“Dialoghi” in our Institute. The show will contain works by artists


“Dialoghi” in our Institute. The show will contain works by artists
Con il Patrocinio
Provincia di Livorno
Con il Patrocinio
Comune di San Felice del Benaco
Japan Jewellery Designers Association
Comune di
Istituto Italiano
di Cultura
Con il contributo di
Museo di Storia
Naturale del Mediterraneo
Museo Bijou
di Casalmaggiore
4-11 Giugno 2016 Livorno
25 Giugno - 24 Luglio 2016 S. Felice/Benaco
24 Settembre - 6 Novembre 2016 Padova
26 Novembre 2016 - 15 Gennaio 2017 Casalmaggiore
1. Istituto Italiano di Cultura Tokyo
2. Yamanashi Jewellery Museum
3. Shiinoki Cultural Complex, Ishikawa Prefecture
4. Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo Livorno
5. Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli S. Felice/Benaco
6. Oratorio di San Rocco Padova
7. Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore
La vocazione a rapporti internazionali con l’Estremo Oriente, da cui il territorio veneto ha tratto storicamente costruttive influenze,
ha origini antiche. Sin dal lontano XIII secolo il veneziano Marco Polo intraprese un lungo viaggio che lo condusse attraverso il
Catai sino al Cipango, terra dalla ricca cultura; si diede così inizio ad una proficua relazione tra i due paesi -Italia e Giappone- che
lungo i secoli si è sempre più consolidata, rafforzata e ampliata tanto che nel 2016 ricorre l’anniversario del Trattato di amicizia
e commercio tra i due.
L’Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Padova, Settore Cultura, Turismo, Musei e Biblioteche, nel perseguimento dei propri
obiettivi ha la promozione delle arti, della cultura e anche della Città, con l’organizzazione di eventi culturali quali mostre di caratura
internazionale. Particolarmente consolidata è l’attenzione e la ricerca nell’ambito della gioielleria contemporanea. A motivo di
ciò è stata accolta con entusiasmo la richiesta di ospitare nel cinquecentesco Oratorio di San Rocco la mostra itinerante Gioielli
Dialoghi, progettata sotto l’insegna della collaborazione e scambio culturale tra l’AGC (Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo) e la
JJDA (Japan Jewellery Designer Association). Con soddisfazione la Città di Padova quindi, dopo le tappe di Tokyo, Kofu, Livorno
e Cisano di San Felice del Benaco ospita ora le creazioni di ottanta artisti - quaranta giapponesi membri della JJDA e quaranta
italiani membri della AGC - che si sono messi in dialogo, lavorando in coppia e mettendo così a confronto culture, esperienze,
tradizioni, conoscenze e filosofie.
The desire- even a vocation for international relations with the Orient, from which Venetian territory has historically benefited in
so many ways, has ancient origins. Since the far-off 13th century, when the Venetian Marco Polo understook an enormously long
journey which led him across Cathay as far as a land of rich culture called Cipango, profitable relationships have developed between
Italy and Japan. Over the centuries, this link has become increasingly close, strengthened and amplified, reaching the year 2016
with the anniversary of the Treaty of Friendship and Trade between them.
The councillor for Cultural Affairs (Sector of Culture, Tourism, Museums and Libraries of the City of Padova) has been actively following
these aims in promoting events in Padova, organising, among other events, also,international exhibitions. Attention and research
within the setting of contemporary jewellery are particularly well-established themes, and it was for this reason that the request
to set the itinerant exhibition Contemporary Jewellery in the 15th-century Oratory of San Rocco was welcomed enthusiastically.
This edition is entitled Dialoghi, planned with the collaboration and cultural exchange expertise between the Italian AGC Associazione
Gioiello Contemporaneo and the JJDA Japan Jewellery Designer Association. It is thus with pleasure and satisfaction that, after
shows in Tokyo, Kofu, Livorno and Cisano di San Felice del Benaco the City of Padova now welcomes the creations of eighty artists.
Forty Japanese members of the JJDA and forty Italians from the AGC, have initiated their dialogue, working in pairs and thus able
to compare intimately the culture, knowledge, traditions, experience and philosophies of each country.
Massimo Bitonci, Il Sindaco / Mayor, City of Padova
Matteo Cavatton, L’Assessore alla Cultura / Councillor for Cultural Affairs
a creazione di un’opera d’arte rappresenta un percorso creativo frutto di un’emozione, di riflessione, di un bisogno di dialogare
con se stessi, con il pubblico, con il proprio mondo interiore e con quello esterno. Se poi vengono poste in relazione tra loro culture
diverse, ciò che ne scaturisce non può essere che interessante e stimolante.
È nata così questa mostra dove, attraverso il confronto e il dialogo che scaturiscono dalle opere, il linguaggio e lo stile italiano
incontrano il gusto del Paese del Sol Levante: l’Occidente ha quindi l’opportunità di raffrontarsi, attraverso il medium del gioiello
d’autore, con l’Oriente in un racconto a più voci che rivela peculiarità e stilemi differenti, sicuramente lontani ma accomunati dalla
passione per l’arte, per la gioielleria di ricerca e la contemporaneità. Gli artisti coinvolti hanno lavorato in coppia traendo spunto
da elementi peculiari del Paese straniero di cui sono stati chiamati a indagare ambiente, cultura, costume e stilemi.
Ne è derivato un dialogo avvincente, di confronto e incontro, che si è reciprocamente arricchito in una collaborazione che ha dato
vita ad affascinanti creazioni dove spiccano originalità, design, eleganza, geometrica armonia, capacità tecniche, senso del colore
e sapienza nell’utilizzo dei materiali.
L’invito al pubblico è quello di visitare la mostra per conoscere e apprezzare i gioielli unici che da questa ricerca sono derivati,
opere d’arte particolari che sintetizzano le emozioni e le capacità interpretative degli artisti di fronte alle suggestioni inconsuete
che Paesi così lontani inevitabilmente sanno suscitare. Non dimenticando il proverbio giapponese che recita «Cento sentire non
valgono un vedere».
he creation of a work of art may be likened to a journey through the artist’s mind: it derives from a feeling, a reflection on
something which arouses the artist’s curiosity, or the need to talk to oneself and to the public at large; it is a discourse between
one’s interior world and the real world outside. If all these feelings are set in relation to other, different cultures, the result can
hardly fail to be interesting and stimulating.
It was with these thoughts in mind that this exhibition was organised. Through comparison and dialogue, the Italian language and
style encounter those of the Country of the Rising Sun. The West can thus compare itself with that country through the medium of
an original, carefully crafted jewel. It can speak to the Orient in a story recounted by several people, revealing differing peculiarities
and styles; it is certainly remote, but it is still connected to us by a passion for jewellery which is the result of contemporary research.
The artists whose works are presented here worked in pairs, deriving ideas from the special elements of the foreign country they
are now studying: its environment, culture, customs and styles.
The result is a fascinating dialogue between comparisons and encounters, reciprocally enriched to produce enthralling creations
in which originality, design, elegance, geometric harmony, technical abilities, sense of colour and expert use of materials all make
their appearance.
We invite the public to visit the exhibition to appreciate these unique jewels, the results of a detailed, particular kind of artwork,
which combines the artists’ emotions and their capacities for interpretation when they experience this unusual encounter with such
distant lands. Let us not forget the Japanese proverb: “Seeing is more than hearing a hundred words”.
Mirella Cisotto, Capo Settore Cultura, Turismo, Musei e Biblioteche
Head, Sector for Culture, Tourism, Museums and Libraries - City of Padova
Sono particolarmente lieto di ospitare presso il nostro Istituto la mostra “Dialoghi” in cui sono esposte le opere realizzate da artisti
appartenenti all’AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo e alla JJDA Japanese Jewellery Design Association. Si tratta della
prima tappa di un percorso che toccherà varie prestigiose sedi in Giappone e in Italia nel corso di quest’anno 2015 e del prossimo.
La mostra nasce dalla scelta di queste due importanti associazioni che hanno deciso, come il titolo della mostra suggerisce, di far
“dialogare” tra loro i propri artisti, utilizzando come elemento principale di comunicazione le opere e non le parole. Del resto, quale
modo migliore per degli artisti di manifestare i loro pensieri, sentimenti, gusti estetici, che esprimerli attraverso il proprio lavoro?
Come è noto, il prossimo anno ricorrerà l’anniversario dei 150 anni di amicizia tra Italia e Giappone. Infatti il primo Trattato di
Amicizia e Commercio fra il Regno d’Italia e l’Impero del Giappone fu firmato nel 1866. L’Istituto Italiano di Cultura intende celebrare
l’anniversario con diverse iniziative che vedranno rappresentanti dell’arte e della cultura giapponesi e italiane dialogare tra loro.
Questa mostra, con la sua enfasi sullo scambio artistico tra i due paesi, rivolta a stimolare la creatività di entrambe le parti e a
rafforzarne l’amicizia, anticipa lo spirito delle prossime celebrazioni. Non ho ancora potuto ammirare le opere da vicino, ma nel
vedere le foto dei gioielli realizzati da questi designer pieni di talento mi sono reso conto che lo scopo dell’iniziativa è già stato
raggiunto. Gli artisti giapponesi e quelli italiani si sono scambiati fra loro dei temi che fossero idee e fonti di ispirazione su cui
lavorare. Ognuno quindi si è concentrato sul tema che gli era stato assegnato, libero però di interpretarlo a modo suo. Ho trovato
interessante e sorprendente il modo in cui ogni artista ha svolto il proprio tema, usando la sua immaginazione. Il risultato sono
dei gioielli in cui la vera gemma è la fantasia, e dove a brillare è soprattutto la gioia dell’invenzione. Chi è abituato a considerare
il gioiello come espressione del lusso, questa volta scoprirà in esso una dimensione diversa: il gioiello come un luogo in cui due
sensibilità apparentemente straniere l’italiana e la giapponese si incontrano, riconoscendosi diverse ma scoprendosi anche
intimamente vicine. Auguro a questa mostra grande successo a Tokyo e nelle tappe che seguiranno.
am especially pleased to be able to welcome the exhibition “Dialoghi” in our Institute. The show will contain works by artists
belong to the Italian AGC (Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneao) and the JJDA (Japanese Jewellery Design Association). This
is the first step along a course which will reach several prestigious museums in Japan and Italy during 2015 and also next year.
The exhibition was chosen by these two important associations, which have decided, as the title of the show indicates, to hold true
dialogues with its artists - using their works, not words - as the main element of communication. What better way for artists to
express their thoughts, feelings and aesthetic tastes, than by presenting us with their own works? Next year will see the anniversary
of 150 years of friendship between Italy and Japan. The first Treaty of Friendship and Trade between the Kingdom of Italy and the
Empire of Japan was signed in 1866. The Italian Institute of Culture wishes to celebrate this anniversary with various initiatives
which will represent Japanese and Italian art and culture as dialogues.
n una costante ricerca e nel solco del rinnovamento nell’ambito del In a constant search, and by following the renewal in the context of
contemporaneo, l’Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo AGC contemporary jewelry, the Association of Contemporary Jewellery AGC
e JJDA Associazione del Gioiello Giapponese hanno creato un’intesa
di sviluppo per un nuovo progetto di relazione e proposta di scambio
culturale con la mostra “Dialoghi”. I membri delle due istituzioni si
sono posti in un confronto alla pari, al fine di realizzare i gioielli per
le esposizioni che si sono tenute nel 2015 in Giappone ed in questo
anno 2016 nelle diverse prestigiose sedi museali di Livorno, Cisano
di S.Felice/Benaco Fondazione Cominelli, Padova e Casalmaggiore.
Ringraziamo il Direttore Giorgio Amitrano, per l’ospitalità data alla
mostra “Dialoghi” che si è svolta all’Istituto di Cultura Italiano a Tokyo
dando visibilità e voce alle creazioni dei partecipanti e aprendo così
lo scambio tra i due Paesi.
Ringraziamo tutte le sedi museali in Giappone e in Italia.
Ringrazio la Presidente Takako Komiya e tutto il direttivo JJDA per
l’organizzazione, ringrazio il Maestro Yutaka Nagai per la costante
collaborazione. Da parte anche del Direttivo un ringraziamento al
Sindaco di Padova Massimo Bitonci, all’Assessore alla Cultura Matteo
Cavatton ed al Capo Settore attività Culturali di Padova Mirella Cisotto
Nalon che pone sempre particolare attenzione alla nostra Associazione
AGC valorizzando in tal modo i nostri progetti.
and JJDA Association of Japanese Jewel, have created an agreement
for a new cultural exchange with the exhibition “Dialoghi”. The members
of the two institutions are placed in an equal confrontation, in order to
realize the jewels exhibited in 2015 in Japan and in this year 2016 in
various prestigious Italian museums in Livorno, in Cisano di S. Felice del
Benaco at the Cominelli Foundation, in Padua and in Casalmaggiore.
I would like to thank you once again Director Giorgio Amitrano, for
the hospitality extended to the exhibition “Dialoghi”, which was held
at the Institute of Italian Culture in Tokyo in July 2015, giving visibility
and voice to the creations of the participants and opening so the
exchange between the two countries. Thanks to all the museums
in Japan and Italy. I’m grateful to President Takako Komiya and all
the board of JJDA for the organization, I’m grateful to Master Yutaka
Nagai for his ongoing collaboration. The Agc’s board and I, we want
to thank you again Mr Massimo Bitonci Mayor City of Padova, Mr.
Matteo Cavatton, Executive Council for Culture at Comune di Padova
as well as Mrs. Mirella Cisotto Nalon, Department Head of Cultural
Activities at Comune di Padova, who always pays particular attention
to our Association Agc thus enhancing our projects.
Maria Rosa Franzin, Presidente AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo / Chairperson AGC
uesto progetto ha avuto inizio nel dicembre 2012, a Tokyo, in This project began in December 2012, in Tokyo, on the occasion of
occasione del mio incontro con la Presidente dell’AGC Maria Rosa my meeting with the Chairperson of AGC, Maria Rosa Franzin. We
The exhibition, with its emphasis on artistic exchange between the two, aims at stimulating the creativity of both and at strengthening
the bonds of friendship, anticipating the spirit of the forthcoming celebrations. I have not yet been able to admire the works personally,
but I see from the photographs that these designers are indeed talented. I realise that the aim of the initiative has already been
achieved! The artists of both countries have exchanged views on the topics which were the ideas and sources of inspiration on
which to work. Each of them concentrated on the topic assigned to them, while being free to interpret it as they wished. I was
very interested to see the way in which each of the artists had developed their themes. Those who are accustomed to considering
jewellery as an expression of luxury will discover another dimension here: jewellery as a place a locus, even a focus, in which
two apparently very different sensitivities Italian and Japanese meet and recognise the fact that, despite their differences, they are
intimately connected. I wish this exhibition great success in Tokyo and in the other venues in which it will appear.
Franzin. Abbiamo da subito deciso di inaugurare l’iniziativa nel
2015, anno in cui ricorre il 50° anniversario dalla fondazione della
JJDA e il 10° dalla fondazione di AGC. La realizzazione di queste
mostre è stata possibile grazie alla collaborazione di molti amici e
dei membri delle due Associazioni, nonché grazie all’ospitalità del
direttore dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Tokyo, Giorgio Amitrano,
al Museo dei Gioielli di Yamanashi, alla Residenza Statale Shiinoki
nella prefettura di Ishikawa, e ai luoghi dell’esposizione, in Italia, a
Livorno al Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo, alla Fondazione
Cominelli di Cisano S.Felice/Benaco a Padova all’Oratorio di San
Rocco ed al Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore. A tutti loro va il mio
sincero ringraziamento.
Con l’augurio che JJDA e AGC possano continuare anche in futuro il
sodalizio appena inaugurato, contribuendo, attraverso la presentazione
dei gioielli contemporanei giapponesi e italiani, anche a un più esteso
scambio culturale su scala globale. Infine, vorrei ringraziare di cuore
Maria Rosa Franzin, a cui va tutta la mia gratitudine.
immediately decided to launch the initiative in 2015, the year which
marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the JJDA and the
10th since the founding of AGC. The preparations for these exhibitions
were made possible thanks to the collaboration of many friends and
members of the two Associations, as well as to the hospitality of Dr.
Giorgio Amitrano, Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Tokyo;
the Jewel Museum of Yamanashi, the Residence State Shiinoki in
the Prefecture of Ishikawa, and several exhibition venues. In Italy,
exhibitions have been held in the Museum of Natural History of the
Mediterranean in Livorno, the Cominelli Foundation at Cisano di S.
Felice del Benaco, the Oratory of St. Rocco in Padova, and the Bijou
Museum of Casalmaggiore. I extend my sincere gratitude to all of them.
I sincerely hope that the JJDA and the AGC can continue their
partnership long into the future by contributing, through the
presentation of Japanese and Italian contemporary jewellery, an
even more extensive cultural exchange on a global scale. Lastly, I
would like to thank Maria Rosa Franzin, to whom goes all my gratitude.
Giorgio Amitrano, Direttore Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tokyo / Director Italian Institute of Culture, Tokyo
Takako Komiya, Presidente JJDA / Chairperson JJDA, Japan Jewellery Designers Association
a Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli è particolarmente orgogliosa
di ospitare nel 2016, anno in cui si celebra il 150° anniversario
della firma del primo Trattato di Amicizia e Commercio fra il
Regno d’Italia e l’Impero del Giappone, questa importante
esposizione dedicata al gioiello contemporaneo e allo scambio
tra Italia e Giappone.
Credo che l’idea di intitolare la mostra “Dialoghi” sia ancor più
azzeccata in un momento storico come quello attuale, in cui il
confronto appare in grande difficoltà, surclassato e oscurato dalla
violenza degli eventi, in una società che appare più avvezza al
monologo piuttosto che al dialogo. In quest’ottica, utilizzare la
lingua comune dell’arte per confrontarsi e condividere, appare
una soluzione di speranza, di cui necessitiamo fortemente. Un
ringraziamento a AGC – Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo
e JJDA – Japanese Jewellery Design Association per averci
coinvolto in questo ambizioso progetto. Con l’auspicio che il
dialogo possa andare oltre all’ambito artistico e l’amicizia tra i
Paesi possa illuminare il nostro cammino.
he Raffaele Cominelli Foundation is very proud to entertain
in 2016, the year in which is celebrated the 150° anniversary
of the signature of the first Essay of Friendship and Commerce
between the Kingdom of Italy and the empire of Japan, this
important exhibition dedicated to the contemporary jewelry and
to the exchange between Italy and Japan.
I believe that the idea to entitle this exposition “Dialoghi” is even
more appropriated in this historical period, in which the comparison
appears in great difficulty, outclassed and darkened by the violence
of the events, in a society that appears more accustomed to the
monologue rather than to the dialogue.
In this optic, to use the universal language of art appears as
a solution of hope, which is strongly required. Thanks to AGCAssociation Contemporary Jewel and JJDA- Japanese Jewellery
Design Association to have involved us in this ambitious project.
I wish that the dialogue could go besides art and that friendship
among the Countries could illuminate our walk.
Michele Cassarino, Presidente Fondazione Raffaele Cominelli / Chairman Raffaele Cominelli Foundation
È con grande piacere che nella Sala delle Mostre Temporanee del Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo ospitiamo la mostra
“Dialoghi”, curata e organizzata da AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo e da JJDA Japanese Jewellery Design Association.
Ci piace l’idea di dare spazio ad un progetto che lega due realtà apparentemente lontane, la giapponese e l’italiana, attraverso
l’arte e il gioiello contemporaneo.
Gli autori si confrontano, donando concretezza attraverso le loro opere, in un dialogo, appunto, che supera la barriera di codici
linguistici e stilistici. Visitando la mostra viene alla mente una frase di François Pinault, uno dei più grandi collezionisti d’arte
contemporanei, che in una recente intervista conferma “credo nella cultura come un fattore di dialogo, di tolleranza e di coesione
sociale. L’arte fa saltare le barriere, è una forma di comunicazione universale”. Ed è collegandosi all’idea di comunicazione e di
universalità che il museo si fa luogo di accoglienza di questa interessante iniziativa.
Seguendo il solco del rinnovamento i musei oggi hanno la necessità di presentarsi a pubblici differenti e, senza tradire la loro
natura, farsi luoghi di patrimoni plurali, ove sia possibile dar valore alla vastità degli approcci al sapere. Nel più ampio contesto
della crescente priorità alla promozione del dialogo interculturale anche la nostra struttura museale intende esplorare nuovi punti
di vista sulle “culture” e puntare sull’educazione al patrimonio in chiave interculturale come componente strategica non solo
dell’educazione formale, ma anche dell’apprendimento lungo tutto l’arco della vita. È in questo contesto che la mostra “Dialoghi”
trova idonea collocazione in un luminoso spazio espositivo inserito nella verde cornice dell’Orto Botanico del Museo.
Un sentito grazie va anche al Garden Club sezione di Livorno e alle splendide composizioni floreali, create appositamente per
questa occasione, che sottolineano ancora una volta il dialogo intimo ed universale tra natura e arte.
We have great pleasure in announcing that the temporary showrooms of the Museum of Mediterranean Natural History will present
“Dialogues”, curated and organised by AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporanea and JJDA Japanese Jewellery Design Association.
We like the idea of providing space for a project which links two realities apparently very distant from each other - Japan and Italy
- through art and contemporary jewellery.
The artists can compare their works with those of others, can define them, in a real dialogue which overcomes the barriers of
linguistic and stylistic codes. Visiting the show, I thought of a sentence by François Pinault, one of the greatest contemporary art
collectors. In a recent interview, he stated: “I believe in culture as dialogue, tolerance and social cohesion. Art overcomes barriers,
it is a form of universal communication”. And it is by linking ourselves with the concepts of communication and universality that
the Museum now welcomes this interesting initiative.
Following the by now established idea of renewal, museums today need to present themselves to all kinds of visitors and, without
betraying their essential nature, must turn into places for several types of artistic patrimony, where value can be assigned to the
vastness of modern approaches to knowledge. Within the wider context of the increasing priority given to promoting intercultural
dialogue, our museum too wants to explore new viewpoints on “cultures” and to focus on knowledge of artistic patrimony from
an intercultural viewpoint - as a strategic component not only of formal education, but also of learning throughout life. It is in this
context that the exhibition “Dialoghi” finds its collocation in a luminous space framed within the greenery of the Botanical Garden
of the Museum.
Our heartfelt thanks also go to the Livorno section of the Garden Club and the splendid flower compositions, especially created for
this occasion, which once again stress the intimate and universal dialogue between Nature and Art.
Anna Roselli, Direttrice del Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo / Director Museum of Mediterranean Natural History
Non è un caso se il Comune di Casalmaggiore ha deciso di dedicare al Giappone la prima edizione di Stupor Mundi, un evento
che, dal 2016, di anno in anno approfondirà la conoscenza di Paesi diversi coinvolgendo tutte le istituzioni culturali della nostra
città in una sorta di festival diffuso. Lo spunto è stato proprio questa mostra, che, proposta al Conservatore Letizia Frigerio dalla
presidente di AGC Maria Rosa Franzin, ha immediatamente coinvolto tutti i soggetti interessati nel progetto, entusiasti (io per prima)
di veder dialogare le competenze artistiche dei migliori orafi italiani e nipponici sulle più significative icone delle rispettive culture.
È pertanto con grande soddisfazione che saluto questi “Dialoghi” ospitati nel nostro Museo del Bijou, ennesimo e determinante
appuntamento di una rassegna dedicata al Giappone dopo performances teatrali, mostre, incontri letterari e approfondimenti sui
vari aspetti della ricchissima storia e straordinaria cultura del Paese del Sol Levante, iniziative che hanno saputo coinvolgere tutta
la cittadinanza e trovare significativi apprezzamenti a tutti i livelli.
La mostra è l’occasione per ricordare un primo, indimenticabile incontro con l’arte del Giappone al Museo del Bijou: Associazione
Gioiello Contemporaneo ha infatti organizzato, nel 2011, presso il nostro laboratorio professionale, il corso del Maestro Yutaka Nagai,
esperto di tecniche tradizionali giapponesi, che ha condiviso le sue conoscenze nella lavorazione dei metalli, arte antichissima che,
dalla decorazione delle armi e delle armature, da qualche decennio si declina in oreficeria, con la creazione di ornamenti ricchi
di sperimentazione ed eclettismo. Il corso, tenacemente voluto dalla socia AGC Patrizia Bonati (che ringrazio anche per tutte le
precedenti - e spero future - collaborazioni con il Museo), fu un concentrato di artigianato e tecnica ai massimi livelli, di saggezza
e gentilezza, di tradizioni e futuro: un insegnamento di stile e di vita, oltre che di professionalità.
Auguro che i Dialoghi Italia-Giappone non finiscano qui: che ci siano ancora occasioni (davvero pregevoli) come questa per
approfondire a vicenda storia e culture, per creare e mantenere vivi rapporti ed esperienze personali, per arricchirci dei rispettivi
It was not by chance that the town authorities of Casalmaggiore decided to dedicate the first edition of Stupor Mundi to Japan - an
event which, from this year, will enhance our knowledge of other countries by involving all the cultural institutions of our city in a
kind of extended festival. Its starting-point is precisely this exhibition, which was proposed to the curator, Letizia Frigerio, by Maria
Rosa Franzin, who heads the AGC. All members interested in the project immediately expressed their approval with enthusiasm,
heartened to see that the artistic competence of the best Italian and Japanese goldsmiths was going to be applied to the most
significant icons of the two cultures. It is therefore with great satisfaction that I welcome this edition of “Dialogues” to our Jewellery
Museum, one of the many exhibitions devoted to Japanese art, after theatrical performances, exhibitions, literary meetings and
further debates on the various aspects of the extraordinarily rich history and culture of the Land of the Rising Sun. These initiatives
have also involved the general public, who greatly appreciated them.
The exhibition is an occasion on which to recall the first, unforgettable meeting with the art of Japan at the Musée du Bijou. It was
in 2011 that the AGC organised a course at its professional crafts laboratory, taught by the maestro Yutaka Nagai, an expert in
traditional Japanese techniques. He shared with us his knowledge of metal-working, a very ancient art form which has its origins
in the decorations applied to arms and armour. For several decades now, the maestro has turned his attention to gold-working, with
the creation of ornaments clearly showing his great gifts for experimentation and eclecticism. This course, organised with great
determination by AGC member Patrizia Bonati (to whom go my thanks for all her previous - and I hope future - collaboration with
the Museum) was a concentrated mix of the best artisan and technical craft, combined with wisdom and kindness, both traditional
and moving towards the future: a lesson in style and in life, as well as great professionality.
I hope that these Italian-Japanese Dialogues will not end here: I hope there will be future occasions like this one - greatly to be
augured - to extend our history and culture reciprocally, to stimulate and create pleasant relationships and personal experiences,
to enrich our respective treasures.
Pamela Carena, L’Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Casalmaggiore / Councillor for Cultural Affairs, Casalmaggiore
Mt. Fuji
Lucio Fontana
Concetto spaziale
Collana, legno di ciliegio, cemento, laccio – Necklace, Cherry wood, mortar, lace.
Pendente, argento, shakudo, foglia argento, pelle – Pendant, silver, shakudo, silver leaf, leather
Nipponese Landscape
Homage to Lucio Fontana
A special envelope for a monetary gift
Spilla, rame, smalto – Brooch, copper, enamel
Collana, argento – Necklace, silver
Organic mosaic
A traditional japanese fan
Collana, nylon, cotone – Necklace, nylon and cotton
Pendente, argento950, filo elettrico – Pendant, silver950, electric wire
Souvenir from Japan
Leonardo da Vinci
Axel Vervoordt
“Lo spirito wabi”(Miki Tatsuro)
Collana, argento925, plexiglass, colori di vetro – embossing silver 925, plexiglass, glass colors
Spilla, seta, resina, argento – Brooch, silk, resin, silver
Fibonacci series
Perfection and Imperfection
Katsushika Hokusai
“The great wave at Kanagawa”
Collana, acciaio, carta cotone – Neckpiece, steel, cotton paper
Spilla, argento, legno dipinto – Brooch, silver, painted wood
The creation of Adam
The Creation of Adam
Decorative toy ball
The Modern and Contemporary Art Museum
Collana, argento, tecnica shibuichi, rame, ottone – Necklace, sterling silver, silver 800, shibuichi alloy, copper, brass
Spilla, led, acrilico, rame, batteria – Brooch, led, acrylic, copper, battery
Luce ore beate
Four seasons in Japan
Plan and section, Villa Valmarana
Blossom in the night
Red flower of May Leaf green of August
Spilla, polystyrene, legno, pittura acrilica, resina ipossidica, argento, ossidi – Brooch, polystyrene, wood, paint, epoxy resin, silver, oxide
Orecchini, argento, oro14kt, resina – Earrings silver, gold(K14), synthetic resin
Kabuki make up
Carlo Scarpa
Anello abbraccio, argento925 decapato, foglia d’oro, smalto rosso – Hug Ring, silver 925, pickled, solded gold leaf, red enamel
Pendente, argento, pittura acrilica, spago – Pendant, silver, acrylic paint, string
Stairs and Grid
A sliding paper screen
Spilla, argento, oro bianco – Brooch, silver, white gold
Spilla, argento, bamboo, washi, batteria – Brooch, silver, bamboo, wood, washi buttery (CR927)
Shoji – look through
Fausto Melotti
Contrappunto piano
A five-stored pagoda
Spilla, rame, argento, oro333, niello, acciaio – Brooch, copper, silver, gold333, silver, niello, steel
Pendente, argento, quarzo, zircone – Pendant, silver, quartz, cubic zirconia
Prima materia
Santissima Trinità
Katsushika Hokusai
The great wave at Kanagawa
Collana, argento925, kyanite, silicone – Necklace, silver925, kyanite, silicone
Collana, argento, oro 18kt, lacca – Necklace, silver, gold18kt, lacquer
Marmor Falls
Marmor Falls
Japanese wedding style
Prato della Valle
Spilla, oro999, argento, resina, polvere fosforescente – Brooch, gold999, silver, resin, powder phosphorescent
Spilla, oro18kt, shibuichi – Brooch, gold18kt, shibuichi
Light and shadow
The castle in the sky
Bracciale, ceramica refrattaria, oro ceramico, argento925 - Bangle, refractory ceramic gold, silver925
Anello, titanio, ottone - Ring, titanium, brass
Zolla arcaica.Stratificazioni
The forest in the city
Architecture in Milan
Laputa – Castle in the Sky
Light up in Christmas
Collana, seta, resina, viscosa, ottone – Necklace, silk, resin, viscose, brass
Pendente, argento, acciaio – Pendant Top, silver, stainless
Temple gate
Spilla, argento925 – Brooch, silver925
Gio Pomodoro
Monologue and dialogue
Pendente, argento, oro24kt, filo acciaio – Pendant, silver, gold24kt, stainless wire
Anello, acciaio di Damasco, argento, oro, diamante fumè – Ring, Damascus iron, silver gold, smoked diamond
Spilla, argento, ottone, agate – Brooch, silver, brass, pearl agate
Samukawa Shrine
Leonardo da Vinci
Fetus within the uterus
Toward the future
Zen garden
Antonio Canova
The three graces
Occhiali da sole, argento, oro, niello, scatola legno di quercia – Sunglasses, silver, gold, niello, eyewear display oak wood
Collana, argento925 – Necklace silver925
Sound of the shine is falling
Postcard of Kusama Yayoi
Spilla gialla, argento, acrilico – Yellow Brooch, silver, acrylics
Spilla, argento, ottone, pittura – Brooch, silver, brass, paint
Lucio Fontana
Concetto spaziale
Out of Fontana
Kumamoto Castle
Stone walls
Giuseppe Penone
Spilla, argento, oro18kt, niello, patina – Brooch, silver, yellow gold18kt, niello, patina
Bracciale, argento, vinile, oro18kt – Bangle, silver, vinyl, gold18kt
Harmony of Space and Form
A bamboo work
Collana, ferro riciclato patinato, argento925 ossidato, ottone ossidato – Necklace, patina recycled iron, silver925 and brass oxidized
Collana, rame, cotone, seta – Necklace, copper, cotton, silk
L’ordito all’inizio, The warp beginning
Un messaggio da Venafro
Zen garden
Lucio Fontana
Anello, plexiglass, palla da ping-pong, carte da gioco – Ring, plexiglass, ping pong balls, poker cards
Bracciale, alluminio, cloruro di vinile – Bangle, aluminum, vinyl chloride
Yellow Game
To the other side
Family crests
Antonio Sant’Elia e Renzo Piano
Spilla, Oro trasparente, argento, rame, alluminio rivestito di materiale ferromagnetico e lamella di macchina fotografica
Brooch, Oro trasparente, silver, copper, aluminium coated with ferromagnetic material and camera shutter leaf
Spilla, argento – Brooch, silver
Giglio Nero – Black Trillium
Structure of sculpture
Antonio Canova
Love and Psyche
Anello, legno, perla – Ring, wood, pearl
Collana, carta giapponese, seta, corallo, foglia d’oro – Necklace, Japanese paper, silk, silver, coral, gold leaf
The blue sea and sky of Padova
Ginkakuji temple
Collana, alluminio, argento – Necklace, aluminium, silver
Collana, argento, oro18kt – Necklace, silver, gold18kt
Aluminium garden: overcoming distances
Giuliano Mauri
Cattedrale vegetale, winter
Poetry in the winter
Ogata Korin
Hakubai Koubai-zu, folding screen
Anello, argento, rame – Ring, silver, copper
Spilla, argento, oro18kt – Brooch, silver, gold18Kt
Ettore Moschetti
Eclissi solare
Kitayama cedar
Mimmo Paladino
Spilla, argento, smalto, acciaio – Brooch, silver, enamel, iron
Spilla, argento, smalto – Brooch, silver, enamel
Sense and spirit
Two world
Horyuji temple
A statue of Kudara kannon
Spilla, argento925, ottone – Brooch, silver925, brass
Spilla, argento925 – Brooch, silver925
La normalità del giorno intero
Alberto Burri
Cretto di Gibellina
Sandro Botticelli
La nascita di Venere
Collana, catenine argento, smalto, filo di cotone – Necklace silver trace chain, enamel, cotton thread
Pendente, argento, pelle, corda – Pendant silver leather, cord
Kabuki make up
Franco Summa
Sun prayer
Spilla, legno di pioppo, sabbia mare Adriatico, acrilico, argento, agata – Brooch, poplar wood, sand Adriatic sea, acrylic, silver, agate
Anello, pietra naturale, argento, alluminio – Ring, natural stone, silver, aluminium
Nigatsudo temple
Candlelights for Omizutori ceremony
Pendente, argento, acciaio, oro, uvarovite, diamanti – Pendant, silver, iron, gold, uvarovite, UV light sensitive diamonds
Anello, carta giapponese, argento, filo – Ring, paper, silver, wire
Gerardo Dottori
Aerei sul lago
A New year’s festoon
Collana, argento, smalto, legno di tuja – Necklace, silver, enamel, tuja wood
Spilla, acciaio, pittura resina – Brooch, stainless steel, acrylic resin paint
Lucky strike
Piero della Francesca
Madonna and Child with Saints
Trapped Organism
A gateway to the Itsukushima-Shrine
Spilla, mokume gane, rame, argento, acciaio – Brooch, etched mokume gane, sandblasted copper, frosted silver, steel
Spilla, argento – Brooch, silver
Leonardo da Vinci
Vitrivian Man
A straw festoon for the Shinto shrine
Spilla, argento, plexiglass, seta stampata, acciaio – Brooch, silver, plexiglass, printed silk, steel
Spilla, argento, spugna – Brooch, silver, loofa
Sandro Botticelli
Fountain basin. Roma second half 1st century A.C.
Anello, opale – Ring, opal
Spilla, argento, carta giapponese, magnete – Brooch, silver paper, magnet
Yougan 2
A straw package for eggs
Andrea Palladio
Villa Rotonda
The residence as a city in a rural landscape
Collana, argento, resina – Necklace, silver, resin
Spilla, legno, gomma, acciaio, argento – Brooch, wood, rubber, steel, silver
Repairing technique for broken pottery with lacquer and gold
Spille, argento, ferro, lacca, foglia d’oro – Pins, sterling silver, iron, lacquer, fine gold leaf
Spilla, argento925 – Brooch, silver925
Hello Kitty
Sandro Botticelli
La nascita di Venere
Anello, argento rodiato, plastiche, perla, murrina, cristallo – Ring, silver (rhodium), plastics, freshwather pearl, murrina, crystal
Spilla, perla, acrilico, foglia d’oro – Brooch, pearl, acrylic, gold leaf
BLOB RING “HelloKitty”
La Nascita di Venere
Katsushika Hokusai
The great wave at Kanagawa
Spilla, argento925, rame, ossidazioni, quarzo ialino – Brooch, silver925, cuttlebone cast copper, oxidations, hyaline quartz
Anello, argento925, diamante – Ring, silver925, diamond
Water and Seigaiha. I am imperfect
Arnaldo Pomodoro
Group of spheres on Ticino shores
Ruined Earth
Higashiyama Kaii
Painting for Toshodaiji temple
Bracciale, argento925 – Bangle, silver925
Collana, vinile, argento – Necklace, vynil, silver
Giuseppe Penone
Ripetere il bosco
Shade of Green
Kimono and Obi(Sash)
Francesco Borromini
Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza
Spilla, argento, foglia d’oro1000, pigmenti, acciaio – Brooch, silver, gold leaf 1000, pigments, steel
Spilla, argento925 – Brooch, silver925
Pag. 16. FRANCESCA ANTONELLO Noale, Venezia Italy.
Education: 2015 MA Jewellery, Silversmithing and Related
Products, School of Jewellery, BCU University, Uk; 2010
Technician in Metalwork, TAM, IT; 2006/2009 Wood sculpting,
Scuola di Arti e Mestieri S. Giacomo I. Selected Exhibition:
2008/2009 Gioiello Italiano Contemporaneo; techniche e materiali
tra arte e design; Vicenza, Milan, Berlin,Turin; 2013 Suggestioni
in Metallo, Monumental Complex of the Vittoriano, Rome IT; 2014
Artist in permanent collection to Cominelli Foundation, Cisano
di S.Feliced/B; Skin Museo del Gioiello Vicenza.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 18. ADREAN BLOOMARD 1966 Roma. Education: 1985
Art School; 2006 Workshop: C. Filipe; 2013 B.Lignel. 2004/15
Co-founder of AGC. Selected exhibitions: 2011/2015 Premio
Mario Pinton Padova; 2013 Joya Barcelona; 2012 Galerie
Handwerk Munich; 2012 Premio Cominelli; 2011 Pensieri Preziosi
7; 2011/10 Collect Saatchi Gallery, London; 2009 Collect,
V&A London; 2008/07 SOFA NY; Schmuck 2008 München.
Collections: Museo Argenti, Palazzo Pitti Florence; Bollmann
Collection; Cominelli Permanent Collection; 2008 Alice&Louis
Koch. Prizes: 2012 1st Prize Premio Cisotto Padua.
Contact: www.alternatives.it – [email protected]
Pag. 20. ROBERTA BERNABEI 1968 Rome, Italy. Education:
1990/91 Fachhochschule Gestaltung, Schwäbisch-Gmünd;
1988/93 Sculpture, Academy Fine Art, Perugia; 1995/98
University Perugia; 2001/02 MA Metalwork Jewellery Sheffield
Hallam University; 2005 Master class EKWC Den Bosch NL.
Selected Exhibitions: 2008 Touching Warms the Art Museum
Contemporary Craft Portland USA: Museum Arts &Crafts Itami J;
Kunstgeweremuseum Berlin; Arte Contemporanea Porto; Binary
FlowersCraft Sense 2013; 2009/2011 I Carraresi Oratorio S.
Rocco, Padua; 2013 Ritual, Legnica Gallery, PL; 2015 Premio
Pinton Padua.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 22. PATRIZIA BONATI 1964 Cremona Italia; Education:
1987/91 goldsmiths Apprentice Milan; 2003 Alchimia, School
Florence; 2008 Arti Orafe School Lucca. G. Babetto; Selected
Exhibitions: Collect,V&A Museum, London; Galleria Alternatives
Roma; Contemporary Jewellery From Italy Flow Gallery London,
Hipotesi, Barcellona, Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco; 2009
Oratorio di San Rocco, Padova; Intern. Jewellery Art Biennal
Beijing; 2016 Skin Museo del Gioiello Vicenza. Awards: Artis,
Regione Lombardia. Public collections: Grassi Museum Museum
fur Kunsthandwerk und Design, Leipzig; Fondazione Cominelli,
Cisano di San Felice/B, Brescia.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 24. ANNA MARIA CARDILLO 1966 Foggia, Italy. Education:
1995 graduate Architecture Florence; 2001 Masters degree
Scenography Quasar Institute Rome; Since 1996 working in the
architectural, interior design, industrial design and jewelry; In
2010 opens your laboratory; 2012 co-founded CODICE collective
design with Arch. L.Rossano Arch. P.D’Ippolito; It‘s an initiative
in which to self-produce furniture and furniture complements;
2014 winners International Competition Design 20:14” organized
by and she is among the with the collar FRAME. 2015 Dialoghi
Istituto Cultura Italiano Tokyo, Museo del Gioiello Kofu.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 26. LUISA CHIANDOTTO 1949 Padova, Italy. Education:
Pedagogy University of Padova. Architecture University of Venice;
Art of Metals and Goldsmithing at Art School Pietro Selvatico
Padova. Selected Exhibition: 2012 Punto e a capo, Senigallia
I; On-Off, Padova I; 2013 F-utili gioielli per Emergency, Museo
Marino Marini Firenze I; Ring Party Ca’de Ricchi Treviso I;
On-Off, Padova I; 2013 2014, Gioielli in Fermento, Torre Fornello
Piacenza; 2015 Dialoghi Istituto Cultura Italiano Tokyo, Museo
del Gioiello, Kofu.
Contacts: [email protected]
Pag. 28. CORRADO DE MEO 1949 Livorno, Italy. Education:
Graduated Sociology C.Alfieri University, Florence. Special Award,
Azur Vilnius, Lituania. GIF Torre Fornello PC. Filo Rosso, Museum
Modern Art Carà Muggia. Solo exhibition: 2011/12 Gli Attimi
Della Forma, Numero 50 gallery, Livorno. Les sonorités du
couleurs A. Ruiz de la Prada, Paris. A.Ruiz de la Prada, Madrid.
Meister und Margarita gallery Frankfurt. Selected exhibitions:
2013/14/15 La matieré du bijou Maitre Albert Paris; Materiality,
Ame gallery Hong Kong; Vittoriano Roma. V&V Gallery Wien. J
Tour gallery, Shanghai. Collection: 2008 Museo degli Argenti
Palazzo Pitti. 2013 Fondazione Cominelli. Workshop: G. Babetto,
B. Lignel, M.Vilhena. Pubblications: 2008-2014 Art Jewellery
Today 2 e 3 Shiffer, Gioiello Contemporaneo al Museo degli
Argenti di Palazzo Pitti 1 e 2, Sillabe. Jewellery Scape Exhibition.
Contact: [email protected].
Pag. 30. CLARA DEL PAPA 1965 Guanare, Venezuela. Education:
1990 Degree Architettura Universidad Caracas.; Selected
Exhibitions: Gioielli Alternativi Fiera Vicenza; 2015/13 Gioielli
In Fermento Torre Fornello; Ring Party Ca’ De Ricchi Treviso;
1990 Galleria Alexis de la Sierra. Caracas; 2015 Dialoghi Istituto
Cultura Italiano Tokyo, Museo del Gioiello, Kofu. Awards: 2015
First mention Non di solo Pane; Honorable mention JOYA Torre
Fornello, Italy; 1993 1° Premio Tecniche incisione e tecnologia
grafica applicata; 2012 Menzione Speciale OnOff. Padova;
Menzione onorevole, Gioielli in Fermento Torre Fornello.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 38. MARIA ROSA FRANZIN 1951 Tripoli Libia. Education:
1967/69 Metal and Goldworking Pietro Selvatico Art School,
Padua. 1970/74 Academy Fine Arts Venice. Since 1986 has
taught goldwork design at P.Selvatico Istitute of Art Padua.
Since 2013 High Course Jewels Project Vicenza. 2015 Class
and Exhibition at Beijing Istitute Fashion Technology. Since
2011 Co-Curator Cominelli Awards. Lecture: 2013 Joya Fair
Barcelona. Selected exhibitions: Isabella Hund Gallery; 2016
Slavik Gallery Wien. Collection: Palazzo Pitti Firenze; MAD
Museum, NY; Fondazione Cominelli; Museo Zuckermann, Padova;
Legnica Museum. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 32. ELISABETTA DUPRE’ 1967 Roma, Italia. Education:
saxophone and flute; school of jewellery. Interno 7 Rome;
Apprenticeship: C. Klein Munchen; P. Skubic Salzburg; G.
Dobler Braunwald, CH; B. Lignel, Rieti, I, M. Vilhena. Awards:
2014 Award of the Art Gallery in Legnica, PL; 2013 Third Prize
Cominelli Foundation Prize” I; 2012 Special Mention On-Off of
AGC. Solo Exhibitions: 2014 architecture studio b3b6b Rome
2012 Design gallery Unik, L’Aquila; 2008 gallery 105 art Rome;
2008 Club Koesis Napoli. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 40. NICOLETTA FRIGERIO Milano, 1943. Studi: Università
Architettura. Selezione mostre: 1994 Museo Kurasashiki
collettiva; 1999 Salone del gioiello Cassano d’Adda; Premi:
2/3/4# primo premio Museo della tecnica Livorno; 2011 1° Premio
ex-equo. 2013 1° Premio Gioielli in Fermento Torre Fornello;
2014 Menzione Klimt02. Selezione mostre: Museo Livorno
Mediterraneo; Gioiello per Klimt Roma; sexdrogs&rockn’roll
Galleria Kempten, Museo Hanau, Galleria Modena;. 2013 Joya/
agc Barcellona. 2014/15 Gioielli in Fermento Locarno CH. 2015
DialoghiTokyo; Leo Galleries Milano, Vago Forniture; Expo’ 2015
nondisolopane design, Milano. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 34. FLAVIA FENAROLI 1955, London,UK. Education:
Doctorate (Ph.D.) Art et Sciences de l’art, La Sorbonne;
National Fine Arts Academy of Paris. Selected exhibitions:
Les cinq éléments, Baccarat Karfunkelschein Handwerksform;
Hannover D’or et d’acier, Chéret Gallery, Paris; Staufishe Pracht
& Karfunkelschein, Galery Im Prediger, Schwäbisch Gmünd;
Sculptures, etchings, jewels: National Library, Paris City Library,
Boulogne Billancourt University Library, St. Etienne; SchummBraunstein Gallery, Paris Chérét Gallery, Paris.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 36. ANNA FORNARI 1965 Bergamo I. Education:
professional specialized qualification as goldsmith and silversmith
at the Regional professional training school in Florence and
specialized certifications in the techniques of embossing,
engraving and stone setting. Selected exhibition: 2000-2015
Spoleto, Perugia, Roma, Vicenza, Milano, Trieste, Torino, Padova,
Livorno, Anzio, Trieste, Brescia (I); Lisbona; Zurigo; Lubiana (SLO);
New York; Berlin; Beijing; Riga; Shanghai; Madrid. Museo degli
Argenti, Palazzo Pitti, Firenze. Solo exhibition: 2006-2012:
Firenze, Roma, Perugia, La Spezia.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 42. LUCILLA GIOVANNINETTI 1962 Milan, Italy. Education:
1988 Graduated, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy. Awards:
2014 Gioielli in Fermento Special Mention AGC, Torre Fornello.
Solo exhibition 2013 Stone Milano. Selected Exhibitions: 2011
Forma vs Materia Turin; 2012 This is bijoux Casalmaggiore; 2012
Bijoux d’autore Rome; 2013 Ring Party Ca’ de Ricchi Treviso;
2014 Creativity contest Turin; 2015 The Permanent Alliages,
Lille F; 2015 Dialoghi Istituto Cultura Italiano, Tokyo; 2016 Skin
Museo del Gioiello, Vicenza. Member: AGC, Italy; Klimt02, Spain.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 44. ALBA POLENGHI LISCA 1935 Milano. Education: Art
School, Academy Fine Art. 1964 Painting Exhibitions; Selection
exhibitions: 1990 Gold Jewellery Italian Designer’s Collection,
Tokio; Singapore Art Museum Singapore; 2001 Immaginazione
Aurea Mole Vanvitelliana Ancona; Gioiello d’Artista Museo Civico
di Como; Biennale di Kortrijk Belgio; Gioiello e Diamante Istituto
Italiano Cultura Tel Aviv; Cominelli Awards 1° Edition. 2014
Vicenza The Best Italian Jewellery Designer. 2015 Dialoghi
Istituto Cultura Italiano, Tokyo. 2016 Skin Museo del Gioiello,
Vicenza. Collection: Sartirana Foundation; Museo degli Argenti
Palazzo Pitti, Firenze. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 46. ANGELO LOMUSCIO 1959 Italia. Studi di Agraria e
Musica. Esperienza professionale: 1984 apre il suo primo
laboratorio iniziando una personale ricerca nella creazione di
gioielli. 1985 membro fondatore del Consorzio Romano artigiani.
1995 collabora con diversi Designers. Selezione Mostre:
2008-2014: Gioiello italiano contemporaneo, Vicenza-TorinoBerlino. International Paper Jewellery, Milano-Fabriano-Seoul.
Archeogioelli Contemporanei, Italia. Entre bois et pierre, Baccarat,
Francia. Suggestioni del metallo, Roma Museo del Vittoriano.
2015 Dialoghi Istituto Cultura Italiano, Tokyo.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 48. CHIARA LUCATO, 1981 Padova Italia. Studi: 2001
Diploma Liceo Artistico A. Modigliani Padova; 2004 Restauratrice;
2013 T.A.M. trattamento artistico metalli; 2015 Tecnico Orafo
ITS Cosmo Vicenza. Selezione mostre: 2014 Gioielli in
Fermento Torre Fornello; Avant Garde VI; GiF Gallery Off Joya
Barcellona; 2015 Gioielli in Fermento PC; Dialoghi Istituto Cultura
ItalianoTokyo; Museo del Gioiello Kofu; Venice Design Week; Gif
Gallery Off Joya Barcellona; Filo Rosso Muggia TS e Izola SL;
2016 Gioiello in Arte Roma. Premi: Ri-definire il gioiello MI.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 50. RITA MARCANGELO 1965 London, UK. Education:
1988 Graduated Thames Valley University, London. 1997 present
Founder Director Alternatives Gallery, Roma; 2004/10 Co-founder,
Chairman AGC, Italy; 2006 Curator exhibition Contemporary
Jewellery from Italy, itinery UK, PL, SP, USA IT. Lecture: 2007
Flow Gallery, London Contemporary Jewellery from Italy; 2008
Palazzo del Cinquecento, Firenze. Awards: 2012 3rd Prize Premio
Cisotto. Selection exhibition: 2011 New Direction Contemporary
Jewellery Galerie Isabella Hund, München D; Award Exhibition,
Premio Pinton, Padova I.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 52. GIGI MARIANI 1957 Modena Italy. 1983 Apprenticeship
by a Goldsmith ‘s laboratory; 1985 Opened his own studio
Modena. Awards: 2014 First Price Joya Barcellona; 2013 First
prize Cominelli Foundation; 2012 Premi Joid’art Enjoia’t 2012
Barcellona; 2011 Gioielli in Fermento Torre Fornello PC; 2011
First prize ONOFF Award 150°; Padua. Selected exhibitions:
Selected for the Herbert Hofmann 2015 Award, Schmuck 2015
Munich. Collections: Museo degli Argenti Florence Italy; Cominelli
Foundation CisanoS.Felice/B Salo’ Italy.
Contact: [email protected] – www.gigimariani.it
Pag. 54. SIMONA MATERI 1971 Caserta, I. Education: 2010
Master/Artistic Metals Treatment; TAM Excellence Training
Center Arnaldo Pomodoro; 2004 Academy of Fine ArtsNapoli;
1999 Goldsmith/Jeweller Diploma TARI’ Foundation. Selected
Exhibitions: 2014 Philobiblon Gallery Rome/New York; MAC
Capua Contemporary Art Museum; 2013 Biennal Filorosso
U.Carà Museum Muggia TS; Cominelli Foundation Awards Salò
BS; 2010 Arnaldo Pomodoro Museum Montefeltro; Collective
Contemporary Art Pietrarubbia Castle. Cultural Project:
Nomenomen-Loredemo Isernia/SEI and the European Social
Fund for Regional Development. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 56. MARCO MINELLI Designer, Rome Italy; 2002 founded
the Inrealismo Movement. Wrote his manifesto on the Unreal.
Exhibitions: 2013 Ring Party, Italy; 2011 Barcellona, Madrid
Year book 2008 Exit New York; 2006 Stark Berlino; 2004 Wearing
glass, London; 2004 The unreals Alternatives Gallery, Rome;
2003 Orneata, Zurich, Basel, Switzerland. Collections: South
Korea, France, Italy, Portugal, Norway, USA, Germany, Japan.
Permanent Cominelli Foundation. Contact: [email protected]
Website: www.mimadi.com – www.marcominelli.com
Pag. 58. PAOLA MIRAI 1960 Bologna, Italy. Education: 1979
High school Diploma in foreign languages S.Giuseppe Bologna
I. Modeling wax Scuola Ambrosiana I; Selected Exhibitions:
2012 Vessel Gallery, Creatures USA; 2013 Joya Barcelona ESP.
Fantastici Putty Gallery LV; Gioielli in Fermento. 2014 Barbican
Centre London Digital Revolution UK; Set Espai D’Art ESP; 2015
Vitraria Museum Venezia I. Workshop: Triennale Bookstore;
Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia; Mart Rovereto I.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 60. ANNALISA MIRIZZI 1978 Polignano a Mare Italy.
Education: 1997 l. Russo Art School. MIMMO DEMATTIA 1967
Noicattaro, Italy. Education: 1987 High school science S. Simone.
Selected exhibitions: Catartica Gallery Eclettica Torino 2008;
Imm Cologne 2012; Furniture Fair, Saloni del Mobile Milano;
2012/2013 Imm Cologne; With Riva 1920; Exibit Shanghai; The
truth of materials Triennale di Milano Italian pavilion; 2013/2015
Contest winners Creazioni Giovani Macef Design Award; 2013Do you speak made in Italy? Verona 2014. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 62. ELIANA NEGRONI 1966 Milano, Italy. Education: family
atelier master engravers.1990 University Milano, experienced
in organization, decision support systems, back to tool making
for gold&silversmithing i.e. engraved steel moulds for metal
custing. Specialized in cad-cam, gemmology, art history,
archaeo-metallurgy granulation, oenology. Since 2009 activity
moved to countryside in Emilia Romagna region where matching
contemporary jewellery and mediterranean territorial specificities
became a primary objective. Project: curator since 2011 of
‘Gioielli in fermento’ International jewellery exhibition competition.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 64. MARGARETA NIEL 1954 Austria, 1981 laurea in
psicologia all’Università di Salisburgo. Impara l’arte orafa, dal
1990 crea gioielli ed espone in mostre e gallerie del gioiello
contemporaneo. Nel 1995 e nel 1998 è assistente all’Accademia
Estiva Internazionale d’Arte a Salisburgo, nel 2000 è visiting
artist al Tainan National College of the Arts in Taiwan, 2013
partecipa a LOOT evento mostra al Museum of Arts and Design
a New York. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 66. TANIA PALAZZI 1976 Rome, Italy. Education: 2006
Graduated Istituto Tecnico Moda e Abbigliamento Usuelli Ruzza
Padua. Actually study: Liceo Artistico Pietro Selvatico Padova.
2013/2014 Apprenticeship by a Goldsmith ‘s laboratory in
Padova. Selected Exhibition: 2013 Gioielli in Fermento. Torre
Fornello, Piacenza I. 2014/2015 Artistar Jewels, exhibition and
catalogue. Space Foundation Maimeri Milano.
Contact: [email protected] – www.taniapalazzi.com
Pag. 68. ALESSANDRA PASINI 1975 Meldola FC Italia. Studi:
1994 Maturità Arte applicata Metalli Oreficeria I.S.A. Forli I.
Mostre collettive: Galleria Rossini, Venice Design Week Omaggio
all’ACG, 43° Mostra Artigianato Artistico Abruzzese, Guardiagrele
(CH). Dialoghi AGC-JJDA Istituto Cultura Italiano Tokyo, Artistar,
Arte da indossare Milano. Premi: 2013 1° Premio concorso
Moda Etica Firenze. 2015 Premio speciale Aglitteringwoman
ri-definire il gioiello. 2016 Premio Galleria Rossini ri-definire
il gioiello. Personale 2003-2008 gioielli, sculture, fotografie
installazioni, Punto Einaudi Forlì.
Contact: [email protected] – www.pasagioielli.it
Pag. 70. PATTIHIS LIANA 1961 Nicosia Cyprus. Education: 2007
BAJewellery Design Middlesex University. Selected exhibitions:
2014 Gioielli in FermentoTorre Fornello; 2013 Galerie Hélène
Aziza Beyond Precious, Circuits Bijoux Paris; MAD NY; 2012
Joya Guest Artist; 2011 Contemporary Applied Arts London;
2009 Goldsmith’s Fair London; 2008 SOFA NY/Chicago; 2009
Santa Fe C. Kransen NY; 2007 Electrum Gallery London; Galerie
Marzee Netherlands. Solo: 2010 Hellenic Centre London; 2012
Alysodeméno Benaki Museum Pireos Athens. Awards: 2014
1st Prize Gioielli in Fermento. Collections: MAD New York,
Fondazione Cominelli; Torre Fornello.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 72. ROBERTA PAVONE 1979 Pescara Italia. Studi:
1999 Istituto d’Arte Penne. Selezione Mostre: 2012 Gioielli
in Fermento, Concorso Internazionale Torre Fornello PC.
2013 15° Concorso Biennale Nazionale Arte Orafa Nicola da
Guardiagrele CH. 2013 Gioielli in Fermento, Torre Fornello.
2011/13 Gioielloinarte Il preziosismo pittorico di Kustav Klimt
Università Nobil Collegio Orefici Gioiellieri Argentieri Roma. L’anno
del serpente. F-utili gioielli Museo Marino Marini, Firenze. Ring
Party, Studio Tomasin, Padova. Ca De Ricchi Treviso. 2015. Filo
Rosso, Trieste e Izola.
Contact: [email protected] – www.robertagold.com
Pag. 74. MARCO PICCIALI 1969 Milano. Studi: 1985 C.A.P.A.C.
Milano diploma di orafo. Seleziene mostre: 1998 Nuove Visioni
Milano, Mostly Glass Art Gallery Englewood USA; 2010 Collana
Modulare; 2011 JA New York. JCK Las Vegas USA; Gioielli per
Milano Mediterraneo Livorno; 2011/12/14 Gioielli in Fermento;
2009/10/11/13 Fu-tili gioielli Museo M.Marini Firenze; 2013
Venice Design Week Venezia; 2014 Design 2014 VicenzaMurano; The Contemporary Jewellery Exchange; 2015 Filo Rosso
Museo Carà Muggia; 2016 Skin Museo del Gioiello Vicenza.
Pubblicazioni: 2011 New Rings, Nicolas Estrada,Thames&Hudson
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 76. DANIELA REPETTO 1968, Genova Italy. Education:
1992 Academy Fine Arts Brera Milano. 1994 T.A.M. Artistic
treatment of metals; 1995 Jewellery Master Scuola Arti e Mestieri
di Vicenza, Italy. Selected exhibitions: 2001 Arte Addosso
Palazzo Centurione Fondazione Sartirana Arte Castelnuovo
Scrivia AL; 2002 Arte Addosso Museo Archeologico P. Giovio
Como; 2006 Ecce Homo Castello di Pietrarubbia; 2015 Gioielli in
Fermento, Torre Fornello PC. Workshop: 2015 Miniatura enamel
with Gillie Byrom; Cloisonne with Kyoko LIo; Biennal Enamel
Firenze. Contact: [email protected] – www.danielarepetto.it
Pag. 78. STEFANO ROSSI 1965 Padova Italy. Education:
apprenticeship in family atelier, head from 1998 1984 Graduated
Liceo Scientifico; 1990 Stone setting; 2000 Goldsmithing Design;
2010 3D Rhinoceros; 2011 Chiselling and Repoussé. Selected
Exhibition: 2012-2013-2014-15Joya Barcelona; 2013 Gioielli
in Fermento Ziano Piacentino; 2010-2011-2012-2013 Onòff
Padova; 2013 Venice Design Week Venezia; 2012 Filo Rosso
Museo Carà Muggia; 2010 F-Utili gioielli; 2011 F-Utili gioielli Sala
Madonna della Neve Firenze; 2013 Museo Marino Marini Firenze;
2015 Dialoghi Istituto Cultura Italiano Tokyo, Museo Kofu.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 80. CHIARA SCARPITTI 1983 Naples, Italy. Education:
2015 Ph.D International Doctorate in Design at S.U.N., Naples.
2010 Master’s Degree in Fashion Design at Politecnico of
Milan, Milan. Selected Solo Exhibitions: 2013 Galleria Paola
Verrengia, Salerno I; 2012 Galerie Beeld&Aambeeld, Enschede
NL; 2012 ExpoArte Smykkedesign, Oslo NO; 2012 Plart Design
Foundation, Naples. Selected Awards: 2013 Winner Preziosa
Young, Florence; 2012 Honourable Mention Cominelli Foundation,
Salò; 2011 finalist Enjoia’t Award, JOYA, Barcelona. Selected
exhibition 2015 Dialoghi Istituto Cultura Italiano Tokyo, Museo
del Gioiello, Kofu. Contact: [email protected]
Udine Italia. Education: 1989 Opal cutters in the family workshop;
2001 research experimentation with opal; 2006 AQA projects.
Selection Exhibition: 1989/09 Vicenzaoro; 2007/12 Inhorgenta;
2008 Kara Paris; 2013 Gioiello in arte Roma; Venice Design Week;
Ring Party Padova; 2014 Gioielli in Fermento; Joya Barcelona;
2015 Galerie Slavik Vienna; Gioielli in Fermento; 2015 Dialoghi
Istituto Cultura Italiano Tokyo, Museo del Gioiello, Kofu. Awards:
2008 Coup de coeur Kara; 2013 Prima menzione Ring Party
Padova; 2014 Menzione AGC Gioielli in Fermento.
Contact: www.opal.it
Pag. 84. CLAUDIA STEINER 1969 Vienna Austria. Education:
2003/04 Goldsmith Academy Vienna. Workshops: MunichSalzburg with Nagai, Britton, Marchetti, Sarneel. Solo exhibition:
2013 Galerie V&V Selected Exhibitions: 2015 Alliages
Lille; Gioielli in Fermento Piacenza; 2014 Amber Riga; 2013
Gallery Putti; Artists of Galerie Biro& BiroJunior Munich; 2013
Portraits&Poses.; International Jewellery Art Beijing China;
2012 Blooming Art Highlight Sterling Galéria Budapest; 2011
Gegenwärtig Jewellery from Austria Eligius, Museum Arts Vienna;
GaleriaX Bratislava.. Dialoghi Italian Cultur Institute Tokyo,
Museum Kofu. Awards: 2015 Honorable Mention Pinton Awards,
Contact: www.claudia-steiner.at – [email protected]
Pag. 86. YOKO TAKIRAI 1971 Tokyo, Japan. Education: 1994
Graduated from West Virginia University, USA. 1997 Graduated
from Le Arti Orafe, Italy. Selected Exhibition: 2012/13/14
Sieraad International Jewellery Art Fair, Amsterdam. 2004/14
Legnica International Jewellery Competition Poland; 2013 Premio
Fondazione Cominelli Italy; 2012 LOOT-MAD New York; 27th
Japan Jewellery Art Exhibition Tokyo; 2011/13 Solo exhibition
Yoko Takirai Contemporary Art Jewellery. 2015 Gioielli in
Fermento Torre Fornello PC I. 2015 Dialoghi Istituto Cultura
Italiano Tokyo, Museo del Gioiello, Kofu.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 88. BARBARA UDERZO 1965 Vicenza, Italy. Education:
1989 Graduated at Academy of Fine Arts, Venice. Selected
Exhibition: 2007/2014 The new Italian design, La Triennale,
Milano, Istanbul, Beijing, Taiwan, Bilbao, San Francisco, Santiago;
2008 Bijoux-chocolat, Monsummano Terme (I); 2009 Rings etc.,
Vicenza I. 2011 Pensieri Preziosi 7, Padova I. 2013 Jewellery
Art Biennial, Beijing China. Progetto cibo Rovereto I. 2014
European Triennial of Contemporary Jewellery, Mons B. Premio
Fondazione Cominelli 2015 Gioielli in Fermento. Skin Museo
del Gioiello Vicenza.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 90. SILVIA VALENTI 1969 Gorizia Italia. Studi: Diploma
Arte Applicata Istituto d’Arte Pietro Selvatico Padova. Scrittrice
e storica dell’arte, si è formata all’Università di Edimburgo
laureandosi a Udine. Docente di oreficeria allo IED di Milano,
scrive per Art Jewellery Forum e altre riviste culturali. Mostre:
2016 Skin, Museo del Gioiello, Vicenza. 2015 Omaggio ad
AGC, Guardiagrele (CH), 2015/16. Filo Rosso, Trieste e Izola,
2013 NewDesign, secondo premio, Venezia Italia. Classic, 23rd
Legnica International Jewellery Competition, Legnica, Polonia.
Contact: www.silviavalenti.com
Pag. 92. GABI VEIT 1968 a Bolzano. Studi di grafica a Innsbruck
e Venezia. Dal 1994: proprietaria dello studio grafico „socom
& Pierre“ a Bolzano. 1991-2001: organizzazione del festival di
cabaret Cabarena a Bolzano.1995-2008: fondatrice e direttrice
del piccolo teatro Carambolage a Bolzano. 2008-2011: studi
di gioielleria contemporanea a Firenze, Alchimia. Dal 2011:
laboratorio a Bolzano e a Zurigo. Mostre: Italia, Germania,
Austria, Spagna, Paesi Bassi, Grecia, Svizzera, Stati Uniti,
Giappone. Premi: Grassipreis, Menzione speciale Premio
Cominelli. Collezione: Seven Sins and Spoons Grassimusseum.
Contact: www.gabiveit.it – [email protected]
Pag. 94. CATERINA ZANCA Rovigo 1978 Italia. Education:
2003 University Bologna. 2005/11 Alberta Vita’s atelier in
Padua. Selected exhibitions: 2014 Contest Avant Garde Palazzo
Agostinelli Bassano del Grappa; Joya Barcelona; Gioielli in
Fermento Gallery Boffi Barcellona; 2013 Papers Jewellery Way
out Design della Comunicazione, Rovigo; Gioielli in Fermento;
2012 at Way out Communication Design, Rovigo; Giardiniere
d’idee Il Manegium, Fratta Polesine Ro; 500 Art Necklaces
Larks Books; Forme in Divenire Sala Celio Rovigo; 2010 VM40
Furnishings Rovigo; 2015 Dialoghi Istituto Cultura Italiano Tokyo;
Museo del Gioiello, Kofu.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 17. IINO KIMIKO Graduated from Musashino Art University.
Working for K.Mikimoto. Won a prize at the De beers Diamond
Design Contest. ’03,’05 Won the Bronze Award at the Int’l
Pear Design Contest. ’05 Sweden Metallum Gallery ’06 ItalyOROGIOLEILO. ’07 Hong Kong Jewellery & Watch Fair. ’10 ECLAT
DE MODE ’12 China (Dalian) int’l. I use the traditional Japanese
metals and try to create a form with mew feelings, a work that can
be enjoyed as both something to wear and something to look at.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 19. ITO SATOMI Studied under UNNO Eriko. 2005
JJA Jewellery Award 2005 – Excellence Award. 2006 Craft
Competition in TAKAOKA – Judge Prize. 2010 JJA Jewellery
Award 2010 – Merit Award. 2012 Metal Element of Four Countries
(Korea). 2013 Cheongju International Craft Biennale (Korea).
2014 La vie quotidienne et les objets d’art (France).
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 21. UCHIDA YOSHIKO Graduated from Showa Women’s
college. ‘08 JJA Jewellery Design Award. ‘09, ‘12 Biennale
Japan Jewellery Designers Exhibition. ‘10, ‘12 Japan Jewellery
Art competition original jewelry ‘Atelier RYO’ /orner. The work
is due to beeswax technique with a history of a thousand years.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 23. UNNO ERIKO 1987 Shizuoka Craft Exhibition
Encouragement Prize. 1989 JJA jewelry Design Contest President
Prize. ’04 ’08 ’12 ’14 Selected Japan Jewellery Art Exhibition.
’05 ’07 ’09 ’13 Selected Itami international Craft Exhibition.
’09 JJDA Members Exhibition in Florida. ’11 Solo Exhibition in
HCMC Vietnam. ’12 Art Metal Element in Seoul.’13 Cheongju
International Craft Biennale. ’14 JCDA Members Exhibition in
Paris. 2001-2014 Instructor in Shizuoka Dress Design Technical
College. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 25. OSHIMA YAYOI 1978 Graduated from Musashino Art
University Craft and Industrial Design Department. 1978-2003
I worked for TASAKI Co.,Ltd. and I was a manager of Tokyo
Design Department. ’79,’86 International Jewellery Art Exhibition.
’83,’92 Japan Jewellery Art Exhibition. ’83 Diamond Design
Competition 2nd Prize. International Pearl Design Competition
’89 Gold Prize,’90,’91 Grand Prize. 2004,’06,’09,’12 Biennial
Japan Jewellery Design Exhibition. I have held a lot of solo and
group exhibitions. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 27. KASHIHARA ERINA 2000 The 10the Biennial Jewelers
and Metalsmiths Group of Australia Conference invited speaker
in Brisbane. 2002 Special Exhibition “Light in Life – Science/
Art/Fashion” The National Science Museum Tokyo. 2006 Solo
Exhibition “The Body Illuminant” Pola Museum Anex Tokyo. 2010
Canada Glass Art Association Conference Montreal Glass Art
Fashion Show. 2014 LUMINARE Light Art Performance Frankfurt.
2014.’15 Wearable Technology Fashion Show “Make: fashion”
Calgary. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 29. KIUCHI NORIHIRO 1969 Graduated from Tokyo Designer
Gakuin College in Interior Design Department. 1973 Joined Ginza
VIVO/Honma Design Institute. 1978 Won a prize at Japan Diamond
Design Contest Opened Jewellery Design Atelier IPPO. 1980
Opened Jewellery School Atelier IPPO. 1988-2011 Hold group
exhibitions of IPPO. 1998-2011 Participated in Japan Jewellery
Art Competition. 2002-2012 Participated in Biennale Jewellery
Designer Exhibition. Participated in a number of exhibitions held
in department stores and hotels. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 31. KITADA MICHIE 1971 Graduate from kawamura Junior
college Department of English. 1973 Graduate from Tokyo
YMCA Design school. 1983 Diamond design Competition. 1984
International Pearl Design Competition. 1993 Contemporary
Diamond Design Competition. 2006 Japan Jewellery Art
Competition Grand Prize. 2007,2009,2014 Solo Exhibition in
Tokyo Japan. 2005 Contemporary Jewellery From Japan in
Australia. 2009 Japan Jewellery Designers Exhibition in USA.
2014 Metalsmithing&Jewellery Art Exhibition in China. Contact:
[email protected]
Pag. 33. KIYOTA TOMOAKI 1952: Born in TOKYO. 1975: Went
to Italy Milano to study European Jewellery Art. 1976: Got the
work of permission. 1984: Won the Jury’s special award at the
contest “1st Japan Gold In Fashion”. 1985: Won the prize again
at the same contest. 2001: Opened an atelier “CISEY MILANO
s.p.a” in Milano. 2002: Exhibited on “SHANGHAI JEWELRY
FAIR”. 2004: Produce d the new Jewellery series “Illumination
Jewellery”. 2005: Exhibited on “VICENZA JEWELRY FAIR”. 2006:
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 35. TAKASHI KOJIMA was born in 1978, Kyoto, 2003 I was
graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Desigh, Architecutureclass, Japan, My atelier&shop have opened from 2010 to now
in Kyoto, I have been Docent from 2010 to now at Kobe Design
University. 2007 JJA Jewellery Design Awards *The President of
JJDA prize, 2012 Japan Jewellery art exhibition *Encouragement
prize, 2012 JJA Jewellery Design Awards *Technical prize *Fine
work Prize. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 37. KOBAYAKAWA MARIKO Born in 1949 in Kumamoto
City. Studied Toreutics under Jewellery designer Mrs.Idenuma
in Tokyo. 1979 I moved to Kanazawa City and Studied Toreutics
under jewelry designer Mrs. Sugita. 1996 Japan Craft Exhibit.
1998 Japan Jewellery Art Competition. 2002 Personal Exhibit
at gallery Aurum Argentun Vancouver,Canada. 2004 France
Ishikawa Artisan Fair at Daiwa Dep.Store,Kanazawa. 2004 Gallery
cuore mariko opened. Artwork under the cuore mariko brand
introduced. 2010 Collaborated Exhibit at The 21st Century Art
Museum,Kanazawa. Contact: www.cuore-mariko.com
Pag. 39. KOBARI KEIKO 1975 Graduated from Kyoritsu Women’s
University in Tokyo. 1980-1982 Worked at Wahei Ikezawa’s
atelier. 1979-1980 Worked at Minoru Miki’s atelier. 2010 The
26th Japan Jewellery Art Competition held at the Ueno Royal
Museum. 2007 Held Keiko Kobari Jewellery Show at Ginza AC
Gallery. 2002/2003 International Jewellery Tokyo Exhibition at
Tokyo Big Sight. 1983-2002 Japan Craft Design Association
Exhibition through competition in 1981-83. Membership 19862003 Japan Craft Design Association.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 41. KOMIYA TAKAKO 1970 Graduated from Department
of Sculpture Tama Art University. My workshop and jewellery
school have opened since 1985 to now. 1990-2010 Instructor
at Kobe University of Fashion and Design. ’75,’76,’94,’98
Japan Jewellery Art Competition. ’89,’99 Japanese Jewellery
Exhibition in Vienna. 2002,’03,’12 Group exhibitions in Korea.
2013 Cominelli Foundation Award. I have held a number of solo
and group exhibitions. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 43. SATO YOKO Graduated from Joshibi University of Art
and Design ’99. Solo Exhibition Ginza Matsuya Department
Japan Contemporary Arts and Crafts Exhibition (Metropolitan
art Museum) ‘96. Contemporaries Japanese Craft & Jewellery
Design (Los Angeles) ‘97. Japanese Contemporaries(London).
‘03 Korean & Japanese Women Jewellery & metal Artists ’04. 40
Anniversary Art Exhibition (London) ‘05. Jewellery Art Exhibition
(Sydney). Fine Works prize ‘92 Jewellery Art Exhibition. Permanent
Collection Royal National Museum of Scotland.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 45. SAWAMOTO MASAKO 2011 Participated in 4 designers
exhibition at Gallery Okariya. 2004 Participated in 6 designers
exhibition “Tokyo Style in Stockholm” at Stockholm. 2004
Accepted at Japan Jewellery Art competition. 2004/1976
Accepted at International Jewellery Art Exhibition. 2006~
Instructor in Jewellery Making Class at Private Institution of
Yokohama. 1985 Graduated from Musashino Junior College. I
have held a number of group Exhibitions and 2 solo exhibitions.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 47. SHIGETA EMIKO 1976 Graduated from Women’s College
of Art and Design. 2006 Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
(USA) A Representative from a Government of Japan PRIZES
2004 Excellence Prize in Japan Jewellery Art Exhibition. 1997
’97 International Pearl design Contest, a set section. 1984
a Honorable mention Prize in Japan Jewellery Art Exhibition.
other OVERSEAS EX.U.S.A Australia South Korea PRIVATE
EX.Takashimaya Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi Isetan
Shinjuku (all is Department store) PERMANENT EX, Sculpture
Hotel New SIOBARA NewOkabe. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 49. SHIRAO YUMI was born in 1966, Her work shop have
opened from 2004 to now. 2007-14 Instructor at Shizuoka
Fukushoku Biyou Academy. ‘02,’04,’06,’08,’10 Japan Jewellery
Art competition. ’06 International Metalwork (Shizuoka University).
’10 Japan China Korea Contemporary Metal Art Exhibition (1300th
Anniversary of Nara). ’11 IDA Congress Taipei International Craft
Design Exhibition (Taiwan). ’13 Beijing International Jewellery
Art Biennale (China). ’14 Japan Craft Design exhibition ( Paris).
Contact: www4.tokai.or.jp/shirao-jewelry/
Pag. 51. SUGA MARIO 1972 Graduated from Shirayuri Women’s
University, French Literature Couse. ’76-90 Studied jewellery at
NAKAMURA Minato’s studio. ’88 Bronze Prize International Pearl
Design Competition. ’93 Prize for Excellence, Japanese Crafts
Exhibition. ’93 Gold Prize Jewellery Creative Contest. ’2001
“Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show” in USA. ‘03 Silver Prize,
ITAMI International Craft Exhibition. I have held many group and
solo exhibitions. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 53. SUMA FUMIE 1970 Graduated from Baika Women’s
College Literature course. I have taken a private lesson of jewellery
design and craft since 1972. ‘74,’92,’93,’98,2000,’02,’04
Japan Jewellery Art Competition. ‘92~2015 Group exhibition
in Tokyo Japan. ‘94,’96 Solo exhibition in Tokyo. ‘95 in Roma,
‘98,’04 Participated in Group exhibition in Stockholm. ‘95
Participated in Group exhibition in Spello. ’09 in Florida
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 55. TAKAGI CHISA Born in Osaka, Japan. After she’s
been in Japanese Jewellery industry, moved to New York in
1999. Studied at FIT and The National Academy and Design.
2003,’04 WJA Awards, ‘06 The Saul Bell Awards, ‘07 the HRD
International Diamond Jewellery Awards. She teaches and lectures
Contemporary Art Jewellery at P.I. Art Center NY, also actively
participates in international solo and group exhibitions across
Asia, Europe and the U.S.A. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 57. TAKANAKA HARUMI 1979 Graduated from Kyushu
Zokei Art College, Craft Design Department. ’89 ITAMI CRAFTS
Department Prize. ‘93 THE ART OF JEWELLERY/‘94 Takaoka
Crafts Exhibition. ’95,’96,’97 JAPAN CRAFTS EXHIBITION.
‘96 JEWELLERY ART COMPETITION. ’99 Group exhibition in
’99, ’03, ’07, ‘09 Biennial Japan Jewellery Designers Exhibition.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 59. TAGUCHI FUMIKI 2002~2009 HIRAMATSU Design
laboratory, It studies under HRAMATSU. 2005 M.F.A. in Metal
Carving, Tokyo University of the Arts and Music. 2005 Assistant,
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. 2009 Lecturer
at Tokyo University of the Arts and Music. 2010 Assistant, Kobe
Design University. 2014 Lecturer at HIKO MIZUNO COLLEGE
OF JEWELRY. 2006 The 24th Japanese jewelry art exhibition,
Excellent prize. 2013 Schmuck2013 Hebert Hofmann Prize. 2014
Schmuck2014 accepted. I heve held a number of solo and group
exhibitions. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 61. TANEZAWA SETSUKO 1978: Studied jewellery under
Ms.Chiho Tamiya and Mr. Minoru Miki. 1994: Established the
original jewellery studio. Creative work with focus on individual
exhibitions, has shown works in many shows in Japan and
overseas. My jewellery theme are the sun and the sky and the
sea. I often use “Japanese paper”,because it was handmade
paper. I am fascinated “Japanese paper” which a craftsman
thorough in their work. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 63. TSUBOI KEIKO 1967 Graduated from Joshibi Junior
College Art & Design. 1989~2014 Instructor of cultural institution
for adult education in Tokyo. 1985 The 13th International Pearl
Design competition; BRONZE prize The 15th Modern Jewellery
Design competition; SILVER & DESIGN prize 1986 The 14th
International Pearl Design competition; JAPAN PEARLRETAIL
STORE SOCIETY award 1987 The 11th International Platinum
Design competition; FINE WORK.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 65. NAG AI YUTAK A 1954, Tokyo. Studies, Tokyo
Metropolitan Kogei High School, Artistic metal work course.
Wako University of Tokyo, Fine Arts faculty. In 1982 moved
to Rome to further studies of traditional European metalsmith
techniques. In 1990 opened own workshop in Rome. In 2009
returned to Tokyo and works own workshop. Exhibitions and
lectures, Rome. Siena Casal maggiore. Salò. Paris. Lisbon. Den
haag. Berlin. Beijing. Tokyo. Kanazawa. Osaka. etc.
Contact: [email protected] – www.y.nagai.com
Pag. 67. NAKAJIMA NAGI Born in Tokyo, Japan. 1989 Graduated
fromTama ArtUniversity, Tokyo, Japan, Design faculity. 20072015 Instructor at TamaArtUniversity. 2006 Award winner of
the 23rd “Tansuiou” prize, Japan. 2000 Grand Prize at Japan
Jewellery Art Competition. 1999 3rd Prize at International
Jewellery Competition, Germany. 2002 Friedrich Becker
PrizeFinalist, Germany. 2014 NEW OLD SILVER GOLD Inspiration
Lab, INHORGENTA MUNICK 2014, Germany. 2006 Transfiguration:
Japanese Art Jewellery Today, The National Museum of Modern
Art, Tokyo. Contact: www.naginakajima.com
Pag. 69. NAKAHARA EIKO 2002 present training by Minato
Nakamura. 2004, 08, 10, 12, 14 Japan Jewellery Art Competition.
2009-2014 Japan Craft Competition. 2010, 13, 14 Premio
Fondazion Cominelli per il gioiello. 1976 International Jewellery
Art Exhibition Jewellery Prize-Award. 2012, 14 Japan Jewellery
Art Competition Award for Encouragement. 2013 Japan Craft
Exhibition Invitation Judge Prize Award. I have held a number
of group exhibition. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 71. NARUMI TAEKO 1977 Graduated from University of
the Sacred Heart Tokyo. 2000, 2002, 2004 Japan Jewellery Art
Competition. 2000, 2014 Japan Crafts Exhibition. I have held a
number of group exhibitions. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 73. NISHIWAKI NOBUKO 1976 Graduated Shirayuri
Women’s University, Japanese Literature course ’82 The Mainichi
Modern Jewellery Design. Competition Fine work Award, ’84
William Muller Contest, ’85 Fur Kopt&Haa – Pforzheim Jewellery
Museum, ’87 International Pearl Design Contest – Fine work
Award, ‘90Gold & Silber schmied Kunst Contest, ’92 The Japan
Jewellery Art Competition(93, 96, 98, 02, 04, 06, 08) Fine work
Award, ’94(’92) Triennale de Bijou, ’01 Contemporary Japanese
Jewellery – British Council, Solo Exhibitions, Etc, Collection:
Kestner Museum, Germany.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 75. HATANAKA NORIKO Born and raised in Osaka. 1979,
83 International Jewellery Art Competition. 1981, 82 International
Pearl Design Competition Encouragement award Platinum Design
Of The Year ’96/2009 Japan Jewellery Designers Association
Exhibition. 2011 International Peace Art Exhibition “Chelsea Art
Museum” New York. Juror, Art for Peace 2012 co-sponsored by
the United Nations Office for Disarmament and Harmony For Peace
Foundation. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 77. HIEDA MAKOTO 1977 Graduated from Musashino Arts
Junior college Majiored in Industrial Arts. ’79 Study by Minato
Nakanura. 1984,88 Friedrich Wilhelm Muller Contest. ’87 Hanau
International Jewellery Exhibition. ‘96, 2000 Craft Competition
in TAKAOKA-Judge’s Prize (2000-Honorable mention). ’98 The
TANSUI-OH PRIZE. 2010 Japan Jewellery Art Competition-Award
for Encouragement. 2012 Japan Craft Exhibition – Excellent
award. 2013 Cominelli Foundation Award-2nd prize. 2013
SCHMUCK. 2014 Friedrich Becker Prize-Finalist
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 79. HIRAK AWA FUMIE Born in 1967, Osaka. 1987
Graduated, Kyoto College of Art. 2000 Teaching at Itami Jewellery
College. 2004 Honorable Mention, JJA Jewellery Design Award.
2006 Selected, Takaoka Craft Competition. 2006-14 Selected,
Japan Jewellery Art Competition. 2007-11 Selected, ITAMI
International Craft Exhibition. 2009 LarkCrafts 500 SILVER
JEWELRY DESIGNS. 2013 Judge’s Choice, ITAMI international
Craft Exhibition. Contact: www.fumiehirakawa.com
Pag. 81. HIRAKO KOICHI ’75 Studies on Metal Engraving by
Tamiya Chiho Jewellery Craft. ‘76,’79,’83,’86 International
Jewellery Arts Exhibition. ‘79,’88,’92, Japan Jewellery Art
Competition. ‘94,’96 Takaoka Crafts Exhibition. ’95 J-NWS
International Jewellery Design Competition Special Prize.
‘98 JapanCrafts Exhibition. 2002 Korean Jewellry Designers
Association Exchange Exhibition. From 1998 Lecturer at Seibu
Ikebukuro Community College. Special Lecturer at Japan Jewellery
Craft Gakuin. Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 83. FUJIMOTO NAHOKO 1979 Graduated from Kansai
Women’s Art College. 1989 The World Design Exposition(Nagoya).
1997~99 01,02,04~09 Asahi Modern Craft Exhibition.
2000,02,04,06,12 Japan Jewellery Art Competition,06-Excellent
Prize. 2008 International Paper Jewellery Exhibition (Scotland).
2009 Collect (London). 2012 Metal Element Of Four Countries
(Seoul). 2013 Cominelli Foundation Award for Contemporary
Jewellery. Collection, 2009 The Alice and Louis Koch Collection.
2014 Olnick-Spanu Collection.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 85. MATSUURA MINERI Born in 1973, Tokyo. Graduated
from Musashino Art University, Metal Design in 1998. ‘98, 2001
Takaoka Craft Competition. ‘99, 2005 Itami Internationl Craft
Exhibition. 2000,’04 ,’06,’08 Japan Jewellery Art Competition,
Japan Craft Competition. 2005 INTERNATIONAL METALWORK
Exhibition. 2001,’02 Solo Exhibition. 2005,’03,07 Group Exhibition
in Tokyo. 2007 Japan Jewellery Designer 12th Biennale, Tokyo,
Jewellery Exhibition Sapporo, Hokkaido. 2008,’09 Solo Exhibition.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 87. MISHIMA ITTO 2011 M.F.A., Tokyo University of
the Arts, Metal work. 2011-2014 Research assistant at Tokyo
University of the Arts. 2014 Assistant for the Jewellery and
Metalwork Course at Kobe Design University. 2009 Prize, JJA
Jewellery Design Award. 2011 Tokyo Chamber of Commerce
and Industry President Prize, JTO Jewellery Design Contest.
2012 Grand Prize, Japan Jewellery Art Exhibition. Selected,
Japan Craft Exhibition.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 89. YASUGI MAYUMI Graduated from Tokyo University of
the Arts (metal carving major) 1989 After graduating became a
jewellery designer. My work in design is inspired by the world of
plants, spiral patterned objects and other natural gifts from mother
nature. I held numerous solo exhibitions in Ginza, Roppongi,
between 1992 and 2015. 2006 Received the first place award
in the necklace category of The Tahitian Pearl Trophy Contest.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 91. YAMAZAKI SUMIKO 1967 Graduated from Musashino
Art University Department of Pictorial Design. After graduated,
started jewelry design and techniques. 1996 Contemporary
Japanese Craft and Jewellery in L.A.. 1998 Japanese Jewellery
in Finland and Sweden. 2000, 2002, 2004 Japan Jewellery Art
Competition. Participate in Exhibition of JJDA, group exhibition.
Instructor at Ginza studio, own atelier in Kamakura.
Contact: [email protected]
Pag. 93. YUKI MAKIKO 1982~86 Studied at the Belgian Royal
Antwerp Academy’s Jewellery Department and completed with
the Onderscheriding, the highest prize awarded to my graduation
jewelry works. Throughout the Academy course, have studied
under tutorship of Professor Jean Lemmens. 2006-2010 selected
on Japan Jewellery Art Competition. 2007 Solo exhibition in
Gent(Belgium) “PONT & PLAS”. 2010 Award of [SHERIF DE
Contact: www.atelier-jime.com
Pag. 95. WASHIMI NOBUKO 1984 Clio Prize package design
section Grand Prix (New York). Since1990 I have studied to make
jewelry under Ms. Minato Nakamura. 2005 I opened own flagship
shop in Tokyo. Contact: [email protected]
P.4, P.5, P.10, P.12 https://www.google.it
P.12, P.39 Prato della Valle Padova, foto di Giuliano Ghiraldini
P.20, P.58, P.70 https://www.google.co.jp/
P.22, P.36, P.42, P.46, P.54, P.60, P.64,
P.90, P.92 Private photographing
P.24 http://www.itotsune.co.jp/
P.26 Axel Vervoordt Lo sprito wabi (book)
P.28, P.48, P.56, P.72, P.80,
P.84, P.86, P.94 https://www.wikipedia.org/
P.30 https://starhandarts.wordpress.com/
P.32 http://shibuya.alpha-homes.com/
P.34 http://onepiece.ria10.com/
P.38 photo by ©Tomo.Yun http://www.yunphoto.net/
P.40 http://www.secondlife-e.com/2008/06/-ukiyoe.html
P.44, P.88 http://www.yahoo.co.jp/
P.50 http://zexy.net/
P.52 http://fukuchiin.com/
P.62 http://www.japaaan.com/space/56
P.66 http://kyoto.gp1st.com/
P.68 http://www.moaart.or.jp/collection/japanese-paintings54/
P.74 http://www.nabeshima.or.jp/
P.76 http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/
P.78 http://www.bing.com/
P.82 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/
P.95 Unknown
Maria Rosa Franzin
Direttivo AGC
Gabriel Walton
Rita Marcangelo
Nichka Marobin
Alberto Grimaldi
Tipografia Sartore
Fontaniva, Padova Italia
The Committee
for cross-exhibitions with Italy
Komiya Takako / Presidente
Kitada Michie
Sawamoto Masako
Nagai Yutaka
Nishiwaki Nobuko
Hieda Makoto
Hirako Koichi
Franzin Maria Rosa / Presidente
Mariani Gigi
De Meo Corrado
Spivach Sergio
Rossi Stefano
Lucato Chiara
Zanca Caterina
il Direttivo JJDA, l’Ambasciata del Giappone in Italia, l’Istituto di Cultura italiano di Tokyo, le Istituzioni Comunali, Museali
e tutte le persone che hanno collaborato per la realizzazione di questo progetto.
agc Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo 2016 - www.agc-it.org