Strad`s Secret - Backhill online


Strad`s Secret - Backhill online
- Contents
Servizi Speciali
Fiabesca Vittoriana
Strad's Secret
Nozze d'Oro
!' ____ In Memoriam
Last Post
p. 5
p. 13
p. 13
Regular Features
Due Parole
The Hill
p. 4
p. 8
p. 14
Entertainment, Leisure & Sport
Tempo Libero
Mamma's Ricetta
,and seasonal:
Suon Natale e Grazie
A vvisi - N otizie
'Vita dell a nostra Parrocchia
p. 19
Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Ltd.
164 High Street, Barnet, Herts, EN65XP
© 1997,BACKHILl,
136 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1
Dicembre 971Gerfnaio 98
;##AIIl- ' . ,
Due Parole
Queste Due Parole, del mese di,
Dieembre vi portano,' da . parte mia,
tanta gioia, rna anche tanta nostalgia.
Cominciarno da quello che ci porta
nostalgia: e cioe' e' il fatto che'
questo e' I'ultimo nurnero di Backhill.
Backhill non uscira' piu' in questo
modo: 'dicono che usciranno le inforrnazioni della Chiesa e della comunita" in un altro,modo: rna io non ci
credo tanto. Se pero' dovessero uscire, allora diro' che ho sbagliato.
Backhill non puo' piu' uscire non per
questioni economiche:' voi 10 avete
seiripre aiutato ed apjioggiiito in tailti
modi; Backhill non puo' piu' uscire
perche~ .i earl amici e le care arniche
che 10. facevano non hanno piu'
tempo. 11 motivo e' sempliee: hanno
cominciato con me piu' di venti anni
fa: tanti earl amici e amiche giovani,
pieni di forza e di entusiasmo. Poi
tulte. .queste care persone sono
cresciute: si sono sposate, hanno figli,
hanno it 'Ioro lavoro.; Hanno falto
,semple tante cose come volontariato e
cne Dio Ii benedica: hanno falto bene'
3Ila ,Chiesa e alIa Comuruta' italiana:
e insieme con loro devo, ricordare le
care signore che.hanno venduto Backhill: per,tanti anni con tanto coraggio,
Coli' tanto entusiaSmo, con uinto Sacrificio, fuori della, Chiesa anche con il
freddo e· il tempo. brulto. Dobbiarno
ricordare tutti quelli che hanno scritto
gli articoli e mandate le fotografie
perche' questo ha permcsso alIa
comuruta' di conoscere la vita della
chiesa edegli italiani. Dobbiarno
ricordare tutti quelli che hanno voluto
la propaganda delle ,Ioro attivita' su
Backhill, perchc' questo ha aiutato
enormemente ,a pagare le spese del
giornale:. io 'ho sempre appoggiato
Backhill con i suoi volontari in ogni
circostanza e per piu' di dieci anni.
Backhill ci ha regalato tanti· mOo
menti felici: noi vogliarno pensare a
questi momenti ora che e' il tempo
del Natale per mettere questi momenti
felici in quella che io chiarno la gioia
e la felicita' del Natale e che io
propongo alIa vostra meditazione
cOsi' ,con alcuni pensieri come mi
Noi sentiarno. in questo tempo del
Natale una carezza di cielo, un birogno di rinascenl a vita nuovaeon
quell'adorabile Barnbino che dopo
duemila anni e' ancora luee, gioill e
speranza del mondo. Ovunque c'e' il
profumo del Presepio, noi sentiamo il
profumo della vita che Dio ci ha dato.
11 Natale ha rovesciato la dura logica
della, vita. Dio e' con noi: Dio falto
Barnbino. Dio fatto simile a noL
Fratelli, la porta della capanna di
Betlenune e' bassa: per entrare bisogOa abbassare la testa. Via la nostra
supeIbia: per entraiC 'nella grotta di
Betlemme bisogna essere vestiti di
innocenza. Gesu' altende un dono da
Jim Auer ,Writes: "Christmas is a good time to get a
little crazy. After all; God did. God became a human
being. That's pretty crazy." But then; as Paul writes, that
foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom. And we
have not become 'poorer becouse God became so foolish
as to share our human nature. Are you able to fathom the
logic of Christmas? Do you allow yourself to be a "fool"
sometimes that you may experience ihe joy of giving and
self- emptying?
Before the Christmas crib, make your own this
Christmas reflection on keeping Christmas by Henry van
Dyke: There is a better thing than the observance of
Christmas Day, that is, keeping Christmas. Are you
Padre Roberto Russo
me, , per' il ,suo ,e 'per il mio Natale.
Ogriuno di noi scelga il dono che
vuole fare a Gesu'. Basta guardare il
Barnbino Gesu'. Ogni dolore, e ogni
disperazione Viene consolata: presso la
culla di Betlemme.
Dalla culla di Betlemme cL viene
la serenita', che ci aiuta ad allargare
la nostra anirna e ad abbracciare la
felicita' e I'infelicita' altrui. Che la
nostra anirna e il nostro Cuore siano
pronti a donarsi: perche' donandoci
sapremo ridere con gli altri e piangere
con gli altri: in qualsiasi ,circostanza
della vita, in qualsiai momento della
vita, insieme a Gesu' Bambino
saremo' capaci di, ridere e piangere.
Per noi e con gli altri. E in questo
modo carnrnineremo insieme verso la
salvezza. Gesu' 'significa Salvatore: il
nome di Gesu', la persona di Gesu',
entra continuarnente nella nostra conversazione, nella nostra preghiera,
nella'nostra vita. Dire Gesu' e' come
scoprire che Dio non ha'piu' segreii
nella nostra vita. Noi sappiarno che
Dio e' Padre e noi crediarno che
siarno suoi figli insieme a Gesu'. E'
Gesu' che ci unisce tutti e ci porta aI
Padre. E' il carnmino
della nostra vita: 'un
bel carnrnino anche se
pieno di' tante diflicolta' e di .tanti problemi rna e' pieno anche
di tanta fede e fiducia
nella misericordia di
Dio: e' il· carnmino
della nostra vita che e'
pieno della forza che
Dio ci da, per noi e per
gli altri.
'willing to 'close your book of complaints agasinst the
management of the universe, and look around you for a
plaee where you can sow a few seeds of happiness? Are
you willing to make a grave for your ugly thoughts, and a
garden for 'your kindly feelings, with the gate open? Are
you willing to do these things for. a day? Then you can
keep Christmas. Are you willing to believe that love is
the strongest thing in, the world - stronger than evil,
stronger than death - and that the blessed life which
began in Bethlehem is the image and brighteness of the
Eternal Love? Then you can keep Christmas. And if you
keep it for a day, why not always?
December 971Junuary 98
Fiabesca Vittoriana
C'e improvvisamente un'aria di
magico mistero alia Royal Academy
of Arts, Piccadilly, Londra. Dall'uJtimo 13 novembrc, fate e folletti si
sono impadroniti della Saclder Wing e
vi rimarranno fino all'8 fcbbraio del
1998. Si apre cos! alia Royal Academy, con iI sostegno dei Friends della
Royal Academy, una mostra dedicata
alia pittura fiabcsca vittoriana (Victorian Fairy Painting) che rapprescnta
la passione di artisti e scrittori per iI
mondo delle fate e del soprannaturale
nel periodo Ira iI primo XIX e g1i
inizi del XX secolo.
Fate' e folletti sono sempre stati
parte della cultura folcloristica britannica cd irlandese, e· hanno caratterizzato opere di Edmund Spencer, WiIliam Shakespeare e John Milton. 1I
revival dell'epoca vittoriana e probabilmente giustificabile con iI rionovato interesse per iI tcalro di Shakespeare, in particolare A Midsummer
Night's Dream e The Tempest, ·come
pure I'introduzione di temi fiabesehi
nel balletto· romantico tanto in yoga
nel secolo scorso.
Entro la meta del XIX secolo, la
passione per I'occulto e 10 spiritismo,
che dall' America dilago Inghilterra,
aumento I'interesse per l'irrazionale,
soprattutto a fronte della rivoluzionaria tcoria dell'evoluzione di Darwin.
Questa nuova tcoria scientifiea, di
impronta deterministica, contribu! ad
alimentarc iI bisogno subconscio di
fuga dalla realta di molti artisti. 1I
mondo delle fiabe sembrava cos!
libcrarc I'immaginazione delgi artisti
vittoriani, e sicuramente deliziava
coloro che affollavano i tcatri.
Nell'ambito dell'arte figurativa, i
pittori di fate non appartenevano ad
una specifica scuola 0 stile; molti di
questi facevano Iibero uso di elementi
del movimento Romantico, deUa
tradizione pittorica storica e, di tratti
Pre-Raffaelliti. Alcuni grandi artisti
.spcrimentarono con iI genere fiabeseo
produccndo una sola pittura. In proposito, nella·prima sala della mostra, si
puo ammirarc i1'quadro titolato'Queen
Mab's Cave (ispirato dalla descrizione
del sogno di Mercuzio in Romeo imd
Juliet, atto I, seena 4). Si tratta
dell'unico quadro che ]MW Turner
dcdicO al soggetto fiabesco e, per
creare un atmosfera di suggestiva lucc
e mistero, usa tutte le sue doti di
Dicembre 971Gennaio 98
Monica Pe/legrini
11 tema deU'irrcale legittimava,
a110ra, I'uso della nuditil e, in proposito, John Simrnons (1823-76) rappresento Titania con iI piu ineffabile
dei veli.
La terza sala diI accesso aI mondo
della pittura fiabesca degli anni intomo aI 1830. 1I balletto romantico,
con protagoniste delle silfidi dalla
bellezza evanescente, candidamcnte
vestite e volteggianti come per magia
sui palcoscenico, indirettamente inlluenzl> la pittura fiabesca. L'allora nota
ballerina Marie Taglioni, leggiadra cd
eterca sulle scaI)lCtte a punta nel
molo principale de La Sylph/de; fu
tratta in sei acquarclli da AE
Chalon (1845) i quali godettero di enorme successo
quando furono pubblicati
cOme stampe. Era questo iI
periodo in cni, con I'introduzione degli effetti luee e
di nuove tecnologie sui palcoscenico, le scene di magica
trasformazione scenica in teatri, balletti 0 opere, diventavano di rigore per la produzione di qualsiasi contenuto
Come evisibile quando si
ucciso iI padre, Dadd fu rinchiuso entra la quarta sala, 10 stile deUa
nell' ospedale di Bethlam per essere pittura fiabesca muto notevolmente
poi trasferito a Broadmoor. NeUa sua intomo agli anni 1880, sperimentando
vita di rccluso, crcO un mondo di fate con iI mondo del soprannaturale, deUo
del tutto persouale. Si veda, ad esem- spirtismo e deU' occuIto.
Charles Doyle fece riferimento
pio. iI suo Contradiction: Oberon and
Titania 1854·8), nel quale iI re e la aU'ossessione dei tavili che si
regina del mondo delle fate Iitigano a muovono ad opera di fantasmi deU'ol!rctomba e a110 spiritismo nel suo
causa di un bambino indiano.
, Le,opere deL pittore scozzese Sir Self-Portrait: A Meditation, e fin! aI
Joseph Noel Paton (1821-1901) sono Montrose Lunatic Asylum.
In quest'u1tima sala deUa mostra e
un tipico esempio di rappresentazione
anche iI quadro di Estella
fiabesca con toni Pre-Raffaelliti. NeUa
rafligurazione di The Reconcilation of Canziani Piper's Dreams (1914), terOberon and Tilania (sopra) le figure minato a110 scoppio deUa prima
addormentate dei due amanti evocano, guerra mondiale. Da quel momento in
come per'incanto, la corte delle fate. poi iI mondo deUe fiabe, che per
L' osservatore, davanti a un tale dip- qualche tempo aveva popolato I'iminto, si vede aprire una finestra nel maginazione degli adulti, fu relegato
mondo del soguo e deUe a1lucinazioni alia rcaltil infantile.
dell' anista.
John Austen Fitzgerald (1823- Royal Academy ofArts,
1906) era noto come 'i1 Fitzgerald Burlington House, Piccadilly, W.I.
delle fate' per iI suo ossessivo uso Orar/o di apertura: 10.00-18.00
dello stile fiabesco. Le sue pitturc sui Entrata: £5.50 biglietto in/ero;
tema del Dream ritraggono I'anista e £3.80 biglietto rldotto
giovani'ragazze tormentaU da incubi
dovuti a1I'uso di sostanze stupefa-
pittore romantico.
Atri 'pittori come John Anster
Fitzgerald, Robert Huskisson e John
Sinunons fecero del mondo deUe
fiabc la loro speciali!A. In molti casi
le loro rappresentazioni sono una
combinazione di minuziosi dettagli
naturalistici con personaggi fantastici,
Una curiosa mescolanza che d a ai
quadri inisteriose qualitil oniriche.
La seconda sala ospita iI maggiore
pittore di fiabe vittoriano: Richard
Dadd (1817-86). Inizialmente dedicatosi alia pittura paesaggistica,' sujlerati
i vent'anni d'e!A. questi comincio a
dipingere immagini fiabesche sullo
stile, dei Vecchi Maestri. Dopo avere
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The Hill
I know how s3d many of you must
be at the news in last month's isSue
that this is farewell to BilCkhill, our
magazine, that evolved from an idea
that began with dear Vic Heissel and
was taken up by these young enthUsiastic Anglo Italians and has given so
much enjoyment to so many. Backhill
has been the only link for a large
nuinber of the older Italians, (ex Hill
residents) the majority who riow live
in the suburbs' or further afield, who
were ,born and bred in 'Il Quartiere
ltaliano'. The mag' has also kept
many of you in touch with current
events in and around our church and
Social· Club. We know "nothing lasts
for ever, good or bad. In this instance
it is the end of something good. I
have often wondered how Francesco,
your,Editor, and his ever willing band
of helpers have kept BACKHll.L
going for all these years, but they
have, in spite of their. many other
commitments: family, Careers· etc. I
personally would like· to' thank them
from the bottom of my heart for all
the pleasure that BACKHll.L has
given' to so niany acrosS the years. I
would go on (as I ,do) but I know that
it wouldn't go down well with them.
I must tell you that when I
decided to write my late motherin-law's story I didO't know that it
would be the ,last family stoir that I
would tell, but I think that it's fitting.
So without any further ado I will
conclude Anita's story.
Anita and Giovanni Besagni
They began their first venture as a
married couple when they opened a
small cafe in King's Cross Road. They
were both good cooks and many of
their paesani had started in this line
and made a. success of it. Anitaand
Jobnny had a good start, but, then the
babies started. arriving: Renaldo,
1923, Rita in 1924, Bruno in 1925.
They, were unable to continue with
Olive Besagni
the cafe. Jobnny soon found work on
the asphalt for the Ragusa Asphalt
Company. It was hard work but the
wages weren't bad. It also meant that
he travelled around a lot. Most of his
co-workers were Italians, which ac..
counted for his strong accent.
They soon found a self contained
flat' in Victoria Dwellings - a large
triangular block of dwellings encompassed by Clerkenwell Road, Farringdon Road and Little Saffron Hill
(Herbal Hill). Anita was happy to
move into a: flat on the ground floor
No 57. There were only two rooms
which would have been average accommodation for a family at that
time. The ground floor was a plus,
remember that now there were already three ,little ones and a fourth
baby's 'arrival was imminent.. Fortunately her parents were living. close
by and the school, 'St Peter's Italian',
was only a stone's throwaway.. There
were many other Italian immigrant
farililies living in the dwellings, so
she was never lonely.
During the early years in the, new
home' Anita needed her mother and
the help and support of her neigh.bours for their trials were many. In
1926 they lost their first born. Renaldo, to pneumonia. He was only
four and a beautiful child. The loss of
a child that age waS common eriough
then but the effect on' the mothers in
particular must have been traumatic,
but theY had' to carry on for the sake
of their other children.
The years that followed were very
hard for Anita. She spent most of her
days Inclnta so the close proximity of
her mother helped. Maria spent most
of her time with Anita and the
children. The children adored their
Nonni and loved to go and visit them
down in Leicester Place where there
was always a sweet in an apron
pocket or a drawer. Jobnny was rarely
home. His work took him away
for days at a time and even
when his work was nearer
home he worked long hours.
Anita's lot was .not easy, she
kept her little ones spotlessly
clean. the rooms neat and tidy she was always scrubbing and
Shortly after the death of
Renaldo their little daughter
Famlglia.Besagnlln 1948.
Lldia already in the u.s.
Rita ended up spending years in and
out of Carshalton Children's Hospital,
the . result of being run over by a
eyclist. What at first seemed·, to be
minor injury developed into Ostiomylitus which plagued her for the rest
of her days. Then Lidia developed
rickets and wore leg braces and had to
stay in the same h!>SPital for periods
of time.' Throughout all these trials
and depiivations many of Anita's old
neighbours would tell you how hospitable and kind she was and how, in
spite of her own trials, she always had
time and sympathy for their problems.
In 1938 the family had increased.
There were now 9' surviving children
but Anita's life was a little easier the older childferi helPed with the
babies and the housework, - the girls
anYwayl In spite of all the ups and
downs, Anita had progressed: she had
learnt to read English by perusing the
daily newspapers, she made the chil,dren's clothes. She was an excellent
cook and could nlake a dinner go
further than anyone I ever met. lf the
family were having dinner and a
visitor Called or even the children's
friends, another chair would be put at
the table and whoever it was would
be pressed to mangla - mangla. .
The highlight of the year was the
annuru procession of Our Lady of Mt
Carmel. All the children walked in the
procesSion as soon as they were old
enough, and Anita .would make .all
their costumes, until Rita, who became an excellent dressmaker, took
over from her Mother.
The only one of the family who
ever got holidays at the seaside·was
my husband Bruno, who, being the
eldest ooy in the family, had several
holidays with his young Z!as" Rosa
and Elisa Fassini. The two girls had
blossomed into beauties and whenever
they went on holiday, usually to
Clacton-<ln-Sea, their father Pietio
would only allow them to go with a
chaperone; Bruno who was only eight
years old was the chaperonel He
always had a wonderful time, for a
week he would be indulged with any
amount of ice-creams and Tizers,
swimming and rides at the fun fair he was in heaven. When they returned
home he would then be bribed by his
Nonno to tell who the girls had been
with and what they had been up to.
Then he ·would be bribed by his Zlas
not to telCA day at the seaside would
have been an impossible dream. for
December 97/Jamiary 98
Anita, but she had her lohnny and her
children and she made the best of it.
Then 1939, with the' advent of
World War 2, came really bad times.
The older children remained at home.
Rita was working, Bruno was about to
start work. Lidia was in Italy on one
of the Ballila holidays. Pino, Olga,
Ines and Remo were sent to Wooton
Basset in Wiltshire under the schools'
evacuation scheme~ Anita remained in
London ,with the two youngest, Maria
and Dorina. The first year Passed
Lidia who bad left the main party to
stay with relatives in Vernasca didn't
know what to do. She was only
thirteen and as it began to look, as if
Italy was going to join in the War,
she was determined to get home. She
ffound a woman who was coming back
to London and she, persuaded her to
bring her back. Fortunately there was
no bombing in the first year, but soOn
there were traumas going on in
Wooton Basset with Olga and Ines.
They were unbappyand in bad billets.
lohnny hurried down to Wooton Basset and brought the two little girls
home. Then it all·'happened. Italy
came into the War. They started to
intern all the men. They came for
Johnny. He 'packed his case with his
wife and children crying round him
but for some reason' after investigation they sent him home. Pietro Was
sacked from'liis job at the Connaught
Rooms where he had worked for
many years. He was heartbroken.
Johnny lost his job, a job that he
loved; he had made a n3rne for
himself in his trade and had a reputation bar nonel He took great pride in
his work. An those years went' for
nothing. In the midst of all this Anita
was incinta yet again, and the fact
that the bombing had started turned
their lives into tunnoil.
Anita took Ines and Olga doWn to
Wales, where her mother, Maria, and
sister Elisa were staying in a house
belonging to a friend. She left the
girls with her sister and returned to
London to be with lohnny, but the
bombing had got so bad that she, with
Maria a toddler, and Dorina stin a
baby, had to be eVacuated once more.
So it was back to Wooton' Basset,
where at' least she would be near
Remo and Pino who had remained
there. She was billeted' in a small
cottage and it was there that she had
her last baby' Giovanni (young
Johnny) with even less home comforts
than Victoria Dwellings. Meanwhile,
Johnny stayed in London and went to
work as a cook for his sister Maria
(Oddi) who with her husband had a
cafe in'Hammersmith. He got on with
it, but he was a skilled worker and he
Dlcembre 971Gennaio 98
never really recovered from the
change. The family were dealt another
devastating blow. Quite early in the
war, when the bombing was at its
height, Pietro (Nonno), who was terrified of the air raids, spent his nights
Sleeping down in Chancery Lane
underground station. One morning as
he was returning home on the bus
with one or two friends, be was sitting
next to his neighbour Mrs Belli. when
he put his head on ber shoulder. She
thought he was joking and tried to
remove him when she realised that he
had passed away. Poor, Mrs Belli,
what a terrible shockl The family was
devastated. Most of them were still
1946 and after the devastation of
the war years, financially things were
improving. Brono. Rita,
Lidia and Pino were working,lohnny (papa) stayed in
the job at the cafe in Hammersmith. Gradually the
children returned. The family had increased, so they
rented another flat in Victoria DWellings. Little Maria,
who was now eight years
old was sleeping with her
Nonna Maria in the rooms
in Liecester Place. She
woke up one night to find that her
Nonna hadn't come to bed. She found
her sitting in the armchair and couldnot rouse her. So the little girl called
a neighbour then ran up the road to
call her parents. Nonna had slipped
away as she dozed. Maria remembers
clearly to this day, running as fast she
could along the ill lit turning. Little
Saffron Hill. it could only have been
a three minute walk but to the little
girl it seemed like a mile. Poor Anita,
her beloved motherl She mourned for
a long time. They had been through
so much together.
The war had also had an effect on
Lidia, when at the age of eighteen,
American Gl's were spending their
leaves in London. Many of these
young men were Italian Americans
and when' they realised that there
were a considerable number of young
girls around the area who were of
Italian extraction, they would make
themselves known by calling out "Eh!
Paesana". Lidia brought several of
these young men home, where Anita
would give them a plate of pasta and
make them feel at home. When the
war ended, Lidia would settle for
nothing less than to go to America.
Her' father lohnny was against it, but
Anita who understood the desire to
beller oneself, backed her uP. and off
she went.
The sad days weren't over for
Anita. Her beloved lohnny had been
unwell for, a short while, and he
developed, cartenoma and died, leaving Anita a: widow whilst still in her
40's. The resilience of Anita was
amazing; unfortunately, I, have to
condense our stOlY, because it would
need a book'to cover, everything that
happened. Four of the girls followed
Lidia out to the States where they all
married Americans, the first to return
home for a holiday was Lidia,
Nine years had elapsed and she
came home on the Queen Mary with
three of her children. Can you imagine the exciteinent created by this
visit. The' tears, of happiness, this
time. Anita, once her children were
all gro'Ml, began' to live. She went to
the U.S. numerous times, where she
Zia Eliza with the chaperone
would be treated like a Queen. I will
never forget the first time she went.
Bruno took her to the ship. his mother
always sociable. a good mixer was
soon chatting'to her cabin mate. He
waved goodbye to his mamma who at
the time was soberly dressed looking
every 'bit the Italian, m,!",ma. She
stayed six months with her daughters.
On her return Bruno and I went to
meet her at Victoria Station. When
she alighted from the train, there was
this smart young· woman with a
modem hair style, red shoes and red
hat - well! Dark pink nail polish, she
looked fantastic. From that day on,
Anita's life took on new dimension.
She flew back and forth to America
as if it were Brighton. Trips to Italy,
the mountains and the seaside pretty
often. Always a wonderful mother and
nonna to' her children's children. Her
last years, when she lived with her
daughter Olga in Highgate were good
years for her. Her daugliters from
America made frequent visits and no
invite to a party was tUrned down.
Anita returned' from a party one
night. said to Olga that she Was tired.
sat on a chair in the hall and left us what a sad day for her children and
for her family, but what a lifel And
~hat lovely memories she left behind.
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Strad's Secret
Antonio Stradivari was bOrn in
1644, into a respected family of
craftsmen in Cremona, a northern
Italian town that was already famed
far afield for its violins. .
Stradivari was apprenticed to' the
instrument maker Nicolo Arnati at
aroUnd the age of 12 and by the time,
he'died, aged 93, he had made around
a. thousand .violins and at 'leaSt 300.
oilier stringed instruments, including
,cellos, lutes and guitars.
A productive life, certainly, and a
reasonably well-rewarded one: he sOld
most of his output for the equivalent
of around four pounds each, ,and
apjX:arcd WeIr satisfied with the mOd~
erate, middle-class income and lifestyle his craft brought him and his
family. Stradivari' conld never have
dreamt that; 250 years after ,his death,
his violins are auctioned and reach
prices anywhere
from £200,000 to
several million.
What makes a
Sti'adivaiius violin
(he usually signed
his work with the
Latin version of
his name and was
careful to ensure,
during his lifetime;
that no instrument
except those made
completely by his
own hand bore his
label) so valuable and so special?
I had a rare chance to find out for
myself when a 'Strad' came up for
auction at Sotheby's. As a keen
amateur violinist, I had always wondered whether sueh an instrument
would make a dramatic difference to
my playing, so although the guide
price of £300,000 was beyond my
means, I went along to IIy it out.
The Strad, its centuries-old varnish
gleaming with a deep, red bloom, lay
waiting in an anteroom. I picked up
the instrument, tuned it and played.
The effect was electrifyingl The violin resonated and sang out in a way
that I had never experienced before. It
was like driving a high performance
racing car after a clapped-out Mini pure exhilaration I
But driving high performance cars
requires great skill. And the same
applies to Strads. A Strad won't
suddenly turn you into a virtuoso.
Still, for a few 'brief moments, I
glimpsed it's magical properties.
During his career Stradivari made
certain subtle changes in the proportions of the violin, gradually increasing the instrument's power. While his
early work followed the traditions of
his ,teacher Arnati, by the close of the_
:17'h century the Stradivarius had become . flatter and· broader, and the
bridge began to look'as it does today.
'Probably the greatest of the Strad
known as the 'Soil' of 1714,' says
Peter Biddulph a London violin dealer,
who had sold a number of Strads.
'Many people think this is the finestsoUnding violin in the World an(\ it's
appropriate that it's played by the
Israeli Itzhak Perlman, probably the
greatest living violinist'.
But violin makers have long copied the proportions of
Stradivarius's instruments - without achieving the Same results. So
the secret must lie elsewhere.
But where?' In the
deep, lustrous auburnred varnish, according to
one theol}'. But there's a
problem. Strads have
withstood nearly 300
years of wear and tear.
Not surprisingly, the rich
varnish on many has
taken a battering and, in
some cases, most of it
has been worn away. Yet these instruments still sound magnificent.
In the 1980s, a US researcher
ciin1e up with a new theol}': the secret
lay in the wood. Stradivari used wood
- maple and spruce - that was delivered to Cremona by being floated
along the Italian canals; perhaps the
contact with water had changed its
character. The idea was initially supported by electron microscope pictures of the violin's surface: Strad
wood was found to be riddled with
tiny, open pores, while those of
modem instruments were closed.
But later research suggested that
whether the pores showed as open or
closed under examination was not
dependent on the violin' but on how
the wood sample had been cut and
prepared before examination.
Electron microscopy, however,
may yet provide the answer. Recent
research in Cambridge has found a
ju/iafl Brown
layer beneath the Strad's famed varnish. Under the electron microscope it
appears like a: seam of manipan
sandwiched between the cake of wood
and the icing-like varnish.
This turns out to be consistent
with another idea put Jor;ward in the
1980s. For some time experts had
been arguing over whether the craftsmen. of Cremona had used a wood
sealant before applying varnish to the
instruments they were making.
John Chipura, an American geolo,gist and violin enthusiast, published a
letter in the magazine The Slrad
suggesting that this sealant may well
'have been a'layerof'Roinan cement.
Readily available, the cement was the
Italian 'Polyfilla' of its time and was
made from local volcanic ash, whose
mineral constituentS are vel}' similar
to those revealed by Barl<iw and
Woodhouse's spectroscopic analysis.
'Any' treatment of the wood, 'such
as a preservative or varnish, will,
change the vibrational- properties of
the violin and therefore its sound,'
Jim Woodhouse researching this
thool}' 'explaiils. 'We have ,taken flat
plates of spruce' and varnished them
with various combinations of finishes,
but the differences in the' vibrational
properties were really rather subtle.
So there may be an effect, but it's not
immediately obvious.'
The English cellist Jacqueline Du
Pee owned the famous Davidoff Strad,
but she was equally devoted to her
Peresson ceIIo, which she bought
brand new straight from the craftsman's workbench.
ASk a dozen players, dealers and
makers their opinion of an individual
violin and you wiII get' a dozen
different answers. But it is clear that
the difference in sound and performance that used to separate the Strads
and other old Ciemonese violins from
the best modem iustruments is slowly
being erOded. Undoubtedly Stradivari
was a supreme craftsmen, but the
secret of his genious may not lie in
one aspect of his craftSmanship but in
a combination of factors.
"To make, a violin you've got to
do a great many things right and in
hannony with one another', says
Woodhouse. 'If ~you do anyone of
them seriously wrong it wiII turn out
to be a bad instrument. If there is a
secret to the Stradivarius sound, it is
in achieving a perfect balance.
December 97/January 98
Nozze D'Oro
Setvirii e Ciacon
On 16th November 1947,
Marinetta Servini and
Giuscppe Giacon met at St
Peter's Italian' ChUrch in order
to exchange' their vows of love
and to commit to each other.
50 years later to the day, they
gathered once more to give
thanks and praise to God for
their life together.
To join them this time,
along with family and friends
from Italy and the U.S. were
ten of their 17 grandchildren,
four of their six in-laws and all
five original bridesmaids. In
the photo, right, are Marinetta
and Bepi with their nine children including their daughter
photo: I.Sierhnl
Maria from Rome' and son
:fonirio who delighted his parents by making a special journey from Tasmania as a SUIprise.
Whilst celebrating the MaSs, Bishop Victor Guazzelli SUIprised the couple by announcing that. His HolinesS the
~ope had made Bepi a Knight and Marinetta a Dame of the Order of Sl Gregory for their work for the Church,
Catholic schools and their fellow man.
~er the Mass everyone moved on to The Elephant on the River where they were greeted by family friend Luigi
Buosi and where the memorable evening continued.
The couple had asked that, instead of presents, they would appreciate a donation to the cancer research being done
by Professor Lynch at UCH. under whom their daughter, Giovanna had been successfully treated six years ago. They
were overwhelmed, by the generosity of their friends and family, mth £4,SOO being raised for this cause.
Thomas France
Dicembre 971Gem1aio 98
The France and Williams families
mth their friendS gathered at St Peter's
Italian Church to mtness the Baptism of
Thomas Anthony France by Father Russo
on Saturday 18th September 1997.
The picture shows proud parents
Bernard and Claire holding young Thomas at the font just before Father Russo
poured the cleansing water of Baptism on
his unsuspecting head.
Thomas is the latest grandson of
Bernard and Anna France, long·time
supporters of,Backhill and of St Peter's
Italian Church.
Afterwards the families and their
guests assembled' at the Club for a
delicious buffet lunch.
It was a day full of happiness and joy
and everyone present "ill always remember the wann welcome they received
from'Father Russo.
Forza Vecchi
Attivita della comunita
Che simpaticissima riunione c'e' stata. nel Club. I
giovani di un tempo,. diventati ora uoniini di affare,
mariti, padri di fainiglia, si sono riuniti per una festa
insieme.·E' stato molto bello, moito commovente. E' stata
una spinta di entusiasmo e di coraggio. Ora si vcdono i
frutti di tutto il lavoro morale e sociale che il Club ha
fatto duiante tutti questi anni. Ci sono stati errori' e
peccati e ci sono ariche adesso: ci sono cose tecniche cd
organizzative che bisogna correggere ma c'e' tutta una
vita. lanciata con coraggio verso il futuro e che non
bisogna dimenticare 0 voler distruggere. Migliorare tutto
si, ma cOn 3treito c amicizia tra tutti noi, senza guardare i
difetti e i pe=iii, ma considerando sempre iI bene che
ognuno porta nel cuore e nell'anima: e' questo bene che
va avanti.
La festa piena di a1legria ci ha rivisti insieme, intorno
aI vino cd aI mangiare preparato in modo supeJbo dai
cuochi del earavaggio. E'. stato regalato un orologio a
Vittorio in segno di stima e di ringraziamento; in
quei giorni Vittorio ha perso la mamma; ma I'afl"etto che
lega- ancora Vittorio e i vecchi-giovani,. e' stato un
momento di' fortissima commozione nella vita di tutti.
.... '
i~" :.-
December 97/January 98
:J; ~
Festa Groparello
Dcvo proprio dire: Gropparello non e' solo un nome, ma e' una
vita che va avanti. Nato alcuni anni fa e' gia' passato al secondo
Dobbiamo ringraziarc tutti e duc questi Presidenti: prima di tutto
pcrchc' tutti c duc sono due brave c care famiglie: con figli che
vcramcnte si impegnano nella vita: differcnza di eta' fra i vari figli,
c' chiaro, ma 10 spirito e' scmpre quello; e poi perche' veramcnte
mcttono il euore in qucllo che fanno percbc' hanno tanta fiducia
ncll'aiuto di Dio. Sono tanto belle queste :feste di paese: special.
mcnte I'ultima scrata era piena di giovani. Andiamo avanti cosi'
scmplicemcte, ma con tanto entusiasmo. Dio guarda anche I'entusi·
asmo che vienc dallc feste e le bene dice.
FOIo: Rob<rto Rum
COlltillua a pagilla 22
Dicembre 971Gennaio 98
The hotel has two new purpose built conference and
banqueting suites capable of accommodating up to 300 people.
Each suite is elegantly furnished and equipped to the highest
standards with purpose built bars, full audio 'visual and lighting
facilities, which help to provide the atmosphere for any occasion.
A selection of menus are available for banquets with an
emphasis on Italian cuisine.
For more information or a brochure pack please contact
Mr Marino at the Hotel.
Hrodon w'Y' Crickkwood • London NW2 2NL
081-209 1511
Non-European citizens represent 1.6
percent of Italy's population. according to the new report on the 1990
immigration law recently presented to
Parliament by Social Solidarity Minster Livia Turco. There are currently
943,530 non-Europeans residing in
Italy, 116,114 more than a year ago.
The majority of the non-EU citizens
come from Morocco (119,481), followed by Albania (63,967), the Philippines (57,071), and the United
States (54,562).
L'introduzionedella moneta unica
curopca costera' complessivamentc 20
mila miliardi di lire I,'amio" per !re
anni, ai Paesi intercssati, c alia sola
Italia 4.500 miliardi (1.500 ogni
anno). E' questo iI dato sottolineato
dal vice presidcntc della Commissione
cconomica e inonctaria del Parlamento Europco, Riccardo Garosci.
Arriva una lottcria "per la ,ricostruzi"
one dclle citta' tcrrcmotate" delle
Marche e dcll'Umbria ed" uo'altra
estrazione che servira' a finanziare iI
restauro della "CapPella del Guarini"
dcl Duomo di Torino doveveniva
conservata la Sacra Sindone. La novita' e' contcnuta nella bozza di'
decreto che iI ministro delle' Finanze
Vincenzo Visco ha mcsso a punto per
istituire le lotteric tradizionali del
prossimo anno.
Svolta nelle indagini sull'omicidio
dell'anziana uccisa a Megliandino San
Fidenzio (padova). Un uomo e' stato
arrcstato dai carabinieri e la sua
identita' sara' rivclata durante una
conferenza stampa. L'uomo potrebbe
cSscre un parontc della' vittima. II
delitto, particolarmentc efferato, e'
avvenuto !re giorni fa. La donna
aveva 63 anni, cra vedova e vivcva
Thc Lower House approved the govcrnmcnt's VAT reform decree aftcr a
marathon session and four days of
opposition filibustcring. The decree to
hikc VAT rates is a. key factor in thc
1998 budget. The vote was 312 in
favour, nonc against. The' required
quorum'was 157 votes.
Dicembre '97IGerlliaio98.
news from Italy
Internet access costs 50% less for
Italian 'schools thanks to a deal
between the government and the privatised Italian telecommunications
group Telecom Italia, telecoms under~retaJy Vincenzo Vita announced.
'"'".- ...."
The beads of the public radio and
tclevision broadcaster Raj and the
commercial Tv group Mediaset signed
a code of conduct to apply to prograinming seen by young viewers.
At the erid of a ceremony in the
premier's office marking the completion of the code, Premier Romano
Prodi said the new rules aimed at
safcguarding under-age viewers were
"ample, organic and original."
E' croUato un ponte sui torrente
Mazzocco, nel pcsarese, lungo la ex
statale 258 che collega Novafeltria a
Rimini. II crollo e' avvenuto a Tore110, frazione di San Leo, e ha travolto
un autocarro. II conducente e' stato
soccorso e portato in ospedale.
A1l'origine del crollo cl sono probabilmente le fom piogge che cadono sulla
There are about 25,000 foreign prostitutes in Italy, according to figures
released by the United Nations inte~­
national .crime . prevention centre.,
Between 70 and 80 percent of them
work, on the' streets, most of them
from Nigeria, Albania and eastern
European countrieS, and at least 2,000
of the women have been forced into
prostitution, the report said. The data
was presented at the,second international conference', cn· the sexual ex,ploitation of women. ,wIiich said that
prostitution was increasing dramatically and had become a "business"
generating at least 5 trillion lire a
year (3 billion dollars) in Italy alone.
Continua a dare segnali confortanti
I'economia nazionale. In base alIa
stima prcliminare deU'Istat, iI Prodotto
interno lordo e' aumentato nel terzo
trimestre del '97 dell'l, 9%, rispetto
a110 stesso periodo del '96 e dello 0,
4% suI trimestre precedente.
Per la prima volta nella storia trentcnnale dei sinodi dei vescovi, nessun
preSule si e' iscritto al gmppo di Yields on 12-month Italian Treasury
lavoro in latino; e' accaduto a1l'as- bonds (BOts) tumbled below 5% to
scinblea sinOdale sull'America, comin- 4.75%, down by 0.28 points, while
ciata in Vaticano. La lingua dei padri 3-month and 6·month yields sank to
dclla Chiesa c' stata snobbata,(o forse record lows of 5.130/.. down 0.13
c' poco conosciuta) dai 297 vescovi e point since the previous auction, and
cardinali del Nuovo Mondo, i quali to 5.010/.. down 0.14 points.
hanno preferito i "Circuli minores"
(gruppi di studio) nelle Iingue "vol- As private as his reputation for
gari": inglese, spagnolo, portogbese e, reservedness suggests, Mediobanca's
pcrfino, italiano.
honorary chairman, Enrico Cueeia,
marked his 90th birthday mth not
La guardia. di Finanza ha trovato a even his own staff knomng how he
sud di Brindisi piu' di un quintale di spent it. Seerecy and avoidanCe of the
marijuana in una macchina che i limelight has been the Sicilian-born
militari stavano inseguendo. La droga banker's style since he came to Milan
vcrrebbc dall'A1bania. L'auto sospetta and then set up Mediobanca as the
cra stata abhandonata in una stmda a fulcrum of Italian reconstruction after
Torre Mattarelle.
World War 11.
Oggetti Religiosi
Ogni domenica dalle 9.45 am - 2.00pm al No.2 Back Hilt
Potete trovare tutti gli oggetti religiosi per:
Prima Comunione, Cresima, Matrimoni, Benedizione del
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December 97/January 98
La Vita deUa nostra Parrocchia
Sono nati alia vita di Dio con it Santo Battesimo
Jordan Mattco Walker: MaIk Walker e Liliana Gusclli
Fabio James Vincenti: Giuseppe Vincenti e Teresa Nixon
Matthew A1essandro Vincenti: Giuscppe Vincenti e Teresa Nixon
Gemma Nadia Vincent!: Giuseppe Vinceoti e TeiesaNixon
Jack Antonio Davis: Neil Davis e Oriaona Perotti
Paolo Pretara: Mario Pretara e Sevil Mehmet
Francesca Nicola Amorette Mammato: Peter Mammato e Nicola Reeves
Louisa Mana Gallo: Maurizio GaIlO e Carolina Dioan
Santino Lysandrou Napolitano: Giovanni Napolitano e Eva Mamas
Luciano Salvatore Maggistro: Giacomino Maggistro e Veline Contenta
OIivia Teresa Duarte: eatlos Duane e Claudia Casale
Leila Vene:zia Viglione: Riccardo Viglione e Maria Martino
Thomas Anthony France: Bernard France e Claire Wiliiams
Clara Anna Adriana Sartori: F1avio Sartori e Monica Solari
SashaElcna Spadafora: Giuseppe Spadafora e Carmelina Mareo
naria Micle: Angelo -AntoRlo Miele Luisa Falace
Stefano Antonio Miele: Silvano Miele e Maria Falace
Sasha Samuel!: Joel Samuels e Gabriella Ponzini
Amy Virginia Pe:zzin: Claudio Pezzin e Elena Cereia Varale
Dulcie Jacqueline Braddell: John Braddell Cl Svetlana Morrone
Kristoffer Antbony Bnlno Magro-Pergrossi: Fausto Pergrossi e Karina Magro
Paul Stepbcn Menozzi: Stephen Menozzi e Traey Mullen
Nicholas Callum MenOZli: Stepben Menozzi e Traey Mullen
Giovanni Nicco)o' Povinelli: Paolo Povinelli e Pauline Barham
Hannah Trenbolm: John Trenholm e Patricia Bellieni
Roberto Evangelista: Silvio Evangelista e Graziella Di Ponle
Erika SCbiavone: Tony Schiavone e Gina Borella
Sonia Martinelli: A1berto Martinelli e Massima Salvadori
Alexander John Leslie Read: Leonard Read e Caroline Lovett
Francesca Margarita Annc Read: Leonard Read e Caroline Lovett
Rebeeca Sopbie Maearee: David Macaree e Lucia Bagnoli
Donato Annessa: Domenico Annessa e Mary Balfe
Pierluigi Valencia: Jorge Valencia e Gabriella Bragoli
Hannounito le loro vite davanti a Dio nel Matrimonio
Marco Silva e Amanda Rossetti
Giarmi Ponzini c Antonia Merola
Marios O'Connell e Adriana Imerini
Lucio Mingoia e Christina Delmi
Michele Moscatiello e Lorelta Zucconi
Bernard Webb c Gina Yeales
Lawrence Manani c AnnaMaria Opel
A1do Davies e Giuscppina Croci
Riposano nella Pace del nostro Signore
Slefanolti Giovanni
Maurizio Ptitwlu
Dean Monserrat
Francesco Pacinclla
Luigi Leccacorvi
Giuscppe Pellicci
Elisabelta Delle Donne
Renzo F3bbri
Elisabeth Heissl
Eriano Qualtromini
Maria Bertolini
Mario Longazelti
Luigi Cennamo
Rosa Marzocchi
Giuscppe Vella
Marina Indorni
Anthony Phillips
lola Pini
Dlcembre 971Gennalo 98
--- -
There will be strict dress code' of No Jeans or Trahiers in Enzo's
Nightclub, but we would hope you will take the opportunity to
really dress up. We always have a great time!
Arrive early on 31st December to take full advantage of the fine
facilities at The Inn. All the rooms are en-suite, with satellite
televisZon;tea and coffee making facilities, direct dial telephone etc.
T,he Inn is set in countryside with a golf club opposite. The ancient
and fascinating city of Salisbury is nearby, and there are many places
of interest to visit. Alternatively spend the day relaxing here. The
Leisure Club has a fUlly equipped gymnasium, a large sauna, a
wondetful heated swimming pool, and a big jacuzzi - it is amazing
how you can switch off in the bubbles.
The celebrations begin at 8 p.m, although the bars are open from 6
p.m for drinks or cocktails. Enjoy the Gala Dinner and Celebrations
until 2 a.m. (officially!). On N~ Year's Day morning, from 10 am-I
pm, we will be serving a super Bucks
. Fizz Brunch to set you up
£85 per person
Accommodation prices are per person, sharing and double or twin room. Single supplement is £15 per night.
Check out time i. 1 p.m on -1st January.
M3 West out of London, filter onto A303 just past exit 8, signposted SalisburylExeter.
Straight Hon to Amesbury. Turn left iD the A345 at Amesbury, and we are three and a
half miles on the right, opposite the High Post' Golf Club.
Phone Marilyn or Gillian
. on 01722
. 782592
ProprietOfSJ E'ozo and G4iNl Sguegba • AtlmiOo$tratcr~ M.irJfyn Po-NeJl
fllO Inn. iJ'9" PosI. Nr Salrsbury. WlltsOOo. SP4 (-AT
TefephOM' (0)722) 782~~2· Fax. (OI?22) 78r030
VAT N" 450 24$3 80
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Dicembre 97
Halloween al Youth Club
Continua da pagina 15
E' stata beIlissima la serata di Halloween nel nostro
Youth club. I nostri bei bambini si sono mascherati e,
come vuole la tradizione erano paurosi: ma sono sempre i
nostri bei bambini. E' stata bella la serata perche' sono
intervenuti anchc i genitori. E' stato un' ritomo nel
passato: i genitori si sOno rivisti tutti bambini quando
venivano qui nel Youth Club. Ed e' stato anchc
commovente per tUtti: i bambini e le bambine di un tempo
sono ora papa' e mamme che combaltono con i loro
figlioli. Ve 10 abbiamo delto tante volte: mandate i vostri
figli a qucsto Clubl C'e' sempre un gruppo di genitori (i
vostri amici)' che controllano la situazione.
Ad oghi modo la festa e' andata bene: mangiare e bere
(coca'colae arariciata) e le gare Per le migliori maschere;
C'crano prclni:.:'riechissimi: pensate, 10 sterline aI primo
e 5 sterline aI sccondo. Ma' anche con iI primo c iI
sccondo, i nostri bambini erano tutti belli (0 brutti?).
Quello che e' stato --:eramente bello era 10 spirito di
divertimento di entusiasmo c che Dio cc 10 conservi.
December 97/January 98
Cavalli, Correte!
E' stata organizzata una corsa di cavalli nel nostro
Social Club: c' stata organizzata dal comitato dell'OGI
del Sl Peter's per raccoglicrc fondi per le Olimpiadi.
Grnzic, earl Amici, per iI vostro impegno: tutti vogliono
cbe si faccia qualcbc cosa per i giovani. ma bisogna
rimboccarsi le rnanicbe c muovcrsi rimcttendoci tempo e
Ad ogni modo ricordiamoci semprc cbe il Signore non
si lascia vincerc in generosita' .
FOIO: Roberto RuIlO
augura a tutli i suoi fedeli lettori e
sDslenilori un oalale di pace e gioia ed
Dicembre 971Gennaio 98
un tranquillo 1998
E' stata organizzata dalla F1LEF una simpaticissima anche se, diciamo cosi', dolorosa festa. Una cinquantina di
amici si sono riuniti a cena ed hanno raccolto una somrna considerevole per un bambino paralitico che vive in Italia.
La festa e' stata aiutata da tanti amici che hanno pagato per le spese: iI bravissimo cantante e. suonatore ha prestato
la sua opera gratuitamente, le signore hanno fatlo miracoli
in cucina. E tutti g1i ospiti hanno contribuito generosamente. Sono sicuro che iI Signore Dio sara' veramente
fiero di tutti questi nostri amici e amiche.
P. Russo
II gruppo nella lista dei volontari del Consolato Generale d'Italia cerea aderenti disposti a donare una parte del
loro tempo libcro per portare conforto e calore umano ai vecchi; ai maIati, ai carcerati per non farli scntire
dimenticati e abbondanati nel periodo difficile della loro vita.
GH interssati sono pregati di telefonare 0 scrivere:
Ufficio Mari Sociali,
Consolato Generale d'Italia,
39 Baton Place,
London, SWIX SAN.
Tel: 0171 235 9371;
Fax: 0171 S23 1609.
Si ricorda che un'impcgno preso sulla parola dcve esscre, per quanto possibile, mantenuto per iI buon
funzionamento del volontariato. .
December !)7/January 98
,-+ ..
In Memoriam
Elizabeth Heissl
Le mic sorelle cd io desidenamo esprimere it
nostro sentissimo ringiaziamento per le numerose
esprcssioni di condoglianza ricevute e per
l'enorme appoggio' mostrato da voi a seguito la
scomparsa della nostra earn mamma.
Ci e stato di conforto sapere che dal momento
che e stata _colpita da un iruarto cercbrale fino
alia sua morte mariuna ha sofferto Pochissimo.
Un particolarc ringraziamento .va a Padre_
Russo che e aceorso all'ospcdale in,_ tempo per
aministriule I'Estrema Unzionc.. My sisters and I appreciate, from the bottom
of our hearts, the numerous expressions of
condolence, flowers and cards received folloWing
our dear mother's'deniise.
It may be of comfort to uS and everyone to
know that.Mum didn't suffer a.lot after having
had a cercbralStroke. Our partiCular gratitude
also goes to Padre RiJsso who came to the
hospital just in time to administer the Last Rites.
- Once niore, thank you 'ru!:.
Vie Heissl
Mino Sozzi
'Mino' Sozzi was born and spent his youth in
Holborn. He worked at The Savoy, Wheeler's and for
Forte. He was a1So secretary of the Catering Football
League. To some people he was known as '11
The Sozzi family wish to thank all those who were
his friends.
He died peacefully in St 1oscph's Hospice.
Dlcembre 971Gennaio 98
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Last Post
Francesco Ciacon
Dear Readers,
Cari Lettori,
We have been deeply touched by the many expressions of
gratitude, regret and good wishes which we have received following
the announcement that BACKHlLL will cease to be publisbed.
The reaction that we have witnessed has caused us to reflect
further and, without making, any promises, we are seriously
considering publishing BACKHlLL a couple of times a year
(possibly for the Procession and Christmas).
In the meantime, out heartfelt thanks to our readers, writers,
advertisers and distributers for such wonderful support over the past
21 years.
Siamo stati molto commossi nei confronti
delle varie espressioni di riconoscimento, rincrescimento e augurio suscitate dalla notizia cbe
BACKHILL ccssed con questo numero. Vi
ringraziamo di cuore per il vostro sostegno
durante gli u1timi 21 anni e per i vostri auguri.
Rimane la possibilita cbe BACKHILL vcrra
pubblicato nel futuro un paio di volte all'anno.
Vi presentiamo alcune tra le numerose lettere
cbe abbiamo ricevuto.
• ...Mille grazie per un iavoro ben fatlo per tanto tempo, Saluti, Remo Pozzi"
·1 really feel I must tell you how sad I was to bear that our friendly family magazine BackhiU is coming to an end.
It will most certainly be missed by everyone because over the years it has given so much pleasure to so many people.
I for one always enjoyed everythinng about it from Padre Russo's Due Parole to Mamma's Ricetta. However, I am
sure everyone (like me) will undcrstand the situation which has been well explained.
A big ·Thank you· to you all for your very hard voluntary work in keeping Backbill going so well, for so long.
May God bless you all. In appreciation I will say arrivederci e grazie. Maria Sterlini·
• ...1 am very sorry to read about the ceasing of publication of the magazine 'BackbiU'. However, I wish to thank
everyone concerned for the exquisite magazine. It has been so interesting in every way and brought back many
touching memories. Once again my grateful thanks to all concerned. Most sincerely, Lina Fe"ari in Tanzi".
• ...Tanto spiacente cbe questa tanto gradita rivista non arrived piu sulla mia porta. Tante grazie a tutti voi cbe
eravate involti,. Cordiali Saluti Alba Gredge·
•... It is with particular sadness and dismay that we read from the November issue of BackbiU that next month's wiU
indeed be the last. It is with much admiration of the achievement of all in the publication of the rivista that has given
me and countless others such much pleasure to read since first publisbed ovcr twenty years ago.
The journal has been uuique and authentic in dcmonstrating the ways and traditions of the Italian people bere in
England many of whom no doubt descend from thc early immigrants of the late nineteenth century. Backhill to mc has
devoted so much and laboured so hard with dedication in promoting friendship and knowledge of the life in the early
days of the "Hill". We of course will appreciate the great contribution that our English friends have made to the
publication of Backhill also.
Many thanks to you all for having done so mucb to promote happiness to so many. With sincere best wisbes. Yours
faithfully, Aifonso Perrone"
We would like to remind our advertisers and subscribers that in order for you to receive any outstanding balance
due,. we need to hear from you by 31 December. Our sincere thanks to all those who have already so generously
donated this balance to St. Peter's Italian Church.
Recipe for Happines
Ricetta della Felicita'
1 sacco d'amore
infinita' di comprensione
1Y:. kg. dolcezza
molta fiducia
baci a volonta'
I saek of love
Unlimited amount of understanding
31bs of sweetness
a good deal of trust
kisses galore
Mescolate gli ingredienti tutti insieme e non puo'
Mix all ingredients togetber and tbere is no possibil-
Dicembre 971Gennaio 98·
ity of failurel
L. Sttumbella
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Leonardo Da Vinci
Nacque ,a Caprcse nel 1475. Fu scultore, pittore e
architetto. Suo maestro fu il pittore Domenico Ghirlandaio. Lavoro a Firenze, Venezia, Bologna e Roma.
Papa Giulio II g1i commissiono la costruzione del proprio
mausolco. La statua del 'Mose' (sotto) che si trova in San
Pietro in Vincoli aRoma doveva far parte del gruppo
marmoreo di questo
mausoleo. Nel 1508
inizio ad affrescare la
'Cappella Sistina' in
Vaticano. Nel 1520 il
cardinale Giulio de'
Medici g1i commissiono
la cappellamedicea: di'
S. Lorenzo a Firenze.
Nel 1524 si stabili nuovamente' aRoma iniziando I'affresco' del
'Giudizio Universale'
nella Cappella Sistina.
Mori ncl 1564 dopo
aver lasciato anche importanti opere di architettura quali la cupola di S Pietro e PaIazzo Famese aRoma.
Figlio naturale di ser Pietro, notaio, di Vinci nacquc iI
15 aprilci 1452. Ventenne, divenne aIlievo del, pittore
Andrea dcl Verrocchi, a Firenze. A Milano, per il duca
Ludovicxi iI Moro, costrui' congegni vellici, progetto'
opere di architettura, scolpi' statue e dipinsenel Cenacolo
di S. Maria delle Grazie "I'IDtima Cena". Lascio'
Milano per Mantova e per Venezia. Viaggio' in Romagna,.
aI servizio di Cesare Borgia, studio' problemi,di idraulica
e di fortificazioni. Gli ultimi anni della .suavita Ii
trascorse ad Amboise (in Francia), dove mori' nel 1519. Il
suo ingcgno 10 rcse versatile nella meccanaica" nella
matematica, nell'ingegneria idraulica, in botanica, in
anatomia e in fisiologia. Tra le suc maggiori opere di
pittura ricordiamo '''La Gi0c<5nda", "La-Vergine e S.
Anna" oggi a Parigi.
Publio Cornelio Scipione
Fu soprannominato I' Africano, per la sua vittoria di
Zama, ciua dell' Africa. Con' tale battaglia termino la
second3: guerra pimica. Egli nacque ncl 235 a.C; e, ancxira
giovane, combatte aI fianco del padre, sui Ticino, contro
Annibale. Nel 204 saIpO verso.1'Africa e pose l'asseWo a
Utica, con I'aiuto di Massinissa, re dci Numidi. Sconfisse
iCartaginsi nei Campi Magni, a Slid di Utica, conl'aiuto
di Massinissa, re dei Numidi. Sconfisse i Cartagincsi nei
campi Magni, a sud di Utica, c infine a Naraggara, prcsSo
Zama (202). Accompagno il fratello Lucio in Asia ma fu
l' Africano la mente direttrice dell'impresa. In realt\ fu un
grandc gcncraIe, ma anchc un valentc uomo politico, in
quanto comJircse I'importanza di convogliare le fonc
cspansionistichcromane ncl Mediterranco, in Asia c in
Africa; Mori nel 183 a Litcmo, in Campania.
Fu il medico inglese (1749-1823) che, per primo, attuo
la vaccinazione antivaiolosa sull'uomo adoprandosi
percbe fosse resa obbligatoria. Egli giunse a qucsta
scOperta quando si accorse che i contadini guariti da
vaiolo bovino non si amma1avano di vaiolo umano. Si
persuase che iI vaiolo vaccino era una difesa contro
quella tcrribilc maIattia chc mieteva vittime in tutto iI
mondo. Dopo vent'anni di cspcricnZc sugli animaIi, si
dccisc a inocullare aI proprio figlio e a se stcsso un pO di
materialc purulcnto, prclevato da pustolc di individui
affetti da vaiolo' vaccino. In segnito, le suc affermazioni
furono confcrmatc dalle ricerche condotte nel campo
Si chiamava Giotto di Bondone e ,nacque e mori a
Firenze (1267-1337). Fu pittore :irchitetto. Cimabue 10
scopri mentre disegnava pccore, sorvegliando i1' greggc.
Di Cimabue divenne il discepolo. Dipinse un cielo di
affreschi nella basilica superiore di San Franccsco, in
Assisi. Dipinse I'affrcsco in Silo Giovanni in Laterano, a
Roma, raffigurante Bonifacio VIII' che pio!:lama iI
Giubileo, (1300). Afi"rescO la Cappella degli Scrovegni, a
Padova; quella dei Bardi a Firenze. IdeO il campanile di S
Maria del Fiore, a Firenze, e ne curO la costruzione, finD
alia morte. Con la sua pittura egli infranse'le regole degli
schemi bizantini e crcO una forma di pittura naturalistica
carica di partecipazionc umana.
Lucio Gi'unio Bruto
Fu detto, il Maggiore, per distinguerlo da Bruto, uno
degli uccisori di Cesare. Fu iI fondatore della Repubblica
Romana (VI'secolo a.C.), dopo la caduta,di Tarquinio iI
SupeJbo, ultimo re di Roma e fratello. di sua madre.
Qucsti fu cacciato dopo chc suo figlio, Scsto Tarquinio,
ebbe moglie diLucrezio. Bruto sollevo il
popolo e I'cscrcito romano contro iI re. Con Collatino fu
il primo console della Repubblica. Mori nella battaglia
della Selva Arsia, ucciso da Aiunte, figlio del SupeJbo, 'in
un crudo scontro che diede la morte a entrambi. Alia sua
figura si ispirano Voltaire, scrittore francese, c Vittorio
Alfieri, poeta e autore di tragedie.
Charles Augustus Lindbergh
Aviatore americano, discendentc da famiglia svedese.
E nato a Detroit nel 1902. Appassionato di aeronautica, a
24 anni /: capopilota dclla Iinca postale St Louis-Chicago.
Sogna di volare da New York a Parigi.. senza scalo.
Infatti, tra il 20 c il 21 maggio del 1927 egli, solo,
transvola I' Atlantico. L'aeroplano si chiama Spirit of St
Louis, /: un monomotore Wright-Whirlwind'223 HP, 9
cilindri a stella, raffrcddato ad aria. Il ,volo dura
esattamcnte ,33 ore e 12 minuti primi per un percorso di,
5.760 km. Il mondo si commuove quando iI ,suo
primogcnito viene rapito e ucciso, nel 1932.
December 971January 98
Crystal Ball
With so many films in production
how can one spot a hit from a flop.
Let's sce,ifyou can.
Among the remakes' are: Doctor
DoolUtle: starring Eddie Murphy, directed by Betty (Hill Street Blues)
Thomas. City of Angels: this remakes
of Wings of Desire deals· With the
romance of a guardian angel who falls
in love with the woman he is assigned
to protect. Whashington Square: this
time' starring Jennifer Jason Leigh,
A1bert Finney and Maggie Smith.
Shaft: first made in '71 is directed by
John Singleton. Secret Life of Waiter
MiIty: starring Jim Carey.
In the meantime John Singleton
has been busy complcting Rosewood.
This is based upon the true incident
about a white mob who attacked a
Deep South town populated mainly by
blacks in 1923. Starring Jon Voight
and Ving Rhames.
Women are starting to make their
mark in films. ,Tina Modotti, the
Italian photographcr, is to be portrayed by Madonna. How Stelhl Got
Her Groove Back may,sound like a
comedy bilt is, in fact, a drama and
stars Whoopi Goldbcrg and Angela
Basset!. Whoopi follows this up with
Deep End of the 'Ocean with
Michelle Pfeiffer. Ms Pfeiffer has
already completed A ThouSand Acres
co-starring Jessica Lange. Jennifer
Jason Leigh makes up the third sister
for this modem day version of King
Lear which relocates to the US Midwest. Jason Robards plays the mad
fathers. Altjelica Huston, Sharon
Stone and Kriston Scot! Thomas share
the Nom Ephron script Cup of Tea.
Ms Huston' directs the tale of a high
socicty love triangle set in NY during
WWI. Chris Columbus directs Susan
Sarandon and Julia Roberts in the
drama Step Moln. Sandra Bullock
(sce photo) leads the Runaway Bride.
This romantic comedy deals with a
woman who leaves a succession of
fiances standing gilted at the altar.
Things take a twist when a newspaper
hatchet man looks into the stol)'.
Hope Floats is next for Sandra this
time co-starring with HarI)' Connick
Jr and Gena: Rowlands. LaStly we
have Ang Lee (Sense and Sensibility)
directing Nicole Kidman in Berlin
Diaries, the account of Marie Vas-
Dlcembre 971Gennalo 98
Agrifog/io Boseo
siltchikov's time in war tom Nazi
Germany as a poor Russian princess
and her involvcmcnt in a Hitlcr
assassination plot. Guess how that onc
Magic Hour takes us on to mixed
pairings with Paul Newman, Susan
Sarandori and Gene Hackman. Robcrt
Redford is set to star and co-produce
with Oliver Stone in George Washington. Christopher L1oyd, leff Daniels, Daryl Hannah and Elizabeth
Hurley -Were filming My Favourite
Martitin during the summer last year.
Adapted from the excellent stage play
script Air Frame. David Mamet directs Steve Martin and Campbell
Soott in his thriller Spanish Prisoner.
Snake Eyes directed by ,Brian DePalma co-stars Nicolas Cage and Gary
Sinise. September was a wrap for
Saving Privote' Ryan. Directed by
Steven Spielberg and starring Tom
Hanks about the WWII Normandy
landings. Dayid Finchcr (Seven) teams
up again with Brad Pitt in Crowded
Room about the 23 multiple personalities of Billy Mulligan.
But perhaps the hardest to predict
leave to last. We will either all be
saying "why did we have to wait so
long?" or cringe at eyery film frame.
Neil Simon has put pen to paper and
scripted Odd Couple 11: Travelin'
Light. To be directed by Howard
Deutch and starring lack Lemmon and
Waiter Matthau.
Coming Soon
comes Rise and Fail of Little Voice
with Jane Horrocks reprising the role
that w3s written for her, though not
after some heated telephone calls.
Along side her is Ewan McGregor.
Sam Mendes, the author, now takes
his place in the director's chair.
Don't worry there are plenty of
films for the boys. Cuba Gooding lr
won ari Oscar and the title lead in
Blaze of Glory the story of Otis
Redding as told by loe Eszterhas.
From the drama of Copland Stallone
next turns to comedy. Brand New
Man finds him as a burglar who
promises his wife to leave behind his
life of crime, only to provoke his
former crime boss who now wants
him dead. Continuing the comedy is
Terry Gilliam who directs 10bnny
Depp 'in Fear and Loothing in Las
Vegas. On a more serious note CostaGavras directs Dustin Hoffman and
John Travolta in Mad CiIy. Antonio
Banderas and Omar Sharif co-star in
Eaters of the Dead, written. by
Michael Crichton who was, mCIdently, recently paid SIOm for thc
Kiss Me GiiUJo. Aspiring actor
Frankie Zito answers a newspaper ad
for a GWM room-mate, thiriking it
means "guy with money". His new
roomie is more interested in "gay
white male". Starring Nick Scotti and
Anthony Barrile. Opens 19 December.
Spiceworld:The .film of the SP!ce
Girls is rumoured to be SO appahng
that the distribution 'company are
refusing advanced preview for reviewers. Opens 26 December.
Hard Eight. Professional gamblers
in Reno. Starring Samuel L. lackson,
Gwyneth Paltrow and lohn C. Reilly.
Opens end December.
Starship Trooper. The big bugs
land on earth. Opens 2 lanuary,.
TIre Jackal A ruthless assassin
(Bruce Willis) is out to eliminate
someone at the highest level in the
US government. Sidney Poitier and
Richard Gere are out to stop him.
Opens 9 lanuary.
The Rainmaker. Written and directed by Francis Ford Coppo\a. Starring Claire Danes, Danny DeVito and
Ion Voight. Opens 13 February.
Amistad. Based on a true story,
Amistad is the saga of a failed mutiny
on board a Spanish slave ship. Steven
Spielberg directs Morgan Freeman,
Nigel Hawthome, Anthony Hopkins
and Matthew McConaughey. Opens
27 February.
As anyone who has read this
column by now will know, my football watching is done at Highbwy
which means that my perspective
undoubtedly does have a red and
white hue.
You will appreciate, therefore, that
with Arsenal's disciplinruy record, I
am entering dangerous territory when
commenting upon the performance of
It is trite but true thiit if there is
not proper respect for the decisions
made by officials then anarchy Will
u1tiinalllly iUle. COntrast tennis in the
McEnroc era with Rugby Union although will the referee be able to
retain his revered position now that
the latter sPort has gone professional?
U1tiniately there can only be respect, if it is earned.
In cricket,.it is encouraging to see .
how many cX"players don the umpire's whites at the end of their
playing careers - 10hnHainpshiie and
Peter Willey being two recent
ples. They underStand the pressures of
playing at the most senior level and in
turn that, knowledge is respected by
the current crop of players. The same
cannot be.said of football.
Is it just an imruJy, overpaid bunch
of prima donnas who need to be
taught a lesson as seems to be the
view of our footballing authorities? If
so, the situation can only deteriorate
and not improve.
I have attended far too many
games and seen too many examples
on television of inconsistent and. poor
refereeing to believe that the fault
rests solely with the players.
First, I am in no doubt that UEFA
must take its share of the blame. The
slightest mistimed tackle now requires
a yellow card. You do not create
discipline by introducing a penalty
which becomes commonplace. The
yellow card should be reserved not for
the technical incident but for genuine
malice and a professional foul. The
red card should be used sparingly for
extreme examples of those offences.
I watched football throughout the
'60s (undoubtedly' an admission
age) and can only recall two sending
off incidents. The first was when big
Ron Yeats and loe Baker' exchanged
Richard Evans
blows in' a fifth round Arsenal -vLiveipool Cup tie and the second was
when Messrs Gould and Sprake had a
bout of fisticuffs during one of the
traditionally notorious Arsenal -vLeeds clashes of that era. In other
words, there·was a recognition that
fans came'to see the players play and
not the referees refereeing.
Has football 'really benefited by
having, as the norm matehes in which
teams regularly end up With only nine
or ten players on the field?
But matters are likely to get
worse. There is talk from Sepp-Blatter
of UEFA that he wants to eliminate
have been innocuous, mistimed tackles i!1 the opposition half of the field.
What evil does the referee really think
he is pnnishing .in' those circumstances? Yet the Feyenoord tackle on
Dennis loon went completely unpun'
What· we really need is referees
who understand the problems of playing the game at the highest level and
who are respected by the players.
Referees who are prepared to blend
into the background and .let. the players get on with the game and' only
interfere to ensure extreme examplesof misbehaviour are curbed. That way
control will be retained. The quickest
way of losing control is to have a
series of petty inconsistent decisions
which .~imply stoke. up frustration to
boiling point I will not name, names
or particular matches which I have in
mindl ..
So yes, I am advocating the professional referee but reCognise that
money is a' problem. The difference) in
salary between .a top player and. a
referee is such that-it is going to (be
difficult to persuade the lan Wrights
of this world to put on an all black (or
green) outfit when they retire in the
same way as some cricketers have
done. Nevertheless, I cannot help but
think thitt highly respected professionals from the Nationwide League could
be encOuraged in' such a career with a
fast track to make sure that they do
not languish the Diadora
League until they arC too old to keep
up with the pace 'of play.
Our footballing authoritieS really
do need to look at' the' heart of the
problem 'and not simply regurgitate
that the referee is always right unless
he admits a mistake when the videO
evidence is shoWn to him.
Yes, the referee's job is a hard one
and so he should be properly remunerated, so that his worth is recognised and the proper people are
attracted to fu1fi1 the role who will
earn the respect of the players. This
problem needs to be urgently ad-
the sliding tackle and possibly tackles
a1togetherl We really Will be having
handbags at five 'paces and whilst no
one wants skill to be destroyed by
brute force - there must be a happy
One of the great joys for me in my
considerably younger days was' to
employ the sliding tackle and come
off the field covered in mud after
playing on a traditional mid-winter
pitch. The essence of skill is to
overcome reasonable force and not
eliminate that force altogether..
If I can put on my red and white
glasses for a moment - where is the
protection of skill when the first dressed.
Here endetb the sermon for the
Arsenal player to receive. five bookings is the notorioUsly quiet and even- final time. Thank you for reading me
tempered Dennis Bergkamp? Having for the last 21 years - I wi~1 miss you.
seen one or two of his bookings, they
December 97/January 98
Pallavolo: La classifica di Al
A1pitour Traco CN 14; Casa MO
Unibon 14; Sislcy Treviso 12; Lube
Banca Marchc
10; Conad Ferrara
10; Gabeca Fad Mont 8; Iucker
Padova 6; Mirabilandia RA 6;
Piaggio Roma 6; ComCavi Multim.
4; Cosmogas Forli' 2; leans Hatu'
Calcio: Ognuna delle 32 squadre che
si sono qualificate alia fase finale
della Coppa del Mondo di calcio
'Francia '98', avra' almeno 3 milioni di
dollari, circa 5.1 miliardi di lire. La
somrna, che vena' versata dalla Fifa,
sara' conscgnata alle federazioni in
due tempi diversi., La prima 'tranche'
di mezzo milione di dollari vena'
versata, come "costi, di preparazione",
prima dell'inizio della'manifestazione.
Per ognuna delle tre gare del girone
di qualific3zione la Fifa dara' alle
nazionali 800mila dollari ad incontro.
Questo '''PfcmiO''; che sara' valido
anche per le altre sfide, pennettera'
alia squadra campione del Mondo ed
all'altra finalista digwidagnere circa
sci milioni di dollari, circa 10 mil-
Sahdro Pratoli
Calcio: L'attaccante della Lazio Pugile: A1essandro Duran ha riconGiuseppe Siguori (sotto) c' dcciso a quistato un soll'erto ma meritato titulo
firmare I'accordo che 10 portera' alia mondiale Wbu dei welter battendo iI
sudafricano Peter Malinga. Vittoria
non unanime con due giudici su !re a
favore del pugile ferrarese (117-111,
115-113, 114-114). A menu di quattro
mcsi dall'incontro vinto da Malinga
con un discuSso verdetto (il servizio),
A1essandro Duran, 32 anni, si e' cosi'
ripreso iI titolo.
Sti: Brillante prova di Isolde Kostner
nel primo supergigante di stagione. La
discesista gardenese e" giunta seconda,
preceduta di 64 centcsimi dalla tedcsca Katja Seizinger che centra iI
29° succcsso in"cilppa del mondo, iI
13° in Super-G. Sui podio, ad appena
due centcsimi dall'italiana. un'altra
tedcsca Katharina Gutensohn.
Pallanuoto: II Th~mis Posillipo
colleziona la seconda vittoria nel
tumo preliminare di coppa campioni.
I rossoverdi hanno superato gIi spagnoli del Barcellona travolgendoli per
Rugby: 27-year-old Chester Willianis, 16-6
the only black· player in the South
Mrican side that won the last World Ginnastica: L'azzurro Andrea MasRugby Cup in 1995, flew in to play succhi, medaglia d'argento ai
with a local club, Depofarrna Casale, Mondiali dello scorso anno, e' morto
Tennis: The chairman of the Italian near Torino. Casale sui Sile, to give in un incidente stradaIe awenuto
Tennis Federation Paolo Galgani the town its full name, is in the A-2 sull'A4 nel territorio di Vercelli. Nato
stepped down today after 21 years at pool of weaker clubs in the Italian a Mortara 23 anni fa, Massucchi era
the helm after. a rising wave of protest .rugby league, but Williams is hoping un vero' talento . nalurate; arrivo' alia
at the federation's failure to produce to use his Italian stay to to help it medaglia d'argento mondiale nel volttop-level players.
achieve "important" results. He is also eggio aI cayatlo.
hoping to get back into full playing
Atletica: In occasione della fonn after a serious kDce problem.
Sti: II doppio azzurro costituito da
proclamazione a Montecarlo degli,
Gcrhard" Plankensteiner ed OswaId
Haselrieder si e' piazzato aI secondo
"Atleti dell'anno '97", it dancse- Pu'1 t Mi hIP' . '11 ha
kenyota . Wilson Kipketer e I'ameri,.. a 0:. • c e e ICCID o. con- posto nell'odierna gara di doppio
cana Marion Iones, iI presidente della qwstato 11 titolo europeo del su~r­ maschile di coppa del mondo di
federazione internazionale di atletica welter sco~ggen,~o per ko teeruco slittino, ed e' cosi' salito aI secondo
leggera (laa/), Primo Ncbiolo, ha alia nona npresa I mglese McCreesh.
posto anche nella classifica generale,
annunciato iI varo dalla prossima
alle spalle degli americani Mark
stagione di un nuovo 'tomeo di elite, Basket: L'Italia di Bogdan Tanjevic, Grimette e Brian Martin, vincitori
nell'ambito del gia' collaudato.circuito ha battuto a Ferrara la Repubblica della gara odierna.
Grand Prix: si chiamera' "Golden Ceca per 84 a 60, gara valida per la
League" (Lega d'oro), si articolera' in qualificazione agli Europei del 99. Football: Carlo Mazzone has quit his
sci appuntamenti 0 forsc sctte e Ner primo tempo g1i azzurri avevano post as coach of the Napoli soccer
mettera' 'in patio un super-premio da concluso con un risultato di 45 a 32. club after four straight losses left the
un milione di dollari, pari a circa un Gli 3zzurri hanno disputato una prova first division team in last place.
miliardo e 700 milioni di lire. Tra i decisamente positiva in particolare "In Italy, after four straight defeats a
meeting della "Golden league" ci sara' con iI 'Ronaldo del basket' Carton coach has the moral obligation to
anche Rorna, da dove la nuova Maycrs, con Pozzecco, definito' iI leave,' Mazzone told ANSA, adding,
manifestiizione scattera' it 14 luglio Vialli del basket e con iI giovane "it is for this, and not other reason,
Menegbin, figlio del popolare Dino.
that I have resigned as Napoli coach".
Dlcembre 971Gennalo 98
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Dicembre 97
:tf:.~EUA CO~I1JNlTA'
Tempo Libero
Fill in the,areas marked with a dot.
Join the dots in the numbered sequence.
5 items missing. what are they?
IThe second, third and fourth pictures each have'
The two pictures have '1 items in common. Can you spot them?
Mamma's Ricetta
Mrs. M. G.
Let me end at the beginning: as my farewell, I thought that I would reproduce the recipe from the first
Christmas edition of BACKHILL in 19771
Ravioli alIa Casalinga
Home Mad~ Ravioli
350 gr inuscolo, Y. gaJlina e 0550 di manzo
170 gr pane gra~giato
170 gr pannigiano 0 100 gr pannigiano e SO gr pecorino
y. cucchiaino di pepe
y. cuechiaino di spezie
Y. cucchiaino di noce moscata
L cuechiaio sale
Cucinate il muscolo, la gallina el'0550 in acqua salata.
Quando la came' sar.\ cotta, togliete le ossa ed il grasso e
passate la came nel maccinino 0 tritatela molto fine.
Mettete il pane grattugiato in un recipiente. Aggiungete la
came maccinata, il sale, il pepe, le spezie e la noce
moscata e mescolate tutto insieme con un chcchiao di
legno. Aggiimgete 3 tazze del brodo bolleilte. Mescolate
bene e lasciate-raffredare. Aggiungete il pannigiano poi le
uova uno alIa volta fincM avrete un ripieno, ne troppo
soffice ne troppo duro.
y. Ib leg of beef, Y. chicken and a beef bone
60z breadcrumbs
6 oz Parmesan or 4 oz Parmesan and 2 oz pecorino
y. teaspoon pepper
Y. teaspoon .mixedspice
y. teaspo<innutmeg
1 tablespoon salt"
4 eggs" ..
Cook the leg of beef, chicken and bone in a saucepan
of salted water; When: the meat is cooked, remove
bones and fat and pass the meat through.the mincer or
chop it very very finely. Place the bceadcrumbs in a
large bowl and add the minced meat, salt and pepper,
spices and nutmeg. Mix thoroughly with a wooden
spoon. Add 2 cups of boiling broth in which the iDeat
has been cooked. Mix, thoroughly and allow to cool.
Add Parmesan and mix. Add the eggs one at a time
until a thick stuffing is obtained. It must be neither too
wet nor too' dry.
n Ripieno
La Pasta
500 gr farina
1 cucchiaio sale
4 uova
4 cucchiai d'acqua
Mescolate insieme il sale e la farina. Fate un bucO nel
centro deUa farina e nel mezzo rompete le uova e versate
I'acqua. Lavorate tutto insicme con le punte deUe dita. (I
principianti troveranno piu facile mcscolare in un recipi·
cnte). Continuate ad impastare suUa tavola per circa 5
minutLfinche la pasta sia Iiscia e di giusto consistenza.
Coprite con una salvietta e lasciatela riposare per circa 20
1 Ib flour
1 tablesPoon salt
4 eggs, beaten
y. cup of water
Mix the salt into the flour. Make a·weU in the Centre
of the "flour and add the eggs and water. Work into the
flour with fingertips. (Beginners may find it easier to
do this "in "li bOwl):- Place onto a table and continue
kneading for about 5 minutes until the pasta is smooth
and pliable. Cover over with a cloth and leave for
about 20 minutes.
I Ravioli
Prendcte met\ deUa pasta e con il mattereUo tiratela molto
sottile. Con un" cucchiaio cd una forehetta, disponete il
ripieno su una linea diretta suU'orIo deUa sfoglia in
mucchietti. Rivoltate qUest3 in modo di ricoprire la fila di
ripieno. Schiacciate leggerrnente con le dita la pasta Ira Un
mucchietto e I'altro. Tagliate attorno ognuno con la roteUa.
Continuate finche non avrete consumato tutta la pasta.
Lasciate sccc:ire. per almeno 2 ore. Qucsti ravioli possono
essere surgelati.
The Ravioli
Roll out half the pastry thinly. Using a spoon and fork,
put little mounds of the filling, about 1It,' apart, on the
edge of the pastry. Fold these over onto the pastry.
Press down the edges with your fingers and make
spaces betwcen the mounds. Cut around each mound
with a pastry cutter or a sharp knife. Continue placing
mounds of filling and folding them until all the pastry
has been used. Allow to dry for at least 2 hours. These
ravioli may be frozen if desired.
Questi ravioli po55Ono essere bolliti in acqua salata, scolati
e poi conditi con sugo e forrnaggio parrnigiano; 0 bolliti in
un buon brodo di rnanzo e gallina e poi serviti cOn
The ravioli can be cooked in salted water, drained and
served with a Bolognese Sauce and Parmesan cheese
or cooked .in a good meat and chicken broth and
served With a sprinkling of Parrnesan.
December 97/Janury 98
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