1 Extra activity – Baroque art vs Contemporary art (comparison


1 Extra activity – Baroque art vs Contemporary art (comparison
Progetto in rete Reading Circles for CLIL –History of Art Liceo Artistico “M.Preti-­‐A. Frangipane”-­‐ Reggio Calabria-­‐ 2015-­‐2016 prof. Roberta Filardi Extra activity – Baroque art vs Contemporary art (comparison) What do you think about contemporary artworks which depict the same subject David /David and Goliath? Read the materials about it found on internet, compare these artworks to others that you have already studied and try to explain your opinion. 1 1. Giacomo Manzù, David, bronze statue, 1938, Ardea (Roma) Manzù Collection 2 2. David Dalla Venezia, Who Killed Cattelan?, oil on canvas, 2007 Giacomo Manzù presents David in a different way from previous famous masterpieces; he shows
David as a frighthened young man despite the heroic figures depicted in the past, such as
Michelangelo or Bernini. The contemporary artist David Dalla Venezia, who was inspired by Caravaggio’s David, represents
himself as David, the hero. He underlines the value of traditional painting as a great medium for
communicating through art, in contrast to some contemporary artists, such as Cattelan, who do not
use the traditional techniques. Cattelan in fact is a famous artist but he is considerated an “antipainter”.
To emphasize this concept Dalla Venezia depicted the portrait of Cattelan as Goliath and
represented himself as David, while holding a brush instead of a sword in his right hand.
Extra-­‐ activity online resources http://www.daviddallavenezia.com/biografia-­‐frameset.html http://www.scultura-­‐italiana.com/Biografie/Manzu'.htm https://www.flickr.com/photos/32357038@N08/4721996520 1