Mesotherapy for rejuvenation of photoaged skin: Ultrasound


Mesotherapy for rejuvenation of photoaged skin: Ultrasound
Presented at American Academy of Dermatology:
66th Annual Meeting
February 1-5, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
*Dermatology Clinic, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
**Nordstrom Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
Giuseppe Micali, MD*, Francesco Lacarrubba, MD*, Aurora Tedeschi, MD*, Rolf Nordstrom, MD**
Mesotherapy for rejuvenation of photoaged skin: Ultrasound evaluation
Mesotherapy for rejuvenation of photoaged skin: Ultrasound evaluation
Giuseppe Micali, MD, Dermatology Clinic, University of Catania, Catania Italy
Francesco Lacarrubba, MD, Dermatology Clinic, University of Catania, Catania Italy
Aurora Tedeschi, MD, Dermatology Clinic, University of Catania, Catania Italy
Rolf Nordstrom, MD, Nordstrom Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
Mesotherapy (M) is a treatment used in cosmetic dermatology. It is a minimally
invasive technique, not a tissue augmentation, that consists in the injection,
through dermal multipunctures, of bioactive substances, such as hyaluronic
acid (HA). M is supposed to promote skin “rejuvenation” by increasing
hydration and recreating a favorable environment to facilitate fibroblast
activation and exchanges and interactions between cells of extracellular matrix.
Ultrasound of the skin has been extensively used to visualize and quantify age
related dermal changes. The so-called Subepidermal Low Echogenic Band
(SLEB), located immediately below the epidermal entrance echo,
is considered a marker of photoaging and is strictly related to
dermal elastosis, basophilic degradation of collagen, and accumulation of
glycosaminoglycans and water in the papillary dermis, as confirmed by
numerous studies. The effect of M with HA on photoaged skin have been
evaluated using a 20-MHz B-mode ultrasound equipment. Five females (mean
age, 61 yrs; range, 56-67 yrs) with moderate signs of skin photoaging on the
back of the hand, consisting of fine wrinkles and skin thinning and laxity, were
treated with dermal injections on target areas on the back of the hand of non
animal, stabilized HA, at concentration of 20 mg/ml, at 0.2, and 4 weeks.
Ultrasound evaluation was performed at each treatment and 7 days after the
end of treatment. At baseline, ultrasound evaluation showed in all patients the
presence of SLEB. After 5 week, in all cases a remarkable improvement of
SLEB, consisting in increased echogenicity, likely related to an increased
density of dermal collagen fibers resulting from treatment, was evident.
Clinically, an improvement of skin texture following therapy was reported by all
patients. Our preliminary results have demonstrated that M with HA may be
an effective treatment for photoaged skin, as confirmed by ultrasound results.
Future applications of ultrasound could be represented by follow-up evaluation
of skin changes after therapy discontinuation.
La mesoterapia è una tecnica utilizzata in dermatologia cosmetologica.
Consiste nell’iniezione intradermica di sostanze bioattive, quali l’acido
ialuronico (AI), in grado di promuovere il rinnovamento cutaneo tramite
la creazione di un terreno favorevole:
• all’attivazione dei fibroblasti
• a scambi e interazioni tra cellule e matrice extracellulare.
L’ecografia cutanea, tra le sue varie applicazioni, è utilizzata per visualizzare e
quantificare i cambiamenti del derma indotti dall’età.
La cosiddetta Subepidermal Low Echogenic Band (SLEB),
banda ipoecogena del derma legata a elastosi, degradazione del collagene,
accumulo di glicosamminoglicani e acqua, è considerata un marker
del fotoinvecchiamento cutaneo.
Cinque donne (range 56-67 anni), con segni di invecchiamento cutaneo
al dorso della mano e al viso, sono state trattate con iniezioni multiple
di AI non animale stabilizzato, alla concentrazione di 20 mg/ml,
a 0, 2 e 4 settimane.
La valutazione ecografica è stata effettuata a ogni trattamento
e 7 giorni dopo l’ultimo.
In tutte le pazienti trattate si è osservato un miglioramento dello SLEB (figg.
casi 1-3), determinato da un incremento della sua ecogenicità verosimilmente
legato a un aumento della densità del collagene dermico.
Tutte le donne hanno presentato un miglioramento evidente
della texture della cute, nonché un apprezzabile miglioramento delle rughe
superficiali (figg. casi 1-3).
La mesoterapia con AI può essere considerata
un trattamento efficace contro il fotoinvecchiamento della cute,
come confermato dalla valutazione ecografica.
lo studio è stato condotto con il prodotto
Mesotherapy for rejuvenation of photoaged skin: Ultrasound evaluation
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Clinical evaluation
Clinical evaluation
Clinical evaluation
Before treatment
Before treatment
Before treatment
After treatment
After treatment
After treatment
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Ultrasound evaluation
Ultrasound evaluation
Ultrasound evaluation
After 35 days
After 35 days
After 35 days
Increased SLEB
(subepidermal low-echogenic band) ecogenicity:
Increased SLEB
(subepidermal low-echogenic band) ecogenicity:
Increased SLEB
(subepidermal low-echogenic band) ecogenicity: