Eleonora Raimondo in arte Ele Raiworld nasce a


Eleonora Raimondo in arte Ele Raiworld nasce a
Biografia Ele Raiworld
Eleonora Raimondo in arte Ele Raiworld nasce a Salerno nel 1986. Frequenta il liceo
classico di Eboli e prosegue i suoi studi presso il Dipartimento di Arti visive, Musica e
Spettacolo ove ricopre la carica di rappresentante degli studenti. Nel 2009 si laurea
anzitempo in Regia- Coordinatore di teatro, con una tesi sperimentale in diritto d'autore,
relatore ill.ssimo Avv. Giorgio Assumma.
Nel 2010 la casa editrice Montecovello pubblica la tesi con il titolo de "Il produttore
cinematografico tutelato dalla legge sul diritto d'autore".
Nel 2011 consegue anzitempo la laurea magistrale con lode, presso Roma Tre in CinemaTelevisione e Produzioni Multimediali con una tesi in show business, relatore il chiarissimo
prof. Vito Zagarrio per cui pubblica diversi saggi nel libro Istantanee Cinematografiche
edito da Bologna Editore 2012.
Vive e soggiorna all'estero dove frequenta corsi di lingua e di formazione professionale.
Dal 2012 opera a Salerno nel campo dell'audiovisivo con una sua piccola produzione
Appassionata di storia e di diritto, umilmente si presta a servizio dell'arte.
Ele Raiworld’s biography
Eleonora Raimondo was born in Salerno in 1986. She attended the Classical Secondary School
in Eboli and continued her studies at the Department of Visual Arts, Music and Performing Arts
where she became a student representative.
In 2009 she graduated ahead of time in Theatre Direction-Coordination, with an experimental
thesis on copyright, her supervisor being Doctor of Law Giorgio Assumma. In 2010 her thesis
was published by Montecovello Editore entitled "The Cinema Producer protected by Copyright
In 2011 Eleonora achieved a Master Degree ahead of time and with honours,
in Cinema ,Television and Multi Medial Production at Roma Tre, with a thesis on Show
Business. Her supervisor was Prof. Vito Zagarrio for whom she published various essays in the
book "Istantanee Cinematografiche" (Cinema Shots) published by Bologna Editore 2012.
Eleonora has lived abroad, attending language and professional study courses.
Since 2012 she has worked in Salerno in the field of audiovisual production with her own small,
independent production unit.
Enthusiastic about History and Law, with humility she offers her services to Art.
Progetto: Eboli
The explanation of why "Christ stopped at Eboli" is at the root of this project.
The oral tradition of Lucania which inspired Carlo Levi indicates Eboli as the town to name because of its
"We are not Christians. Christ stopped short of here. At Eboli." By Christians they meant human beings.
These are the words of the peasants in a village where Carlo Levi spent his wartime internment. They
inspired the title of his book "Christ stopped at Eboli" about those people who considered that they were
still locked in the Dark Ages.
Eleonora Raimondo's film "Eboli before and after Christ" explains how Eboli has been enlightened by
successive conquerors, the Christian Faith, History, Learning and communications. Her faith is attested by
the many churches and monasteries. Her learning by the many and various schools which gave an
education to a vast population and gave birth to her writers and poets.
A tour de force through the centuries to an historical rediscovery of Eboli in order to work out from it the
binomial Christ / Eboli.