CURRICULUM VITAE - Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo


CURRICULUM VITAE - Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo
Position: Research staff
Current address: Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)
Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo (OA-Teramo)
Via M. Maggini s.n.c., 64100 Teramo, Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +39 0861 439710
Fax: +39 0861 439740
Languages: Native Italian speaker, fluent in English, knowledge of French and Spanish
 PhD in Astronomy, University of Roma La Sapienza, 2002. Thesis Title: Accurate synthetic color-magnitude diagrams: a
key tool for probing stellar populations and for constraining stellar evolution theory.
Advisor: Prof. E. Brocato and Prof. P. Giannone. Collaboration with: OA-Teramo, University of Pisa, NOAO-CTIO
 Laurea (Degree) in Physics, University of Pisa, 1995. Thesis Title: Neutrinos from stars.
Advisor: Prof. V. Castellani. Collaboration with: OA-Teramo, University of Ferrara, INFN
Dec 2008  Today
Mar 2006  Dec 2008
Mar 2004  Mar 2006
Oct 2003  Mar 2004
Oct 1999  Oct 2003
Apr 1996  Jun 1999
Research staff, INAF OA-Teramo
Research contract, INAF-OA-Teramo
INAF Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Research contract, ESO (Germany)
Research contract, INAF-OA-Teramo
Fellow, OA-Teramo
Stellar Populations, Stellar Evolution, Star Clusters, Astronomical Distances, Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Lectures to Italian students participating to the International Astronomy Olympiad
Member of the National Committee of the Italian Astronomy Olympiad
Lectures at the Liceo Ginnasio Statale Saffo (high school), Roseto degli Abruzzi
Public conferences and Lectures, Alassio
2006 – 2009
Co-Member of the Physics Laurea Evaluation Committee, University of L'Aquila
2003 – 2004
Lectures on Stellar Population Synthesis, I level MASTER in Astrophysics, University of Teramo
2002 – 2009
Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Astronomy Course "Laboratorio di Astrofisica e Fisica dello
spazio” for undergraduate students at the Physics Dept. University of L’Aquila
1999 – today
Tutor or co-tutor of Physics Degree and PhD theses:
 2006: Laurea Specialistica in Physics: B. Patricelli, University of L’Aquila
 2005: MASTER in Astrophysics: A. Cittadini Bellini, University of Teramo
 2004: PhD in Physics: M. Cantiello, University of Salerno
 2003: Laurea in Physics: M. Fagiolini, University of PisA
 2001: Laurea in Physics: M. Cantiello, University of Napoli
 1997: Laurea in Physics: A. Sciarretta, University of L’Aquila
1996 – today
Outreach activity at the OA-Teramo Observatory
 Member of the SOC of the International School of Astrophysics “F. Lucchin” and GREAT-ITN, Teramo 11-15 June, 2012
 Chair of the LOC of the International School of Astrophysics “F. Lucchin” and GREAT-ITN, Teramo 11-15 June, 2012
 Co-editor of the Proceedings of International Congress Cefalù 2008 (AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1111, 2009)
 Coordinator of the Project Professione Astronoma (IYA09, Unesco) at the OA-Teramo, 2009
 Co-editor of the Proceeding of Congress "LII Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana (Mem. SAIt Vol. 80, 2008)
 Member of the LOC of "LII Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana, Teramo 4-8 May, 2008
 Referee of papers for the international journals: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and Astrophysics and
Space Science
Operating Systems: UNIX, LINUX
Programming Languages: Fortran, Supermongo, Unix Shell Script
Astronomical Software: development of the SPoT (Stellar POpulation Tools), a Stellar Population Synthesis Code
Astronomical Software: IRAF, MIDAS
Stellar Photometry packages (HSTPHOT, Romaphot)
2011 EU FP7 ITN: GREAT-Gaia Research for European Astronomy Training (2011-2015)
2010 PRIN-INAF: Looking for the elusive building blocks of the Milky Way and Andromeda Halos , National PI: G. Clementini; Local
PI: G. Raimondo
2008 PRIN-INAF: The ESO Magellanic Cloud Surveys - Tracing the stellar populations and beyond, National PI: M. Marconi
2008 ESF-RPN: GREAT-ESF Research Network Programme (2010-2015)
2007 ASI-INAF: Program I/016/07/0
2006 PRIN-INAF: From Local to Cosmological Distances, National PI: G. Clementini
2006 HST-PROJECT: Measurements of surface brightness fluctuations gradients in normal and peculiar early-type galaxies, PI: M.
2005 PRIN-INAF: A theoretical lab for stellar studies - updated model resources and new investigation tools, National PI: A. Buzzoni
2004 PRIN-MIUR: The role of the environment in the evolution of star systems, PI: M. Capaccioli
2003 PRIN-MIUR: Continuity and Discontinuity in the Milky Way formation, National PI: R. Gratton
2002 PRIN-MIUR: Stellar populations in local group galaxies, National PI: M. Tosi
2002 PRIN-INAF: Stars and clusters as tracers of the LMC structure and evolution, National PI: P. Bertelli
2000 PRIN-MIUR: Stellar Observables of cosmological relevance, National PI: V. Castellani, and A. Tornambe'
2000 Grant of the Consorzio Nazionale per l'Astronomia e l'Astrofisica (CNAA), PI: G. Raimondo
1998 PRIN-MIUR: Stellar Evolution, National PI: V. Castellani
2010 – today
Associazione Ricercatori Italiani in Astronomia e Astrofisica (ARIAA)
2009 – today
Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt)
2006 – today
International Astronomical Union (IAU), Division VII Commission 37 Star Clusters & Associations
1996 – 1999
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)
2008 Invitation to the University Paris-7 and Observatoire de Paris-Meudon (2 month visitorship): not attended for
personal reasons
2004 ESO, Garching, project PI: D. Silva (2 weeks visitorship)
2003 ESO, Garching, project PI: D. Silva (1 week visitorship)
2000 Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (NOAO), La Serena: project PI: A. R. Walker (2 month visitorship)
1997 ESO, Garching, project PI: S. Savaglio (1 week visitorship)
1995 University of Pisa, Molecular Physics Dept.: Advisor: P. Minguzzi; Dissertation title: Laboratory Observation of
Maser Action in NH3 through Collisional Cooling
 GREAT-GAIA (Gaia Research for European Astronomy Training): WGA8 – Gaia Distance Scale
 INAF-TNG/DOLORES+NICS: “UVIK observations of extragalactic globular cluster systems: in pursuit of real bimodal metallicity”,
PI: M. Cantiello
 LBT/LBC: “Deep UVRIY imaging of NGC4494 to constrain the metallicity distribution of field and cluster stars”, PI: M. Cantiello
 STREGA@VST (STREGA - STRucture and Evolution of the GAlaxy), PI: M. Marconi
 STEP@VST: The SMC in Time: Evolution of a Prototype interacting late-type dwarf galaxy, PI: V. Ripepi
 VST survey of Elliptical GAlaxies in the South hemisphere (VEGAS), PI: N. Napolitano
 NOAO-CTIO 4.1-m SOAR Telescope: Optical Imaging: “Calibration of the Surface Brightness Fluctuation Method for Young and
intermediate Age Stellar Populations”, PI: Walker Alistair, 2006
 ESO-VLT. Targets: LMC star clusters, PI: F. Ferraro
 ESO MPG-2.2m Telescope, La Silla: “White Dwarfs in old Open Clusters”, PI: E. Brocato
 HST-WFPC2: imaging (archival and property data)
 TNT (70cm Teramo-Normale-Telescope) at OA-Teramo, member of the observational staff since 1996. Targets: Dwarf
Novae, X-transient objects, GRB and SNe
2011  Science with Gaia: revising the Italian Selection of Main Themes, Bologna, Dec 12-14
Talk title: The physical properties of intermediate and high mass stars: the GAIA perspective
2011  GREAT-ESF Conference: The fundamental cosmological distance scale: state of the art and the GAIA perspective,
Napoli, May 3-6
Talk title: SBF and Distances: a Theoretical View
2010  Virtual Observatory Day: Strumenti e Dati per Scienza e Didattica, Teramo, 1 March
2009  Congresso Società Astronomica Italiana, Pisa, May 4-8
Talk title: Using SBF to study stellar populations in galaxies
2008  Probing Stellar Populations out to the Distant Universe, Cefalu', Sept 7-12
Invited Talk: Resolved Stellar-Populations as test for SPSM: SBF and colors
2008  E-ELT DRM Workshop, ESO-Garching, May 20-21
2008  Congresso Società Astronomica Italiana, Teramo, May 4-8
2006  IAU symposium 241 Stellar populations: the building blocks of the Universe, Santa Cruz de La Palma, Dec 11-16
Contribution title: Tracing stellar populations of galaxies with the SBF method
2005  Stellar Pulsation and Evolution, Roma, June 9-24
Talk title: Carbon Stars in the SMC: Pulsation properties from MACHO Light-Curves
2005  XLIX Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana, Catania, May 2-7
Contribution title: Investigating resolved stellar populations with SBF
2004  Near- and mid-IR studies of Local Group galaxies, Leiden, May 3-7
Invited Talk title: Surface brightness fluctuations as a promising tool for investigating AGB stars populations
2003  Stellar Populations 2003, ESO-Garching, Oct 6-10
Contribution title: A new theoretical approach to evaluate surface brightness fluctuations in stellar systems
2003  Stars in Galaxies, Canary Islands, March 7-11
Talk title: Surface Brightness Fluctuations: a powerful tool for investigating unresolved stellar populations
2002  New Horizons in Globular Cluster Astronomy, Padova, June 24-28
Contribution title: 1. SBF: a theoretical point of view.
2. Some clues on the tilt of the HBs in metal-rich clusters.
3. NGC1866: New analysis from HST-WFPC2 observations of the inner regions
2001  Observed HR Diagrams and Stellar Evolution, Coimbra, June 18-22
Contribution title: MS-fitting method: a new determination of the distance of the LMC cluster NGC1866
2001  XLV Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana, Bologna, May 2-5
2001  Workshop VST Scienza: idee e progetti per il VLT Survey Telescope, Napoli, Jan 30-31
2000  New Facilites for Astronomy in Chile, Santiago, Dec 12-13
2000  XLIV Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana, Roma, April 10-15
Talk title: Expected spectro-photometric Properties of Population III stellar systems
 M. Cantiello, I. Biscardi, E. Brocato, G. Raimondo, 2011, A&A, 532, 154: "VLT Optical BV R observations of two bright ellipticals in the
Virgo cluster I. Surface Brightness Fluctuations properties"
 Mucciarelli, S. Cristallo, E. Brocato, L. Pasquini, O. Straniero, E. Caffau, G. Raimondo, A. Kaufer, I. Musella, V. Ripepi, M. Romaniello, A.R.
Walker, A., 2011, MNRAS, 413, 837: "NGC 1866: a milestone for understanding the chemical evolution of stellar populations in the LMC"
 Bellini, A., Bedin, L. R., Piotto, G., Salaris, M., Anderson, J., Brocato, E., ragazzoni, R., Ortolani, S., Platais, I., Gilliland, R., Raimondo, G.,
Bragaglia, A., Tosi, M., Gallozzi, S., Testa, V., Giallongo, E., Baruffolo, A., Farinato, J., Diolaiti, E., Speziali, R., Carraro, G., and Yadav, R. K. S.,
2010, A&A, 513, 50: "The end of the white dwarf cooling sequence in M67?
 K. Maguire, E. Di Carlo, S. J. Smartt, A. Pastorello, D. Yu. Tsvetkov, S. Benetti, S. Spiro, A. A. Arkharov, G. Beccari, M. T. Botticella, E.
Cappellaro, S. Cristallo, M. Dolci, N. Elias-Rosa, M. Fiaschi, D. Gorshanov, A. Harutyunyan, V. M. Larionov, H. Navasardyan, A.
Pietrinferni, G. Raimondo, G. Di Rico, S. Valenti, G. Valentini, L. Zampieri, 2010, MNRAS, 404, 981: "Optical and near-infrared coverage
of SN 2004et: Physical parameters and comparison with other type IIP supernovae"
 G. Raimondo, 2009, ApJ, 700, 1247: "Joint Analysis of near-infrared properties and surface brightness fluctuations of LMC star clusters"
 Biscardi, I., Raimondo, G., Cantiello, M., Brocato, E., 2008, ApJ, 678, 168: "ACS Optical Surface Brightness Fluctuations Of Shell Elliptical
Galaxies toward 100 Mpc"
 Cantiello, M., Blakeslee, J.P., Raimondo, G., 2007, ApJ, 668, 209: "The globular cluster system in NGC 5866"
 Cantiello, M., Blakeslee, J.P., Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Capaccioli, M., 2007, ApJ, 668, 130: “Surface Brightness Flutuations from archival
ACS images: a stellar population and distance study"
 Cantiello, M., Raimondo, G., Blakeslee, J.P., Brocato, E., Capaccioli, M., 2007, ApJ, 662, 940: Detection of Surface Brightness Fluctuations
in Elliptical Galaxies imaged with the Advanced Camera for Surveys. B- and I-band measurement"
 Fagiolini, M., Raimondo, G., & Degl'Innocenti, S., 2007, A&A, 462, 107: "Monte Carlo simulations of metal-poor star clusters"
 Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Cantiello, M., & Capaccioli, M., 2005, AJ, 130, 2625: "New Optical and Near-Infrared Surface Brightness
Fluctuation Models. II. Young and Intermediate-Age Stellar Populations"
 Cantiello, M., Blakeslee, J. P., Raimondo, G., Mei, S., Brocato, E., Capaccioli, M., 2005, ApJ, 634, 239: “Detection of Radial SBF Gradient
with the Advanced Camera for Survey"
 Raimondo, G., Cioni,M.-R., Rejkuba, M., Silva, D., 2005, A&A, 438, 521: “Pulsation Properties of C stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud"
 Brocato, E., Castellani, V., Di Carlo E., Raimondo, G., Walker, A. R., 2003, AJ, 125, 3111, "The luminosity function of the Large Magellanic
Cloud globular cluster NGC1866"
 Cantiello, M., Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Capaccioli, M., 2003, AJ, 125, 2783: "New optical and near-infrared Surface Brightness
Fluctuations models: a primary distance indicator ranging from globular clusters to distant galaxies?"
 Salaris, M., Percival, S., Brocato, E., Raimondo, G., Walker, A. R., 2003, ApJ, 588, 801: "The distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud
cluster NGC1866 and the surrounding field"
 Spogli, C., Fiorucci, M., Dolci, M., Raimondo, G., 2003, IBVS, 5474, 1: "New Variable Star in the Field of EM Cyg"
 Spogli, C., Fiorucci, M., Raimondo, G., Monacelli, G., Capezzali, D., 2003, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 5420, 1: "BVRI
Photometry of Dwarf Novae"
 Spogli, C., Fiorucci, M., Raimondo, G., 2003, IBVS, 5365, 1: “On the Variability of the Dwarf Nova EM Cygni"
 Raimondo, G., Castellani, V., Cassisi, S., Brocato, E., Piotto, G., 2002, ApJ, 569, 975: "On the Observational Properties of He-burning
Stars: Some Clues on the Tilt of the Horizontal Branch in Metal-rich Clusters"
 Spogli, C., Fiorucci, M., Nucciarelli, G., Tosti, G., Raimondo, G., Macchia, E., Monacelli, G., 2002, IBVS, 5253, 1: “BV(RI)_C observations of
FY Vul"
 Walker, A. R., Raimondo, G., Di Carlo, E., Brocato, E., Castellani, V., Hill, V., 2001, ApJ, 560, L139: “The Distance of the Large Magellanic
Cloud Cluster NGC 1866"
 Ciardi, B., Ferrara, A., Marri, S., Raimondo, G., 2001, MNRAS, 324, 381: "Cosmological reionization around the first stars: Monte Carlo
radiative transfer"
 Spogli, C., Fiorucci, M., Tosti, M., Raimondo, G., 2001, IBVS, 5147, 1: "BVRI observations of AH Her in outburst"
 Spogli, C., Fiorucci, M., Tosti, G., Raimondo, G., 2001, IBVS, 5094, 1: "BVRI Observations of CZ Orionis in Outburst"
 D'Alessio, F., Arkharov, A. A., Brocato, E., Di Carlo, E., Di Paola, A., Gnedin, Yu. N., Guidubaldi, D., Larionov, V. M., Pedichini, F., Raimondo,
G., Speziali, R., Tornambe’, A., Valentini, G., 2001, Astron. and Astroph. Transactions, 20, 385: “Observations of the type IIn Supernova
1999EL in the near Infrared"
 Brocato, E., Castellani, V., Poli, F. M., Raimondo, G., 2000, A&AS, 146, 91: "Predicted Colors for simple stellar population II: the case of
old stellar clusters"
 Orlandini, M., Parmar A., Frontiera, F., Masetti, N., Dal Fiume, D., Orr, A., Piccioni, A., Raimondo, G., Santangelo, A., Valentini, G., &
Belloni, T., 2000, A&A, 356, 163: "X-ray optical observations of XTE J0421+560 CI/Cam in quiescience"
 Spogli, C., Fiorucci, M., Raimondo, G., 2000, IBVS, 4978, 1: "BVRI observations of KT Persei in outburst"
 Spogli, C., Fiorucci, M., Raimondo, G., 2000, IBVS, 4977, 1: "BVRI Observations of V516 Cygni in Outburst"
 Spogli, C., Fiorucci, M., Raimondo, G., 2000, IBVS, 4944, 1: "BVRI Observations of V503 Cygni in Superoutburst"
 Brocato E., Castellani V., Raimondo, G., Walker A., 1999, ApJ, 527, 230: "The Color-Magnitude Diagram of the globular cluster NGC
6362 and the Canonical Tilt of Horizontal Branches"
 Brocato E., Castellani V., Raimondo, G., Romaniello M., 1999, A&AS, 190, 354: “HST FOC and Broad Band Colors for Young and
Intermediate Simple Stellar Populations"
 Frontera, F., Orlandini, M., Amati, L., Dal Fiume, D., Masetti, N., Orr, A., Parmar, A., Brocato, E., Raimondo, G., Piersimoni, A., Tavani, M.,
Remillard, R., 1998, A&A, 339, 69L: “Multifrequency observation of XTE J0421+560/CI Cam in outburst"
 Brocato E., Castellani V., Degl'Innocenti S., Fiorentini G., Raimondo, G., 1998, A&A, 333, 910: “Stars as galactic neutrino sources"
 Raimondo, G., Cantiello, M., Brocato, E., Biscardi, I. 2010, Mem. SAIt, vol. 14; talk at 53: Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana,
L'Universo quattro selcoli dopo Galileo, Pisa, 4-8 May 2009, Editors: S. Degl'Innocenti, P. Paolicchi, U. Penco, P. G. Prada Moroni, S.
Shore and G. Valle: “Using SBF to study stellar populations in galaxies"
 Raimondo, G. 2009, AIP, Vol. 1111, p. 91, Invited talk at the meeting Probing Stellar Populations out to the Distant Universe, Cefalù 712 Sept. 2008: "Resolved Stellar-Populations as test for SPSM: SBF and colors"
 Cantiello, M., Brocato, E., Raimondo, G. 2009, AIP, Proc., Vol. 1111, p. 35, presented at the meeting Probing Stellar Populations out to
the Distant Universe, Cefalù 7-12 Sept. 2008: “Disentangling age and metallicity in distant unresolved stellar systems"
 Biscardi, I., Raimondo, G., Cantiello, M., Brocato, E., 2009, AIP, Proc., Vol. 1111, p. 233, presented at the meeting Probing Stellar
Populations out to the Distant Universe, Cefalù 7-12 Sept. 2008: "Optical SBF of distant shell Galaxies"
 Cantiello, M., Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Biscardi, I., 2009, Mem. SAIt vol. 80, p. 40, Proc. of the 52: Congresso della Società Astronomica
Italiana, Teramo 4-8 May 2008: "Distances and Stellar Population properties using the SBF method"
 Biscardi, I., Raimondo, G., Cantiello, M., Brocato, E., 2009, Mem. SAIt vol. 80, p. 48, Proc. of the 52: Congresso della Società Astronomica
Italiana, Teramo 4-8 May 2008: "Optical SBFs of shell galaxies"
 Raimondo, G., Cantiello, M., Brocato, E., Biscardi I., Patricelli, B., 2008, Presented at the meeting Science with the new HST after
Servicing Mission 4}, Bologna 29-31 January 2008: “Future Opportunities for SBF studies in early-type galaxies with WFC/HST"
 Cantiello, M., Raimondo, G, Brocato, E., Biscardi I., 2008, Presented at the meeting Science with the new HST after Servicing Mission 4,
Bologna 29-31 Jan 2008: "Surface brightness fluctuations with HST"
 Cantiello, M., Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Blakeslee, J.P., Capaccioli, M., 2007, ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 374, p. 403, Proc. of the conf. From
Stars to Galaxies: Building the Pieces to Build Up the Universe, 16-20 October 2006 Venice, Italy. Ed. by A. Vallenari, R. Tantalo, L.
Portinari, and A. Moretti: "Simulating CCD images of elliptical galaxies"
 Cantiello, M., Raimondo, G., Blakeslee, J. P., Brocato, E., Capaccioli, M., 2007, ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 374, p. 401, Proc. of the conf. From
Stars to Galaxies: Building the Pieces to Build Up the Universe}, 16-20 October 2006 Venice, Italy. Ed. by A. Vallenari, R. Tantalo, L.
Portinari, and A. Moretti, p. 401: "Surface Brightness Fluctuations: multi-wavelenght data and models"
 Raimondo, G., Cantiello, M., Brocato, E., Blakeslee, J. P., Capaccioli, M., 2007, IAU Symp. 241, p.199, Proc of Conf. Stellar Populations as
Building Blocks of Galaxies}, December 11-16, 2007, La Palma, Spain. Ed. by A. Vazdekis and R. F. Peletier. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2007: "Tracing stellar populations of galaxies with the SBF method"
 Cantiello, M., Blakeslee, J.P., Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Capaccioli, M. 2007, Bulletin of the AAS, Vol. 38, p.326}, AAS/AAPT Joint
Meeting, AAS Meeting 210"Surface Brightness Fluctuations From Archival ACS Images: A Stellar Population And Distance Study"
 Fagiolini, M., Raimondo, G., Degl'Innocenti, S. 2006, VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/462/107: "Monte Carlo simulations of metalpoor star clusters"
 Cantiello, M., Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Blakeslee, J.P., Mei, S., Capaccioli, M., 2006, Conf. Making the Most of the Great Observatories,
22-24 May, 2006, Pasadena, California USA: "A Comprehensive study of the SBF method"
 Cantiello, M., Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Blakeslee, J. P., 2006, Proc. of the Conf.Making the Most of the Great Observatories, 22-24 May,
2006, Pasadena, California, USA: "Simulations of SBF-signal in elliptical galaxies imaged with ACS"
 Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Cantiello, M., Capaccioli, M., 2006, Mem. SAIt Suppl., 9, 265, Proc. of XLIX Congresso della Società
Astronomica Italiana, Catania, Italy, May 2-7, 2005: "Investigating resolved stellar populations with SBF"
 Cantiello, M., Blakeslee, J. P., Raimondo, G., et al., 2006, Mem. SAIt Suppl., 9, 305, Proc. of XLIX Congresso della Società Astronomica
Italiana, Catania, Italy, May 2-7, 2005: "SBF Gradients of E-galaxies detected with ACS"
 Ripepi, V., Marconi, M., Musella, I., Alcalà, M., Capaccioli, M., Cappellaro, E., Covino, E., Dall'Ora, M., Di Criescenzo, M., Clementini, G., Tosi,
M., Angeretti, L., Baldacci, L., Greco, C., Romano, D., Brocato, E., Raimondo, G., Cantiello, M., Nota, A., Sirianni, M., Gallagher, J.S., Grebel,
E., Cioni, M., 2006, Mem. SAIt Suppl., 9, 267, Proc. of XLIX Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana, Catania, Italy, May 2-7, 2005:
“STEP - the SMC in Time: Evolution of a Prototype interacting dwarf galaxy"
 Marconi M., Musella I., Ripepi V., De Martino D., Silvotti R., Capaccioli M., Cappellaro E., Cignoni M., Dall'Ora M., Di Criescenzo M., Iodice
E., Ruoppo A., Bono G., Brocato E., Caputo F., Crollo M., Castellani V., Castellani M., Cioni M.R.L., Degl'Innocenti S., Momany Y., Monelli M.,
Piotto G., Prada Moroni P.G., Raimondo G., 2006: Mem. SAIt, 9, 253Proc. of XLIX Congresso della Società Astronomica Italiana, Catania,
Italy, May 2-7, 2005: "STREGA@VST: Structure and Evolution of the Galaxy"
 Musella, I., Ripepi, V., Brocato, E., Castellani, V. Caputo, F., Del Principe, M., Marconi, M., Raimondo, G., Stetson, P.B., Walker, A.R. 2006,
Mem. SAIt, 77, 291Proc. of the Conf. Stellar Pulsation and Evolution, Monte Porzio Catone, Rome, Italy, June 20-24, 2005: "$BVI$
photometry of the complete sample of 23 Cepheids in the field of NGC 1866”
 Raimondo, G., Cioni, M.-R.L., Rejkuba, M., Silva, D.R. 2006, Mem. SAIt, 77, 146, Proc. of the Conf. Stellar Pulsation and Evolution, Monte
Porzio Catone, Rome, Italy, June 20-24, 2005: "Carbon Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud: “Pulsation Properties from MACHO LightCurves"
 Raimondo, G., Cioni,M.-R., Rejkuba, M., Silva, D. 2005: VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/438/521, "Pulsation Properties of C stars in
the Small Magellanic Cloud"
 Cantiello M., Raimondo G., Blakeslee J., Brocato E., Capaccioli M., 2004: Conf. "Joint meeting of the Czech Astronomical Society and the
Astronomiche Gesellschaft", Prague September 20-25, 2004: "Detection of SBF gradients with the Advanced Camera for Surveys"
 Raimondo, G., 2004: Invited Talk at the Conf. "Near- and mid-IR studies of Local Group galaxies", Leiden, The Netherlands, May 3-7,
2004: Surface brightness fluctuations as a promising tool for investigating AGB stars populations
 Raimondo, G., Cioni, M.-R.L., Rejkuba, M., Silva, D.R. 2004: Conf. Near- and mid-IR studies of Local Group galaxies, Leiden, The
Netherlands, May 3-7, 2004"MACHO Light Curves of C stars in the Small Magellanic cloud
 Raimondo, G., Cantiello, M., Brocato, E., \& Capaccioli, M., 2004, Mem. SAIt, 75, 198, Proc. of the Conf. Stars in Galaxies, Canary Islands,
Spain, 7-11 March, 2003 \\"Surface Brightness Fluctuations: a powerful tool for investigating unresolved stellar populations"
 Brocato, E., Raimondo, G., Di Carlo, E., Castellani, V., Caputo, F., \& Musella, I., 2004, Mem. SAIt, 75, 142, Proc. of the Conf. Stars in
Galaxies}, Canary Islands, Spain, 7-11 March, 2003: "Young stellar clusters in LMC: can we still learn something from NGC 1866?"
 Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Cantiello, M., \& Capaccioli, M., 2003, Conf. Stellar Populations 2003, 6-10 October, 2003, Garching bei
Munchen, Germany: "A new theoretical approach to evaluate surface brightness fluctuations in stellar systems"
 Spogli, C., Fiorucci, M., Tosti, G., Nucciarelli, G., Raimondo, G., 2003: Mem. SAIt 74, 214: “Unidentified Extremely Red Objects in the
field of some Dwarf Novae"
 Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Castellani, V., Di Carlo, E., Walker, A. R. 2003: Proc. of the Conf. Extragalactic Globular Clusters and their
Host Galaxies, 25th meeting of the IAU, JD 6, 17 July 2003, Sydney, Australia: "NGC1866: a Key for Understanding Young Distant
 Cantiello, M., Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Capaccioli, M., 2003, ASP Conf. Series, vol. 296, 369, Proc. of the Conf. New Horizons in Globular
Cluster Astronomy, 24-28 June, 2002, Padova: "Surface Brightness Fluctuations: a theoretical point of view"
 Raimondo, G., Castellani, V., Cassisi, S., Brocato, E., Piotto, G., 2003: ASP Conf. Series, vol. 296, 302, Proc. of the Conf. New Horizons in
Globular Cluster Astronomy, 24-28 June 2002, Padova: "Some clues on the tilt of the Horizontal Branches in metal-rich clusters"
 Di Carlo, E., Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Castellani, V., Walker, A. R. 2003: ASP Conf. Series, vol. 296, 212, Proc. of the Conf. New Horizons
in Globular Cluster Astronomy, 24-28 June 2002, Padova: "NGC1866: New analysis from HST-WFPC2 observations of the inner
 Walker, A. R., Raimondo, G., Di Carlo, E., 2002: IAU Symposium 207, p.539, Proc. of the Conf. Extragalactic Star Clusters, Pucon, Chile
March 12-16, 2001. Ed. by D. Geisler, E.K. Grebel, and D. Minniti. San Francisco, 2002 "Variables stars in clusters and the distance scale Some recent results concerning the LMC cluster NGC 1866"
 Raimondo, G., Di Carlo E., Brocato, E., Castellani, V., Walker, A. R., 2002: ASP Conf. Series, vol. 274, 425, Proc. of the Conf. Observed HR
Diagrams and Stellar Evolution, Coimbra, 24-28 June 2001, Ed. by T. Lejeune and J. Fernandes, San Francisco: "MS-fitting method: a
new determination of the distance of the LMC cluster NGC 1866"
 Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Cassisi, S., 2001: \textbf{Mem. SAIt, 72, 747, Talk at the Conf. 44th Annual Meeting of the Italian Astronomical
Society: "Expected Spectrophotometric Properties of Population III stellar systems"
 Raimondo, G., Brocato, E., Cassisi, S., Castellani, V., 2000: Proc. of the Conf. The first stars, MPA/ESO Workshop, Garching, Germany, 4-6
August 1999. Ed. A. Weiss, T.G. Abel, V. Hill. p. 135: "Synthetic stellar clusters for Pop III"
 Brocato, E., Raimondo, G., Savaglio, S., 2000, Mem. SAIt, 71, 551: "Population Synthesis and Supernovae"
 Brocato, E., Castellani, V., Raimondo, G., Romaniello, M., 1999, IAU Symposium, 190, 354, Proc. of the Conf. New Views of the
Magellanic Clouds}, Ed. Y.-H. Chu, N. Suntzeff, J. Hesser, \& D. Bohlender: "Predicted HST FOC and broad band colours for young and
intermediate simple stellar populations"
 Brocato, E., Castellani, V., Raimondo, G., Walker, A., 1998: in Proc. of the Congr. {\it Evolving Evolution}, p. 69: "NGC 6362: an
interesting and peculiar horizontal Branch
 Raimondo, G., Savaglio, S., Brocato, E., 1998: Mem. SAIt, 69, 295: "Impact of SNIa on the Galaxy SED: Sizable Effects on Magnitudes and
 Raimondo, G., Savaglio, S., Brocato, E., 1998, ASP Conf. Ser. 146, p. 32, Proc. of the Conf. The Young Universe: Galaxy Formation and
Evolution at Intermediate and High Redshift}, Roma, Ed. S. D'Odorico, A. Fontana e E. Giallongo"Impact of SNIa on the Galaxy SED:
Sizable Effects on Magnitudes and Colours"
 Brocato, E., Piersimoni, A., Raimondo, G., 1998: GCN Circular n.48: ``GRB980329 optical observations"
 Brocato, E., Savaglio, S., Raimondo, G., 1997: Proc. of the Conf. {\it III ESO-VLT Workshop "Galaxy Scaling Relations: Origins, Evolution
and Applications", Garching bei Munchen, Ed. L. Nicolaci, da Costa \& A. Renzini, p. 325: "Impact of SN IA on SED of High Redshift
 G. Giobbi, A. Tornambe, G. Raimondo, M. Limongi, L. A. Antonelli, N. Menci, E. Brocato, 2009, "Probing Stellar Populations out to the
Distant Universe", Cefalù 2008: Proceedings of the International Conference. AIP Conf. Proc., Vol. 1111
 M. Cantiello, S. Cristallo, G. Di Rico, A. Pietrinferni, and Raimondo, G., 2009: Proceedings of the "LII Meeting of the Italian Astronomical
Society", Mem. SAIt, Vol. 80
 Raimondo, G., 2002, PhD Astronomy Thesis, Università di Roma La Sapienza, "Accurate synthetic Color-Magnitude diagrams: a key
tool for probing stellar populations and for constraining stellar evolution theory"
 Raimondo, G., 1995, Physics Diploma Thesis, Università degli Studi di Pisa, Emissione di neutrini da sorgenti stellari"
 Menichella, M. and Raimondo, G., 1998: L'Astronomia n. 183: "Carotaggi stellari con il computer"
 Menichella, M. and Raimondo, G., 1999: Universo n. 36, Ed. ANTARES, Ciencia y Ediciones S.A., Barcelona (Spain): "Las estrellas vistas
por ordenador"