Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Children`s Books Spring 2014 AgenziaX


Agenzia Servizi Editoriali Children`s Books Spring 2014 AgenziaX
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Children's Books
Spring 2014
Edizioni Clichy
Coccole books
Stampa alternativa
Anna Balzarro
L’anno della maturità
Cover illustration by Marco Paci
Sinnos 2014
Collection: Zonafranca
196 pages,
euro 10,00
Each one has his own year of graduation. For the guys involved in this novel of the
series “Zonafranca” it is the year when they discover the value of memory and
It's summer and Giulio has just finished his final exams: together with his friends he
decides to spend his holidays in his grandparents' house. But what was supposed to be a
simple beach holiday turns into a painful investigation, including suspected terrorists, old
partisans, unhealed wounds …
Following the clues of an old letter, the five friends discover an old and shocking event
that happened during the Resistance, which will show them a new aspect of their
families ... but also of themselves.
"Memory" not as an engine of revenge, but as an antidote for the new generations so
that atrocious facts will not be repeated .
Anna Balzarro (Rome, 1966), has long studied the memory of the
Resistance, meeting and interviewing partisans in Italy and France.
She has published on the topic Le Vercors et le zone libre de l’Alto
Tortonese. Récits, mémoire, histoire (The Hamattan 2002) and Io ero il
daziere e lui un mediatore. Partigiani e fascisti nei paesi dell’Oltrepò pavese
(Franco Angeli 2007). L'anno della maturità is her first novel.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Riccardo Guido
Colour illustrations by Sergio Riccardi
Sinnos – january 2014
80 pages – 18 x 25.5 cm
€ 13.50
+ 11 y.
My great-grandfather was born in a small village close to Agrigento, my grandfather in
Palermo, and my father in Milan. I cannot tell you where I am born and later I shall
explain you why.
Salvo, a Sicilian boy tells the story of his family – a Mafioso family. His great-grandfather
lived in a time when Mafia ruled the countries and farming activities; his grandfather was
involved in drug trafficking and property speculation; his father, after the bombing that
killed a judge, received the task to manage the organization in North Italy.
But when Salvo was born, his father was led to change his life and collaborate with
judicial authorities and give his son a different future and a name which he should not be
ashamed of.
Riccardo Guido is a consultant of the Anti-Mafia Parlamentiary
Sergio Riccardi illustrated for Sinnos the book Cattive ragazze.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Pesi massimi
Storie di sport, razzismi, sfide
by Federico Appel
Sinnos 2014
21 x 29,7
96 pages
€ 12,00
10 +
Heavyweights - Stories of sports, racism, challenges
Stories of great athletes who were protagonists of memorable performances , but never stop
thinking- Jesse Owens, who in 1936 in Berlin, won four gold medals in front of Adolf Hitler,
- the rugby team of South Africa, who becomes an example integration to a whole nation Arthur Ashe, a tennis player whose backhand shot was as sharp as his thoughts,
- Gino Bartali and his bike during the war.
While medals are covered with dust and wear out, friendships born on the field remain bright
and shiny.
A book about:
• • sports
• • friendship
• • racism
• • rights
• • irony
Julius is a boy like any other. And like many boys, he plays football , and like many others in his
team, he often twits one of his team-mates, Italian like him, but the son of immigrants. One
evening he is visited by a strange ghost - it's Cassius Clay - Muhammad Ali as a young man,
who tells that kid how stupid is racism and how the sport has tried to fight it.
The author
Federico Appel , illustrator and author of several children's books, engages
here for the first time with the language of comics.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Patrizia Rinaldi
Federico il pazzo
b&w illustrations by Federico Appel
Sinnos – May 2014
14 x 21 cm
112 pages
€ 11,00
Guys, kings and friends in a beastly junior high school !
Angelo has just arrived in a new city. He must attend the eighth grade. But there the
boys of his age seem to be much larger, people speak in dialect and look like aliens.
Angelo is in the classroom with “Yellow Head”, a neighbourhood bully, but also with
Federico the madman, who reads a lot of books and believes be Frederick II.
Between brave teachers, the inevitable fights and a special friend, Angel will defeat his
fears and learn the value of friendship and the importance of being himself.
Patrizia Rinaldi, after having been a teacher for years now is full-time
writer. She is the author of three novels for adults, published by E / O,
and YA books with Sinnos: Piano Forte, and Mare giallo.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Lara Albanese
Tutti i numeri del mondo
Sinnos editrice, 2013
+ 8 years
48 pages
Euro 12,00
The book tells stories of numbers: how was created the decimal system? What counted
before us, such as the Mayans? What is the legend of the magic squares, and the game
of Tangram? A search of the numbers that surround us, to learn to recognize how much
mathematics there is on the Internet, economics, computers and games. It will be a
surprise for children discovering that a child has made history with his invention.
Lara Albanese has a degree in physics (University of Parma, 1991 110/110 cum laude), specializing in science and technology of
materials (1994) and has been qualified mathematics and physics
teacher in high school. After several years during which she carried
out research, she preferred to devote herself to scientific
communication, becoming, as a child of primary school named her,
a "scienceteller".
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
[email protected] -
Una notte da paura
A Scary Night
by Laura Russo
b&w illustrations by Gabriella Carofiglio
Fiction books for everyone, even for those who have
reading difficulties. Fantastic, mysterious, surprising
stories, strange funny stories to help readers to laugh,
think and have fun. Because every publication becomes
really a BOOK FOR ALL.
80 pages | 9,00 euro
Nicola and Olga have to spend a week end of home works and services to be carried
out with their tremendous aunt Giusy and Josephine, her hideous poodle.
However, in a long scary night, everything is going to change...
Other original titles of the series
Il segreto dei pirati
by Paola Balzarro
Detective in bicicletta
by Janna Carioli
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
L'amica di carta
by Lia Levi
By Marica Bersan
Illustrations by Claudio Cerri
48 pages | 16x16 cm | 8.50 euro
A little “mystery” story to learn from small children the power of amazement. The
album includes suggestion for activities about colours, the rainbow and the world around
Marica Bersan has a degree in Applied Geology, and is currently
Fellow at the University of Pavia for a PhD in Earth Sciences.
Marica has published several short stories in anthologies of various
genres (horror, sci-fi, humorous ...), and children's books with
different publishers.
Claudio Cerri:
I'm an illustrator, colorist, cartoonist and designer.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Missione Vesta
by Anselmo Roveda
Illustrations by Federico Evangelista, Marcello Ruvidotti,
Veronica Toselli
Coccole Books 2014
+ 8 years - Collection: Opera prima
44 pages/ 16x22 cm/ full colour illustrations
Softcover with flaps
€ 10,00
Major Tom, a pilot of the Euro-American Space Fleet, is in his first secret mission: he
has to to accompany little Mila by her father, a scientist who is expert in alien
civilizations, on Vesta. The asteroid is not only home to a major international mining
station, it also hides a secret. A secret that will forever change the future of humanity.
ANSELMO ROVEDA lives in Genoa in a house overlooking the
port. Journalist and writer, he has worked in educational services
for children with problems. Presently he is the editorial
coordinator of the monthly magazine “Andersen” and cooperates
with a number of newspapers with articles on social and cultural
With Coccole he published several books, including Una partigiana di nome Tina, Il sofà di
Bamakò, Al lavoro! and La camera delle meraviglie.
The images are by three young artists Federico Evangelista, Marcello Ruvidotti e
Veronica Toselli, educated at CFP Bauer – a photographers' school in Milan.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Meno di niente
Less than Nothing
by Assunta Morrone
illustrations by Francesca Carabelli
Coccole Books 2014
+ 8 years – Pocket collection
56 pages / 14x20,5 cm / Full colour illustrations
Softcover with flaps
€ 10,00
Lucilla, a.k.a. Lille, discovers herself and the world: a short trip to a more complicated
existence that force her to deal with changes. A pediatrician who reminds her the pounds
she needs to lose, a weekend by his father who lives in Rome, her friends that are not
always sympathetic, first loves. And everything turns into a long list of lean and fatty
things. Luckily there's music, which makes her feel light ...
Assunta Morrone has worked as school headmaster since 2007,
has written a book of lyrical monologues on classical myths and a
mystery story that was included in the anthology Vento Noir (2012).
Assunta also writes essays for pedagogy journals.
Francesca Carabelli - born in Rome in 1969 - started her artistic
career in drawing cartoons and has subsequently devoted to the
illustration for children. Francesca has participated in several
exhibitions and competitions. Her works have been published by
Giunti St.Paul , Sfera Editore, Coccole, De Agostini , and the
American Harcourt (The bell in the well, Long long ago).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Perla e Giò e l’Oca bianca
by Ermanno Detti illustrations by Franca Trabacchi
Coccole Books 2014
+ 7 years – Collection: Mister Giallo
56 pages/ 14,5x20 cm / B&W illustrations
Retail price :€ 8,50
A strange thief enters in the apartments, rummages through drawers and attics and goes
away without stealing anything. An anonymous letter is sent to Perla – it only contains an
old cartoon signed by the “White Goose”. From an old family story Perla discovers to
have a famous aunt who fled to America and became a famous author of comic stories.
Who can be the strange thief ? Who can sign as the White Goose? A new case with a
suprising end for the two young detectives Perla and Gio.
Ermanno Detti (Manciano, 1939) is a journalist, essayist and writer.
The author of important essays on reading, Detti is considered a
precursor to the studies on the education of young readers and on the
most popular books among young people. His most famous work, Il
piacere di leggere, is from 1987. He has also published several novels and
adventure stories. Detti directs the children's literature magazine "Il
Pepe Verde", which he founded in 1999.
Franca Trabacchi tells of herself: “I live and work in Milan.
After a few years of teaching artistical education, I became a full time
illustrator. Besides the commercial illustrations I prevalently worked
for children book’s publishers. I created several characters like
'Popotus', which became the name of a news magazine for children, a
insert of the daily 'Avvenire'. I collaborated with the monthly review
'Ciao Amici' as arts director and as an illustrator. I participated in
various collective exhibitions of illustrators in Milan, Bratislava,
Verbania, Istanbul, Macerata and Genova. In 2006, I founded with 2
collegues 'Tripee'”
In the same series : Le indagini di Perla e Giò (published in 2013).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Cotto a puntino
Coocked to perfection
by Isabella Christina Felline
illustrations by Riccardo Francaviglia
Coccole Books 2014
+ 10 years – pocket collection
36 pages/ 14x20,5 cm / full colour illustrations
Softcover with flaps
€ 9,00
How could you not feel like a pressure cooker when you are under stress? Could you
live baked in foil or browned in shyness? Or quiver like on a gridiron. Ehen you take a
fancy you may feel flambéed or candied, and sticky by jealousy. A love at first sight is
like a microwave cooking. Sometimes the heart quivers with joy and fries ...
Emotions and feelings res descrbed like recipes and served with illustrations on
Valentine's Day at a party for a friend or something more ... every opportunity may be
the right one for tasting a salad of words in rap!
Isabella Christina Felline is an Italian-Swiss bibliophile & globetrotter
(two degrees, an internship in Berlin library, former director of library). She
currently lives on Lake Bolsena with a tamer of earthworms husband, two
children and a cat, and works for the promotion and teaching of reading
with libraries, schools, playgrounds and associations. Isabella is involved in
the project Nati per leggere and believes that the books have extraordinary
powers in improving the people.
Author and illustrator of children's books, Riccardo Francaviglia lives
and works in Catania. Along with Margherita Sgarlata, Riccardo has
illustrated more than twenty books and albums. His stories have been
published in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Korea, Canada and Portugal,
receiving honours and awards.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
L’isola delle cacche
The Island of Droppings
by Maria Rita Parsi
illustrations by Marilina Ricciardi
Coccole Books 2014
+ 3 years
20 pages/ 24x21 cm / Full colour illustrations € 11,00
For a three years old child it is not easy to leave his/her poop. That huge vortex inside
the toilet does not anticipate anything good about the place where it will end, in spite of
what Teo thinks: "Shit is mine and I run it myself." But, if all droppings ended up in a
safe place? So you could do it safely.
Maria Rita Parsi Lodrone (Rome, 1947) is an Italian writer,
psychologist and psychotherapist. She became known to the general
public at the end of the seventies with the publication of a highly
successful book on difficult adolescents: Lo scarico (Savelli, 1978)
published the following year in Germany, with the title of Abfall
(Rowolt, 1979) .
In the nineties there was the publication of the book I quaderni delle bambine, a collection
of stories of sexual abuse. Parsi contributes to many newspapers and magazines with
weekly columns and has participated in numerous television shows as an expert in
psychology and commentator. In 1986 she was awarded the title of Knight of the Order
of Merit of the Italian Republic.
Marilina Ricciardi, after attending illustration courses at the School
of Comix in Naples, devoted herself to her passion for drawing,
providing illustrations to children books, coverings, boards of author
for comics and non-fiction illustrated books, with Italian and foreign
publishing companies. Marilina also teaches illustration in primary
schools and at the “Scuola Italiana di Comix”.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
La principessa Azzurra
by Irene Biemmi
illustrations by Lucia Scuderi
Coccole Books 2014
+ 3 years
24 pages/ 24x21 cm / full colour illustrations
€ 11,00
It's time for school play and then roles to play. Rosino will be Prince Charming and
Azzurra will be Sleeping Beauty. But not all is so simple ...
And if the prince could not ride a horse?
And if Sleeping Beauty were a very smart girl?
The two friends will find together a solution that ... will make everyone speechless!
Irene Biemmi is Researcher at the Department of Educational Sciences
and Cultural and Training Processes, University of Florence, where she is
carrying out a research project dedicated to the "Pedagogy of gender in
teacher training." At the same Department she received the title of
Doctor of Research in Quality of Education with a thesis entitled "The
education processes from a gender perspective. The look on the work of
male and female teachers. "
Lucia Scuderi lives and works in Catania. After graduating in modern
literature, from 1991 she devoted himself to illustration.
Lucia has written and illustrated children's books with several publishers
and her works have been exhibited in several prestigious shows in Italy
and abroad, and she has received numerous awards including, in 2013, the
Andersen Award. For nearly sixteen years Lucia has been dealing with
children's literature, illustration, image education, visual communication
and graphic design.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Il mare quadrato
Square Sea
by Igor De Amicis & Paola Luciani
illustrations by Silvia Crocicchi
Coccole Books 2014
+ 8 years - Collection: Storie Molto Speciali
100 pages/ 14x20,5 cm/ full colour illustrations
Soft cover with flaps
€ 13.00
In prison up to three years
with his mother and then free ... but without her
James is a quiet child, who draws the sea in his imagination and his memories. Memories
in which his distant mother gets lost, as she cannot go back to him. Marla – a smart and
enterprising girl - is Giacomo's best friend.
Together they begin a journey that will take them away, between sky and sea, between
cherry trees and night monsters... beyond metal bars and concrete walls. A journey to
discover a bitter reality that conceals the joy of an unpredictable future.
Igor De Amicis and Paola Luciani are a couple in life and
in writing. They live on a hill surrounded by greenery.
He is Penitentiary Police Officer, and reads and writes only
detective's and mystery stories. She teaches in primary schools and
only writes
children's books. They decided to meet halfway
with a column “Narramondo” on the Thrillermagazine web site.
Il mare quadrato is their first children's book.
Silvia Crocicchi lives in Bracciano (Rome), where he works as a
Graphic Illustrator for several Italian and foreign publishing companies.
Silvia has obtained a number of awards and prizes
in major illustrators' competitions. Among his last works Beauty and the
Beast told by Roberto Piumini (EL, 2010) and Children with their heads
in the clouds, by Gianni Rodari (Editori Riuniti, 2013).
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
RogeR Rubbish
by Roger Rubbish
Translated by Fabrizio Casa
Illustrated by Sara Gavioli
Maxizoom Collection
Pag. 112 - Price 13 euro
For ages 10 - Up
illustrazioni di saRa gavioli
«So you’re basically a giant rubbish tip?»,
remarked Lentina.
«How dare you? Your house will be a rubbish
tip! Here, Rubbish is treated as it should be.
The same goes for the Castaways. I was born
here but my parents are originally from
the Past Life. I work with colleagues who also
come from there. It’s been hard for them
but Mondizia took them in and gave them
all a new place in life.»
Mondizia is a fantasy story with the
environment at the heart of its narrative,
written by Fabrizio Casa, alias Roger Rubbish.
Mondizia is a fantasy world, that much is true.
But don’t expect to see dragons, elves, witches
or castles. Neither spells nor potions, nor
children who discover they have magic powers
can be found there. You will however meet a
King and his Heir. You might even bump
in to a mysterious figure who knows all there
is to know. If you’re lukcy, you might
even come across a broomstick, but
don’t expect to see it fly.
That’s because broomsticks in Mondizia
do what they do best; they clean.
And what else could they be used for it
a world where the roads, houses, mountains
and castles are all made of Rubbish?
Everything that’s discarded, set aside and
thrown away ends up in Mondizia. And it’s not
only objects. People who were forgotten and
abandoned in the Past Life - also wind up in
Mondizia. From the very beginning, the reader
is transported in to an adventure half way
between fantasy and utopia, brought to life by
the vivid and elegant illustrations.
traduzione di FabRizio Casa
The plot
Valentina Rossi is eleven years old. On her
birthday, she receives a brand new bike
which she decides to name Quattrosei.
Just as she takes it out for a ride on the cycle
path which runs along the river, she bumps
into a beaver. Lentina doesn’t quite know why
but she then sets out to follow the animal.
Her pursuit leads to the discovery of a secret
passage which will transport her into the
mysterious and fantastical world of Mondizia,
a place made of rubbish and populated with
Castaways, for whom nostalgia for
the Past Life, is replaced by the pride
of belonging to the imperfect utopia
of a world which welcomes everyone.
Like all the books published by biancoenero
edizioni, the layout of Mondizia is equally
in line with the High Legibility criteria, and
printed using the new biancoenero® font,
designed to facilitate reading for all.
Age group: 8-11 years
A collection of entertaining stories written in an easily legible font, with a wide range of themes:
friendship, animals, adventure, mystery, ecology...
All the books in the ZOOM collection are printed in the new font biancoenero©, designed using
visual devices which facilitate reading for all, and in particular dyslexic readers.
Albera Nobile
Le finestre del mistero
illustrations by Eleonora Marton
Marta’s broken leg means she is resigned to spending her days in
bed, passively watching the outside world from her bedroom window.
She’s fed up, but when her mum tells her a story about a newspaper
photographer who found himself in a similar position to Marta, and
whose observations from his window led him to uncover deep and dark
secrets about his neighbourhood, she’s inspired and gets to work straight
away. With the help of her brother, Eugenio, and their friend Francesco,
the group find themselves plunged into a mystery which will lead them
to uncover a crime beyond the realms of their imagination.
Book details
Dimensions: 19 × 14
no. of pages: 87
Mara Dompè
illustrations by Jhonny Cobalto
Spia tells the story of Marta, a young schoolgirl who is forced to learn
the importance of friendship and sharing. Her daily routine of bullying
and stealing her classmate, Ricardo’s snack, initially goes unpunished,
before a series of interlinked events trigger a change in her behaviour.
Slowly, Marta begins to see Ricardo as more than just a mere classmate
of hers who she can take advantage of, but rather as an honest and
reliable friend on who she can always count.
Book details
Dimensions: 21 × 14
no. of pages: 55
In the same collection:
- C. Comini, Buttati, Bernardo!
- A. Di Genova, Ecovendetta
- C. D’Angelo, Babbo Natale: operazione clima
- P. Valesio, Le cronache di Befa
- V. Romeo, Per un filo di fumo
- C. Comini, Mirabella del lago
- M. Dompè, Il mostro dei budini
- M. Venturini, Detective al mare
Gérard Thomas
Il comunismo spiegato ai bambini
illustrated by Alfredo Vullo
Edizioni Clichy
Series: Beaubourg
Softcover12 x 19 cm
150 pages
€ 9,90
December 2013
“Communism explained to capitalist children” is a book that tells one of the most
exciting adventures in human history and makes us aware that the world around us is not
the only possible world. From the Sumerians to Jesus Christ, from Rousseau to Marx,
Che Guevara and Pasolini, from the peasant revolts to the French Revolution, from the
Luddites to 1968, the author illustrates the simple and clear - but also historically
documented – tale of the communist idea and its development. Starting from the
assumption that “as newborn, all children are communists. Then at some point
something happens in their head and they become capitalist children”, this agile book
traces the history of communism, “an adventure story, a bit 'scary' and above all very
long. It is a story that begins with the appearance of man, about twenty thousand years
ago, and althoughit it is a rather complicated story, it has not yet come to an end. For a
very simple reason: Communism is an idea that belongs to human beings, more natural
and simpler than capitalism.”
Born in 1966 in a Swiss village, Gérard Thomas began to write stories
immediately after immediately after learning how to play football. After repeatedly
interrupted sociological studies, he ventured into political reflection with the aim
of making it accessible to all. In 1987, he left Europe to settle in the Marquesas,
where he still lives. his first book How to become president was published in
2002 and became a cult text in some French-speaking countries.
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
[email protected] -
Le avventure di Pinocchio
Illustrated by Leo Mattioli
With comments by Grilli, Livio Sossi e Carla
Lapucci and Fabian Negrin
Edizioni Clichy
Hardcover 25 X 32 cm
240 pages
€ 29,00
November 2013
It has been nearly sixty years since - in 1954 - the then very young illustrator Leonardo
Mattioli (1928-1999) published with Vallecchi his historical edition of Pinocchio. It was
already then a very important edition, promoted by the "Committee for the funeral of
Carlo Lorenzini" which would later become the "Collodi Foundation." Among the
historical editions of the novel by Carlo Collodi, the Pinocchio by Leo Mattioli is perhaps
the only one that was never reprinted so far.
Leo Mattioli (Florence, 1928-1999), was an innovator in the field of children's
illustration and one of the most important and prolific Italian graphic designers. An
artist who always favoured contents and emotions when compared to the formal aspects,
and that in any case was able to continuously renew, in his half-century career, his own
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
illustrated by Jacovitti
Stampa alternativa
256 full colour pages
25 euro
The masterpiece by Collodi illustrated by the
elebrated Italian cartoonist
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
Via Livorno 515/c, I-20099, Sesto S. Giovanni (Mi), tel. + 39 02 2408204
Viale Vigliani 17, I/20148, Milano (Mi), tel. + 39 02 84962853
[email protected] -
Piccola Biblioteca dell'Immaginario
Le avventure
di Pinocchio
Alice nel Paese
delle Meraviglie
La Metamorfosi
L'Uomo della sabbia
Il diario di Eva
Lo strano caso
del Dr. Jekyll e Mr. Hyde
Le avventure
del Barone
di Münchausen
I delitti
della Rue Morgue
Uno studio in rosso
Il mago di Oz
Attraverso lo specchio
Il libro delle bestie
Il diavolo nella bottiglia
L'isola del Tesoro
Il Signor Stella
Buongiorno oggi
Sono quello che mi pare!
La zebra Giulia
Doccino tante storie
Evelina Verde Mela
La luna
Io sono il re?!
Le favole del lupo
e della volpe
È più forte di me!
Albums & Fairy Tales
The most successful novels by PININ CARPI
A classic of children literature – the book was written in
1964 and since then it has been continuously read by
generations of children.
A Chinese farmer called Cion Cion Blue had a blue cat, an orange dog
and a blue fish. One day he met by chance the Emperor Uei Ming and
they lived many adventures together. Cion met Gelsomina, Uei Ming's
girlfriend, the fairy Valentina Pomodora and the fairy Biancaciccia, who
eventually became Cion's wife, while the emperor married Gelsomina and
they all lived happily ever after.
Rights sold: France
Mauro e il leone
Certainly you should be afraid of the lions - they are wild animals that can become
terrible. But one day, here, a beautiful girl dressed in red gives off a magical pact
among children and lions. Thus a child, Mauro, and a mighty lion, Ulysses, become
best friends. So much so that, as Ulysses is ready to do anything to help Mauro, the
child feels ready for anything when the lion should be ready to help and defend him.
So begins this great history of surprising adventures in a world populated with often
treacherous and wicked characters.
It's a famous story that has fascinated many children. Illustrations of the
Le avventure di Lupo Uragano
Hurricane Wolf sailed all the seas and oceans, he knows the land here
and the lands beyond, visited each island and each peninsula, where will
his ship further carry him ? Perhaps against the most terrible pirates of
all the seas or in the city in the ocean bottom, or maybe in a village of
incredible inventions ..
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali
“Art for Children”
"Art for Children is one of the most important works of the second
half of the twentieth century in the field of children's literature. The
deep culture of Pinin Carpi had made it possible to invent a new form
of fiction: the use of famous paintings by famous painters - from
Renaissance to contemporary art – helps to construct stories of
incredible inventiveness. This has brought books where words and
images intersect in an unexpected pattern, resulting interdependent"
(Roberto Denti)
The series include:
Goya – Il gioco dei
Vermeer – Il silenzio
abitato delle case
Van Gogh – La notte stellata
Rousseau – La zingara
della giungla
Paul Klee – L'isola dei quadrati
Agenzia Servizi Editoriali