Prova sommativa C - Oxford University Press


Prova sommativa C - Oxford University Press
Name of student 3 Prova sommativa C
Class Date Grammar
1 Completa le frasi con ciascuna coppia di
verbi nel riquadro al Past simple e al Past
3 Completa le frasi con la forma avverbiale
degli aggettivi nel riquadro.
angry beautiful easy fast hard
loud quiet good
break/ski not come/study cut/make not enjoy/leave start/win talk/meet
1 My brother
while he
his arm
in France.
2 We
so we
the film,
before the end.
3 He
to my party because he
for an important exam.
4 It
to rain while
the tennis match.
5 What
about when you
6 My mum
while she
2 Completa le frasi con could/couldn’t
eat all that chocolate. You
have health problems in the
fail his exams. He
study more.
3 Dave
exams. You
help you prepare for your
ask him.
visit your grandmother,
4 You
you haven’t seen her for a long time. You
go this afternoon.
5 Sally
find her keys this morning,
be more careful.
/ 10
one hundred and eighty-two
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last season, and
3 Slow down! You’re driving very
4 Is your sister an artist? She paints
5 I couldn’t hear the film because that woman
and her friend were talking
6 They were shouting
, so I left
/ 4
4 Cerchia l’alternativa corretta per completare
il brano.
We 1couldn’t/shouldn’t go on holiday this year
e should/shouldn’t.
2 I think John
2 Inter played
they won the cup
her finger
/ 6
1 You
1 He got a good mark in that test. He worked
for it.
because my Dad 2 broke/was breaking his leg.
He 3 was playing/played football.
He runs very 4 fast/fastly, but it’s a
dangerous/dangerously game. The doctor
says he 6shouldn’t/couldn’t play. I think he
should/shouldn’t play video games.
Yesterday I 8 was playing/played on the
computer, and I 9could/should see he
wanted/was wanting to try!
/ 10
Total score: / 30
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12-10-2010 18:39:54
Name of student Class LEVEL
Prova sommativa C 3
Date Reading
in Britain,
then and
In the 1800s, crime
was an enormous
problem in society.
The Victorians saw
prisons as
punishment, and not
as places of
rehabilitation. For this
reason, Victorian
prisons were often dirty, overcrowded and
uncomfortable. There wasn’t much food so
prisoners were usually hungry. It was also
difficult to get clean water, so diseases such as
cholera, were very common. ‘Forced labour’ in
the prisons was hard and the guards often
whipped prisoners who weren’t working hard
Reformers wanted this to change and finally in
1860 the government introduced reforms, and
prisons slowly changed.
Today, prisons are for rehabilitation, and
commettere di nuovo reati
1 Leggi il brano. A che tipo di prigione
si riferiscono le frasi in basso: prigioni
del periodo vittoriano (V), moderno (M)
o entrambi (B)?
3 Rispondi alle domande.
1 Why did the Victorians make prisons
1 Prisons are dirty and unhealthy.
2 Why were diseases such as cholera very
2 Prisoners work in the prison.
3 Punishment is more important than
3 What did Victorian prisoners have to do?
4 When did prisons begin to change?
4 Prisons are often overcrowded.
5 What are the positive aspects of today’s
5 Prisoners can speak to their families.
/ 5
2 Le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F)? Correggi
le frasi false.
1 Prisons were comfortable in Victorian times.
2 Victorian prisoners could work for pay.
3 Victorian prisons were cleaner than prisons
4 Prisoners today can play games and
/ 5
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6 What are the negative aspects?
7 Which improvements in prisons do you think
are the most important?
8 Which prisoners should go to prison?
9 Should there be an alternative punishment
to prison? How should we stop criminals
10 Do you think prisons are harsh enough
in Italy? Do they reform criminals?
/ 10
5 Prisoners today can send emails.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
conditions have improved enormously. They
are cleaner and healthier. Prisoners eat
healthy food, and can see doctors and
counsellors. They can do courses, and learn
new skills. There are recreation areas, where
prisoners can play games, watch TV and chat.
Many prisoners work in the prison, and receive
a little pay. They can’t have mobile phones, or
use the Internet, but they have access to
telephones and their families can visit.
Some people think prison today is ‘easy’, but
there are still many problems. There is often
violence and overcrowding, and a lot of
criminals re-offend when they leave. Prisons
are better than they
were 150 years ago,
but they still need
to improve in order
rehabilitation riabilitazione
to rehabilitate
overcrowded sovraffollato
forced labour lavori forzati
Total score: / 20
one hundred and eighty-three
12-10-2010 18:39:54
Name of student 3 Prova sommativa C
Class Date Writing
1 Osserva il diario dietetico di Sara. Scrivi
nella tabella quali cibi sono sani e quali
non lo sono.
Cheese sandwich and
Pasta with tomato sauce
Fruit salad
Pasta salad
Fish, chips and peas
Chocolate bar, apple
Ham salad, crisps,
Burger and chips,
Chocolate cake, cola
Tuna sandwich, peach
Chicken curry and rice
Every day
Rice salad, yoghurt,
Pizza, cola
Breakfast: toast with
butter and jam, cereal
with milk, orange juice
/ 10
4 Immagina di aver fatto un incidente la
settimana scorsa. Rispondi alle domande
1 Where were you?
2 Who were you with?
3 What were you doing?
4 How did the accident happen?
5 What happened after the accident?
/ 5
5 Scrivi un’e-mail al tuo amico di penna
/ 2
britannico. Usa le risposte all’es. 4
per descrivere quello che è successo
(75–100 parole).
2 Completa le frasi con i consigli per la dieta
di Sara.
1 Sara could 2 Sara should
3 Sara shouldn’t / 3
3 Scrivi un breve brano (75–100 parole)
dando consigli a Sara per rendere più sana
la sua dieta.
/ 10
Total score: / 30
one hundred and eighty-four
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12-10-2010 18:39:55
Name of student Class LEVEL
Prova sommativa C 3
Date Listening
Fila A
Fila B
26 Ascolta e rispondi alle domande.
26 Ascolta e rispondi alle domande.
1 Who was Josh on holiday with?
1 Where did Josh go on holiday?
2 What happened to him while he was on
2 What was he doing when the accident
/ 2
/ 2
2 Riascolta e decidi se le frasi sono vere (T)
2 Riascolta e decidi se le frasi sono vere (T)
o false (F). Correggi le frasi false.
o false (F). Correggi le frasi false.
1 Josh was on holiday in Italy.
1 Josh has broken his leg.
2 Josh’s dad decided to go white-water rafting.
2 He wanted to go white-water rafting.
3 They stopped for lunch at a restaurant.
3 Josh found a place for lunch.
4 Josh’s dad took him to hospital.
4 Josh’s canoe hit some rocks.
5 Josh’s ankle is in plaster.
5 He didn’t go to hospital.
6 It isn’t painful now.
6 He’s just taken some tablets.
/ 6
27 Ascolta Mark e Yoko che parlano
di cibi e scegli la risposta corretta.
/ 6
27 Ascolta Mark e Yoko che parlano
di cibi e scegli la risposta corretta.
1 Sashimi is
a from China. b a green sauce.
c raw fish.
1 Yoko is eating
a raw fish. b chicken.
c cheesecake.
2 Wasabi is
a a type of sauce. b a type of fish.
c not cooked.
2 In Japan they usually eat sashimi with
a grilled chicken. b a green sauce.
c a sweet sauce.
3 Mark doesn’t like
a fish. b chicken. c wasabi.
3 Teriyaki is
a a Japanese dish.
b Mark’s favourite dish.
c a dessert.
4 Teriyaki chicken is
a fried. b grilled.
c a traditional American dish.
4 Yoko’s favourite food is
a chicken. b tuna. c cake.
5 Cheesecake
a is Mark’s mum’s favourite dessert.
b doesn’t have cheese in it.
c is a traditional American dessert.
5 Cheesecake is
a very sweet. b difficult to make.
c savoury.
6 Mark invites Yoko
a to a Japanese restaurant.
b to a café to eat cheesecake.
c to try cheesecake at his house.
/ 12
/ 12
Total score: / 20
Total score: / 20
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6 Yoko loves
a cheese. b strawberries. c biscuits.
one hundred and eighty-five
12-10-2010 18:39:55