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IAF - Accredia
International Accreditation Forum, Inc. (IAF)
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Minutes of the IAF Sixteenth Annual Meeting
Held in the Hotel Berlin Conference Hall,
On 21and 26 September 2002
Welcome and Convening of Meeting.
1.1.1. The IAF Chairman, Dr Takashi Ohtsubo, declared the Sixteenth Annual
Meeting open. He welcomed all delegates to Berlin, the Capital City of Germany,
and thanked the organising committee for the excellent job they had done in
preparing for the meeting.
1.1.2. The Chairman called for a roll call and referred to the proxies which had
been received prior to the meeting. The list of proxies was accepted.
1.1.3. The Chairman declared a quorum.
1.1.4. The Chairman reminded delegates of the availability of the official Member
List and of the fact that only the nominated Member Representatives are authorised
to speak and vote on behalf of the Member they represent. He thanked Nigel Croft,
Maureen Breitenberg and Randy Dougherty for agreeing to act as the Resolutions
Drafting Committee for the meeting.
1.1.5. The Chairman indicated that he understood many members had expressed
some dissatisfaction with the schedule of meetings and while he appreciated the
closer cooperation between ILAC and IAF which this may provide he would ask the
Executive to give this further consideration for future meetings.
IAF Resolution 2002-01 – (Agenda Item 2) Acceptance of Apologies and
Proxies – The Annual Meeting received and accepted the list of apologies
for non-attendance and accepted the notifications of proxies by members.
Approval of Agenda
3.1.1. The draft agenda was amended by relocating the Proposal for a Code of
Conduct for Accreditation Body Members as 6.0 and adding 6.0.1 Report of CAG
on Promotion and 6.1.2 Report of Berlin Technical Committee meeting; 8.3.1 was
brought forward to be presented following 6.3.1. With these changes the agenda
was adopted.
IAF Resolution 2002-02 – (Agenda Item 3) Approval of the Agenda – The
Annual Meeting adopted the draft agenda as amended (ref IAF–AM–02-003).
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Minutes of Fifteenth Meeting of IAF
Adoption of Minutes
4.1.1. The draft minutes were adopted.
IAF Resolution 2002-03 – (Agenda Item 4) Minutes of the Fifteenth
Meeting - The Annual Meeting approved the draft Minutes as a true record of
the Fifteenth Annual Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, on 6 and 8, September,
2001 (ref IAF–PL–01-032) as circulated and amended.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
4.2.1. There were no matters arising from the minutes that were not already
included in the agenda for this meeting.
Report by President
5.1.1. The Chairman presented the report which had been circulated, and asked
that it be taken as read.
IAF Draft Resolution 2002-04 – (Agenda Item 5.1.) President’s Report The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report of the President
(ref IAF-AM-02-01 if if 9) as circulated and presented.
5.1.2. The Chairman welcomed and introduced the new Secretary Mr John Owen
who would be replacing Mr Noel Matthews upon his retirement at the end of
Report by Treasurer
5.2.1. The Treasurer introduced the audited financial statement on the IAF
Accounts for the year 2001. He told the meeting that the financial auditor had not
identified any irregularities. Members adopted the following resolution –
IAF Resolution 2002-05 – (Agenda Items 5.2.1) Treasurer’s Report on the
Financial Operations of IAF in 2001 - The Annual Meeting received with
appreciation the Report by the Treasurer on the Financial Affairs of IAF (ref
IAF-AM-02-010) and the Report of the Financial Auditor on the Financial
Operations of IAF for the complete year of 2001 (ref IAF-AM-02-009) as
circulated and presented.
5.2.2. The meeting noted the independent auditor’s management letter to the IAF
Board of Directors (IAF-AM-02-009).
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5.2.3. Mr Tom Dempsey, the Chairman of the Finance Oversight Committee,
introduced the Report of the Committee. He reported that the Committee was
satisfied with the financial operations of IAF although they had commented on the
yearly accumulation of cash. Dempsey advised that Mr Swan had resigned, Mrs
Tan would not be seeking renomination and he also would not be seeking
renomination. He advised that Mr Pierre Salle, Mr Vagn Anderson and Mr Shinichi
Iguchi had indicated their willingness to serve on the Finance Oversight Committee.
Salle would also have the proxies of the Industry Associations. As the former
members had all been cited in Annex 1 of the structure of the IAF it was agreed that
this would also require amendment. Members adopted the following resolutions IAF Resolution 2002-06 – (Agenda Item 5.2.3) Report of the Financial
Oversight Committee - The Annual Meeting received with appreciation and
adopted the Report of the Financial Oversight Committee (ref IAF–AM–02014), as circulated and presented by the Financial Oversight Committee.
IAF Resolution 2002-07 – (Agenda Item 5.2.3) Membership of the Financial
Oversight Committee - The Annual Meeting resolved to appoint Mr Vagn
Anderson (DANAK), Mr Shinichi Iguchi (JAB) and Mr Pierre Salle (IAAR) to be
members of the Financial Oversight Committee for the complete years of 2003
and 2004.
IAF Resolution 2002-08 – (Agenda Item 5.2.3) Amendment to Annex 1 of
Structure of IAF - The Annual Meeting approved the proposed amendment to
Annex 1 of the Structure of the International Accreditation Forum Inc. (ref IAFBD-01-022)- to delete the second paragraph of section 3.1 concerning the
appointment of Members.
5.2.4. The Treasurer introduced the report on the financial accounts for the six
months to 30 June 2002. Members adopted the following resolution IAF Resolution 2002-09 – (Agenda Item 5.2.4) Treasurer’s Report on the
Financial Operations of IAF in 2002 - The Annual Meeting received with
appreciation the Report by the Treasurer on the Financial Affairs of IAF for the
period 1 January to 30 July 2002 (ref IAF-AM-02-005) as circulated and
5.2.5. The Treasurer introduced the income statement of the proposed Budget for
2003, notes to the Budget and a document setting out indicative Membership fees
for 2003 based upon the proposed budget. He stressed that the actual fees levied
may vary due to changes in the information available to the Secretariat at the time
the invoices are prepared. Invoices for 2003 fees will be sent to Members before
the end of the year. Members adopted the following resolution -
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IAF Resolution 2002-10 – (Agenda Item 5.2.5) IAF Budget for 2003 - The
Annual Meeting approved the IAF Budget for 2003 submitted by the Treasurer
(ref IAF-AM-02-006) and directs the Board to send invoices for membership
fees in 2003, based upon the budget amount for membership fees of $US
285,500, in accordance with the Membership Fees Rules (ref IAF–PL–00-028)
to all members as quickly as possible.
[Note – Invoices for 2003 Membership fees were sent to all IAF Members
in early November 2002, with a due date of 1 January 2003]
Secretary’s Report
5.3.1. The Secretary referred to the official Member List, listing the names of
Members and of the authorised Member Representative of each Member, which
was available in the meeting room in accordance with the requirements of the
Bylaws. He reported that the list included the recently approved member for
Slovenia, Slovenian Accreditation (SA). Members adopted the following resolution
IAF Resolution 2002-11 – (Agenda Item 5.3.1) Current Membership - The
Annual Meeting received the Secretary’s report on the current IAF
membership as at September 2002 (ref IAF-AM-02-002).
5.3.2. The Secretary reported that all members had paid their membership fees for
2002 as of the end of June with the exception of OAA (Argentina) and they have
since paid.
5.3.3. The Secretary reported on the admission of new members since the IAF.15.
Annual Meeting, the addition to the Special Recognition Regional Groups and the
Special Interest Liaison Groups with Special Recognition. Members adopted the
following resolution –
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IAF Resolution 2002-12 – (Agenda Item 5.3.3) New Members - The Annual
Meeting received the Secretary’s report (ref IAF-AM-02-012) on the admission
to membership since the 2001 Annual Meeting of two new Accreditation Body
Members (KAS – the Korean Accreditation System and TUNAC the Tunisian
Accreditation Council), three new Association Members (APEDA - the
Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
(India), AIOICI - the Association of the Independent Certification and
Inspection Bodies (Italy) and ALPI the Association of Independent Test
Laboratories and Certification Bodies (Italy)), a Special Recognition Regional
Group (SADCA - the Southern African Development Co-operation in
Accreditation) and two Special Interest Liaison Groups with Special
Recognition (QuEST Forum (North, Central and South America and the
Caribbean) and ISO - the International Organisation for Standardization
(Worldwide). The Annual Meeting also noted the resignations since the 2002
Annual Meeting of CNACP – the China National Accreditation Council for
Product Certification Bodies and GAMA – the Gas Appliance Manufacturers
Association (USA).
5.3.4. The Chairman referred to a proposal to revise the Bylaws to introduce a new
category of membership called "Partner Members" and to amend the voting rules to
maintain the balance between Accreditation Body Members, Association Members
and Partner Members. Members adopted the following resolution –
IAF Resolution 2002-13 - (Agenda Item 5.3.4) Proposed Revision of
Membership Provisions in the Bylaws – The Annual Meeting approved the
proposal (ref IAF-GM-02-009) to revise the Bylaws and approved the creation
of a new category of Members called “Partner Members”, limiting the totality
of votes of Association Members and Partner Members to no more than 4/7th
of the total votes of Accreditation Body members and allowing the Board to
grant Observer Status, reviewed annually, to those entities with which it
wishes to develop closer relationships but which are not eligible for either
membership or special recognition.
5.3.5. The Secretary referred to a proposal to amend the IAF General Procedures
to include a formal procedure for the endorsement of normative documents
together with a list of specific ISO and IEC Standards, Guides and Technical
Reports for endorsement. Members adopted the following resolution with the
inclusion of 1999 as the year of publication for ISO/IEC Guide 66 –
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IAF Resolution 2002-14 – (Agenda Item 5.3.5) Revised Procedure for
Endorsement of IAF Normative Documents - The Annual Meeting approved
the proposed amendment (ref IAF–GM–02-010) to the IAF General
Procedures Part Two – General Procedures for the Development of IAF
Documents to include a new section for the IAF Endorsement of Normative
Documents, as circulated and declared the endorsement of the following
standards and guides:
ISO / IEC Guide 61:1996 - General Requirements for Assessment and
Accreditation of Certification / Registration Bodies.
ISO / IEC Guide 62:1996 - General Requirements for Bodies Operating
Assessment and Certification / Registration of Quality Systems.
ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996 - General Requirements for Bodies Operating
Product Certification Systems.
ISO/IEC Guide 66:1999 - General Requirements for Bodies Operating
Assessment and Certification / Registration of Environmental Management
Systems (EMS).
ISO/IEC TR 17010:1998 General requirements for bodies providing
accreditation of inspection bodies.
ISO/IEC 17020:1998 General criteria for the operation of various types of
bodies performing inspection.
5.3.6. The Secretary introduced the proposal to amend the rules for the size of the
Executive Committee. The current structure specified that the Executive was
composed of all members of the Board, the Committee Chairmen and the
Chairman of those regional accreditation groups which had been granted special
recognition status. At the time the document was prepared there were three
regional accreditation groups, but a fourth regional accreditation group had just
been granted special recognition status and it was likely there could be more
regional accreditation groups in the future. This could have the effect of making the
Executive unbalanced. Members adopted the following resolution IAF Resolution 2002-15 – (Agenda Item 5.3.6) Amendment to Rules for
Size of Executive - The Annual Meeting approved the proposed amendment
(ref IAF–GM–02-011) to the “Structure of the International Accreditation
Forum, Inc.” (ref IAF-BD-01-022) for representation on the Executive
Committee from regional accreditation groups to be three representatives
selected for a two year term from among the chairmen of those regional
accreditation groups granted Special Recognition status, observing regional
balance, and ensuring that all three do not complete their terms at the same
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[Note - the revised "Organizational Restructure" (ref IAF-BD-01-022) has
been amended in accordance with Resolution 2002-15 and is available in
the IAF web site for downloading by Members]
5.3.7. The Secretary reported that voting had now closed on applications for
Accreditation Body membership from Slovenian Accreditation and the National
Accreditation Association of DPR of Korea and for Association membership from
the European Federation of Associations of Certification Bodies (EFAC). The result
of each ballot for admission had been approval by IAF members. Members
adopted the following resolution IAF Resolution 2002-16 – (Agenda Item 5.3.7) Admission of NAA, SA and
EFAC - The Annual Meeting, noting the information provided to it, votes to
extend invitations to NAA (North Korea) and SA (Slovenia) to become
Accreditation Body Members and to EFAC (European Federation of
Associations of Certification Bodies) to become an Association Member.
5.3.8. The Secretary reported that he had received three complaints during the
year to date, one of which was still open. The first concerned the quality of service
of a supplier holding an accredited certificate to ISO 9002: 1994 which had been
referred to the relevant Accreditation Body for resolution and was now closed. The
second concerned a certification body allegedly providing consulting services but
no documentation was provided when requested. The third concerned the
behaviour of the auditors of an accredited certification body which had been
referred to the accreditation body and now to the Chairman of IAF for resolution.
With respect to the last complaint this had only been received immediately prior to
the Berlin meeting and the Chairman was still reviewing the matter. In every
instance each complainant had been asked to provide substantiating evidence.
Report of Executive Committee
Elva Nilsen reported that a Task Group of the Executive Committee had
prepared a draft Code of Conduct for Accreditation Body Members which would be
circulated for comment prior to submission for approval by letter ballot. Members
adopted the following resolution IAF Resolution 2002-28 – (Agenda Item 6) Code of Conduct for
Accreditation Body Members - The Annual Meeting, acting on the
recommendation of the Executive Committee, resolved that the proposed IAF
Code of Conduct for Accreditation Bodies (ref IAF-AM-02-018 as revised) be
circulated to members for 30 day comment, and subsequently for approval by
60 day letter ballot.
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6.0.1 The Treasurer, Joe Dunbeck, reported that with respect to CAG Promotion a
significant amount of work was currently in progress with a number of members
preparing various White Papers which would in due course be brought together in a
common style.
Report of the Technical Committee
6.1.1. Roger Brockway, Chairman of the Technical Committee, introduced the
Report of the Technical Committee Denver meeting in May which had been
circulated in the papers for the meeting. He reported that the Product Certification
Working Group had continued work on the guidance on Guide 65, it had been
agreed that IAF would move from ISO 10011 and ISO 14010 to the new ISO 19011
as soon as it was published and liaison had occurred with the MLA committee on
Cross Frontier Policy. Brockway introduced proposed resolutions agreed by the
Technical Committee at its meeting earlier in the week. The matter of equivalence
of accreditation raised by IQNet was agreed to be referred to the Procedures
Subcommittee, no extension to the ISO 9001: 2000 transition date was confirmed
and a proposal was put forward for the development of consensus on best
practices for auditing of management systems which would involve other
stakeholders outside of the IAF, such as ISO/TC 176 and CASCO . The Members
adopted the following resolutions –
IAF Resolution 2002-17 – (Agenda Item 6.1.1) Report from the Chair of the
Technical Committee - The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the
Report from the Chair of the Technical Committee (ref IAF-AM-02-011) and
approved the Technical Committee Program.
IAF Resolution 2002-18 – (Agenda Item 6.1.1) Response to MLA Enquiries
- The Annual Meeting asks the Procedures Sub-Committee to further develop
procedures covering MLA Signatories’ positive and precise responses to
questions about recognition of results from other MLA Signatories.
IAF Resolution 2002-19 – (Agenda Item 6.1.1) ISO 9001:2000 Transition
Date - The Annual Meeting confirmed that the date of 15 December 2003 for
transition to ISO 9001:2000 for accredited certification will not be extended.
IAF Resolution 2002-20 – (Agenda Item 6.1.1) Auditing Best Practice - The
Annual Meeting agreed that IAF, in conjunction with the ISO 9001 Advisory
Committee and other stakeholders, should develop consensus on best
practices for auditing of management systems, recognizing the need for
innovation following the introduction of ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 19011.
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IAF Resolution 2002-21 – (Agenda Item 6.1.1) Cross-frontier Accreditation
- The Annual Meeting agreed that the two parts of the Draft Annex 2 to the IAF
Guidance to ISO/IEC Guide 61 be submitted to comment for a period of 30
days. The document revised subsequent to receipt of comment will be
submitted to members for approval in a 60 day letter ballot.
Report of MLA Committee
6.2.1. Elva Nilsen reported on activities which had occurred in the MLA MC and of
the MLA Group. She reported that three accreditation body members, CNAB
(Chinese Taipei), NABCB (India) and BAS (Philippines) had been admitted to
membership of the MLA. The status of the current QMS, EMS and Product
Evaluations were also noted. The meeting discussed four possible options for a
MLA Mark which would be circulated for member ballot. In order to avoid having to
conduct a second ballot in the event that the option for a combined IAF/ILAC Mark
was not approved, members voting for this option would be asked to indicate a
second preference from the remaining options. It was further proposed that if a
majority of members voted in favour of modifying the existing IAF Seal then
members would be asked to select from four designs prepared by a Task Group of
the MLA Committee. A document encompassing the general principles for the use
of the IAF MLA Mark was put forward for member comment and letter ballot on the
recommendation of the MLA Committee and it was agreed that the JCCC should
investigate the possibility of developing a common Mark with ILAC for use in
inspections. Members were also referred to the report given during the forum by
the new Training Sub-Committee Chair. There were no resolutions arising from
that Sub-Committee. It was also noted that the MLA Group would be reviewing the
MLA implementation plan, which was agreed to at the IAF 14th Plenary meeting in
Washington, and in view of some of the commentary at the meeting, a Task Force
would be considering future actions regarding MLA implementation. The Members
adopted the following resolutions –
IAF Resolution 2002-22 – (Agenda Item 6.2.1) Report from the Chair of the
MLA MC and its Sub-Committee - The Annual Meeting received with
appreciation the Report from the Chair of the MLA Management Committee
and its Sub-Committee.
IAF Resolution 2002-23 - (Agenda item 6.2.1) New IAF QMS MLA
Signatories - The Annual Meeting noted that, as a consequence of PAC MLA
membership, the accreditation body members CNAB (Chinese Taipei),
NABCB (India) and BAS (Philippines), have been approved for membership in
[Note: CNAB (Chinese Taipei), NABCB (India) and BAS (Philippines), signed
the IAF QMS MLA at a ceremony during the IAF/ILAC Ceremonial Receptions
on 22 September 2002.]
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IAF Resolution 2002-24 - (Agenda Item 6.2.1) Alternatives for development
of a MLA Mark The Annual Meeting resolved that IAF members be asked to
select one of the four Options from the Proposal on the Design of the IAF MLA
Mark (IAF-GM-02-014) as follows:
Use existing IAF Seal
Modify the IAF Seal
Design a new IAF Mark
Design a combined IAF/ILAC Mark (no stand alone IAF Mark)
in a 60 day letter Ballot.
Members voting for option 4 (common Mark with ILAC) shall also select an
option from the first three options in the event that ILAC does not agree to
adopt a common Mark.
IAF Resolution 2002-25 – (Agenda Item 6.2.1) Selection of a Design for a
Modified IAF Seal The Annual Meeting agreed that in the event that members
decide to adopt a modification of the IAF Seal for use as an IAF MLA Mark
members shall select one of the four designs contained in Appendix B of the
Proposal on the Design of the IAF MLA Mark (IAF-GM-02-0XX), in a 60 day
letter ballot.
IAF Resolution 2002-26 - (Agenda Item 6.2.1) General Principles on the
Use of the IAF-MLA Mark – The Annual Meeting, acting on the
recommendation of the MLA Committee, resolved that the draft document
“General Principles on the Use of the IAF-MLA Mark” be circulated to
members for 30 day comment, and subsequently for approval by 60 day letter
ballot. It was further resolved that this document be shared with ILAC in
discussions on harmonization of ILAC/IAF procedures.
IAF Resolution 2002-27 - (Agenda Item 6.2.1) Common IAF-ILAC Mark –
The Annual Meeting agreed that IAF should further explore, under the
auspices of the JCCC, the matter of having a common Mark with ILAC for use
with the Inspection Body Program.
6.2.2. Nilsen reported that the MLA Procedures Subcommittee had considered
amendments to the policies and procedures document to allow for inclusion of
sector specific schemes. It had also agreed to continue encouraging the use of the
IAF "Words" and if an IAF MLA Mark was developed then conditions for its use and
agreement with existing and future MLA signatories should be prepared. A "white
paper" on witness auditing had been reviewed and would now be forwarded to the
Technical Committee and to the Joint Working Group (JWG) on harmonisation for
further consideration. The Members adopted the following resolutions –
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IAF Resolution 2002-29 - (Agenda Item 6.2.2) Proposed Changes to the
Policies and Procedures Document to Include Sector Specific Schemes –
The Annual Meeting, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Procedures
Sub-Committee, resolved that the changes proposed by the MLA Procedures
Sub-Committee Sector Scheme Task Group be circulated to members for
approval by 60 day letter ballot.
IAF Resolution 2002-30 - (Agenda Item 6.2.1) IAF “Words” – The Annual
Meeting, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Procedures SubCommittee, resolved that IAF continue to support and promote the use of the
IAF “Words.”
IAF Resolution 2002-31 - (Agenda Item 6.2.1) Licensing the IAF-MLA Mark
– The Annual Meeting, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Procedures
Sub-Committee, resolved that the IAF Secretary prepare a letter and
agreement for existing MLA signatories that licenses signatories to use the
IAF-MLA Mark and outlines conditions for usage. It was also resolved that the
IAF Secretary recommend changes needed in the IAF Policies and
Procedures document to incorporate conditions for use of the IAF-MLA Mark
by future signatories.
IAF Resolution 2002-32 - (Agenda Item 6.2.1) Proposals on Witness
Auditing – The Annual Meeting, acting on the recommendation of the MLA
Procedures Sub-Committee, resolved that the “white paper” on witness
auditing be forwarded to the IAF Technical Committee and to the JWG on
Harmonization of Procedures for further review and discussion.
6.2.3. Nilsen reported that the MLA Group had accepted the recommendation of
the MLA MC and agreed that when the Product MLA is established in the future
JAS-ANZ would be admitted. The Members adopted the following resolution –
IAF Resolution 2002-33 - (Agenda item 6.2.1) New IAF Product MLA
Signatory - The Annual Meeting notes that the MLA Group, on the
recommendation of the IAF MLA MC, has agreed that JAS-ANZ should be
admitted into the Product MLA when it is established.
Report of Development Support Committee
6.3.1. Verónica Garcia de Solórzano, the Co-Chairman of the Development
Support Committee (DSC), reported on activities which had occurred since the last
meeting. In particular, reference was made to funding support from UNIDO for a
program in West Africa for the translation of IAF and ILAC documents into French.
Solórzano tabled the following resolutions from the DSC which were received by
the Annual Meeting –
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DSC Resolution 2002-1 - The General Assembly accepts the report of the
Developing Support Committee (DSC) and endorses their Terms of Reference and
Work Program for 2002 - 2003.
DSC Resolution 2002-2 - The General Assembly encourages all members from
developing economies to participate in the information gathering activities of the
Development Support Committee (DSC).
DSC Resolution 2002-3 - The General Assembly encourages its members from
developing economies to participate in development projects, but recognises that
IAF will not be able to provide for their complete needs.
Resolution 2002-4 -The General Assembly supports the development of a
UNIDO/ILAC/IAF/ISO/IEC/BIPM/OIML project to provide assistance for developing
countries, and those in transition, to establish appropriate technical infrastructures
to meet their industrial and trade needs.DSC Resolution 2002-5 - The General
Assembly endorses the preparation of guidelines on the establishment of
accreditation bodies in developing economies.
DSC Resolution 2002-6 - The General Assembly endorses the establishment of a
working group to develop policies for a database containing accreditation bodies’
DSC Resolution 2002-7 - The General Assembly expresses its appreciation to
PTB and NIST for organising and funding the seminar for developing countries on
accreditation, and the preparation of a letter to NIST and PTB recognising the
support provided.
DSC Resolution 2002-8 - The General Assembly encourages the DSC to prepare
future seminars, seeking more participation of speakers from developing countries.
The Members adopted the following resolution –
IAF Resolution 2002-34 – (Agenda Item 6.3.1) Development Support
Committee - The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report from
the Co-Chair of the Development Support Committee.
Joint General Assemblies Meeting
7.1.1. There were no issues arising from discussions at the Joint General
Assemblies meeting.
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International Liaison Joint General Assemblies Meeting
ILAC Report
The ILAC report was presented at the Joint General Assemblies meeting. The
Members adopted the following resolution –
IAF Resolution 2002-35 – (Agenda Item 8.1) Report of ILAC – The Annual
Meeting received with appreciation the Report from ILAC.
ISO Report
The Members adopted the following resolution –
IAF Resolution 2002-36 – (Agenda Item 8.3.1) Report of ISO – The Annual
Meeting received with appreciation the Report from ISO.
8.3.1. The Chairman referred to the very comprehensive reports circulated with the
meeting papers and the presentation that the CASCO Chairman elect, Mario
Wittner, had given at the first session of the IAF 16 Annual Meeting and the
CASCO Secretary, Graeme Drake, had given at the Joint General Assemblies
meeting. The Members adopted the following resolution –
IAF Resolution 2002-37 – (Agenda Item 8.3.1) Report of ISO/CASCO – The
Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report presented on behalf of
the Chairman of ISO/CASCO (ref IAF-AM-02-016).
Other Liaisons
8.4.1. No further liaison reports were presented to the Annual Meeting.
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Election of Directors
9.1.1. The Chairman informed the meeting that in accordance with the IAF Bylaws
elections had recently been held for the positions of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and
two Directors. He indicated that it gave him great pleasure to announce that Dr
Thomas Facklam (DAR) had been elected unopposed as Chairman for a 12 month
period and Elva Nilsen had been elected unopposed as Vice-Chairman for a twoyear term. The Chairman informed the meeting that Dale Misczynski had been
elected unopposed as Director representing the industry and user association
members for a three-year term and Sandy Sutherland had been elected as Director
representing the accredited certification/registration body association members,
also for a three-year term. The Treasurer, Joe Dunbeck, would continue for a
further 12 months but would not be offering himself for re-election at the end of his
term. Verónica Garcia de Solórzano would continue as Director representing
accreditation body members located in low and medium income economies until
her term was completed at the 2004 Annual Meeting. The Members adopted the
following resolution –
IAF Resolution 2002-38 – (Agenda Item 9) Election of Directors - The
Annual Meeting congratulated the following Directors on their election:
Dr Thomas Facklam (DAR) elected unopposed as Chairman for a one year
term, to end at the 2003 Annual Meeting.
Ms Elva Nilsen (SCC) elected unopposed as Vice-Chairman for a two year
term, to end at the 2004 Annual Meeting.
Mr Joseph Dunbeck, will complete his term as Director representing
Accreditation Body Members located in a high income economy as designated
by the World Bank, for a one year term, to the end of the 2003 Annual Meeting
Mrs Verónica Garcia de Solórzano, will complete her term as Director
representing Accreditation Body Members located in low and medium income
economies as designated by the World Bank, ending at the 2004 Annual
Mr Dale Misczynski elected unopposed as Director representing the Industry
and User Association Members, for a three year term to end at the 2005
Annual Meeting.
Mr Sandy Sutherland elected as Director representing the Accredited
Certification/Registration Body Association Members, for a three year term to
end at the 2005 Annual Meeting.
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Other Business
10.1.1. The Secretary reported that there had been no submissions from Members
and no other matters for discussion had been raised.
10.1.2. Tony Craven (JAS-ANZ) referred to concerns that he had regarding the
promotions budget. He indicated that he felt there were insufficient funds to be able
to carry out what was required. In addition he would like to see a detailed
promotion strategy. The Treasurer, Joe Dunbeck, informed the meeting that there
was a contingency budget set aside for unexpected events. If it was decided that
additional funding was required for promotion activities then support for this could
be found.
Review of Resolutions
11.1.1. The Chairman advised members that time did not permit the planned
review of the Resolutions adopted at the meeting, so the text of all resolutions
would be circulated to members as soon as possible following the meeting. He
also advised that a draft Communiqué would be circulated to members for
consideration and adoption as soon as possible.
[The draft resolutions were circulated to members after the meeting and a draft
Communiqué circulated for information]
Future Annual Meetings
12.1. 2003 Annual Meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia
12.1.1. Mr Lubomir Sutek, Director of the Slovak National Accreditation Service
(SNAS) gave a slide presentation indicating the excellent facilities and interesting
attractions that delegates to the 2003 Annual Meeting, to be held in Bratislava,
Slovakia from 15 September to 26 September, in association with the ILAC Annual
Meeting, would be able to enjoy. He assured all delegates of a very warm welcome
in Slovakia. The Members adopted the following resolution –
IAF Resolution 2002-39 – (Agenda Item 12.1) Invitation for the 2003
Annual Meeting - The Annual Meeting accepted with appreciation the
invitation by SNAS to hold the 2003 Annual Meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia,
from September 15 to 26, 2003, along with the ILAC General Assembly.
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12.2. 2004, 2005 and Future Annual Meetings
12.2.1. The Chairman reminded delegates that IAF had accepted the invitations to
hold its Annual Meeting in South Africa in 2004 and in New Zealand for the 2005
Annual Meeting. The Secretary indicated that he had received advice that
Romania had offered to host the 2006 Annual Meeting. The Members adopted the
following resolution IAF Resolution 2002-40 – (Agenda Items 12.2 and 12.3) Invitations for
Future IAF Annual Meetings - The Annual Meeting, noting that it had accepted
invitations as follows:
SANAS invitation to hold the 2004 Annual Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa
in September, 2004, in association with the ILAC General Assembly;
IANZ invitation to hold the 2005 Annual Meeting in Auckland, New Zealand in
September, 2005, in association with the ILAC General Assembly;
noted with appreciation the invitation from Romania to hold the 2006 Annual
invites other members to offer to host the Annual Meetings of IAF and ILAC in
years after 2006.
13.1.1. The Chairman thanked all delegates for the hard work in making this a
most productive meeting. He thanked the Berlin Organising Committee on behalf
of all delegates for the excellent facilities and arrangements, in particular
expressing special appreciation to Thomas Facklam and Monika Wloka. He
thanked the Secretary on behalf of delegates for his remarkable dedication to IAF
and the hard work in this his last meeting as Secretary.
13.1.2. Thomas Facklam, the new IAF Chairman, thanked Dr Ohtsubo for his
excellent leadership over the last four years since taking over as Chairman at the
Brisbane meeting in 1998. He presented the former Chairman and the former
Secretary with gifts of appreciation on behalf of the IAF members. The delegates
gave Dr Ohtsubo and Mr Matthews a standing ovation. In response Dr Ohtsubo
thanked them for their support and trust and indicated that he had a dream of a
single entity providing accreditation services worldwide, supported by national
branch offices which would result in the removal of any duplication of assessments
and address cross frontier accreditations; "thinking globally, acting locally" was his
view for the future.
13.1.3. The Chairman wished all delegates a safe journey home and closed the
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End of minutes of IAF 16 – September 2002
Minutes approved at the IAF 17 Annual meeting in September 2003
Minutes Confirmed:
The Chairman,
Dr. Thomas Facklam
Date: 19 September 2003
IAF_Minutes (Pub) Printed 26 September, 2003
International Accreditation Forum, Inc. (IAF)
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Annex 1
List of Participants
Beatriz Leonor Garcia
OAA (Argentina)
Mario Osvaldo Wittner
ISO CASCO Chairman Elect and
IRAM (Argentina)
Tony Craven
JAS-ANZ (Australia)
Belinda Mort
PAC Secretary (Australia)
Regina Robertson
NATA (Australia)
Norbert Mueller
BMWA (Austria)
Gunter P Friers
BMWA (Austria)
Vincert Merken
BELCERT (Belgium)
Elizabeth Cavalcanti
INMETRO (Brazil)
Margareth Lafin
INMETRO (Brazil)
Giles D. Beland
CEA (Canada)
Joan Brough-Kerrebyn
SCC (Canada)
Elva Nilsen
SCC (Canada)
Marisol Valenzuela
IAR (Carribean)
Ana Maria Coro
INN (Chile)
Maritza Madriz Picado
CRA (Costa Rica)
Jiri Ruzicka
CAI (Czech Republic)
Milan Koutnik
CAI (Czech Republic)
Vagn Andersen
DANAK (Denmark)
Leena Tikkanen
FINAS (Finland)
Daniel Pierre
EA Chairman and COFRAC
Martine Simon
COFRAC (France)
Gunther Beer
BDI (Germany)
Monika Wloka
DAR (Germany)
Thomas Facklam
IAF Vice Chairman and TGA
Stefanie Friedrich
TGA (Germany)
Abdul Wahab abu-bakar
Frandesco Co Ltd (Ghana)
Tommy Fung
HKAS (Hong Kong, China)
Lay Har NG
HKAS (Hong Kong, China)
IAF16_Minutes (Pub) Printed 26 September, 2003
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List of Participants
Annex 1
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Rozsa Ring
HAB (Hungary)
Vijay K Mediratta
NABCB (India)
KAN (Indonesia)
Herudi Kartowisastro
KAN (Indonesia)
Behrooz Riahy
ISIRI (Iran)
Kamran Rezaie
DPI (Iran)
Tom Dempsey
NAB (Ireland)
Lorenzo Thione
Nico Mastrorillo
AIOICI (Italy)
Shinichi Iguchi
JAB (Japan)
Yuichiro Isu
JAB (Japan)
Tetsuro Kawaberi
JAB (Japan)
Tomonobu Shibamiya
JACB (Japan)
Haruhisa Uchida
JACB (Japan)
Takashi Otsubo
IAF Chairman (Japan)
Chie Hamaguchi
JASC (Japan)
Uichirou Yoshimura
JASC (Japan)
Roberto Lorenzoni
TUV Rheinland (Japan)
Sooyoul Jung
KAB (Korea)
Donghee Kwak
KAB (Korea)
Chang-Hoon OH
KAB (Korea)
Bongsik Choi
KAS (Korea)
Fadilah Baharin
DSM (Malaysia)
Ridzwan Kasim
DSM (Malaysia)
Alia Othman
Malaysian Rubber Board (Malaysia)
Maribel Lopez
ema (Mexico)
Veronica Solorzano
ema (Mexico)
Araceli Suarez
ema (Mexico)
Lorenzo Nigo Garcia
IMNC (Mexico)
Harry Gundlach
RVA (Netherlands)
Jos Leferink
RVA (Netherlands)
Helge Kildal
NA (Norway)
Gro Rodland
NA (Norway)
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List of Participants
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Adrian Cristobal Jr.
DTI (Philippines)
Karol Hauptmann
PCA (Poland)
Malgorzata Olczak
PCA (Poland)
Lurdes Capelas
IPG (Portugal)
Ion Hohan
RENAR (Romania)
Titus Anghelescu
RENAR (Romania)
Kim Swee Tan
SAC (Singapore)
Kim Chua Phua
SAC (Singapore)
Nam Kuan Teo
Standards, Productivity & Innovation
Board (Singapore)
Marian Weidlich
SNAS (Slovakia)
Lubomir Sutek
SNAS (Slovakia)
Bostjan Godec
SA (Slovenia)
John Wilson
SANAS (South Africa)
Sean Mac Curtain
SANAS (South Africa)
Ignacio Pina
ENAC (Spain)
Beatriz Rivera
ENAC (Spain)
Lars Ettarp
SWEDAC (Sweden)
Roland Jonsson
SWEDAC (Sweden)
Merih Malmqvist
SWEDAC (Sweden)
Leif Strand
SWEDAC (Sweden)
Hanspeter Ischi
SAS (Switzerland)
Jean-Pierre Jaunin
SAS (Switzerland)
Graeme Drake
ISO (Switzerland)
Klaus Petrick
IQNET (Switzerland)
Neng-Jong Lin
CNAB (Chinese Taipei)
Kuo-ming Lin
CNAB (Chinese Taipei)
Beatrice Mutabazi
SADCA (Tanzania)
Prasong Prayongpetch
TISI (Thailand)
Ekanit Romyanon
NAC (Thailand)
Aymen Mekki
TAC (Tunisia)
Sandy Sutherland
IIOC (United Kingdom)
Roger Brockway
UKAS (United Kingdom)
Linda Campbell
UKAS (United Kingdom)
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List of Participants
Annex 1
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Maureen Breitenberg
Randy Dougherty
Joseph Dunbeck
Scott Richter
Lane Hallenbeck
Reinaldo Figueiredo
Roy Swift
Robert King
Thomas R Arnold
Henri Pierre Salle
Dale Misczynski
Hans Buser
IQNET (World)
Nigel H Croft
Xiao Jianhua
PAC Chairman and CNAB (China)
Otto Loesener-Diaz
Beer Budoo
Noel Matthews
John Owen
Apologies Jules De Windt
BELCERT (Belgium)
Antonio Pinho
CEA (Canada)
Dr Sunarya
KAN (Indonesia)
Mariani Mohammad
DSM (Malaysia)
Ri Kwang Ho
NAA (North Korea)
Cirila Botor
BPS (Philippines)
Hung Ing-Shyan
CNAB (Chinese Taipei)
David Ling
IAF_Minutes (Pub) Printed 26 September, 2003