evaluation of Food and Consumer Testing. His research work is focused on
sensory determinants of food acceptability and preference. Chairman of the Italian Sensory
Science Society (SISS) and member of the board of the European Sensory Science Society
(E3S). Member of the Accademia dei Georgofili, Firenze. He is Associate Editor of the
international scientific journal Food Quality and Preference.
Erminio Monteleone è professore presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze dove insegna Analisi
Sensoriale degli Alimenti e Analisi delle Preferenze dei Consumatori nel corso di laurea in
Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari. Ha dedicato la propria attività scientifica allo studio del ruolo
della dimensione sensoriale nel determinare l’accettabilità dei prodotti alimentari e le
preferenze dei consumatori. E’ presidente della Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali e
componente del consiglio direttivo della Società Europea di Scienze Sensoriali. Accademico
corrispondente dell’Accademia dei Georgofili, Firenze. Associate Editor della rivista scientifica
internazionale Food Quality and Preference.
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Pr. Debra Zellner
Professor of Psychology, Montclair State University
Professeur de psychologie, Debra Zeller est titulaire d'une licence du Muhlenberg College, et
d'un master et d'un doctorat de l'American University de Washington. Elle a complété sa
formation par des études postdoctorales à l’Université de Pennsylvanie et au sein de la
Fondation John B. Pierce à Yale. Actuellement professeure de psychologie à l’Université d’État
de Montclair dans le New Jersey, ses recherches ont fait l'objet de reportages dans le New
York Times, El País, Time Magazine et sur CNN. Parmi ses domaines de recherche :
l’appréciation et la perception des aliments, les influences culturelles sur l’alimentation
compulsive, l'influence du stress sur la prise alimentaire et les influences contextuelles sur les
jugements hédoniques. Debra Zellner a été corédactrice-en-chef et rédactrice associée à la
revue Appetite, et fait actuellement partie du comité de rédaction des revues Appetite et
Food Quality and Preference. Elle est membre du Conseil Consultatif des Sciences Culinaires
de l’Institut Culinaire Américain, de l’Association des Sciences Psychologiques et de la
Pychonomic Society, et de la Eastern Psychological Association, dont elle est ancienne
Professor of Psychology, she received her BA in Psychology from Muhlenberg College and her
MA and PhD in Psychology from American University, going on to postdoctoral training at the
University of Pennsylvania and the John B. Pierce Foundation at Yale University. She is currently
Professor of Psychology at Montclair State University in New Jersey. Her research has been
covered in such outlets as The New York Times, El Pais, Time Magazine, and CNN. Her wideranging research interests include the liking and perception of food, cultural influences on food
cravings, the influence of stress on eating, and contextual influences on hedonic judgments.
Dr. Zellner has served as both Co-Executive Editor and Associate Editor of Appetite and is
currently on the editorial boards of Appetite and Food Quality and Preference. She is a
member of the Culinary Science Advisory Council of the Culinary Institute of America. She is a
Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, the Psychonomic Society, and the Eastern
Psychological Association where she served as President.
Professoressa di Psicologia, ha conseguito la laurea triennale in Psicologia al Muhlenberg
College e ha ottenuto master e dottorato in Psicologia presso la American University. Si è
perfezionata seguendo i corsi post dottorato dell'università di Pennsylvania e presso la John B.
Pierce Foundation dell'università di Yale. È attualmente Docente di Psicologia alla Montclair
State University in New Jersey. Le sue ricerche sono state citate in giornali quali il The New York
Times, El País, Time Magazine, e sul canale televisivo CNN. I campi studiati includono la
percezione e il gradimento del cibo, le influenze culturali sulle compulsioni alimentari, l'influenza
dello stress sull'assunzione degli alimenti e l'influenza del contesto sui giudizi edonistici. La
Dott.ssa Zellner è stata Co-editrice e Editrice associata della rivista Appetite ed è attualmente
membro del comitato editoriale di Appetite e Food Quality and Preference. È anche membro
del Culinary Science Advisory Council del Culinary Institute of America. Inoltre, aderisce
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all'Association for Psychological Science, alla Psychonomic Society, e alla Eastern Psychological
Association, di cui è stata Presidente.
The Use of Plating and Presentation to Increase Healthy Eating
The foods we choose to eat or not eat can affect our health and well-being.
Increased consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains increases the quality of people’s
lives by helping to prevent diseases such as cancer and heart disease and lowering the
incidence of obesity which increases the risk of chronic disease such as diabetes. Finding ways
to increase liking for and consumption of vegetables and whole grains is important for
increasing people’s health and well-being.
One way to increase liking for such foods is to present them in an attractive manner
on the plate.1,2 A meal which included brown rice pilaf (a whole grain) was presented in a
restaurant, plated in a more and less attractive manner. The more attractively-plated meal was
rated better than was the less attractively plated version. This increase in liking for the
attractively presented meal extended to the brown rice pilaf, resulting in written comments
about how good it tasted.
Another way to increase liking for a food is to avoid presenting it with another food
that is highly liked. Presenting a food (such as vegetables and whole grains) with a better-liked
food can result in something called hedonic contrast. That is, the presence of the highly liked
food can reduce liking and consumption for the less-liked vegetable or whole grain.
So, for example, in a laboratory study3 we found that a vegetarian imitation
chicken tender was less liked when served with two liked side dishes than when served with two
disliked side dishes. A similar contrast effect was found in a school lunchroom. When cauliflower
was served with a highly liked entrée, less was consumed than when it was served with a less
well-liked entrée.
Many school lunchrooms in the United States serve the highly-liked dessert course at
the same time as the rest of the meal. We anticipated that such a presentation might reduce
consumption of the less-liked vegetable in the meal. When the main part of the meal (including
the vegetable) was served before the dessert course consumption of the vegetable was higher
than when they were served together.
This does not mean that one course cannot affect liking and consumption for
another course when served consecutively. In fact, it can. When a three-course meal was
served to consumers in a bistro they reported liking pasta aglio e olio better when it was
preceded by a mediocre bruschetta appetizer than when preceded by a better-liked
bruschetta. So, a highly liked course can reduce liking for a subsequent course.
In conclusion, the attractiveness of food presentation and what foods a target food
is presented with on the same plate or in the preceding course of a meal can influence how
much a food is liked and consumed. These techniques can be used to increase people’s health
and well-being.
1 D.A. Zellner et al., Appetite., 57, 642-648 (2011).
2 D.A. Zellner et al., Appetite, 77c, 31-35 (2014).
3 M. Jimenez et al., Food Quality & Preference, 41, 96-102 (2015)
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L'utilizzo dell'impiattamento e della presentazione per aumentare il
mangiar sano.
I cibi che decidiamo di mangiare o meno possono influire sulla nostra salute e sul
nostro benessere. Aumentare il consumo di frutta, verdure e cereali integrali, miglioria la qualità
della vita, poiché aiuta a prevenire malattie come il cancro o le affezioni cardiache e a
combattere contro l'obesità, che aumenta il rischio di malattie croniche come il diabete. Per
migliorare la salute e il benessere di tutti, è di fondamentale importanza trovare metodi che
invoglino al consumo delle verdure e dei cereali integrali.
Uno di questi metodi è disporre questi cibi in modo allettante sul piatto.1,2 Abbiamo
presentato in un ristorante un pasto che comprendeva del riso pilaf integrale, impiattato in
modo appetitoso e in modo poco appetitoso. Il pasto impiattato in modo più attraente è stato
giudicato migliore di quello meno attraente. I maggiori consensi verso il pasto presentato in
modo più attraente comprendevano il riso integrale, con commenti scritti su quanto fosse
Un altro modo di aumentare l'attrazione per un cibo è evitare di presentarlo con un
cibo che riscontra molto gradimento. Presentare un cibo (come le verdure o i cereali integrali)
insieme a una pietanza che piace di più può provocare un cosiddetto contrasto edonistico. In
pratica, la presenza di una pietanza molto gradita può ridurre l'attrazione e il consumo per la
verdura o i cereali, che piacciono di meno.
Ad esempio, un esperimento in laboratorio ha dimostrato che dei nuggets
vegetariani (che imitavano quelli al pollo) erano meno apprezzati se serviti con due pietanze
gradite, mentre lo erano di più se accompagnati da due contorni giudicati meno buoni. Un
effetto di contrasto simile è stato osservato in una mensa scolastica. Quando il cavolfiore era
servito con un antipasto molto gradito, se ne mangiava meno, mente se era accompagnato
da pietanze meno gradite, se ne mangiava di più.
Molte mense scolastiche negli Stati Uniti servono il dolce, che piace molto, insieme
al resto del pasto. La nostra ipotesi era che questo tipo di presentazione avrebbe ridotto il
consumo delle verdure, meno gradite, comprese nel pasto. Quando la portata principale del
pasto (comprese le verdure) era servita prima del dolce, il consumo di verdure era più elevato
di quando venivano serviti insieme.
Questo non significa che una prima portata non sia in grado di influenzare la
portata che verrà servita subito dopo. Anzi, è proprio il contrario. Quando un pasto di tre
portate viene servito in una trattoria, i commensali dichiarano di apprezzare di più la pasta
aglio e olio dopo aver mangiato una bruschetta mediocre, mentre l'apprezzano di meno dopo
una bruschetta che gli è piaciuta di più. Quindi una portata molto gradita può ridurre
l'apprezzamento per la portata seguente.
Per concludere, l'impiattamento gradevole del cibo e il tipo di pietanze che
accompagnano il cibo oggetto dello studio - nello stesso piatto o nella portata precedente
dello stesso pasto -, possono influenzare il tasso di gradimento e la quantità del cibo
consumato. Queste tecniche possono essere utilizzate per aumentare la salute e il benessere di
1 D.A. Zellner et al., Appetite., 57, 642-648 (2011).
2 D.A. Zellner et al., Appetite, 77c, 31-35 (2014).
3 M. Jimenez et al., Food Quality & Preference, 41, 96-102 (2015)
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Mme Agnès Giboreau
Director of Research at the Paul Bocuse Center
for Food and Hospitality Research (Lyon, Fr.)
Increasing mealtime pleasure, based on the know-how of chefs and headwaiters
The culinary arts and table manners provide a tremendous source of inspiration for exploring
new ways of improving well-being at the table, whether at home, in restaurants, or in institutions.
The three pillars of a successful meal are: (i) the eater: the consumer's values, culture, habits,
expectations and needs; (ii) the product: the dish, food, beverage, the match between food
and drink, and the order of courses; and (iii) the environment: the atmosphere, the name of the
meal, how it is served, the tableware, and social interactions.
To improve our understanding of the factors that influence the enjoyment of meals, research is
conducted in a real-life restaurant environment. The Living Lab® experimental restaurant is a
space used for observation and data collection where subjects are placed in an actual meal
situation and measurements are conducted with maximum discretion, using audio and video
recording to identify choices and sequences, monitoring the quantities consumed, and using
short questionnaires between courses. Understanding the drivers available to professionals in
defining their offerings helps to identify the factors that can be adjusted to improve consumer
satisfaction and contribute to a more pleasurable meal experience.
In the kitchen, or back of the house, the head chef, as the creator of the culinary offering, uses
his or her technical expertise and artistry to conceive each dish, while satisfying the constraints
of the situation – including the specific characteristics and requirements of diners, material
costs, and food-preparation techniques. The enjoyment associated with any given dish must be
analyzed in terms of multiple modes of perception; each sense is important. Differences
between individuals must also be considered, in order to adapt the culinary offering to fit with
individual preferences, consumption habits, and each symbolic universe of reference. In
addition to food-related aspects, the chef calls upon many other resources to construct the
culinary identity of each dish, and to delight diners – including tableware, the arrangement of
food on the plate, and the name of the dish on the menu.
In the dining room, or front of the house, the maître d'hôtel is responsible for creating a
mealtime environment that delivers a consistent dining experience. The physical environment of
the room creates a universe of reference (in terms of the visual, auditory and spatial ambiance);
the atmosphere thus contributes to the diners' emotional state. The quality of service, and the
relationship between the waiting staff and diners, will also contribute to patrons' enjoyment. This
extends beyond the dish itself, and involves the vital relationship between waiter and guest, in
order to combine the pleasures of the senses with the joy of being together, to form an overall
pleasurable experience.
In conclusion, the mechanisms at work in dining pleasure are amenable to scientific and
operational analysis; understanding these mechanisms can be used to improve eating
enjoyment for diverse sets of consumers, including children in school cafeterias and elderly
people in homes and institutions, just as much as for patrons in restaurants.
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Augmenter le plaisir des repas en s’inspirant du savoir-faire des chefs et des
maitres d’hôtel.
Les arts culinaires et les manières de table offrent une formidable source d’inspiration pour ouvrir
de nouvelles voies d’amélioration du bien-être à table, qu’il s’agisse de restauration privée, de
restauration commerciale, ou de restauration collective. Les trois piliers d’un repas réussi sont : i)la prise en compte du mangeur: ses valeurs, sa culture, ses habitudes, ses attentes, ses besoins,
ii) - le produit : le plat, l’aliment, la boisson, les accords mets et boissons, l’ordonnancement des
plats, iii)- l’environnement : l’ambiance, le contexte, l’appellation du plat, sa présentation, les
contenants, les interactions sociales.
Dans ce contexte et afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs du plaisir des repas, des projets de
recherche sont menés en situation réelle de restauration. L’usage du Living Lab® Le Restaurant,
permet d’observer et de recueillir des données dans un environnement où les sujets sont en
contexte réel de repas et où les mesures sont les plus discrètes possibles - recueil audiovisuel des
choix et des séquences de consommation, suivi des quantités consommées, questionnaires
courts entre les plats. Ainsi, connaitre les leviers que peuvent actionner les professionnels dans la
définition de leur offre permet d’identifier les facteurs à moduler pour procurer une meilleure
satisfaction des mangeurs, un plus grand plaisir de l’expérience de repas.
Côté cuisine, le chef cuisinier, créateur de l’offre culinaire, s’appuie sur son expertise technique
et sur son sens artistique pour concevoir le plat tout en conciliant les contraintes de la situation –
spécificité des clients, coût matières, techniques de cuisson… Pour un plat donné, l’analyse du
plaisir ressenti à le déguster repose sur la multimodalité de la perception. Chaque sens est
important. Il est également nécessaire de considérer les différences interindividuelles pour
ajuster l’offre culinaire : préférences, habitudes de consommations, univers symboliques de
référence. En complément des aspects alimentaires, le dressage, la vaisselle, l’intitulé du plat
sont d’autres moyens utilisés par le chef pour construire l’identité culinaire de ses plats et ravir
ses clients.
Côté restaurant, le maître d’hôtel, créateur de l’environnement du repas, a la mission de
concevoir l’environnement du repas afin de délivrer une offre cohérente tout au long de
‘l’expérience client’. L’environnement physique de la salle crée un univers de référence
(ambiance visuelle, sonore, thermique, spatiale) et participe de l’état affectif des clients. La
qualité du service et la relation entre serveurs et clients relèvent également de la stratégie du
restaurant et contribuent au plaisir ressenti. Ainsi, au-delà du plat, donner vie à la relation entre
le serveur et le client et contribuer à faire que plaisir des sens et plaisir d’être ensemble se
En conclusion, mieux comprendre les mécanismes en jeu dans le plaisir des repas est un enjeu
scientifique et opérationnel qui vise à améliorer le plaisir de manger d’une diversité de
consommateurs, qu’il s’agisse d’enfants en restauration scolaire, de personnes âgées en
institution tout autant que de clients de restauration commerciale.
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Mme Antonella Campanini
Assistant Professor in Medieval History at the University of
Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo/Bra, Italy
Bien manger pour bien être : nourriture et santé du Moyen Âge au début de l'ère industrielle
Antonella Campanini enseigne l’histoire des cultures alimentaires et l’histoire de la cuisine et de
la gastronomie à l’Université des Sciences Gastronomiques (Pollenzo/Bra, Italie). Médiéviste et
paléographe, elle s’occupe de l’histoire sociale de l’alimentation entre la fin du Moyen Âge et
le début de l’époque moderne. Entre ses travaux plus récents, l’édition italienne de la Physica
de Hildegarde de Bingen (Ildegarda di Bingen, Libro delle creature. Differenze sottili delle
nature diverse, Roma 2011), Manger en Europe. Patrimoines, échanges, identités, dirigé avec
Peter Scholliers et Jean-Pierre Williot, Bruxelles 2011, et Dalla tavola alla cucina. Scrittori e cibo
nel Medioevo italiano, Roma 2012
Assistant Professor in Medieval History at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo/Bra,
Italy, where she teaches the history of food cultures, cooking and gastronomy. Her
background in archival studies and paleography has led to the social history of food from the
Medieval to the Early Modern period. Recent publications include the Italian edition of
Hildegard of Bingen's Physica (Hildegard von Bingen, Libro delle creature. Differenze sottili delle
nature diverse, Rome, 2011); Manger en Europe. Patrimoines, échanges, identités (eds.
Antonella Campanini, Peter Scholliers, Jean-Pierre Williot, et al., Brussels, 2011); and Dalla tavola
alla cucina. Scrittori e cibo nel Medioevo italiano, Rome, 2012.
Mangiar bene per sentirsi bene: cibo e salute dal Medioevo all’inizio dell’era industriale
Antonella Campanini insegna storia delle culture alimentari e storia della cucina e della
gastronomia presso l’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche (Pollenzo/Bra, Italia). Medievista e
paleografa, si occupa della storia sociale dell’alimentazione tra la fine del Medioevo e l’inizio
dell’età moderna. Tra i suoi lavori più recenti, l’edizione italiana della Physica di Ildegarda di
Bingen (Ildegarda di Bingen, Libro delle creature. Differenze sottili delle nature diverse, Roma
2011), Manger en Europe. Patrimoines, échanges, identités, curato insieme a Peter Scholliers e
Jean-Pierre Williot, Bruxelles 2011, e Dalla tavola alla cucina. Scrittori e cibo nel Medioevo
italiano, Roma 2012.
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Eating well for well-being: Food and health from the Middle Ages to the start of the
Industrial Age
Medieval dietetics, as a fundamental pillar of medicine, addressed the properties of food and
the human body to determine how diet, combined with an appropriate lifestyle, contributed to
personal health. Starting with Hippocrates and then Galen, medical thought had developed a
complex theory, known as "humoral theory," which remained the basis for the various schools of
medicine through the 17th and 18th centuries, prior to the advent of modern chemistry, and in
some cases even later.
Within this system, cooking played the important role of modifying the properties of foods that,
in their natural state, would be less healthy or indifferent, to make them suitable to the unique
humoral constitution of each individual. The appropriate temperament could be achieved by
cooking, by combining products with different properties, by the use of spices or more
generally, with sauces and condiments.
Physicians and chefs stood together on the forefront of dietary science. Physicians theorized
and wrote, and the chefs put their theories into practice. We review writings by physicians and
by the 12th century nun and scientist, Hildegard of Bingen, who set out the relationship between
food and human health, both physical and mental. We then turn to Bartolomeo Sacchi (known
as Platina), whose treatise De honesta voluptate et valetudine achieves a brilliant synthesis of
gastronomy and science, placing both at the service of valetudo, i.e., good health, and setting
them into a firm theoretical structure. The popularity of the treatise across Europe in the 15th
and 16th centuries shows the enduring interest of the subject.
Mangiar bene per sentirsi bene: cibo e salute dal Medioevo all’inizio dell’era
La scienza dietetica medievale, branca fondamentale della medicina, studia le proprietà degli
alimenti e del corpo dell’uomo in modo che l’alimentazione, unitamente a uno stile di vita
corretto, concorra alla salute della persona. Con Ippocrate, poi Galeno, il pensiero si evolve e
una teoria complessa – conosciuta sotto il nome di “teoria degli umori” – nasce e si sviluppa.
Sino all’avvento della chimica (tra il XVII e il XVIII secolo), e in taluni casi anche oltre, essa
avrebbe costituito la base delle elaborazioni delle varie scuole di medicina.
La cucina, all’interno di questo sistema, riveste l’importante ruolo di alteratore delle qualità
degli alimenti: in buona sostanza, con le sue tecniche essa può adattarli al fabbisogno
soggettivo di qualunque individuo, temperando in base alla necessità di ciascuno i prodotti
che, presi allo stato naturale, sarebbero meno buoni (o non lo sarebbero affatto) per la salute. Il
temperamento può essere realizzato tramite cottura, tramite accostamenti di prodotti dalle
differenti caratteristiche o anche tramite l’utilizzo di spezie o in generale di salse e condimenti.
La scienza dietetica vede affiancati, in prima linea, medici e cuochi. I medici la teorizzano e la
mettono per iscritto; i cuochi, fondamentalmente, la praticano. Attraverso la testimonianza di
alcuni medici e di una scienziata molto particolare, Ildegarda di Bingen, si metteranno in
relazione il cibo e la salute dell’uomo, quella fisica ma anche quella mentale. Si darà poi spazio
a Bartolomeo Sacchi detto Platina, che nel suo trattato De honesta voluptate et valetudine
realizza una geniale sintesi tra cucina e scienza, mettendo entrambe al servizio della valetudo,
dunque della buona salute e inserendole in un solido apparato teorico. Il suo grande successo
europeo, tra il XV e il XVI secolo, mostra quanto l’argomento fosse all’ordine del giorno.
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Mme Karen Montagne
Food Sociologist, EA 6294, L’Équipe
Alimentation, Université François Rabelais (U.
of Tours, Fr.)
Sociologue de l'alimentation. S'intéresse depuis plusieurs années à différents aspects de la
construction de l'identité alimentaire au travers de parcours de vie dont les habitudes
alimentaires des personnes âgées ; ses recherches portent également sur l'alimentation
biologique en France, l'approvisionnement en circuit-court, et l'alimentation en situation de
Affiliation. EA 6294L’Équipe Alimentation (LÉA), Université François-Rabelais de Tours 3, rue des
Tanneurs (Bureaux 420 & 421) - BP 4103 - 37041 Tours Cedex 1
Email Address . [email protected] Phone No. +33 (0)6 11 33 60 91
Karen Montagne is a Food Sociologist. In recent years she has investigated aspects of the
construction of a food identity through life trajectories including food behaviour and practices
of the elderly. Her research topics also include organic food in France, direct distribution (short
supply chains) and food in situations of insecurity. She is affiliated with EA 6294 (L’Équipe
Alimentation, LÉA), at François Rabelais University, Tours, France.
Sociologa dell'alimentazione.
Si dedica da parecchi anni ai diversi aspetti della costruzione dell'identità alimentare attraverso
il percorso di vita, e in particolare alle abitudini alimentari degli anziani. Le sue ricerche vertono
altresì sull'alimentazione biologica in Francia, sull'approvvigionamento in filiera corta e
sull'alimentazione in situazione di precarietà.
Affiliazione. EA 6294L’Équipe Alimentation (LÉA), Université François-Rabelais de Tours 3, rue des
Tanneurs (Bureaux 420 & 421) - BP 4103 - 37041 Tours Cedex 1
Indirizzo e-mail: [email protected] Tel. +33 (0)6 11 33 60 91
Exposition Universelle – Colloque « Alimentation & Bien-être : regards croisés,
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Consumption of regional products and nutritional wellbeing: practices and
representations of recent retirees
The WHO declared in 2014 that "ageing well" must be a global priority; this calls for improving
the quality of life during the ageing process, and involves a set of recommendations to favour
ageing in good health and preserving self-sufficiency. In France, "ageing well" focuses on three
factors: nutrition, physical activity, and the culture of social interaction.
Beyond the obvious linkage between gustatory pleasure and well-being, or nutrition and health,
we believe it appropriate to examine how some food practices and representations regarding
local products can be used to overcome perceptions of incompatibility between pleasure and
health. We will refer to two recent studies, on "Understanding the food pleasure of older people
in order to promote regional products," and on "Empowerment, food behaviour and a solidaritybased economy," part of an interventional research project that, among other things, provides
people living in poverty with access to local fruit and vegetables in order to promote "good
eating habits."
Examining the representations of local produce held by self-sufficient elderly persons and by
some advisors, in terms of taste, nutrition, health, social solidarity and ethics, ecology, and so on,
we are led to formulate a definition of well-being that goes beyond health alone (or "healthy
eating"). Well-being in its broadest social dimension includes the pleasures of the table ("good
eating"), and a representation of what one's body should be ("beautiful eating"). This will involve
analysing local products as a source of physical and moral well-being, and how they allow
consumers to play an active role in their health and ageing, in line with the recommendations
for "ageing well".
Well-being thus involves a proper match between food practices and an ideal representation
of food. Reducing conflicts between "healthy eating", "good eating" and "beautiful eating" will
increase well-being and lead to a more positive, serene relationship with food.
Consommation de produits régionaux et bien-être alimentaire : pratiques et
représentations de jeunes retraités
L’OMS déclare en 2014 « bien vieillir » : une priorité mondiale ; il s’agit d’améliorer la qualité de
la vie durant le vieillissement, ce qui engendre un ensemble de préconisations afin de vieillir en
bonne santé et de préserver l’autonomie. En France, le plan national « Bien vieillir » met l’accent
sur trois facteurs : la nutrition, l'exercice physique et la culture du lien social.
Au-delà de l’évidence du lien entre plaisir gustatif et bien-être, ou nutrition et santé il nous
semble opportun d’interroger la manière dont certaines représentations et pratiques
alimentaires vis-à-vis de produits locaux sont mobilisées et mobilisables afin de contourner
l’incompatibilité perçue entre plaisir et santé. Pour cela nous nous appuyons sur deux études
récentes : Comprendre le Plaisir Alimentaire des Personnes âgées pour Promouvoir les Produits
Régionaux et Empowerment, COmportement ALimentaire et Économie Solidaire, programme
de recherche interventionnelle qui entre autres, donne accès à des fruits et légumes locaux à
des personnes en situation de précarité dans un soucis de promotion de « bonnes pratiques
alimentaires ».
L’examen les différentes représentations des produits locaux des personnes âgées autonomes
rencontrées et de certains prescripteurs, en termes de qualité gustative, nutritionnelle, de
santé, de consommation solidaire et éthique, d’écologie, etc. nous amènent à une définition
du bien être qui dépasse le facteur santé (le bien manger): le bien-être dans sa forte dimension
sociale intègre les plaisirs de la table (le bon manger), et une représentation de ce que doit
être son corps (le beau manger). Il s’agira d’analyser les produits locaux comme sources de
bien être physique et moral et la façon dont ils permettent aux mangeurs de devenir acteur de
leur santé et de leur vieillissement conformément aux injonctions du bien vieillir.
Ainsi, le bien être découle d’une adéquation entre pratiques alimentaires et idéal
d’alimentation : ainsi moins il y a de conflits entre bien, bon et beau manger, plus il y a de bien
être et donc un rapport serein à l’alimentation.
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1st Round Table
Pr. Jean-Pierre Williot
Professeur des Universités en histoire contemporaine
Professeur des Universités en histoire contemporaine (XIXe- XXe siècle).
Il est Responsable du Master Histoires et Cultures de l'alimentation et Directeur de l'équipe LEA
(L’Équipe Alimentation), au Pôle Alimentation de l’Université François Rabelais de Tours
Ses domaines de recherche sont l’histoire des innovations alimentaires et l’histoire des
politiques publiques
Jean-Pierre Williot is professor of Contemporary History at the University of Tours. His research
focuses on understanding the role of innovation drivers, particularly in the area of food and
grid or network type firms (e.g., in natural gas or railways). He is director of EA 6294 (L’Équipe
Alimentation, LÉA), is member of the scientific committee of numerous organizations (IEHCA,
AHICF, CIV) and serves on the Food For Life platform of ANIA. He has written or co-authored 18
works, is co-director of the L'Europe Alimentaire series with the publisher Peter Lang, and has
published 55 articles in peer-reviewed journals and seminar proceedings.
Docente universitario di Storia contemporanea (XIX e XX secolo).
È Responsabile del Master di Storie e culture dell'alimentazione e Direttore del Team LEA
(L’Équipe Alimentation) nel Polo Alimentazione dell’Università François Rabelais di Tours
Le sue ricerche vertono sulla storia delle innovazioni alimentari e sulla storia delle politiche
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Mme Claire Meunier
Responsable des affaires scientifiques pour Coca-Cola
Ingénieur agronome de l’AgroParistech, spécialisée en nutrition.
Travaille depuis 10 ans chez Coca-Cola.
Après avoir occupé différents postes (responsable affaires réglementaires innovations,
responsable nutrition), elle est actuellement responsable des affaires scientifiques pour CocaCola Europe, en charge du suivi et de la communication des données scientifiques et
réglementaires sur les boissons, leurs ingrédients et emballages.
Claire Meunier holds a master's in Food Science with specialization in nutrition from
AgroParisTech, She has been with Coca-Cola for ten years.
After serving as scientific and regulatory manager and then nutrition manager France, she is
currently the head of scientific affairs for Coca-Cola Europe, in charge of scientific and
regulatory communication regarding products, ingredients and packaging.
Ingegnere agronoma dell'AgroParistech, specializzata in nutrizione.
Lavora da 10 anni in Coca-Cola.
Dopo aver ricoperto diversi ruoli (responsabile dei regolamenti e delle innovazioni, responsabile
della nutrizione), è diventata responsabile degli affari scientifici per Coca-Cola Europe, dove
controlla e comunica i dati scientifici e regolamentari sulle bibite, sugli ingredienti e gli
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2nd Round Table
M. Olivier Rollin
Moderator: Olivier Rollin, Development Officer,
IEHCA (Tours, France)
2nd symposium on Food and well-being: new products, new services, new lifestyles
Eating is not solely a matter of ingesting food, but also a sociable act (part of an art of living)
impacting on the equilibrium of the individual.
Technological, behavioural, and societal changes over recent decades have brought about a
noticeable shift in the way traditional hierarchies and opinion-formers in the food world actually
function. This may be observed in particular via:
The emergence and popularisation of culinary leisure activities,
Increasing awareness of the cultural and heritage dimension to food and food
The new forms of food-related social commitment built up at the initiative of
individuals, associations, institutions, or economic organisations (such as CSR
strategies in the food industry),
The new expectations of consumers who are assuming greater responsibility and
eager for meaning and a new art of communal living,
The explosion in high-tech objects (smartphones, connected devices, etc) and the
resultant new services and usages
These complex, disparate, and sometimes contradictory phenomena – such as militant versus
entrepreneurial mindsets, political rationales versus economic logic, or ecological factors versus
commercial strategy – open up new avenues of enquiry, research, and innovation, as illustrated
by the three initiatives presented. They each provide a contemporary perspective on the issues
at stake in the development of new services bringing together food and wellness.
VégéGo: vegetables and living well
Christophe Château (Director of Corporate Marketing and Communication with Bonduelle)
Above and beyond questions of product innovation, the Bonduelle group’s VégéGo strategy
launched in 2013 takes the form of implementing new services developed for its clients, both
catering professionals and individuals, and for its personnel. The group has set up a research
team specialised in deciphering food behaviour, making it possible, for example, to provide
institutional caterers with recommendations on how to encourage the consumption of
vegetables and cut down on waste. New distribution channels have also been developed,
such as in-home sales which encourage social interaction and the transmission of culinary
From slow food to slow tourism: towards a more responsible form of hedonism?
Eugenio Mailler (Good food activist, Editor and writer for Slow Food)
The Slow Food movement emerged in the 1980s in reaction against the increasing uniformity of
flavour, with the purpose of building a world in which everyone has access to food that is good
for them, for those who produce it, and for the planet. The organisation relies on several
initiatives to support its ambitions (including the Ark of Taste and its catalogue of endangered
products, Slow Food Travel, and the Slow Food Planet app), as well as encouraging economic
development in rural zones and introducing visitors to rural and agricultural products and knowhow, concerns which lie at the very heart of the Slow Food project.
Towards a new generation of smartphone apps
Samuel Vals (Managing Director of Epicurium)
Smartphones are so powerful that apps are capable of acting as intelligent assistants to
interpret user expectations and understand what motivates them. The goal of Epicurium is to be
its users’ gastronomic adviser by providing innovative analysis of their tastes, whilst at the same
time enabling restaurant owners to make their voice heard in the digital world by highlighting
what makes them special and promoting their creativity.
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M. Christophe Château
Directeur de la communication et du marketing corporate du
groupe Bonduelle
Directeur de la communication et du marketing corporate du groupe Bonduelle, depuis 2002:
Définition et mise en œuvre de la communication institutionnelle
Coordination de la politique du marketing pour 4 BU et dans 20 pays
Plus de 2 Mds d'euros de C.A., 10 000 salaries, 57 sites
2000-2002 : Manager du pôle stratégie chez KPMG entreprises consultants
1995-2000 : Directeur marketing France du groupe Interbrew
1993-1995 : Responsable des services promotion de La Redoute
1989-1993 : Directeur marketing de Bonduelle France
1980-1989 : Directeur marketing de Cassegrain chez Saupiquet
1979-1980 : Chef d’exploitation chez Sodexho
Université Paris Dauphine: Maîtrise de gestion, Marketing/finance
Communication & marketing corporate Director, BONDUELLE Group
Since 2002: BONDUELLE Group: Communication & marketing corporate Director
Definition and implementation of institutional communication.
Coordination of the marketing policy within the 4 Business Units and in 20 countries.
Key figures: Turn over 2 Billions €, 10 000 employees, 57 factories
2000-2002: KPMG Consulting: Strategy manager
1995-2000: AB Inbev : Marketing Director France
1993-1995: LA REDOUTE: Director of sales promotion
1989-1993: BONDUELLE: Marketing Director France
1980-1989: SAUPIQUET: Cassegrain Marketing Director
1979-1980: SODEXHO: Food Service restaurants Manager
DAUPHINE University Graduate, marketing & finance
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Direttore della comunicazione e del marketing corporate, gruppo BONDUELLE
Dal 2002: Gruppo BONDUELLE: Direttore della comunicazione e del marketing corporate
Definizione e attuazione della comunicazione istituzionale.
Coordinazione delle politiche di marketing di 4 unità operative in 20 Paesi.
In sintesi: Fatturato di oltre 2 miliardi, 10.000 impiegati, 57 stabilimenti
2000-2002: KPMG Consulting: Strategy manager
1995-2000: AB Inbev: Direttore marketing Francia
1993-1995: LA REDOUTE: Direttore vendite
1989-1993: BONDUELLE: Direttore marketing Franciz
1980-1989: SAUPIQUET: Direttore marketing Cassegrain
1979-1980: SODEXHO: Manager del servizio alimentare ristorazione
Laura in Marketing e finanza, Università della Sorbona-Dauphine
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M. Eugenio Mailler
Gitan dans l’âme, il a remonté lentement la botte d’Italie tout en cherchant à prendre la vie
avec philosophie, même si cette dernière s’entête à lui glisser entre les doigts. Son périple
s’élargit ensuite à l’Angleterre et à l’Allemagne où il laisse les assiettes parler pour lui face à une
culture et une langue qu’il ne connaît pas. On retrouve quelques traces d’encre sur son
parcours, parmi lesquelles l’Atlas des Produits Typiques (italiens) de l’Institut de Sociologie Rurale,
plusieurs guides et publications de Slow Food et un bouquin bizarre, Wine Sound System (Ed.
Autrement, 2011) dans lequel il dialogue candidement avec Don Pasta, ou, encore plus farfelu,
un cours de dégustation de vins en DVD paru en 2010 comme supplément du quotidien La
Il y eut quelques tentatives de sédentarisation. Au siège de Slow Flood, dans le Piémont, où il a
notamment été responsable du développement international. En Touraine, où il était en
charge des éditions 2011 et 2013 d’Euro Gusto, le Salone français de Slow Food.
Malheureusement même le passage sur les terres de Rabelais n’a rien pu y faire : il parle
encore français comme une vache… napolitaine. Ce qui ne l’empêche pas de continuer à se
battre pour un développement… buvable
Born in Naples, and a wanderer by nature, he travelled northwards from the Italian peninsula
seeking to experience a life with philosophy, even though it continued to slip through his fingers.
Before arriving in France, his wanderings led him to England and Germany, where, confronted
by unfamiliar languages and cultures, he let his food speak for him. His path left a faint trail of ink
in the form of writings such as The Atlas of Traditional Products (in Italian) for the Institute of Rural
Sociology; several guide books and publications for Slow Food Editions; Wine Sound System (ed.
Kowalski 2009), a quirky book in which he has a candid discussion with Don Pasta; or the even
more unusual DVD wine tasting course, which appeared in 2010 as a supplement for the daily
newspaper La Repubblica. Nevertheless there were a few more settled moments along the
way: In Bra (in the northwest Italian region of Piedmont), as head of the Slow Food International
Office, and in Tours (in central France), where he managed Euro Gusto, the French festival of
Slow Food. Unfortunately despite finding himself in the heart of the Loire Valley, the very cradle
of the french language, it had no effect and he continues to speak French more with his hands
and feet, than with his voice. At present he seems to have planted roots in Paris, though
meanwhile he continues to work towards a future defined by good food.
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Napoletano di nascita e zingaro per natura, ha risalito lo stivale cercando di prendere la vita
con filosofia, anche se quest’ultima continua a sfuggirgli tra le mani. Prima di approdare
all’Esagono, le sue peregrinazioni lo portano in Inghilterra e in Germania, dove, a fronte di
culture e lingue sconosciute, fa che siano le pentole a parlare per lui. Lascia flebili tracce
d’inchiostro sul suo percorso, tra cui l’Atlante dei Prodotti Tipici dell’Istituto Nazionale di
Sociologia Rurale e varie guide, articoli e pubblicazioni con Slow Food Editore. è coautore di un
libro bizzarro (Wine Sound System ed. Kowalski 2009) nel quale dialoga candidamente con Don
Pasta, e follia pura, di un corso di degustazione in DVD apparso nel 2010 come supplemento di
Si registrano alcuni tentativi di sedentarizzazione, a Bra, come responsabile dell’Ufficio
Internazionale di Slow Food, e a Tours, dove si è occupato di Euro Gusto, il Salone francese di
Slow Food. Sfortunatamente neanche bagnare i propri panni nella Loira, la culla della lingua
franca, ha sortito effetto: continua a parlare francese con le mani e con i piedi. Al momento
pare aver piantato le tende a Parigi. Nel mentre continua a battersi per un futuro che si possa
per lo meno mandare giù
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M. Samuel Vals
Samuel Vals est diplômé de l’Institut Supérieur de Gestion (ISG) à Paris, promotion 1992, et
dispose d’une expérience professionnelle de 20 ans dans des directions
commerciale/marketing et générale dans l’univers du high-tech, notamment dans la
géolocalisation, secteur dont il est un spécialiste reconnu depuis 10 ans. C’est son intérêt
permanent pour les nouvelles technologies qui l’avait notamment poussé à créer un site web
de vente d’articles de cuisine professionnels à la fin des années 90.
A l’origine du projet Epicurium, Samuel Vals est particulièrement concerné par la restauration
et la gastronomie en général pour vivre dans une famille mêlant cuisiniers professionnels ou
amateurs avertis.
Samuel Vals earned an MBA from Institut Supérieur de Gestion (ISG) in Paris and has over 20
years' experience in high-tech sales, marketing and administration; he has been active in
geolocation for a decade. His interest in new technologies was one of the reasons behind his
decision in the late 1990s to set up a website to sell professional kitchen supplies.
As the founder of Epicurium, Samuel Vals is particularly focused on dining, and gastronomy in
general, for professional chefs and knowledgeable amateurs.
Samuel Vals si è laureato all'istituo Superiore di Gestione (ISG) di Parigi nel 1992, ed ha maturato
un'esperienza ventennale come direttore commerciale, marketing e generale nel settore
dell'high-tech con un'attenzione particolare alla geolocalizzazione, campo di cui è un noto
specialista da 10 anni. Il suo interesse costante per le nuove tecnologie lo ha condotto a creare
un sito Internet di vendita di utensili professionali per la cucina alla fine degli anni 90.
Fautore del progetto Epicurium, Samuel Vals s'interessa particolarmente di ristorazione e
gastronomia, passioni tramandategli da una famiglia che unisce grandi chef e cultori dell'arte
di mangiar bene.
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Pr. Alberto Capatti
Professeur universitaire à la retraite. Il a été titulaire de l’enseignement d’histoire de la cuisine et
de la gastronomie à l’Université de Sciences Gastronomique de Pollenzo, dont il a été le
fondateur. Il fait partie du conseil scientifique de CasArtusi. Son premier livre d’histoire de
l’alimentation, Le goût du nouveau, est paru en français en 1989. Il a publié avec Massimo
Montanari La cucina italiana storia di una cultura. Parmi ses ouvrages récents, l’édition critique
de La scienza in cucina di Pellegrino Artusi (BUR, 2010) et une Histoire de la cuisine italienne,
1945-2015, parue l’année dernière.
Alberto Capatti is professor emeritus at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Italy,
where he taught the History of Cuisine and Gastronomy and was the first Dean of Studies. He is
a member of the Scientific Committee of CasArtusi. Prof. Capatti's first book on the history of
food, Le Goût du Nouveau, was published in French in 1989. With Massimo Montanari, he coauthored Italian Cuisine: A Cultural History (original title: La cucina italiana storia di una cultura).
Recent publications include a critical edition of La scienza in cucina e l'Arte di mangiar bene by
Pellegrino Artusi (BUR, 2010), and last year's Storia della cucina italiana, 1945-2015 (History of
Italian Cuisine, 1945-2015, in Italian).
Professore universitario. Ha insegnato Storia della cucina e della gastronomia all’Università di
Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo, di cui è stato il primo Rettore e da cui si è allontanato per
pensionamento nel 2011. Fa parte del comitato scientifico di CasArtusi. Ha diretto i mensili La
Gola e Slow. Il suo primo libro, Le goût du nouveau è scritto e stampato in Francia (1989). Ha
pubblicato con Massimo Montanari La cucina italiana, storia di una cultura. Fra le sue opere
recenti l’edizione con commento de La scienza in cucina di Pellegrino Artusi (BUR, 2010). È di
recente uscita la sua Storia della cucina italiana (1945-2015)
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LaSalle Beauvais vous remercie de votre participation au
Colloque « Alimentation et bien-être :
Regards croisés, Regards moderne »
Cathy Napieray
Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais
19 rue Pierre Waguet
BP 30313
F-60026 BEAUVAIS Cedex
Mail : [email protected]
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